I knit this scarf this summer on bamboo needles (oh, they are lovely) I received from the very generous Mama Urchin. I used 2 different yarns together. It is one thick scarf. I love the texture of it so much, that I think I will be keeping it for myself. My knitting skills have not progressed past "idiot projects", as my neighbor likes to call them. Idiot projects=scarves, dishcloths, etc. Yeah, that's my skill level.
Then, after reading this post, I thought I could try to make a vest for my daughter. She's little, and really, how hard can knitting in the round actually be? I have some yarn and some needles. Here is what I came up with.
Then, after reading this post, I thought I could try to make a vest for my daughter. She's little, and really, how hard can knitting in the round actually be? I have some yarn and some needles. Here is what I came up with.
See that big loop on the left hand side? Um, that was one of my stitches. I tried at least 4 different times. Maybe I don't know how to cast on properly? I tried 2 different ways of casting on. It was a disaster. What was I thinking? My hat goes off to all of you talented knitters out there.
Some day I would still like to further my knitting skills. I still would love to learn how to knit socks. But for now, I think I am going to stick with quilting. And a few idiot knit projects here and there. :)
I'm ok with that.
you could make her a little quilted vest instead :) hee hee
Okay, after Anina I'm coming after you.
www.knittinghelp.com has some great videos (in case you haven't found that site yet).
Socks really aren't that hard, but master casting on first. :)
The first thing I knit was a hat for my daughter. I was still pregnant and can only thank crazy nesting instinct for the reason I stuck with knitting.
The hat was big enough to cover an anorexic apple and had more holes in it than I care to admit. But look at my knitting now! Do what feels good and productive to you - time is a precious thing.
Hmmm... It's rather funny to find out that you and I have similar knitting skills. Ironically, today I just posted one of my knitted projects! Please don't give up, though. I too feel safer doing the "idiot knit" projects, but I have managed to knit socks, so I know if you stick with it, you'll do some too.
I’m sorry to hear that. I love knitting and I’m still struggling with quilting, so if I can knit, anyone can! I know they love to help you in a good shop that sells yarn!
Once you love knitting, you will be addicted!!
I really envy those who can knit. I just am all thumbs with the two needles, and the yarn, and then purling? Good grief, it just feels all backward to me. I keep seeing all of these beautiful knit projects, but I don't dare even think of trying them. I did by a knifty knitter and I am enjoying that a great deal. I can cheat and make a few things that way, lol! Jason wants a hat, lol.
I'm a beginner at knitting too and want to learn how to make socks. Too bad we aren't neighbors who could take lessons together...we could discuss our quilting projects when the knitting got to us. :)
I'm with you...I look at all the amazing patterns available for knitting, but then I see all these weird abbreviations that I have no clue about and I go back to my standard shape. I think I need to sign up for a class!
Okay it's not CJ but CJ's momma - up way too early this morning to say "I miss you dear" and you have an amazing site out here.
Now if you could get me to keep my stitches on the needles :O)
keep persevering!!!
one day you'll look back and have a good laugh... don't give up.
I'd love to see more of the quilt in the background of the last photo... :)
Warning! Random poster, just happened upon your blog. Looks like you are doing the standard thumb forefinger cast on to a needle. Yes? When you do that type of cast on it's actually like casting on and knitting a row and setting you up for a purl row on a stockinette item. The big loop looks like is coming from the join. You are most likely getting the big loop because of the type of cast and a loose join. I'd try a more traditional cast or even a provisional and watch that join. It's hard to have a good join with the thumb cast on, not impossible but difficult. Of course I'm on the other side of the interwebs from your knitting so might not apply. I'd also like to see more of your quilt.
Come on now! You can do it! I've seen lots of cast on methods but my favorite is to just put a slip knot on the needle, knit it and put the new loop back on the needle, etc.
Maybe practice knitting in the round by making a hat. Easy peasy. Just knit a tube and in the end thread the wool through the stitch loops and pull it tight.
Don't be too hard on yourself with knitting in the round! I know you can do it... because I can do it and I am a slow and "idiot" knitter. There is a scarf in my projects that I started 2 years ago. And its on size 17 needles. And, somehow, I managed to figure out knitting in the round (although DPNs still scare me).
If your quilting is any indication of your hand/eye coordination & crafty skills, it is only a matter of trying again!
My knitting skill level is "idiot projects" too :) But I'm ok with it as well. I figure someday I'll progress to something more :)
The scarf looks terrific. You do have the cutest model :)
Cute scarf on a cute model.
I can't knit. I am still trying though. I have those wonky gigantic, unexplained, random stitches, too.
I too am at the idiot project level. I have yet to complete my first project, actually, but I am determined. Don't give up yet!!
P is a great model. I think that doing one or two things well is better than doing a bunch of things that are mediocre. But that also doesn't mean we should stop trying new things.
i am all over the idiot projects. a gal tried to walk me through knitting in te round and i thin kit may take more time than she thought! the puzled look on my face gave me away!
you can do it. really. if i were closer, i'd show you how.
Very cute scarf!
Ha, I love the term "idiot projects". That is my skill level with knitting too, and I am pretty happy with that. Although I would love to learn how to knit in the round and make socks someday.
Is there a yarn store near you? Often times they are willing to help with projects or explaining things... Otherwise maybe try this website? http://www.knittinghelp.com/
I used it for help on some knitting stuff the other day (I messed up something and wanted to backup without ripping the whole thing out) and it seemed pretty good...
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