Monday, April 27, 2009

one a day-a quilt along

I'm thinking about doing a quilt along (of sorts), based on this fabulous quilt.

inspiration quilt and photos courtesy of swim notes. (who is my quilting hero, by the way.) thank you, Melanie!

I started making a scrappy quilt based on this one back in January. I was making two blocks a day, but somewhere about day 6 I fizzled out. (Impressive, huh?) I'm ready to get back at it, and I was wondering if you would like to join me? Make one 9 patch a day. By the middle of the summer, we would all have enough blocks to make this quilt top. Anyone care to join me? If so, leave a comment and I will add your name to my sidebar. We can upload our photos on flickr to the quilt-a-long pool (maybe a week of blocks at a time) and we can all make a dent in our scraps, stash, or both!

To make the 9 patch block, you will need 9 2.5" squares (cut). Sew together using a quarter inch seam allowance. The block will measure 6.5" unfinished and 6" finished.

The final quilt size is about 66" x 90".

Yardage requirements:

For the blocks you will need a total of 3.25 yards of various prints. (That includes 70 nine patch blocks and the scrappy border.)

For the sashing you will need about 3.5 yards of white fabric. (Because I know someone will ask, I will be using bleached muslin for sashing.)


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Kelly said...

I'll join, though I can't start till sometime in May. I haven't done a quilt-along before - this one looks fun and easy.

Angela Nash said...

I'll join in - I don't have a lot of scraps yet, but I can make some!

Robin said...

I would love to do this! One a day is managable!

kelliemorgan said...

I'm in! I just need to work on my Flickr account. Sounds like fun!

Jess said...

I think I could actually do this one! Count me in.

Kenton and Marianne Ogg said...

I'm going to make the effort to try it out. I have a 4 month old that I wrestle with all day, but I think I could manage one block a day. Count me in!

Jess said...

Swim notes is my quilting hero too, by the way, unbelievable stuff!

Alf and Lily Creations said...

I'm going try this one as well :) Although I can see a few missing days here and there due to 4 kids :) as long as make up days are allowed !

Robyn said...

I should be able to handle one block a day! (hopefully not easier said than done!!)

Kim said...

I'm in! I have been dreaming about this quilt since the last time you posted about it. I love it!

Nichole said...

that sounds fabulous! i'm in!

LizA. said...

This could be fun. Maybe this will be the motivation I need to finish a 9-patch that I started awhile ago -- just a couple little blocks, and I do mean little, finished size at 3". Does that mean I have to do 4 a day to equal your 6" blocks?

Sara said...

I think I can do this. At least give it a shot. I would love to use up some of my scraps!

Mary said...

Count me in. I'm just finishing up my current quilting project and have been scouting for ideas of what to do next.

Leslie said...

Hi! I haven't ever joined one of your sew-a-longs yet but I love reading your blog for inspiration. I'd love to join this one if that's okay. I'm not a member of flicker though (well, yet) so I'll try and figure that out. I'm excited to use up a bunch of scraps!

Betsy said...

This will be my first quilt along. I am completely excited. When do we start? Today?

Unknown said...

I will follow you .Thanks .
hugs from Chile , Vero

MichelleB said...

Great idea! You'll love it. I already made mine, and I love it. It's on the list to be quilted.

Donna said...

I'm in! I'll be out of town 1/2 of June, so I'll have to do two a day for the first half of the month!

Unknown said...

I'm in AJ. as I have been given fabric from my grandmother who passed away in 1967, and I find that these scraps call for nine patch...sounds like fun.
Hope I can keep up though, as we are off to the cottage Wednesday.

Emily said...

Oh my goodness~I am so in! I LOVED this quilt the first time you posted about it and would LOVE to do make one, too. A quilt-a-long would provide me the proper motivation.

Cindra said...

I would love to join... gulp! One a day? with work? Sure... I'm going to do it. Count me in!

Melissa Swartz said...

I have wanted to make this quilt for my daughter. No better time then the present.

Robin (RsIslandCrafts) said...

I was just thinking about starting a 9 patch scrap quilt. Perfect timing!

One a day or 7 on the all works out the same :)

dutchcomfort said...

I’m pondering on joining the 9 patch block swap at Twiddletails, so why not make one more block a day...? And I love your quilt-along events! So thanks for another one! Yu can count me in!

Jenny said...

Would like to try it but might need to do 7 on a saturday or something!

Jennie said...

I'll hop on board! Sounds like a lot of fun! ~ Jennie

Kim said...

I love your quilts! I would love to do a quilt-along! I've never done one before, so we'll see how it goes... Count me in!

Aimee said...

Great idea! I can handle one a day! : )

heather said...

Count me in!! Sounds like fun. I could use a long term project. And I would love to use my scraps!! Thanks for doing this!

Bison Girl said...

oh yay! i'm "sew" in.


Ashley said...

Fun! Count me in - I definitely have to start using up some scraps!

Anonymous said...


I'm so in!


Stacey said...

Yes I would love to join...maybe I would actually finish something.

Sue H said...

This is the SWEETEST quilt! And do I have scraps!!! I used to throw anything small-ish away, then two years ago started saving them. This is just what I need. Count me IN!

Mushyhed said...

Yay! Count me in!

Jane said...

How can I resist?!?
Count me in.
Should we have a flickr group?

danielle said...

Sounds like great fun. I'm in!

Anonymous said...

I would really like to participate on this, so please count me in. Sounds fun!

connie said...

Sounds like a wonderful idea. I am in!!

annette said...

I'm in. Now to figure out Flickr....

Jane said...

oops! I just re-read that you said to upload to the Quilt Along group!
Duh! Once I read that you were doing a quilt along, I simply responded! lol!

Ebony Love said...

Sounds like fun - I have a drawer full of these sized squares & strips just begging to be assembled...

Shannon said...

OK, since I failed miserable at the stars quilt (those dang triangles got the best of me) but I can do a nine patch! Yes I can! Sign me up, and this time, I will do it! LOL!

Mercedes said...

hey , hey , join me too!This is what I need to start using my little scraps!!

Sarah said...

I love this! It's just what I was looking for; I'll join you!

Liz Jimenez said...

Count me in! I've started a separate quilting blog at, so this will be great. An adventure! Wohoo!

Deb in IL said...

Sounds like fun. Count me in. This is the first time for me to join a "group" project.

quiltretreat namawsbuzyquiltn said...

I would love to do this, I have Soooooooo many scraps.

Making A Modern Family said...

I would love to join! Parfect use for my scraps!

Anonymous said...

I have a ton of scraps and can't wait to join you on this project. Count me in.

Chris said...

Great minds think alike because I have been working on this also! I LOVE this scrap 9 patch from Flickr and have fashioned a copycat of it using April Cornell Poetry fabric. Check it out on my blog at I have just started the sashing stage and would LOVE some inspiration to keep plugging along and get it done. It is for my sister. Thanks for this Quilt Along!

Sarah said...

I'm totally in! Perfect use for scraps...

We're Bj and Ruthie said...

I think I might be able to handle this! :) Count me mostly-in, as "in" as the demands of 3 babies will allow me to be! I think the 5 year old budding seamstress will enjoy it too!

Meg said...

I would love to join. I don't have any scraps, but I just picked up a "honey bun" from the Fat Quarter Shop today. The strips are 1 1/2" wide. Is that okay? Maybe I could make more squares or a smaller quilt, since this will be my first try.

I think the Nine Patch looks like something I could handle.

Thanks for the offer!

Unknown said...

I'm in! Lordy, I hope I can do it. Thanks for the quilt-along

Lynn said...

Me too! I'm going to use all stash - (cross my heart). Your post the other day inspired me to go on a fabric diet (I'm on day 3).

The Calico Cat said...

I hope to all that is warm & fuzzy in this world that I can manage ONE 9-patch a day. (Although I am not guaranteeing a 5/4 coloration...)

Sam said...

oooh, exciting! i think i'm in, although i'm going to have to wait and see - the sewing room is currently serving as storage space, so i might need a little time! will you share thoughts about color choices with us? that would be really helpful!

Laurel said...

I would love to follow along. I have a bunch of FQ batics that have been calling my name and I can't think of anything I'd rather do with them.

robin w said...

I'm in!


Celeste Creates said...

I would love to join in! Yeah!

Loralynn said...

I'll play! I just bought a Moda Scrap Bag with absolutely no idea what I was going to do with it! This will be a wonderful use!

Carlotta said...

I would be interested, but first I have to finish the quilt along I'm doing from your archives on the right.

And by the way, you've been tagged. Come by my blog for the details.

~Tootles for now!

Dani said...

Fun! Count me in. I don't know how to do flicker...but I will figure it out.

MelissaS said...

Ok, I'm in! One 9 patch a day.....I'm ready.

mom-in-training said...

I hardly ever find time to quilt these days. Maybe this is just the incentive I need! Thanks for the fun idea!!!


dotti white said...

I would love to do this! I should be able to manage one a day and I have so much fabric and scraps that I can use! Thanks!

Leisel said...

Okay, I am in, although I must be nuts-- I have so many WIPS!!!!

BTW, you saying someone is your quilting hero is like Superman saying Batman is his hero!!! ;0)

Amanda Jean said...


yes, we start today!


Crafty Girls Workshop said...

OK, me too. I can't help it. Why not, I am almost done with one quilt, why not start another one and ignore the other ones in my pile! Hehe. Count me in, definately.


Lucy said...

I'm in. Might as well get one of my xmas quilts done early.

Amber said...

Yes! a day is manageable. And I really need a way to use some of my scraps!

Ginger said...

That's a very cute quilt. I'd love to join along!

Kristine said...

I'm in. I just got done sorting my scrap bags into drawers. I'm so ready to use them now. Yeah!

DIDI said...

definitely yes I'm joining if I'm allowed (I'm a newbee to patchwork).
I quite agree with the second part of LB3K (lol)

Mrs. JP said...

ok,,count me in. This is just what I needed accountability. Like someone said (Robyn i think) 1 a day or crank out 7 in a weekend.
OH,,i think the rest of the week will be rainy so here I go.
How do we post to flickr?? I'm really new at this kinda stuff:)

Kristine said...

I'm in.

Anonymous said...

I've been wanting to do something girlie and just for me with my Amy Butler Charmed. I'm in.

Chasley said...

I would love to join in, my scrap bucket is overflowing. I think I need to move to a 90 gallon garbage can:)

Anonymous said...

I am in on this. It seems like the perfect project to keep me creating without taking up too much time. Between work, home and college, there just isn't much time left!


Heidee said...

This sounds like a bunch of fun. I just love scrappy quilts. Count me in!

DIDI said...

I've mentioned it on my blog and put all the links. I hope it's OK.

Amanda Jean said...


that's great! thank you. :)


Caroline said...

I'm in! There will be a few days where I am going to have to play catch up, but I'd love to find a way to use all my bitty scraps. I'm sure my husband would like that, too. Less clutter on the craft desk!

Tamara said...

I would love to try this out! Hopefully I can keep up!

Lavinia said...

I´d like to join, please! The quilt looks beautiful!

Esther Gregory said...

I'd like to join to. What's the penalty for falling behind? :-P

Unknown said...

I can do this. This can be my summer project since I will be over whelemed with everything else in my life. I will definitely need make up days though!

Andrea said...

I'd like to join in too and as luck would have it I've cut a load of 2.5 inch squares today - yes !

Leanne said...

Hi Count me in - I love scrap Quilts.

Do you have a blog address for Swim notes??
Thanks for introducing her to us.

Love Leanne NZ

Stephanie said...

I would love to join in...

God give me the strength to not be afraid..

I'm petrified of starting a quilt..honestly I have everything to make some but so scared to start..

Make sense? I hope so..



Karen said...

Hi AmandaJ...looks like I'll have a 9-patch quilt top finished this summer;) I'm in;)

james and bess said...

i LOVE that quilt!! i'm in! :) -bess

Shanna said...

Hi Amanda! I would love to join in the fun! Sounds like a goal I can actually stick with :o) Thanks for hosting!

Lift Up Your Hearts said...

Oooh, how fun! I'm IN!!

sweetbabies00 said...

Sounds great. Count me in. I am going to use only stash for it. I'm excited.

Artsy Aut said...

I will keep up as long as I can! I have a baby due July 6!

Hincha's said...

This sounds like sooooo much fun. I am in!!!!

imquilternity said...

Yep, I'm in. Sounds like fun!

Sherri said...

I'm in...this will be great fun and a great way to use up my scraps!!! Thanks for the fun idea!

Becky said...

I'm in! This will be good motivation for me! I'll get right on it!

Anonymous said...

Count me in.

GloJoeSews said...

Boy oh boy-my first quilt-along!!! Woo-Hoo! I'm in!

LauraJ said...

I'm gonna say yes! I can do this! I hope! Maybe not one a day but 7 blocks per week is do-able. :)

Debbie said...

How can I resist! Count me in.

rachel griffith said...

you know me...
i'm in like flin baby!!!

Liz B. said...

I'm going to join, this sounds like a great way to use up some scraps. I imagine I'll be more likely to sew 7 blocks a weekend, but the result will be the same!
Perhaps you could start a new Flickr thread for this nine-patch quilt along? Your other quilt along is so distinct and lovely, by the way!

Ashley said...

I would like to join the quilt along! This will be my first

G'G'ma said...

Count me in. Thanks.

Diana said...

Sounds good, but I'm not sure how the flickr thing works. I think I'll probably be in the 7 blocks every weekend group, too!

Isa said...

I'm in.
It's going to be fun

Erin said...

I think I can handle it! :) I'm in.

Sherry said...

Hi AmandaJean!

Ok, I'll be in on this one also! But I'm thinking I may attack the stash rather than the stash. . . I've got a TON of 1930's repro's that I would love to use.

Plus, I can use the completed quilt as a way to practice with the new quilting machine that DH just got!!

he he he he

Kelly O. said...

Isn't that funny! I happen to think that YOU are MY quilting hero!!
I don't think I'll join you officially because I'm not really sure I can complete 7 in a week but I will start slow and see how it goes.

Kristin said...

I'm in. My scrap assortment is in it's infancy so I guess I'll have to go to the fabric store for 1/4 yds. every now and then....darn.....

Anita in Florida said...

YES, I'd love to join in...have been thinking about a scrap quilt for a while now....BUT I don't have or know how to get a Flicker account????

leigh said...

I would love to join. I have a LARGE stash that needs some cutting into! Great idea!

AnneElizablog said...

I'm in. I need a new project, I've never done a quilt-along and I love nine patch.

Mommom said...

Do I *NEED* another project... probably not. But I think I can do this and I KNOW I have the scraps already and that it's a quilt I've wanted to make... Count me in too :)

Ann said...

I would love to join you...I think you hit me at a weak moment!


Kelli said...

How fun! I've been drooling over that quilt for while now. I keep going back to Flickr to stare at it. I'd love to join in.

Amanda Jean said...


swim notes does not have a blog. i follow her through her flickr account.


an encourager said...

Yes, count me in!! For years I have made incubator blankets for our hospitals' preemies. They are 32" x 32". So, sewing my nine patchers a beautiful and big 14" square, I can use four of them for each baby quilt. It will be perfect! Thanks for including me!! You are brilliant....and so I am! Yay for us!

Nichole said...

Count me in! Making the blocks in small doses is perfect.

Molly said...

What a terrific idea--count me in!
And I'll figure out the Flickr bit along the way.

Milk Drinker said...

I am in too!

Sara said...

Yah, sure I want to do it too--in fact I just started using up some old 6.5" scrap squares making two nine-oatches for two squares. That;'s using the method where you sew seams down both sides of the square and then cut in thirds.....
Anyway, my nine-poatches end up 5" unfinished, so maybe I'll need MORE. Well, I get two at a tiime, so that shouldn't be a problem!

mary grace said...

I'll join in. It might just be the motivation I need to start a quilt & actually finish it :) I'll do my best to keep up... even if it means doing 7 blocks at a time on the weekends :) I'll give it my best shot! :)

Maria Harrits said...

I´ll join in too. Another great idea!

Amy said...

I am in!

Samantha said...

I've always wanted to join one of your quilt alongs and I think I can manage this one :-) It's such a lovely quilt!


Melissa said...

I'm going to give it a try! I love scrappy quilts. Never made one though. I'll have to figure out flicker.

Anonymous said...

I am in too, But I am going to cheat alittle. I have been wanting to dig in my Amy Butler bag, and I am going to make the squares larger to show off the prints!
Thanks for the modavation Amanda!

Karen said...

Count me in, Amandajean! I was thinking just the other day that we haven't done a QAL yet this year! Thanks for doing this! I will begin tomorrow!


Mrs. Gray's Class said...

I'm so excited to be able to participate in a quilt along. My very first quilt was from your first quilt along so it's only fitting my second one will be from you, too. Thanks so much!

Francy said...

I'm in! However, I will have to make mine a queen size.


barlow said...

i am a beginning quilter...why muslin for sashing? i would join, but will be moving countries : ) can't wait to see everyone's quilts!! you are amazing...

Lizzy said...

I'm willing to give it a shot... Hope I can keep up!

Julie said...

Sounds like a great idea, I'm going to play to. No doubt I'll "fizzle" out too some weeks but that means I'll just end up with a smaller quilt which is OK. Off to have a rumage in my stash! It needs reducing.

Susan said...

Hi: I'm going to jump in and join you. I love almost everything you do, and I especially like this 9-patch! I have lots of fabric in my stash that needs to get used! Would ecology cloth work for the sashing????

rachelmp said...

I would love to join! I enjoyed your last quilt along so much. Thanks heaps Rachel

Tracy T. said...

I'm in - just made my first one, red polka dots and turquoise stripes. It took me twenty minutes? But that included fetching after-school snacks for two hungry boys. I'm interested to see if I can keep up the pace!

Shawn said...

Sounds good, I love anything geometric and crazymomish, thanks Amanda!

Live a Colorful Life said...

Count me in. I have tons of scraps to work with. Yay!

San-Dee said...

I would love to try something like this, I've only made one quilt top 6 years ago that is still waiting for a batt and wasn't my forte. I will have to juggle the block making time frame because of surgery, but at least my scrap stash would deplete, right?

Carolyn said...

I'm there with bells on! Thank you Amandajean

Danetta said...

WOW! What a response you got on this one. I am wondering if this would be something I could do by hand piecing.

Linda said...

Sounds like fun, but I can see myself winding up falling behind and having to scramble and make all seven on Saturday! LOL That quilt is so pretty, though, it is very tempting! I'll have to think about it.

Ashley said...

This is what i NEEDED. Never made it quilt, always read your blog and here we go!!!! I'm in!!!

Needled Mom said...

Sounds like fun and very manageable. I'd like to give it a go.

Anonymous said...

Count me in. Maggie at

Anonymous said...

Yes I want to join in with you! Your quilts are so lovely, thanks for doing this.
Beryl in Utah

Rebecca Maples said...

I'm in, I have lots of little bits that need to be made into something.

~Molly~ said...

I'm thinking I'm IN this one!!! How fun!! My mom's mom made a few quilts similar to this. Actually she probably made more than a few, but these are the ones in my posession. I'll post a picture in a day or so and let everyone know about the quilt-a-long at my blog.


Anonymous said...

Ill be in - great way to get some scraps out of the way! :)

Amanda said...

Add me too please! Thanks for the great inspiration.

BethCupitt said...

count me in.

Frogdancer said...

I'll do it too. It's heading into winter here and I need some more quilts for tv watching...

Unknown said...

I'm in! Yay! I was wondering when you were going to start your next quilt-a-long! I guess this means I better hurry up and finish the star quilt. :)

jennicakes said...

Sounds great!

Zarina said...

I'm planning to do exactly that using a layer cake (can't remember the line) and a four-patch instead. I have already prewashed the fabric and cut five of the squares.

One Flew Over said...

I am in although my block a day may fall slightly short! I'll aim for a few a week!! Great idea - thanks

Jenny said...

I am in! This should be fun and I love the nine patch!

Jensmom said...

Count me in! I think I can handle this one. I might have to make several blocks in one day. we lost our house to a fire in Jan. and will be starting construction on our new house soon. I hope that will work.

soggybottomflats said...

Oh, I need to do this one. It is too cute. Sometimes I need a little push and this will do it. I'll get my fabs out tomorrow and get started. Thanks, Elaine

sheri said...

I have the scraps. I have the desire. It will be the time and the flicker account that I have to work on. Count me in.

Kate said...

I've been planning on doing something similar, but with charm squares rather than 9-patches. Less effort required on my part (I'm lazy). Good luck!

Mandalin said...

Oh I love a quilt-along, I might do 2 every other day though. This has definitely got to put a dent in my stash.

Anonymous said...

Yes Sign me up i would love to do this. I am already onto it the scrap bag is out and i am sorting through!

Melanie said...

This will probably sound silly, but when you said "Thank you Melanie" I thought you meant me! I have actually only ever met one other Melanie so that is probably why.

I am hesitant to sign up to your quilt-a-long because I have so many other things to do! But I am hoping that going into the sewing room every day to do something little might get me doing something else after making my one block.
Thank you for the little push!


Anonymous said...

I'll join in. I need a project to use up a serious amount of my scraps :-)


Anonymous said...

My scraps are taking over my sewing room - not only am I in, I have already made my first block this afternoon!! :)

Trina said...

I would love to join your quilt-a-long. I might used squares a little larger because I have been saving them up for a long time. I love the white sashing. Please add me to your list. Let's sew!

Brenda said...

I'm in. The stash needs some reducing.

Abbie S-Dyer said...

Count me in too! Haven't done one of these before! Now i'll have to figure out how to upload to flickr?

Kelly said...

oh, I totally want to do this! I am in desperate need of clearing out some scraps!!! Add me to the list :)

Anonymous said...

This sounds like fun! I'd like to join, too. Your quilts are beautiful.

Jaime said...

I think I could manage one little 9-patch a day, I'm in! I have a nice stack of charms I'll probably make a dent in and then add from my stash.

Maybe every few weeks have a catch-up day, I'm sure I'll be running ahead/behind during this! :)

Sudi-Laura said...

Count me in, Please. I need to do some serious stash busting before we have to move!

Thanks for hosting this.

Julie said...

add me to the list

Little Love Things said...

I will join. Sounds like fun. I like making those kind of blocks, its basically the same blocks as the blooming 9 patch quilt.

Lindsey said...

I'll be a joiner too, instead of just a lurker! This seems like a good way to get through my stash.

Rebekah said...

I think I'll join you on this quilt along...I've got lots of scraps to use for this and I love the patchwork look of this :)

Barb said...

I'm in! I love scrappy nine-patch quilts...but I guess I should make 2 today since I'm a day behind. Thanks for organzing this.

Anina said...

Fun! I'm doing a nine-patch swap over on my blog. Great minds think alike!

Anonymous said...

Why not I would love to give this a go. Something for me to do for me and only me. When do we start? As soon as we want?
Thanks Geniene

Wendy said...

Great idea and a good stash buster - Count me in, if its not too late!
I'll check back to see when to start -

Sara said...

Count me in!!! I just reorganized all my fabric (including scraps). I am ready to go!!!!!

crafterly said...

Long-time lurker, first time commenter! Love your quilts, I'm not much of a joiner, but count me in :-)

Marian Martin

jacquie said...

i have sooooo many scraps and this would be perfect....i don't know if i can discipline myself for one a day, but it would be good to try, so i'm in! can't resist an aj quilt a long!

Bonnie said...

Count me in! Thanks!

Stefanie said...

Yey!!! This is great. Here we go!

Ann-Marie said...

ooooooh I would LOVE to play!!! Your quilts are amazing!!

Anonymous said...

I've been wanting to join in a quilt along with you for a long time! Count me in!!

Unknown said...

I've always wanted to join a quilt-a-long. This one sounds perfect. Count me in!

Peggy said...

What a great idea.Now to decide on colors...... Will you wait for us to catch up????? We will hurry.......

Sherry said...

I'll join in, sounds like fun. Thanks for the offer!

happygma said...

Count me in! I like the idea of using up some of my (big) stash.

Unknown said...

I'm ready! I have absolutely no extra time (opening a new quilt shop in June)but I'm willing to try! Go!Cutter 2 1/2" Squares yay!

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