Here is my completed block for Jennifer's virtual quilting bee.
It was my second attempt-the first block was just a touch too small, but too big to add another round of logs. So I started over. This one had a bit more wonkiness, which I like. I also like the chenille for the center.
Now I have an orphan block, which makes me think that either I will make 2 of each block throughout the bee and make my own sampler quilt at the end (which would be challenging, but fun, no doubt)...or else I may just make a quilt based on these colors, because oh, my, they are fun.
Hi there. Not a blogger just thought I'd say I adore your blog! So many pretty things. Love the quilt block. That color scheme is really fun!
You could always make a pillow? The color scheme is fun though so a whole quilt would be fun too.
i love wonky seams! they are my favorite!
Very charming! I like the wonky seams as well. How come I hardly ever heard that word "wonkey" until I started reading craft blogs? I wonder how long it's been in the crafter lexicon.
Like Jennifer said: Make her a pillow.
I. love. that. block.
Great Fabrics!
Wonderful colours - what a great project to be involved in.
Oooh - I love those colors - I would make an entire quilt out of those! I love it, great job! Em
hi there.. im from malaysia.. a part of country in asia.. for ur info, i always view n read ur blog. im really.. really.. and much really love ur blog n ur quilt. have a nice day!! ;)
Love the block!
Happy quilting,
great colours! love that centre block
Love the colors in this! I want them!!!
of course you are planning another quilt. no surprises there!
your block turned out great, amanda jean. they are all going to look great together!
the colors in that are so pretty, I love it!!
Really digging the happy colors!! That block is a smile producer!!Can't wait to see some more!!
I love the colors in this, can't wait to see the finished quilt!
ohhhh I luv this.... great fabric and peicing is sensational
luv Abby
Here....take a peek at my wonky log cabin quilt.
I think you may have found a new addiction. These wonky squares are a blast!
I like the bright colors.
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