My husband and I share a studio/office/craft room...whatever you want to call it. It's not a large room-about 9' x 11'-but we make it work. I'll only share about my side of the room. :) My desk was custom built by my husband two houses ago. Every time we move, we talk about scraping it, but we end up moving it every time. It measures 6' on each side. I love gives me plenty of work space with plenty of storage beneath. He built it around some baskets that I already had from IKEA and roller carts that we had from Target. It's made from MDF (medium density fiber board). I painted it white.
There is a decent size closet (to the left) that had built in shelves when we moved in. It stores (some of) my fabric scraps, upholstery fabric, vintage sheets, thread, sewing notions, etc, etc, etc. I get 7/8 of the closet, my husband gets 1/8. Did I mention that he is a sweetie? The metal garbage can (from IKEA) holds fabric scraps. I used to color code them, but I recently combined most of them. Storage space was becoming an issue. :)
Most of my stash is in two places. The smaller pieces reside in a three drawer roller cart. (right) I use the happy zombie's folding method for pieces 1 yard or less. I'd highly recommend it.
The larger chunks of fabric are stored on the top right section of this shelf. I fold them around my 6" cutting ruler. They fit in the space so well. These are 2 yard pieces or larger. In the baskets are more scraps, completed blocks and binding strips. 
This is my view several hours a week.
The walls were red when we moved in. I love the color. I love it even more that we didn't have to paint it ourselves. :) here's a more accurate photo of what i usually looks like.....
So there it is, my studio space. I'm so thankful to have a dedicated space in my home for my hobby. And I'm so very thankful for an understanding and handy husband.
Do you care to share your workspace? If you do, blog about it and leave me a link to your post in the comments. I'd love to see your setup.
Oh gosh Amanda Jean, you are so neat and organized! Because I do not have a closet, I keep looking for spaces to store my stash! I posted about my space here -
What a great place to create in! I always like to see other peoples rooms. Your room is so neat and tighty. Mine was at one time and that's when I took pictures of it. You can see them at:
I would like to hear what you think of my place. :o)
I love the surface space. Wow! I would love to have that setup!
I enjoy reading your blog so much and LOVE all your quilts. I just moved into a new home where I'm going to have a dedicated sewing room and it will be 10x11 so it was great to see an example of one. I'm so excited to get my stuff set up and get to sewing again.
Vail in TN
my space is such a wreck that i don't want to show it until i get my act together. it's getting better so maybe some day soon.:)
thanks for sharing your work space! i am currently working to move mine from the coffee table into a proper work area.
i notice you have the Juki TL98Q. is this the only machine you use for quilting? i am researching machines and this one is high on my list.
That was such fun to see where you create! My area is a big mess right now, but thought I would show it in all its glory anyway.
Here's my space:
Thanks Amandajean!
Thank you for sharing your studio space. It's very neat and BIG!( compared to mine)
I have shared my studio on my blog as well.
It's always so nice to see how someone else handles all the STUFF! My studio is on my blog.
What a fabulous crafty area! I have told my hubby that when the kids grow up I am going to claim the den/playroom as my crafty area.
I just recently redid my sewing area, but now I'm suffering from a serious case of storage envy thanks to your post! On the other hand, I haven't outgrown the shelving I'm currently using, so it's not too bad yet.
Everything looks so organized. It looks like a great place to work.
A couple years ago I transformed my office into a craft room. It has a travel them and is inspired by the colors of vintage post cards. Here are my pictures in Flickr:
I haven't posted about my place yet, but I'm wondering where you put your feet? How do you get close enough to your machine?
Thanks for sharing... I love your desk - I wish I had room for something like that! Here is a link to two posts I did, one about sewing space and the other about storage... I'm going to start folding my fabric like you... things are getting a bit shambled not that I'm getting a few things done!
I'm constantly amazed at what a small stash you have, especially for someone as prolific as you!
Thanks for sharing. My family and I are going to move within a short time, and then I´m going to have a studio entirely for myself! I need inspiration how to make the most of it, so your post today it just great. Now I´m off looking at some of the links, other readers have left as a comment.
I love your studio---it's so inspiring. If only my fabric was that organized...I'll have to check out that folding method.
A couple weekends ago I dragged DH to IKEA where I bought a brand new desk and wall unit so that I could remodel my sewing/craft room. I posted a bunch of pictures on Flickr of how it looks now.
Thank you for sharing your space with us!
It looks like a great space x
Gorgeous sewing space. Are you always that organised?
I am so envious! My craft space....any flat surface in my tiny 800 sq ft apartment.
fabulous space! i also share half of dh's office. love the wall color
I am lucky enough to have my own sewing room.
Blogged about it here:
But it is nowhere as tidy as yours!!!
Andi :-)
Ooh I've been dying to see how you'd quilt your ORB quilt!!! Looks like straight lines. That's different....for you. Thanks for the peek into your space.
thanks Amanda for doing this post.
I really appreciate it.
I do not care to share my workspace. It's usually my kitchen table. I'm so envious of yours! Maybe someday...
thanks for sharing! i love your place!
my is here:
Great space! I Love that your shelves fit the large pieces folded just around a ruler - great idea! I too have a great hubby and we've put together a great space for me, blogged here:
Wonderful to have a peak into your sewing area, thanks for giving us a chance to look around! Is it always that neat?!! Very impressive!
Your space is so neat and tidy! I am organizationally challenged. I try and try to keep my room clean and orderly but it just doesn't work. :( I love the desk your hubby built for you too! I will be showing it to my DH when he starts asking me what I'd like for our anniversary.
Your creative space looks awesome. I posted about my a while back. You can find the post at the following link:
What a great space you have! I just went and took over the family dining room: Stamping Spot Studio - My sewing room
That's really great. Just goes to show you that you can create amazing things in a small space. My husband surprised me on one of my trips to Africa and built a studio for me. I adore that space. We have a very small home and it would be difficult to work without it. I'm thankful for it everyday. I am glad to see yours.
Lovely space Amanda,
My stash runneth over in my space-LOL I also share the space with my son who likes to use it to play guitar hero with his friends so it does not stay near as neat as your space.
I do have a pretty good set up for machine quilting- the table is solid and there is nice light in the room both with a window and good overhead light.
Unfortunately my house has pretty terrible storage space so my fabric is stacked in many big clear plastic boxes in this same room. It is pretty well organized though- by color and some favorite kinds of fabrics- stars, sunflowers , 30's fabrics and batiks. I like having the space I have now compared to when I first sewed in this house as I had my sewing space in the basement.
I literally have come up in the world.
Happy quilting!
I share my space too, almost. Hubby doesn't use the computer all that much any more so it's more my computer area. I see you have a bowl for the pins that come out as you quilt too. I put them in the top of my blue mason jar.
great room!
Here's my studio, which I blogged a few days ago.
I really enjoy seeing how everyone has set up their rooms and arranged their supplies.
Yours looks so neat and clean. I'm lucky when I can see the floor in my sewing room!
What a wonderful studio space! Thank you for sharing - I love seeing into other people's set up and dreaming about my own.
I set up and break down to sew on my kitchen table. If I could figure out where to put my own studio - I certainly would! I used to have a studio, then I had kids and kept losing spare rooms... lol It was a good trade off though!
I blogged about it last week. Still work in progress but its better than previous. Check it out here:
what a great studio...six feet on each side is really nice!
Your so well put together!!! it all fits so nicely! I like the red too. ;-) I'm finding my painting studio which is k=now turned into my sewing studio for the summer to be just to small and difficult. I actually miss my studio in NYC. I'm also realizing I seriously need to do some reorganization when I get back home in Sept...I have BINS and BINS of fabric...time to stop BUYING!! say hi to the kids!
I did it! I blogged about my sewing space and barely cleaned up beforehand. The one thing I didn't do, was open the cupboard full of fabric...I don't think you did either :) MIne looks like a total mess....but i know where to find things. HA!
I will be happy to share my craft space with you just as soon as its as clean as yours!
So neat and tidy! You've seen mine, in person even! Though I think I've moved things around since then. Everytime I am in there I try to remember just how lucky I am to have my own space to create. (even though I have to share a little bit too!)
I love your space! It is SO nice to have a sewing makes all the difference! here's mine:
Ummm, that's just WAY too neat. Would you come help me organize my sewing room. I'll let you play with my HQ16.....
Thanks amandajean, RE: (the ? about Do you start machine quilting from the center out. I understood your answer. As it stands now I have my sewing machine @ the dinning/kitchen table. That is where the BEST natural light is. I have a big enough house, but it seems all the bedrooms seem to be occupied: computer rm, my rm(master bedroom), another bedroom is being used by my eldest, and the remaining bedroom has bookshelves with books/comics (plus that is Red Clouds' rm). It is reat that you and your hubby share the space. It is arranged nicely.
That's all your stash? I'm amazed, it seems so small to me for what you churn out.
Thanks for sharing your space.
Your room is so neat; even when your are working. I am in the process of trying to get my organized and there is a disaster picture on my blog. I hope to put the after picture up soon. And look how small your stash is--mine is embarrassingly large. I am a fabricaholic. You continue to be an inspiration.
What a great space. I'm very jealous. I've posted about mine here....
I'm with Heather. Mine's a wreck so i'd be embarassed to show it!!
Hubby did vacuum the floor last night though - so that's a start!!
Hú de klassz!
I actually recently blogged about my studio, which I'm lucky enough to have all to myself. Seeing your space is even more inspiration for getting mine in shape ("After" pictures coming in a few months.)
Beautiful work space!! I am so jealous!!
Thanks for sharing this. Upholstery fabric? Do you do upholstery?
I love your red walls!!! Wish I had picked a more vibrant color. I've blogged about the room a few times, but the most recent pics can be found here
What a lovely quilt on the photo, amazing colors!
Here's a pic of my little sewing corner:
you're space is so open and organized! lucky woman! mine is full and cramped with all that i have...if i get the nerve to post a picture of it's messiness, i'll share a link.
Your workroom is so tidy I thought gosh I must go and tidy mine and then the last picture came up and I thought thats more like it mine looks just like that.
Here are a couple of pictures of my studio from when I replaced my sewing tables. Overall I have a 16" x 25" main workspace, and another 12" x 15" space in the basement for my mid-arm on a frame. I consider myself very lucky...
Thanks for a view of your workspace!
It looks as though you have a very organized area for creating. It is so important to have a designated space so you don't have to clean everything up mid project.
Thank you for sharing your space with us. I've often wondered how yours was set up. We're in the process of emptying my husbands' workshop to create a sewing room for me (yes, he's a sweetie!) and I'm needing ideas. Thanks for the inspiration!
My husband and I just moved our computer/sewing/office aka work center into our family room (since we're getting an exchange student for the year and need the fourth bedroom). Anyway, I just set my stuff up and you can see it at
I'll have to try that fabric folding method. Thanks for sharing!
My sewing room would put you into conniptions. It's also a spare bedroom, but it would take me an hour to get the room usable for a guest! Fabric is mostly in the chiffarobe, but the bed is piled with works in progress. The scrap bag is overflowing onto the floor. There are boxes of assorted stuff sitting around. Big dog bed usually occupied by one of the dogs when I'm sewing.
What a wonderful workspace, and I love the surface area, that's what I'm missing so I have to use the dining room table too.
here's my work space
Thank you for the tour. You are one of the most creative and fun to "watch" quilters I "know". Fun to get a peek at your HQ. :)
i love your space.. but i am shocked at how small your stash is... i've got 1/2 a walk in closet.. a chunk of another one... a bookcase.. a filing cabinet and 6 large containers from the container store.. and that is just what is away.. that doesn't count what it out for me to play with!!
I love your space!! I would be right at home there too :) I posted about my space earlier this month --
Such a nice and well organised place. And so much space. It must be a pleasure to work in these conditions. Please congratulate "Dear Husband" for his great contribution.
This is how my working space looks like :
I too share space with my husband but I won't be sharing pictures any time soon. It's a MESS! I long for fabric storage right now. I keep asking for some shelves to be installed in the closet but my requests are being ignored. :) I love your workspace. It's awesome.
Um, I'm with Heather. My sewing space is a WRECK, but that's probably because I DON'T have to share. I just close the door, and no one has to see it. I think it's clear from the number of UFOs I have that I'm not the most organized person anyway. Someday when my room is organized . . .
I quilt in an unfinished laundry room in the basement. Though not as lovely as your sewing space I'm thankful for it.
Your space is wonderful. I love the red walls! I posted about my creative space as well.
Your sewing room is very neat and organized Amanda, thanks for inspiring me to write a post!
My dining table is my workspace! So sometimes I don't have anywhere to eat.
What a great place to work! I also share my space with my sweet husband, he's soooooo understanding.
Patricia (from Brazil)
PS: guess what! I'm thinking about having my own blog...what do you think?
Looks like a great place to get some fun stuff made.
Here's where I create.
awesome, post!
I love your space, Amandajean! So neat and efficient looking. Thanks for sharing it with us! Your hubby must be a peach...making a desk and giving you most of the room!
I have no pictures of my sewing room at present. Hope to soon photograph & post the link as soon as I clean up the mess from cutting Christmas stash into strips and blocks for your 2nd 9-patch QAL! First though, we are planning to move my sewing machine near the window and then rearrange the cutting table & shelves.
Happy Quilting.....Karen L.
Your sewing room looks wonderful! You are fortunate to have so much "counter space".
I have the room over the garage which works very nicely. I am in here all the time. ;-)
Your space is so organized!
My sewing area changed last year. My old faithful 40 year old Brother sewing machine just stopped working. The cabinet that my hubby made years ago for my machine did not work well with my new machine, so everything was replaced. Now, I am in my Sewing/Computer Room and have a room with a view. :)
Happy Sewing!
I loved seeing your space. Thanks so much for sharing! Eye spy an Old Red Barn Quilt along quilt...yes? This inspires me to organize my space a bit better. Thanks for the ideas!
Your space is so tidy. I at least have some clue which side of the room I should start digging through to find what I'm looking for in my craft room! You've inspired me to maybe organize a tad more.
Lovely sewing room! love the wall color too! Thanks for sharing ;)
LOVE looking at people's craft space. I'll get my camera fired up and do a trip around mine. Trying to work out how you do those lovely little wonky squares - thinking thinking
I love your creative space! I shared mine earlier this week. Here's the link:
I love your workspace! And, what fun working with scrappy quilts--they look grea! I can't wait to have sewing space, and I am so jealous!
i saw your quilt happy go lucky today on your flikr photostream. what great colors! you are very creative, the idea of putting the squares down on the bottom of white space. great inspiration!!
What a lovely space!! Here's mine...
~ Jennie
What a great thread! I am SO enjoying looking at everyone's sewing areas!
Here's mine:
it's a beautiful place. I'll join the iniciative, and i'll take the oportunity to congratulate you on the binding tutorial {it's very educational}
Here's a pic of my workspace
It's been fun looking at different sewing spaces - here's mine.
Oh Wow, how very organized, I can't see the floor in my room at the moment! I love yours, especially next to that window. Thanks for sharing xo
That's a wonderful space. Plenty to fuel the imagination and inspire. Perhaps you'd like to visit my sewing space. You know how to get there. Ann :)
Hey....I remember that room - I've played fabric there - I miss that! :-)
I love to see where others do their sewing and am looking forward checking out everyone's links!
Here is a link to my sewing room. It used to be a porch until my husband turned it into the nicest sewing room I have ever had. The photos in this link were taken after I did a "MAJOR" clean up.
this is such a fun idea...i love seeing where you work, and i can not wait to look around at some of these other ladies spaces. i finally got some pictures up of my simple space i hope you enjoy.
Amanda Jean,
Thanks for the motivation, I finally got around to taking pictures and blogging about my sewing room today.
You can see it at...
Your craft room is so much fun and functional. The built-in desk is awesome!
Thank you for sharing lovely pics :)
My office/studio came with red walls too. But its not nearly as clean as yours.
Heres a link to an old blog post:
Love it.
I can't believe you combined all your scraps! When/how did that happen??????? lol
i love your studio! it is beautiful.
i still sew at the dining room table and keep all my fabric upstairs in the hall closet. maybe someday i can have part of the basement but my husband uses it for playing poker, pool, and darts with his friends and for lifting weights.
ha! the nerve!
I love the red walls in your studio. My sewing room walls need new paint and red is a definite possibility now that I've seen yours.
Here is my sewing room....
Great space you have! I posted about mine as well :o)
your room is beautiful! I love the red walls and the custom desk!
Here is a link to my room:
Hi Amanda Jean,
You are so lucky to have your own quilting space. I blogged about my workspace today on my blog. Thankyou for sharing!
Check it out if you'd like
You have a wonderful space... You inspired me to share mine.
It is at
lovely studio and I agree about the wall color. Love it. Thanks for the inspiration to reorganize my own and post. I'm feeling rejuvenated and ready to work in there again.
Here is my little sewing room
I am kind of new to blogging, but here is my sewing room set-up.
Your quilting is gorgeous.
You are so organized! I like your studio a lot. :)
I love your space. What type of sewing machine do you have? It has a deep neck on it. Your quilt looks beautiful.
Dear AmandaJean,
Hi! I just wanted to let you know that reading your blog daily (or a tutorial on days when there is no post) is one of my daily highlights... with two small boys, I relish every moment I get to myself and set aside 5 minutes a day with a hot cuppa to read your inspirational blog. You are so clever and I appreciate all the projects you share and tips for beginners like me. Please know from one busy mama to another that you are truly appreciated and I am missing your posts. x
I have a JUKI TL-98Q. you can read more about it in my FAQ post. :)
I love seeing where other people create. I blogged about mine a while back. I think you'll find it here... you'll have to scroll down basically to the end of the page
wow amandajean :)
your room is so nice and tidy, thank you so much for sharing
as for me, well i'm in the middle of setting up my sewing area, wish me luck
happy sewing :)
Ok Finally I got my space cleaned up a bit to take a pic of it. I read through all the others and they are very helpful and nice and neet mine its not all that neet but here it is.
Thanks for doing this it is inspiring me to get mine more organized.
I am so impressed! With all you do, to have such a neat and clean sewing center!
I covet
I covet
I covet
That sewing/craft room....drool....heavy panting.
See, now I need to repent.
Seriously, I like it. But, I am going to try and not ....covet anymore.
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