Tuesday, October 09, 2007

200th post contest and giveaway extravaganza

You all know I am crazy-it's right there in my name. So, in honor of my 200th post, I am doing a contest + giveaway. Well, 2 give aways, actually.

Leave me a comment on this post sometime in the next week and you could win this purse.

But wait, there's more!

Whoever refers the most people to my blog over the course of the next week will win this quilt. Yes, this quilt could be yours!

Now, in order for me to track this (I've lost sleep over how to do this, by the way), the individual you refer will have to leave a comment on this post.

In that comment, they need to include the name of the person who referred them here.

They may only comment once and can only mention one referral person.

Whoever refers the most readers that comment and mention their name will win the quilt.

Is that clear? (oh boy, I hope so!)

When referring someone, please have them use your blog name or address, e-mail address or else a first and last name for ease of tracking.

No employees of crazymomquilts will be eligible to win. (as if...)

And one more thing...thanks for reading!


1 – 200 of 377   Newer›   Newest»
Shannon said...

I have been lurking and I will lurk no more!!! I want that quilt...hehehe...

Joanna said...

holy moly--you are generous! Congrats on post 200 (you and me both!). I referred myself, does that count? :)

Sarah said...

Hmmm, now I'm going to be the one losing sleep, figuring out how to get a bunch of people to come over here and comment!

Simply Sarah *K* said...

Hidy! Shannon Bowers of texasbowers.blogspot.com referred me to your site! I love it! Now give her that quilt ;)! Cute stuff!

Lillian said...

Cool. I like the bag. Keep up the posts!

Anonymous said...

Lovely purse, count me in for the contest!!

Holly said...

Wow, what an amazing offer! Congratulations on your 200th post. Hmm, how many people are in my email address book?

(This is a great idea for a contest. Very creative!)

antique quilter said...

Great bag! love the colors and shape of it.
Love reading your blog and wow are you being very generous. That is so nice of you to give away that quilt too!
kathie in nj

Three Birds Inspired said...

My sister, another avid quilter, says that a true quilter gives her quilts away. I guess that I am not a "true" quilter but you certainly are! Love the bag - everyone needs something special for autumn!

Hedgehog said...

Love the purse and the quilt - please throw my name in your hat. Congrats on reaching 200 posts!

Anonymous said...

Your work is great. I'm glad I found your blog!
- Lori

Kelli said...

Shannon Bowers of http://www.texasbowers.blogspot.com/ referred me to your site. LOVE THAT BAG!!!!

Kelli said...

Seriously, I totally love that bag. It's exactly what I want to sew when I learn to sew. You know, someday...

Karyn said...

Congratulations on your 200th post!! The bag is beautiful and that quilt is stunning! There are going to be two VERY happy winners!!

Unknown said...

Thanks for that bathmat pattern. I can't wait to make it. Great job on the blog- and you don't need to give me the quilt. I've already started one JUST like it. :) I'm digging the bag, though. After 4 years in the Army, olive green is my favorite color! :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, you're giving your quilt away? That's so nice! Congratulations on your 200th post!

Tracy said...

What a generous idea, Amanda! Thanks!

dutchcomfort said...

Congratulations on your 200th post!! You are very generous by giving your wonderful quilt away!

Heather said...

Congrats on 200! I cannot believe you are giving the oak quilt up. Someone will be a very lucky winner!

pink-petal-designs said...

how generous of you that is !! I love the bag and quilt, please enter me, congrats on your 200th post.
Sarah x

Lindsay Blau Portnoy said...

Hello Mrs. Crazy Quilter!
Can't believe you are giving that quilt away. You are something else! I think if I could make something half as nice it would be plaqued (sp?) and hung on a wall like a trophy.
Thanks for the inspiration for my 100th :)

*~hj~* said...

Wow! 23 posts and it isn't even 9 am! I love the little butterfly on the purse! Congrats on your 200th post :)

dee said...

count me in-that purse is so lovely and would match my new coat perfectly. Just yummy!

Laura said...

Congratulations!!!Wow. 200 posts, I've just done my 3rd on my little blog!Happy crafting.

~Niki~ said...

Your quilt is gorgeous, and so is the purse. I'd LOVE to be in the runnings for these items. I will blog about ya today :) Congrats on the 200 posts.

Amanda said...

That purse wants to live with me.

Anonymous said...

you are too sweet + generous!
What a lovely bag :)
Congrats on your 200th posts~

Anonymous said...

holy cow you're giving away that quilt? are you crazy?

oh, wait, you are crazymom! :)

Anonymous said...

Love the bag, please include my name, but as I'm a quilter I'll leave the quilt for someone else to win.

Rhonda said...

love all your projects!

Stacia said...

Amanda is right, that purse wants to live with her, and I think the quilt wants to sleep with her. boy!
Anyway! Love the site, you have amazing stuff on here, I will be lurking away now!

Stacy said...

beautiful quilt!!
I followed the following blog over here: www.allaboutmaisy.blogspot.com

Nichole said...

Oh! I love your patchwork bags! :) AND that quilt is wonderful! :)

Anonymous said...

Great site. I can't think of anyone that deserves a sound nite of sleep, all snuggled up in that quilt, anymore than Amanda.

Anonymous said...

I've been enjoying your blog. As a fellow quilter, I always like seeing others' projects. I am inspired to also keep a running tally of quilts I make in a year.

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your 200th post! I love seeing all your projects... makes me actually want to finish my FOs!

Anonymous said...

I've been referred here by this lady... www.allaboutmaisy.blogspot.com she reeeeally wants that quilt!!

laura capello said...

::drool:: omg ::drool:: omg ::drool::

and happy 200th post. i now need to clean my keyboard. I HOPE YOU'RE PROUD OF YOURSELF.

Anina said...

You are kidding me! You're giving away the fall quilt? You know how happily she'll play with the fall granny afghan...

Anonymous said...

WOW! Your work is amazing!! I am always envious of those who can sew...and even more so now. My friend, Amanda referred me to your site and I am glad she did. I can't wait to check out what else you can do. :)


Kristi said...

Wow, you do great work!

I thank www.allaboutmaisy.blogspot.com for sending me to your site!

lera said...

Wow. Look at all your comments!

Great purse (and quilt, too, of course).

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Alisa said...

Wow! Yes, you are crazy - giving that beautiful quilt away. I'd love the bag too. Congrats on 200 posts!

Kim said...

Wow I'm in shock that you are giving away such beautiful things! Although that is the fun in it, isn't it. :)

Anonymous said...

I've been a regular lurker ever since I found your fresh cut quilt. Your work is so FUN and inspiring. Keep it up! Oh-- and that quilt is GREAT!
--Sarah C.

Kristin said...

I was referred by:

Sarah said...

Wow! That's a lot of comments!

Congrats!!! :o)

Cindy @ Creating at Home said...

Oh wow, I'd be absolutely thrilled to win this gorgeous bag!!

I was referred by:

Now I'm going to post it on my blog and hopefully send you a bunch of people. :-)


Emily and Frank said...

I'm looking forward to 200 more posts!

Anonymous said...

I've been referred here by Amanda www.allaboutmaisy.blogspot.com
She wants it and she deserves it :))

Anonymous said...

I was referred by Amanda:

Amy said...

What a great purse! Congratulations on your 200th post! Thanks for coming on over to sign up for my giveaway too! I am glad to have found your blog and look forward to reading the next 200!

Sarah said...

I love it! I was referred by: Cindy Keery from http://imagine-dream-create.blogspot.com

carolyn said...

happy blog-a-versary! WOW

Anonymous said...

I was referred by Amanda:

Anonymous said...

I could never ever part from that quilt. You are indeed a crazy mama!


Lorie said...

What a fun idea and a great bag!!!

Kacy said...

Too cool! Congrats on the 200th post!!

Anonymous said...

I was referred by Amanda:

Oiyi said...

Congrats on the 200th post!

Anonymous said...

I love fall! Those are lovely. Trying to help out my friend Amanda (jada2929) win ... www.allaboutmaisy.blogspot.com/

Linda said...

Hoy moly! What an offer! I don't know nearly enough people to have any chance of winning, but whoever does win will sure be lucky!

Trish said...

Beautiful quilt! My friend Amanda loves it! www.allaboutmaisy.blogspot.com/

D Sparks said...

What a cool purse, and fabulous quilt. I am a beginning quilter and love to look at them. I was referred by Cindy Keery from http://imagine-dream-create.blogspot.com

Dawn said...

Happy 200th!!!
Love the bag...and that quilt is the bomb-diggety!!!

Anonymous said...

I was referred to this post by Amanda at www.allaboutmaisy.blogspot.com

The quilt is beautiful and I just know she'd enjoy snuggling with her family under it!

Anonymous said...

Love your handiwork- how do you find the time?

Mary Duffek said...


Cindy Keery from http://imagine-dream-create.blogspot.com, sent me to your site.

Thanks for a chance to win

Anonymous said...

I am posting for a true admirer of your work. Amanda at www.allaboutmaisy.blogspot.com

Heidijayhawk said...

congrats sweet girl!!!

Anonymous said...

That wonderful quilt would have a very loving and deserving home if it went to Amanda at: www.allaboutmaisy.blogspot.com
You won't find a more appreciative person...I promise!

Elizabeth said...

Wow!! Happy 200! How fantastic. Love the purse! Love that quilt...

Anonymous said...

Beautiful purse & quilt! Congrats!

Amy said...

I love that purse! I'd be so happy to win. Cindy Keery from "imagine-dream-create" sent me to your blog!

Have a fabulous rest of the week!

Erin said...

Oh PICK ME PICK ME!!!! I would LOVE that! I was referred by Alisa ofhttp://alisagelderman.blogspot.com/


Missy said...

Shannon needs this quilt! Plus she's really nice, too. :)


Anonymous said...

I'm here via Amanda at Raising Maisy. Hope she wins! :)

Momma D to Three said...

Amanda needs that quilt so she can get a good night sleep since she has an adorable sassy 3 month old that she needs a nice warm quilt to cuddle up with! she needs the purse so she can put her cloth diapers and supplies along with lots of library books into it!
please let Amanda win!

Becky said...

Pick me, pick me!

QuiltNut Creations said...

wow! awesome giveaway!

found your contest through BusyQuiltMom/Alisa and i posted this on my blog as well.

Anonymous said...

i have a feeling there will be many many comments on this post! congrats on 200 amanda jean!

Robyn said...

Congratulations on your 200th post! That's a great bag and lovely quilt!

Anonymous said...

Nice bag and quilt! My daughter sent me to enter (Cindy Keery, imagine-dream-create.blogspot.com).

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I should have left my name: Alice Peterson. I just entered above.

Anonymous said...


I'd love for Amanda to win this quilt. It's really beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I would love to win this! I came here from imagine-dream-create (Cindy Keery).

Amelia O'Reilly

Amy Jo said...

Your inbox is going crazy isn't it? Congrats on the 200!! Please don't enter me in either. Not that I don't LOVE both, but I am already lucky enough to have a bag AND a quilt that you made!! I'll give my chance to someone else! good job!

Anonymous said...

the bag is gorgeous....i would love to have it!!! Congrats

Anonymous said...

There is far more talent on this page than I could ever even dream of. Cindy Keery referred me to this beautiful website, and it was well worth the finger-walk to get here. I hope whoever wins the quilt enjoys it immensely, especially if it's Cindy Keery :)
Take care!
Beautiful work.
~ Susan in Ontario, Canada ~

Anonymous said...

A crafty friend really wants your quilt!www.allaboutmaisy.blogspot.com

Julie{isCocoandCocoa} said...

My friend Shannon Bowers (her blog is http://www.texasbowers.blogspot.com/) told me about your blog and asked that I leave a comment for her so she could win your beautiful quilt. (She has such good friends, she really should win...)
Your quilts are beautiful! (And that purse rocks!)

YankeeTexan said...

Gorgeous! I wanna win!
Cindy Keery from http://imagine-dream-create.blogspot.com sent me.
-Amber (of http://yankeetexan.wordpress.com)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful works of art! Referred by Amanda at:

Honey Bee Sweeterie said...


Ashley said...

Shannon Bowers of texasbowers.blogspot.com/ referred me to your site.

Creative Expressions by Stephanie said...

Congrats!!! Beautiful work!!! "Cindy Keery from http://imagine-dream-create.blogspot.com" sent me. Thanks for the chance to win.


Anonymous said...

Just wanted to help get to 200. I was actually just going from blog to blog and found link on Hip Mama Crafts blog. It was next in line and saw this. I wanted to get in on it too.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful bag and beautiful quilt!!!!!! COngrats on your 200th post - very exciting!!! Get out the champagne!

amy said...

i'm helping out a sister...http://allaboutmaisy.blogspot.com/

cool stuff...

Suzanne said...

I really love that bag! I've been browsing your site off and on from my sister's blog - Alisa from Busy Quilt Mom. I love all the "eye candy"!

Anonymous said...

I was referred by Amanda who is in awe of this quilt!

Normangirl said...

Beautiful quilt and purse. The fall colors make me take time to stop and reflect on the lives we touch and to be thankful for those who have touched our lives. Your work is beautiful and from the numbers of posts here...you touch many lives!! God bless you.

Normangirl said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Love the bag and quilt. Amanda led me to your blog. (www.allaboutmaisy.blogspot.com)

Mindi said...

My best friend Shannon Bowers needs that quilt, she referred me to this site and I absolutely love it. she's at www.texasbowers.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

Your work is beautiful! I was referred here by my friend Amanda. She really LOVES and WANTS the purse and quilt!!!

Jenny said...

Wow! You will be busy!!!!!!! Happy Happy 200th and many more to come!!!!

Susan said...

Referred here by www.allaboutmaisy.blogspot.com, my good friend Amanda really loves that quilt. You do beautiful work, hoping I get to see it in person when Amanda wins it.

Anonymous said...

My niece Shannon from www.texasbowers.blogspot.com referred me to your site and told me about your quilt. She just loves that quilt and I would love to see it in person when I visit her.

morgantyan said...

I'm here representin' Shannon at www.texasbowers.blogspot.com, but hey if theres a drawing for the bag I'd love to be in on that. Lovely work, by the way

Anonymous said...

I was referred by www.allaboutmaisy.blogspot.com to comment. This is a really adorable bag...very simply yet classy. I love the color! The fall colors are beautiful!

saucysosville said...

Shannon at texasbowers.blogspot.com reffered me to your page. Wow the work is amazing.

Kim said...

Congrats on your 200th post
quilt nut sent me :)

Anonymous said...

www.allaboutmaisy.blogspot.com sent me :)

Love your work!

Anonymous said...

I was referred by Shannon at Texasbowers.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

Cindy Keery from http://imagine-dream-create.blogspot.com referred me ... great creations.

Anonymous said...

I was referred by www.allaboutmaisy.blogspot.com

Monica-FC said...

WOW, that is a gorgeous quilt and handbag. I was referred by Cindy Kerry from http://image-dream-create.blogspot.com

I love the colors of quilt and the handbag.

ikkinlala said...

Congratulations on 200 posts!

The purse and the quilt are both gorgeous.

Mama Urchin said...

Goodness gracious you are crazy generous.

sulu-design said...

Oh... my... goodness. I don't think I've ever seen a comment list this long! I wish you luck in figuring out your winner. The quilt is stunning, and your are so generous for giving it away. Congratulations on your 200th post. I look forward to keeping up with the next 200!

My Happy Turtle said...

Congratulations on reaching this blogging milestone. Nice purse! Great quilt!

Anonymous said...

please let my grandaughter Amanda win the quilt.

Leanne said...

I was referred by Cindy Keery
Beautiful work!!!

Anonymous said...

My cousin Shannon better be glad she saw that quilt first or I'd be going for it! Great site...it's now bookmarked for future looksies.
Shannon from texasbowers dot blogspot dot com referred me to your site.

Anonymous said...

Very pretty quilt! What patience you must have. I was referred to your site by my sister-in-law, Shannon at texasbowers.blogspot.com who desperately loves your quilt.

Charlene said...

Wow! Love the purse and the quilt, you are very talented :o)

Cindy Keery from http://imagine-dream-create.blogspot.com" sent me to your blog!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful work! I'd love to win that purse! And Cindy would love to win the quilt! :)
Cindy Keery from http://imagine-dream-create.blogspot.com" sent me here! :)

Jan Scholl said...

"Cindy Keery from http://imagine-dream-create.blogspot.com" sent me.

ooh, I so need to get out my quilting stuff-I am making one from my running shirts but get so sidetracked sometimes.

Anonymous said...

Hey there! Great work, you must have the patience of a saint! :) Mrs. L's cousin Shannon from texasbowers dot blogspot dot com referred me to your site and I'm glad she did.

Anonymous said...

you are amazingly generous to give away something you have worked so hard on to a complete stranger! karma is coming your way big time :D
i am a huge fan of your blog and am constantly stunned by the number of beautiful quilts you are able to turn out!

Beth Handley said...

I found this through Cindy Keery from http://imagine-dream-create.blogspot.com, a site I love to visit for inspiration and creative energy. I'd love to win and to help Cindy win too! The bag and quilt are both beautiful.

Theresa said...

Hello! I found your site through Cindy Keery from www.imagine-dream-create.blogspot.com. I visit her site for ideas and other creative things...I usually don't win blog prizes, but she is so nice I hope that she wins the quilt. She is really loving it. Thank you for sharing.

sugarcreekstuff said...

137 th comment. Boy that sure means you are loved. You make beautiful quilts and bags.

Anonymous said...

Cindy Keery from http://imagine-dream-create.blogspot.com" sent me
I hope i did this right for Cindy's sake LOL Judy

Anonymous said...

Cindy Keery from http://imagine-dream-create.blogspot.com referred me to your site. You have some amazing projects on your site. Congrats on your 200th post.

Stamp4hobby said...

Cindy Keery from http://imagine-dream-create.blogspot.com referred me! Hope I win! That purse is lovely!

Rebecca said...

Very lovely! Congrats on your 200th post!

P.S. Busy Quilt Mom sent me here ;>)

Diane said...

Oh my What beautiful work you do!!!
Cindy Keery at Imagine Dream Create sent me over here,and am I happy she did! Wow that quilt is amazin!!!Thanks at the chance to win that awesome bag,it's gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely purse! I wish I had more bloggy friends to refer to the site, but I'm coming out of lurking for the purse.

Congrats on your 200th post!

Gina Wrona said...


"Cindy Keery from http://imagine-dream-create.blogspot.com" sent you and I will be entered to win this amazingly beautiful quilt!!

beki said...

Holy Moly, you've gotten a lot of posts!! COngrats on hitting 200 ;-)

Rose Ann said...

Congratulations on hitting that milestone!! Your work is very beautiful, and you are too generous!

I was referred by: Cindy Keery from http://imagine-dream-create.blogspot.com

Leigh Ann said...

What a beautiful quilt! Amy Jo said to check it out. Congrats on your 200th.

Mary Sarah said...

Love your bag and Congratulations on 200 posts! Wow! I was referred by Niki at Niki's Ventures. Glad to have found your blog! I'll be back!

Rashmi said...

Congrats on the 200th post! No one referred me - I just googled by! But I've posted it on my blog, so (hopefully) count me in for the quilt as well :)

Best wishes,
callmeabookworm at gmail dot com

Stephanie said...

Congratulations on your milestone! I was referred by Carolyn CMB, but will definitely be back.

missalicefaye said...

Lovely quilt--and congratulations! I found you through Carolyn CMB.

Anonymous said...

Amanda deserves this!!!! referred by allaboutmaisy.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

That's amazing you're giving your quilt away. Aren't you nice. I was referred by Carolym CMB.

Sonja said...

Carolyn CMB sent me! Beautilful quilting, and thanks for the contest!

Heather said...

How generous to give away such lovely gifts! Happy 200th Blog Post!

Me said...

that's a very cute purse! I was referred by Carolyn CMB.

Anonymous said...

Perfect fall colors! Reminds me of home (PA) with all the trees changing colors! Referred by www.allaboutmaisy.blogspot.com

Unknown said...

Cindy Keery from http://imagine-dream-create.blogspot.com"

mathstamp said...

They are both beautiful! I need to learn how to quilt! I was referred by http://imagine-dream-create.blogspot.com

Jennifer said...

I love the purse!! It's just too cute!!! Congrats on your 200th post! By the way, "A Bookworm's Diary" referred me to your contest.

Good luck to everyone! Happy Thursday!

Jennifer :-)

Anonymous said...

Love your blog. Your autumn quilt is beautiful. I know exactly what you mean when you say maybe I'll finish my autumn quilt this year. I have one I started at least 6 years ago (if not longer). Finished it last fall after moving it 4 times (from house to house).

I'd love to win the purse. LOL

Melissa said...

Hi--Congratulations! What a great bag and gorgeous quilt. I was referred here by Carolyn CMB, but I will be back!

Longarm Supplies said...

lovely fall quilt. my daughter Rhonda from QuiltNutCreations referred me here

Anonymous said...

I'll be back too! Carolyn CMB from http://www.crankymonkeybutt.com/weblog/ referred me :)

Jill aka neeuqpmats said...

Gorgeous quilt bag and quilt. Cindy Keery sent me your way. I will be back!!

Pilgrim said...

themerrychurchmouse.blogspot.com referred me....



Carrie said...

Beautiful! and congratulations!

Carolyn CMB from http://www.crankymonkeybutt.com/weblog/ referred me.

Amy said...

Susan from sulu-design.blogspot.com referred me

Rebecca said...

Wow! The quilt is gorgeous. I am always in awe of anyone who quilts, it is just so much work! :) I love the autumn colors, too.

I was referred by my dear friend Amanda at www.allaboutmaisy.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

Shannon Bowers of texasbowers.blogspot.com sent me here because she wants that quilt! I love to quilt, too, so even though I was just going to leave a comment for her, I can't stop looking at your blog! Beautiful work!

Stampin_Melissa said...

And I was just saying to myself today that I need a new purse. Yours is lovely!

I was referred by Cindy Keery from http://imagine-dream-create.blogspot.com

a friend to knit with said...

WHAT? That beautiful quilt??? I can't believe that you are able to part with it!!!

Unknown said...

susan (sulu designs) sent me this way.. (i love the quilt.. one day i am going to do a leaf quilt..(and one day i'll lose weight, and be svelt..) but i think i have a better chance at getting the quilt done..

Yours is beautiful

lulurufus said...

I too am a lurker and will lurk no more... Me too! Me too!

jbowers said...

Shannon from texasbowers.blogspot.com referred me to your site.

Carrie said...

Wow, so many comments!
I've come out of lurk mode to say hi!

Anonymous said...

They're both gorgeous and inspiring! Carolyn CMB referred me.

Lissa Jane said...

I have broken free from the chains of lurkerdom.. I love your blog... I too am obsessed with quilting! it kinda takes over the house/life!
Congratulations on your 200th blog!

Monte Zilmer said...

Hey there! This is Clair's friend, Jenny. I love your work and your blog. I want to win!

Clair said...

I like the purse. I will tell all my friends and people at work.

Anonymous said...

cute bag! Carolyn CMB referred me. love your stuff!

Chicago Sarah said...

Carolyn CMB referred me. She's a quirky one but we like her. For what it's worth, you were already on my bookmark list!

Donna Baker said...

both are pretty!
"Cindy Keery from http://imagine-dream-create.blogspot.com" referred me

Sherry said...

Love the purse, enjoying your blog.

greetingarts said...

Wow, that is some serious generosity! Just wanted to say that the colors of the quilt and bag are both great, nice work!

Anonymous said...

Shannon from http://texasbowers.blogspot.com referred me to your blog! Great stuff!!!

Anonymous said...

that quilt is gorgeous
Shannon Bowers http://texasbowers.blogspot.com referred me

Unknown said...

oh wow there are alot of folks here. lol. i adore that purse. and the quilt is awesome too.
thanks for the sympathy for my dead camera. :)

Anonymous said...

Nice bag and quilt. Carolyn CMB referred me.

Mr Lowe said...

"Shannon from texasbowers.blogspot.com refered me to your site. So I think you should reward her with your beautifully made quilt! She would love it. You do really good work, its amazing.

Anonymous said...

I was referred to this blog by Gina. I don't quilt but after seeing your beautiful quilts it definitely makes me want to try quilting!!

Anonymous said...

I love your blog! I would love to win the quilted bag. Since I don't have a blog please give credit to Sarah T. from http://www.naptimemusings.blogspot.com/

I love to quilt so I'll have to make my own quilt.;-)

ajknight6 yahoo

Maude Lynn said...

That purse is gorgeous!

Leigh Ann said...

Just thought I'd help you get to your 200th comment!

Nichole said...

Love your blog, and happy 200 post anniversary!

Anonymous said...

My friend "Manders" deserves this quilt. She appreciates quality handmade items more than anyone I know. It would be loved and cared for and passed down for generations. And I should be working right now, but I'm posting this so she gets it...isn't that enough to hand it over to her? www.allaboutmaisy.blogspot.com

Mamaperreca said...

You make such beautiful things. I was referred here by Sarah T. from http://www.naptimemusings.blogspot.com/

Anonymous said...

How sweet! I was also referred by Sarah of http://www.naptimemusings.blogspot.com/

UL said...

Referred by Susan from sulu design at http://sulu-design.blogspot.com/. You make amazing thing. You are a magician with fabric and sewing machine.

Amy Jo said...

You amaze me - look at these comments.....your inbox must be smokin'!! And I just wanted to be the 200th post!!
Miss ya!

Kelly said...

Does the purse go to the 200th commenter of the 200th post?? :)

I just stumbled upon your blog actually, and wanted to say that I am in awe of your quilts. They are beautiful.

I also wanted to ask if you use a regular machine for the "quilting" part. I find it impossible to manuever anything larger than a baby size quilt around in my machine. Do you use on of those long-arm things? Any tips?(please?)

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