Monday, July 13, 2009


This quilt is going to be sent to some friends of mine who recently adopted a little girl. It was a particularly painful process that ended well. I'm so happy for them and I wanted to make a little quilt for the newest member of their family. The mama quilts, so I'm sure that it will be appreciated and used! :)

The top is made from all scraps. It continually amazes me just how far scraps go...even with the absence of sashing. The remainder of the quilt came from my stash. There was no pattern for this quilt, I just designed it as I went along.

I changed binding colors to match the color blocks. I love that detail.
To quilt it, I did a simple stipple in white thread.
The backing couldn't be a better match, could it?
After washing it measures 40" x 53".
I need to remember to make more baby quilts. They are so fun to make and easy to finish up quickly.


Anonymous said...

Gorgeous, too! Love the yellow, pink, green combo.

WillowBean said...

Beautiful! I love how you added that extra little touch in the binding. Baby quilts are fun! Thanks for sharing

Amy Jo said...

love it my friend!!!

Barbie said...

What a beautiful gift. You are a sweet friend. You are very talented.

Kim Brackett said...

Very sweet! I love the binding detail. It looks like it would have been a lot of fun to make. Just adding pieces until you have enough. That's one lucky little girl!

Francy said...

Such a lucky little girl. Your quilt is so very thoughtful & pretty too!

paulette said...

Very thoughtful of you! I LOVE the way you used the three colours-very effective! Well done!

Liz Jimenez said...

Lovely! The three blocks of colors are great, and I'm impressed with the binding switcheroo. A very nice touch. What a great gift!

Missy Ann said...

I LOVE this quilt so much. Great work.

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

Oh i love how the colors flow into each other, she will just love it!! Beautiful!!

Trisha said...

What a wonderful gift! I am glad everything worked out with the adoption in the end. I love how you used the three colors and how you changed the binding to match. Too cute!

rachel griffith said...

this is adorable!!!
i love, love, love it.

Angel said...

I love this quilt! I just seem to like no specific pattern is just so pleasing to my eye! I love your quilts for inspiration.

On a funny note, after looking at your oh cherry oh quilt again....I used oh cherry oh jelly rolls in old red barn QAL....I didn't realize it but I have incredibly similar backing fabric. Just shows how much I must file away in the brain at "like/love" subconsiously.

Vicki W said...

What a sweet quilt!

Sarah said...

Gorgeous! I LOVE the colors that you is really beautiful!

Anonymous said...

"I need to remember to make more baby quilts. They are so fun to make and easy to finish up quickly."

I've been thinking that too! I'm always making queens and doubles (or extra long doubles!) and they take so long my blog doesn't have a lot of content!

Congratulations to the happy new parents - and I'm glad the story ended well.

Such a pretty quilt too. :)

Cairen said...

Such a cute quilt, I love the colors.

RosaMaría said...

beautiful gift!!! really nice desing!!!

Shari said...

What a gorgeous quilt for a beautiful little girl - hope it continues to go well for your friend!

Jessica Christensen said...

Ah, now I see what you were doing all last week -- not really taking it easy.

You have such a good eye for colors. Beautiful.

dotti white said...

Lovely and adorable! I'm sure it will be much loved! You are amazing!

Anonymous said...

when you do stippling - where do you begin? In the middle or at an edge??

Lara said...

I love love love this quilt... the use of colour is just gorgeous!!!

Dandelion Quilts said...

I love it. I love the 3 colors and all of your scraps work so well. I need to give scrap quilts a go sometime.

eva said...

when you do stippling - where do you begin? In the middle or at an edge??

April said...

Love this! If I ever learn to quilt I'd like to do a scrap quilt out of remnants from clothes I have made my daughter....The way to set it up with no sashing is how I envisioned mine looking like. :)

Dresden Quilter said...

It is so gorgeous! I love your talent with colour. Baby quilts are my favourite to make.

Audrie said...

It's so pretty! I love that it's made with just scraps :) I'm sure it'll be loved.

Vicki said...

pretty! I like the monochromatic yet scrappy sections. A lot.

Jocelyn said...

What an absolutely precious quilt that I know will be well loved. I love how you used the three color families. Looks great!

Red Pepper Quilts - Rita Hodge said...

Gorgeous quilt for one lucky girl! Love that the binding fabrics match the colors of the quilt! Nice touch!


Pattie D said...

Absolutely and completely darling! You just never cease to amaze me with your talent and ability to get things done!
I agree, I am amazed at what scraps will make. My daughter just had her first taste of that also, and is equally impressed
Happy summer hugs

Julie S said...

You are such an inspiration! I only recently started saving even the smallest of scraps. You have so many sizes of scraps, and that is what makes this quilt so beautiful. And the coordinated binding really makes it sparkle!

Becky said...

My favorite part, besides the change in colors, is the polka dots! Love them dots! I really like the pattern you made up too! Really cute!

Kerri said...

such a pretty quilt!! i'm sure it will be loved and adored!!

i love how you matched the binding.

~the ten of us~ said...

i love this quilt!!! the three separate color sections is way cool!!

Angie said...

Very cute.

Live a Colorful Life said...

This is such a cool quilt. I love that you changed the binding at each color shift. Baby quilts: quick and fun.

beth said...

love this quilt. what a good idea with the three colors! i like to give baby quilts too.

Marianne Penner said...

I love that color blocking effect. That's great, I would have never thought to do that but I like it a lot!

Donnelly said...

Another beautiful quilt! Have a great day.

Leslie said...

this is a perfect baby quilt. I am sure it is going to be treasured. The gift of a quilt is really special

Cheryl said...

What a lovely quilt! Lucky girl!

Loralynn said...

I really love this quilt! The blocks of color are gorgeous!

Sherri said...

It's how you matched the binding to the quilt...I know that took a lot of extra time, and the effect is stunning!

Eila said...

Beautiful quilt. Good luck to a friend of the child!

Tara said...

I need to know what is a scrap and what is stash. All my scrap remnants that I can cut a decent sized piece from ,I think of as leftovers-- and go back in my stash but looking at you "scrap" quilt I'm thinking I need to re-think that! Maybe a post about sizes of scraps would help me! I think I only save crumbs in my scraps!

Silver Scissor Quilts said...

Congratulations to your friends! We've adopted 3 children, our youngest came to us 2 months ago. I'm sure she'll love the quilt.

Shelli said...

as an adoptive mom to two, I can tell you, the LAST thing you have, once the call comes, is time! Such a thoughtful gift!

Corinnea said...

Very, very lovely!

Kristin said...

Very pretty quilt. I love the colors!

Karen said...

Congrats to your friends...this quilt is just perfect;)

Andi said...

The binding detail is amazing.
Makes it that much more special!!
I'm sure the new owner will appreciate it too.
Andi :-)

Janet said...

It's a very sweet quilt and I love how the colours change.

Anonymous said...

OOh! I'll definately have to have a go at one of these!! I'm always happiest playing with scraps!!
Love how you changed the binding to match too!!!

Mel said...

Oh oh oh this is soooo divine! What a lovely, thoughtful gift. I am about to attempt only my second quilt (while I am hand quilting the first one) and it is for a baby girl. I have just posted a photo of the fabrics I have in mind on my blog and am asking for advice about what sort of pattern/shape to go for. Would love your input if you have five minutes to spare?

Anonymous said...

I absolutely LOVE this quilt! What a sweet gift for your friend. You always do such nice work, thanks for sharing!!

Julie @ Jaybird Quilts said...

i envy you... often... this is just beautiful!!! and when do you sleep? :-)

Laura said...

What a great quilt. Could you share how long it took you to complete the whole thing? Or different parts of it?


Angela Nash said...

I love that matched binding again!

PunkiePie (Jen) said...


heather said...

Very cute!!! I'm sure they will LOVE it and am happy that it turned out well for them.

Robin (RsIslandCrafts) said...

Love it! I too am amazed at just how far scraps can go :) Congrats on using up those scraps!

Erin F said...

This is gorgeous! I'm confused though how you design as you go. I don't see any discernible rows so don't understand how it comes together. Can you explain further?

Thanks so much, and I love your blog!


Betsy said...

That is just gorgeous. I have never seen a quilt like that and I love it.

Sherry said...

Hi AmandaJean. Another beautiful creation. I love the colors & how you matched the binding to the quilt top colors. I'm sure it will be much appreciated. Congrats to your friends on the new addition to their family.

jmag911 said...

Another beautiful creation!! The colors are beautiful together!! Jeannette

Julia said...

wow I love it! You are so creative I NEVER would have thought to do the colors the way you did but I think it's one of my fav!

MichelleB said...

It's adorable! What a lucky little baby!

Alevin and Company said...

Gorgeous! The colors, and the way they sit, remind me of rainbow sherbet. So pretty!

roseylittlethings said...

Love it, the colors are so pretty! Makes me want to make one too!

shellysquilts said...

Designing as you go along can be a very satisfying process. Your quilt turned out darlin! Well done!

randi said...


Gnomemade said...

It's beautiful!

Pat at Bell Creek Quilts said...

your color combinations ar always so pretty :) I'm sure the new family will love this quilt.

Kathleen said...

so very pretty

Cheryl said...

Oh, how pretty that is! I need to use scraps, too!

Karen said...

I love this quilt!

JG said...

The change of binding colors looks so nice! What a pretty quilt!

Mountain Home Quilts said...

Oh my, I LOVE this! ♥

Victoria Findlay Wolfe said...

Nice job Amanda jean! see ya tomorrow!

Helby said...

Gorgeous! Where do you get your fabrics?

Judy said...

Now what a fabulous quilt! I love to make small panels on the back from left over scraps, but never a whole quilt! I see your *idea bulb* over my head!

How hard was getting the binding to fall perfectly on the color change? or did you do four sides of bindings?

PS: the image word for this comment was:
verynce..."very n-i-ce" How weird and apt!

Michaela said...

the binding is amazing! well, the whole quilt is amazing, but i really lovelovelove the binding. : )

Jessica said...

Its gorgeous! One of these days I'll dive into my scraps. For now, I'm busy trying to slice up all of my stash :)
As a prospective adoptive mom, I can appreciate the long, hard, drawn out process your friends have gone through. Congrats to them!!

MissesStitches said...

So beautiful! Way to go. And an inspiring way to use up scraps.

Cheryl Arkison said...

I love it! Such a sweet present.

Christine said...

I love this quilt, love the pastels! Absolutely precious!

Purple Quilter Queen said...

That is adorable! I love the scrappyness of it! I'm sure they will love it! What a special little girl! Jenn

Hanne said...

Lovely quilt !

Anonymous said...

It's gorgeous! I love how simple it is.

Can you tell us exactly how you got the binding to match up at the right spot?


Andrea said...

Love the colour combination...and the way you finished the binding colours to match. It's really pretty!

sammyjo said...

its beautiful and very thoughtfull i bet shes loves it!

Linda said...

Its very cute!

Bonus Mom said...

It is beautiful! Great use of scraps too!

Heather said...

I love it. What a lucky little baby!

Linda Lee said...

Love the Colors!!!! Thank you for your tutorials. I watched the stipple clip several times and gave it a try. I have a long way to cover--but it isn't too bad!'Thank you!!!

susan said...

oh this is so lovely
lucky baby!
i like that it is three separate color "chunks"

annie said...

I LOVE how you use all your scraps - It looks FAB. I have 8 9patches to go. Yours looks brilliant. I hope mine get along so well.

Cathy @ CabbageQuilts said...

Just beautiful. I love the detail you did with the binding too, very special. They will love it xo

Rory said...

This is my favorite quilt you have ever made!

Hillary said...

I love the colors and design! What a great friend you are! And congrats to the new family! I've seen what a struggle it can be sometimes bringing a child into a deserving family :)

Philigry said...

oh, i love it. what a sweet gift to gove. i love how the three colors look together and that you used all scraps.

Chris Z said...

Very nice work. The colors look great together. Love your scraps...

Stefanie said...

What a powerful design element the matched color binding. Glad you pointed it out, its really effective, as is the grouping of the same color as you have done. You have me thinking...

lera said...

Gorgeous. What a wonderful quilt to make from scraps. (I think I may have seen a familiar scrap or two :-)

Mimi said...

Very pretty and feminine

Granny Lyn said...

I have three new babes to quilt for next month...aren't they the funnest? Love the binding perfection!!

Rose said...

That is so beautiful! And without a pattern, wow. And how did you get the binding to match up colors so perfect? If I tried that I'm sure my pink would run halfway into the yellow section lol

Bonnie said...

You continue to amaze me. I check your blog daily and am in awe of the work you do. Beautiful!

Sew Create It - Jane said...

So very pretty...I bet it will be well loved.

Unknown said...

I think little girl quilts are so fun. I can make these till the cows come home....boys, well they are a little harder to choose the colours and prints for me.
Love this one of course...

pratima said...

So beautiful and all with scraps too. Love the detaail of the binding.

KateKwiltz said...

Oh, this is pretty! Matching the binding is a great little detail -- was that the painful part?

Laura said...

This is so wonderful...I love that it is truly your own creation, but I kind of wish their was a pattern so that I could make one. Amazing. I just love it!

Unknown said...

Such a sweet quilt! So happy for the new family - what an amazing blessing that little girl will be to them.

Carmen Rigby-Willson said...

Simply Beautiful!!

Chris, Kristina, Nathan and Audrey... said...

What a pretty quilt! Love the color choice.

Rebekah said...

This is so pretty! I love the color combo on this one

Karla said...

This is adorable. It reminds me of sherbert!!

Threeundertwo said...

Just beautiful!

Kelli said...

I love this quilt. My cousin and her husband also just adopted after a painful period of waiting and I also just finished a quilt for them. It was my first stippled quilt (and only like my 5th quilt ever!) Your site inspires me so day I hope to be good enough to inspire others. Thanks for the beautiful designs and for sharing them all with us!!

sulu-design said...

Great attention to detail - I like that you changed the binding color to match the blocks, too. I'm sure this is a gift that will be cherished.