Monday, December 03, 2018

big changes ahead

After a lot of thought, prayer, soul searching and many sleepless nights, I've decided that it's time to make a big change. Over the next several months I'm going to be transitioning out of running my business. I've been joking with my family that I'm going to retire early. :)

When I first started blogging, I thought it would be neat if my blog became "popular". Never in my wildest dreams did I think that would ever happen, nor did I realize what I was embarking upon at the time. I'm extremely grateful for all of the opportunities that have come about because of this blog.
I never imagined how many people I would meet through this blog that would become my friends in real life. I never would have dreamed that I would be able to call myself an author, fabric designer, pattern designer or small business owner. I didn't realize that I would be logging onto this page for over 12 years to write blog posts that people from around the world would read. I never imagined that I would become a public speaker (!!!) or teacher, or that I would enjoy speaking and teaching so much. I never imagined that I would complete so. many. quilts. It has been a lot of hard work, but it has been amazing.

Now, I feel like it's time to move on. My family is growing up right before my eyes. My oldest will be graduating high school this year and my youngest is right smack dab in middle of middle school. My daughter was just a baby when I started this blog and my oldest was just starting kindergarten. (I remember that I was trying to potty train my middle child when I started this blog, but I suppose I shouldn't mention that for his sake....) Man, how time flies.

What's next for me? I'm really not sure. For someone who loves the status quo and hates change, I'm oddly excited about this. Am I a little bit nervous? Absolutely. I'm looking forward to taking some time to REST and then only God knows what will be next. I'm anxious-in the best possible way-to find out, but I'm not going to rush into anything. I'm so grateful that I'm in a position that I'm able to make a big change like this without having "the next thing" lined up. I'm also grateful for the support of my husband and kids. They have been the best cheerleaders I could ever ask for.

Going forward, I intend to keep blogging until the end of the year. It seems like a fitting time to finish. We will have one more finish it up Friday link up this week. I plan to discontinue my PDF patterns at the end of the year, but I will continue to ship out my printed patterns (wholesale orders) into next year until my inventory is depleted. I've debated selling the business, but I'm not sure what that would look like or if anyone would even be interested, but it's not out of the realm of possibility.

I intend to remain active on Instagram, so I'm not going away completely. I am certainly looking forward to quilting and sewing, but doing it for FUN rather than with obligation. I have a LOT of projects to finish up and many, many more that I want to start. I have waaaay too much fabric to quit quilting or sewing altogether. That probably goes without saying!

For all those of you who have been reading this blog, whether you've been reading since last week or since the beginning, thank you so much for being with me on this journey. It really, truly means so much.

Happy Monday to you! xoxoxox


Annette Mandel said...

Best wishes to you as you start your new adventure. It has been awesome to "know" you.

Cheryl Arkison said...

I love you each and every day and am thrilled for your happiness in this decision. Mostly, I am glad we are friends.

Aimee said...

I will miss your blog, it's the only one I read because honestly, all the other quilt blogs have too many sponsored posts and yours feels very down to earth and friendly. I completely understand your need to move on though. I had a knitting podcast for several years, but eventually made the decision to quit. It felt odd to not record regularly, but it was the right choice. Good luck and best wishes!

Turid said...

I'm so sorry to hear that your blog will go away, but I totally understand yoou. I wish you good luck with whatever you decide to do. I'll miss you and your blog, but I hope to follow your Instagram. Greetings from Norway.

Suzanne said...

Amanda, you have touched my life and influenced my creativity in more ways than you or even I will ever know. I am so grateful for that your blog was the bridge to our friendship. Today, I celebrate you and raise a cup of tea to whatever is next for you. May blessings and good wishes befall you abundantly.


Jessica Christensen said...

Ah, your blog will be missed, but I completely understand prioritizing. I guess I will have to finally break down and join instagram to see your lovely projects. You have definitely inspired me over the years. I have made quilts from many, many, MANY of your patterns. I have loved following your journey. Even when I was absentee for law school, I still followed your quilting adventures. Good luck in whatever comes next - and ENJOY your quilting with no pressure.

FlashinScissors said...

I’m very sad to see you won’t be blogging any more. I will miss you so much!! I’ve enjoyed seeing all you’ve made, and especially all the pincushions! I hope you will enjoy being retired.
Good luck and best wishes,
Many hugs, (and sobs too!) 😢
Barbara xx

Laura said...

I've so enjoyed your blog and your patterns. I'll miss both, and I'd better save your very helpful tutorials, too! I have both books, so that should sustain me for a while. ;-) Enjoy this next phase of life!

Lisa E said...

Anyway you could retire and still blog once in a while??? Gonna miss reading your posts!

Allison said...

Noooooo! You can't leave me in blog-land!!! I am happy for you and that you are feeling excited for the next phase...that means it's a step in the right direction. You inspired me to start my blog way back when and I'm so thankful to you. Hopefully for us you'll still want to pop into your blog now and then and share what you are up to?! Pretty please?!!

Lindsey F. said...

I will miss your blog and the inspiration you have provided me over the years. Wishing you the best on wherever your journey may take you. I hope you will continue to post your sewing projects on Instagram so I can still draw inspiration from your photos.

Frog Quilter said...

I,agree nooooooooo! I love reading your blog. You provide so much inspiration. Please re-consider.

Just Another Quilter said...

I have enjoyed your blog. I believe we were friends back on the old blogs. I was excited with your climb up the quilting mountain of fame. So sad to here that it is time to slow down. Enjoy the family, some things are much more important that sewing and quilting. We will all be here if you decide to return.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

love your blog - I blog but never got into designing, writing books, and all that comes with it - sometimes you reach a point where you just need to go back to quilting for fun - you can't do all that you want to if you are pulled in 50 directions - do what you want - happy for you!

stitchinpenny said...

I understand where you are, but will miss finish it up FridaY and hope that someone steps up to take your positive attitude and fun approach to make a Friday finish fun and wide reaching. Maybe one of the younger bloggers will be willing to be moderator. Maybe that is a torch you can hand off. You have grown and your experience will allow you to live your new dreams and aspirations. Go conquer that world that exists in your dreams.

Kathleen said...

We will miss you - but good for you for doing what you want and need! That is always the best feeling.

Kathy G said...

Best of luck wherever your path leads you. I’m sure it will be full of great things. Thanks for sharing with us.

Shelina said...

I'm going to miss you! Good luck in whatever you decide to do. I know when my daughter was about that age, I quit my job and tried to savor those last moments of childhood. I think once they are all out of the house, you may want to come back to doing more, but on your terms. Pick the good and discard the rest.

Chris said...

I only found your blog a couple years, ago, but I've enjoyed your posts for that short time. I wish you the best in your new adventures!

Paula said...

Congratulations and best wishes on your new adventure! I've loved reading your blog and seeing your many great creations. You've inspired me in many ways. I hope you know how much you will be missed, but you need to do what your heart desires. Enjoy your family and whatever path your life takes. And thank you!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Wait, WHAT?!?! But... :o((

You will be truly missed.

hknobler said...

Reading your blog has been a joy! Thanks so much for being such an inspiring quilter and designer. I have loved looking at your quilts over the years. Your tutorials have been awesome in the times that I've been stuck on a project. Best of luck in the next phase.

Sarah Craig said...

I will miss your blog so much! I discovered your blog when I began blogging myself in January 2010 - only to find that in January 2010 you announced that you wouldn't be blogging any more! Thankfully, you returned to blogging and I have so enjoyed all the inspiration and friendly posts since then. I hope you find what you are looking for (but I'll keep my fingers crossed that you return to blogging sometime)! Thanks for all you have shared with us over the years!

Paula said...

Will you leave your blog up so we can access the current content? I'd love to be able to see your tutorials and your quilts in the future.

Robby said...

I took a very long hiatus from quilting for many reasons. I came upon your blog about 3 years ago and it was part of what convinced me I needed to get back to it. As others mentioned, I hope your wonderfully helpful tutorials might be up for a time, but whatever you decide, I've learned a lot about a whole new approach to quilting from you and your books. Wishing you a marvelous adventure as you make these changes.

Di~ said...

Awe! I will definitely miss you! We go way back! You have been the best inspiration a girl could have! Glad you are feeling good... I'm glad I'll still see you on Insta. I remember one of your giveaways, you had around 2,000 comments! Maybe that is part of your wanting to retire---all the comments! :) Love you!

Hilary said...

Such a bittersweet announcement! It is so wonderful you're looking forward to what is next, and I'm thankful for all you've done! Your blog was one of the very first blogs I started following when I was new to quilting, and I am so inspired by what you create.❤️

PamKittyMorning said...

Oh lifes changes! Enjoy what comes next!

Jade said...

Wow! I'm really emotional actually as I wrote this but very happy for you. I hope that you enjoy your time and the changes. (I'm emotional because you were one for the very first blogs I ever subscribed for and your posts inspired me and kept me going creatively.) I totally get it though. Best wishes on your new adventure!!!!!

elizabeth said...

Wow!! Congrats on the new venture! I am glad you will still be on ig. You and Cheryl Arkinson were the first blogs I ever followed! We shared many cups of coffee;). Thanks for all of your inspiration and sharing your knowledge.

Christine said...

You were one of the first quilting bloggers I followed, I think about 11 years ago! I have learned so much from you! Thank you for all you have given to this community and best wishes for what ever is next!

1mamahaynes said...

Oh man, going to miss you so much. Excited for what comes next for you but feel like I'll be loosing a friend. Go with God. Laurie

Melinda said...

Excited for the next step for you.... and sad for the loss in quilty blog-land!

Kay said...

I have enjoyed reading your blog over the last few years, finding you inspirational and fun. Thank you for everything that you have done. Sending love for your future. x said...

Best wishes to you. I’ve always enjoyed your blog and have learned s lot from your style of quilting.

Havplenty said...

Wishing you the best with your future journey and personal growth. I have enjoyed your blog for years and will certainly miss you, but I understand the need for change also. I have 2 of your books and some of your patterns and I share your scrap quilt love so you will never be far from my thoughts.

Unknown said...

Best Wishes on your new adventure. I´ll miss you and your blog a LOT. I´m a Portuguese girl from Lisbon who started to quilt because of you and same otrher bloggers who have the generosity to teach and make tutorials.

Thank you for sharing so much knowlegde with us.

Orlanda Marques

Lee said...

I can truly understand your decision. Please know that you will be missed very much by so many. You have been an inspiration! I have some of your fabric, one of your books, and some patterns and I will treasure them!! You are so talented!
I wish you the best on the next step of your journey!
Best, Lee

Lana Manis said...

Your blog has been in my bookmarked favorites for several years! You've been such an inspiration and you have shared so many beautiful things with us. Best wishes in all you do. God bless. :)

Showmethequilts said...

Congratulations! Best wishes for the next chapter in your life. I will miss reading your blog and your Friday finishes. You are such an inspiration. Thank you for sharing your talents with all of us. I am sure your next adventure will be successful.
Hugs from Tanya in Missouri.

Southern Gal said...

Oh, I will miss your place here, but totally understand. I cut back drastically on blogging this year, my 11th year. I also went private. I know you'll enjoy 'retirement'. I follow on Instagram @queencitymama89 You have taught me so much through your tutorials. Will you leave your blog up? Please say yes. Or else put your tutorials on insta highlights!! Hugs to you!

Chris R said...

I wish you the best, 'retirement' is great. I just wish you hadn't said Instagram, I can't get the blank, blank thing to work.

Lesley Gilbert said...

Wishing you all the best for the next stage in your life - be happy :)

KaHolly said...

Well, this is a very sad day. I get so excited when I see you have posted and can’t wait to see what you’ve been up to. I hope you’ll leave your blog up. I, for one, scroll through it often for motivation, inspiration, and just pure delight. You will be sorely missed. Good luck.

house on hill road said...

I'm sure that this was a tough decision, but I know you made it with your whole hear. I am so glad that we are friends and I can't wait to see what you do next! xo.

Sandal said...

For your readers, it will be sad to say “goodbye”. Your blog has been very enjoyable and I’m glad I found it. May your next steps bring you joy and freedom. Many best wishes for your future.

MaterialGirlQuilts said...

Your blog was one of the first I started following and have enjoyed it for years. I feel blessed to have been able to connect with you in person and can't wait to see what is in store for your future! Also so happy I will be able to continue seeing your beautiful creations on Instagram. :)

Jodi- Columbus, Ohio said...

I totally get it! Watching your kids grow up is so important. I just want to say THANK YOU! Your Bright Birch Trees was my first quilt ever and it sparked years of inspiration for me. God bless you!

Germaine Jacqueline said...

Grand merci pour tous ces beaux moments passés. Je vous souhaite une belle suite dans vos activités personnelles et beaucoup de bonheur.
A vous revoir bientôt. Germaine

Pamela Arbour said...

Well, I will certainly miss you, but I totally understand. I have your books so they will keep me busy. I have been inspired by your creativity. I don't do Instagram so I guess I won't see any of your posts after December. Have you considered doing a monthly post just for fun or even quarterly?

Paige said...

All the best to you, Amanda Jean! And, thank you for all you have contributed to the quilting and blogging community!

QuiltedSimple said...

Best wishes!! I remember when we first started out with this blogging thing. Even though life has kept me from blogging yours has always been a favorite of mine and I’ve enjoyed popping in to catch up. Good luck 💕💕

Vicki in MN said...

Wow, I didn't see that coming! I will always remember when you came down to Rochester as speaker for our guild. Thanks Amanda for all the great posts along the way. Wishing you all the best.

Kris Quilts said...

AmanadaJean, Your blog was the I stumbled across 8 years ago when I started quilting.I was thrilled to find another Minnesota girl who was raising her children and following the urge to create. I knew so little, and you have taught me so much. You introduced me to English Paper Piecing.('m currently working on my 3rd, 4th and 5th large EPP quilts. I now teach English Paper Piecing, Beginning Machine Quilting and quilting with Rulers at my local shop, and at a Women's retreat camp. Quilting has opened up so many doors for me... And you were part of that process.
I hope, one day to meet you in person again... Not just at a book signing and trunk show, but to sew together and laugh together.
Many thanks for sharing your passion and talent for quilting . May the Lord bless you and make clear His plans for you.
Kris P. Blaine, MN

Kris said...

I am happy for you and your decision though it is sad for me and the rest of your reader/followers. You have been such a huge inspiration to me and I have always wanted to make a trip to Mn. To meet you because you are so. I will look forward to seeing you on instagram and anywhere else you pop up. So glad you can spend time with your family and some time thinking of new directions for you or not...that is the beauty. Enjoy and Happy Holidays.

Kris Quilts said...

AmanadaJean, Your blog was the first blog I stumbled across 8 years ago when I started quilting.I was thrilled to find another Minnesota girl who was raising her children and following the urge to create. I knew so little, and you have taught me so much. You introduced me to English Paper Piecing.('m currently working on my 3rd, 4th and 5th large EPP quilts. I now teach English Paper Piecing, Beginning Machine Quilting and quilting with Rulers at my local shop, and at a Women's retreat camp. Quilting has opened up so many doors for me... And you were part of that process.
I hope, one day to meet you in person again... Not just at a book signing and trunk show, but to sew together and laugh together.
Many thanks for sharing your passion and talent for quilting . May the Lord bless you and make clear His plans for you.
Kris P. Blaine, MN

Ginny said...

Congratulations on your decision and retiring early (smile)your blog was one of the first I found and followed I learned a lot and so enjoyed your class in Detroit last year I am so glad you will still be creating and sharing on IG!

Aliceart said...

Of course, I am heartbroken to read this as you are one of my favorites! At the same time, good for you for recognizing what you need and going for it. I wish you the very best and hope you fulfill your wildest dreams.

piecefulwendy said...

A decision to put family as the priority is one you will never regret. The years do fly. I enjoyed having you come to our group and teach a class, and I've enjoyed your posts. I only wish I would've found you online sooner! Best wishes to you, Amanda, as you go forward.

Barbara said...

Sei stata la mia insegnante e musa ispiratrice per anni. Hai tutto il mio rispetto per la tua scelta. Ti auguro tutto il meglio! Un abbraccio dall'Italia

Shannon said...

I've so thoroughly enjoyed your posts and I'm so sad to hear your blogging days are coming to an end. But thrilled you're excited about what lies ahead for you. Change can be hard, but it can also be really exciting. Good luck in your next venture!

artsycraftsyivy said...

I will miss your blog, Amanda Jean, but I am thoroughly thrilled for you (sewing for fun is the BEST). This blog is a LOT of work. Good luck in your future endeavors!

berylthepearl said...

All the best to you, I have loved your blog and made many of your designs. There is something very unique about you that resonated with me. Will miss your creativity!

Amy said...

I have read your blog since the beginning. I have made a few of your quilts and have your books. I am sorry to see this go, but hope you will check in and let us know what you are up to. Best of luck in your new adventures!

Sara said...

So Happy for you ...big step but so brave at the same time. I will truly miss you, and your daily contributions to my quilting. You have been a great inspiration to me. I want to thank you Best of Luck know you can always come back.

Ellie said...

I’ll miss reading your blog but we all have changes come to our lives . Best wishes for whatever new adventures await you.

ChezVies said...

I will really miss your blog Amanda. I learnt quilting from you when you started your first QAL and always enjoyed reading your blog since then. I can understand your decision though and wish you luck! But I hope you can continue blogging even its just once a month. All the best once again.

Ray and Jeanne said...

Best Wishes! Although I'll miss you, I very happy for you as you take this next step in life. ~Jeanne

Sheila said...

I will miss your wonderful blog but I wish you so much happiness in your new journey! Xxoo

SHALEEN said...

May God bless you and your family in your future endeavors. You will definitely be missed.

pingraham said...

I have loved your blog for the past several years, and have learned so much from you as I transitioned from teaching to retirement. I now enjoy sewing and quilting again after many many years away from my machine and you truly supported me in this adventure of mine! So I will miss reading your blog, but celebrate with you! Hurray for taking risks and making changes in your life! Hurray for stepping beyond your comfort zone and taking your learning and life into new areas! This is such a great role model for your growing children! So, when I miss reading your blog, I'll pick up one of your books on my shelf and smile at each and every page! And thanks for the heads up that your patterns will disappear! Though I think I have them all, I'll take a closer look now for sure! Blessings to you in all you do!

Barb Neiwert said...

No Scrap Left Behind was the first 'modern' quilting book I purchased. I scoured every pattern in there at least a dozen times apiece. You hooked me! Except being a brand new quilter, I didn't have any scraps. Doh. So, I proceeded to purchase fabric so I would have some. Now I have ample supply of fabric to create scraps for the remainder of my life, lol. You will enjoy creating just for yourself and following your heart where it will lead. Thanks for stepping out in public to share your love of quilting. You are appreciated.

Ginger Marien said...

Thank you so much for all the inspiration you have heaped on us all the years. I am happy for you but sad for us.Enjoy your family.

crazy quilter said...

Best wishes for your next chapter! I for one of many will miss you. I will see you on Instagram. As the song goes, I hope you dance...

Judy said...

I'll really miss you, but family always comes first. Keep on quilting, and I'll look for you on instagram. God Bless

Erin said...

Your blog is one of my most favorites, and I am always so inspired by you. Thank you for all that you have shared with this community over the years! It takes a lot of courage to be obedient when you are called to make a change this big. I am excited for you and what will come next - whatever that is! Even if its a quiet life launching your kids. That is a gift. Blessings to you!

Sam said...

While I am sorry to heat this, I do understand when one should say "enough". Theater is my family's business so I know first hand the number of holidays and family events missed because of work. Good for you to know when to stop.I'll miss this blog and the inspirations I get from it.

ConGhin said...

Congratulations, Amanda, on making this momentous decision. It is difficult to pull the plug on something you love, but at the same time feeling like you are moving towards something new is exciting and exhilarating as well. I'm struggling with making the same type of decision in my own life. It takes courage to take the step.
I have followed your blog for a long time and feel you are one of the most creative teachers out there doing scrap and modern quilting. Your inspiration will live on even after you aren't actively contributing more work. I hope the blog will stay accessible when inactive because there are some many tips you've shared through the years that are so helpful.
All the best to you in your new adventures. You're going to love it!!!

Melissa said...

Wishing you all the best! Thank you for all the years of inspiration!!

Susanhusan said...

I wish you all the best on your new adventure! I will miss reading your blog, it is the first one that I ever read once I got back into quilting. I have enjoyed each and every entry! I feel very fortunate to have met you when you came to Kalamazoo, and will continue to follow you on Instagram. Thank you for all the inspiration and fun.

Ciff said...

I have been reading your blog since the very beginning. I think of you everytime I put on my Lands End quilted zip up winter shoes. You posted once with a photo of your new red winter shoes and I decided to buy them myself. That must have been ten years ago! Very best to you!

Cheryl C. said...

You are my cushions, "focus", birch trees ....I have enough WIP to last this lifetime!
All the best.

Tavia said...

I’m excited for you!!! It’s going to be interesting to see where life leads the first year!! You are going to love it. Thanks for all the inspiration. You truly made a difference. God bless you!!

Shelley said...

Goodness...I can not recall when I began following your blog but I have enjoyed it greatly!
Thank you for all the inspiration you have shared! Best Wishes!!

Unknown said...

“There is nothing so constant as change.”
I wish you only the best as you take some well-deserved time to rest, spend more time with your family and ponder what’s next.
Thank you for being a light in so many of our lives.

beth s said...

I'm sure this was a hard decision to make. Enjoy your family and may God bless your future. You'll be missed in blogland :)

Unknown said...

I’m happy I found your blog some years back. I have enjoy all your articles, your books and patterns. I wish all the best on what ever this world has to offer, only the best! We all love you and don’t be a stranger keep in touch here and then.
Sincerely with love ❤️.

Jeanne said...

I have enjoyed reading you and all the inspiration you gave. Congratulations on knowing this was the change to be made to enjoy your family more. I wish you the best in the future and happy sewing/quilting for yourself.

Unknown said...

I hope you leave the blog content up! There is such a wealth of information and tutorials that I need to reference :). Thank you so much for your incredible teaching and inspiration. You will be missed but I will continue to follow your insta.

Annie said...

I've been following your adventures since almost the beginning of your blog. I've rarely commented, but wanted to today to say thank you, and I'll miss your posts. I learned a lot of things from you over the years, and got lots of inspiration. I even used one of your tutorials to make my very first quilt 11 years ago! So, thank you and may God bless you in whatever he has next for you!

Quilter Kathy said...

So sad to hear about the changes, but certainly understand how sewing as a business is way different than sewing for fun. I will miss your inspiration and tutorials and wish you all the best in whatever is next! You are brave to know when you need to make a change and do it!

Melissa Corry said...

Wow!!! Big Changes Indeed :) I will miss your posts. They have filled me with inspiration for a long time and I am so grateful to you for that!!! I am glad I can still see all your amazing scrappy, happy projects on Instagram. Best wishes on this Big Change and thank you again for filling this space with so much inspiration for so long!!!

BJ said...

When I moved from the busy, quilty world of Silicon Valley to the remoteness of Montana several years ago, I started following many, MANY bloggers, hoping to stay connected to the world I'd come to love. It's a 4 hour round trip to anywhere that I can pet fabric or talk patterns and tips. You bloggers saved me! Along the way, I started unfollowing lots of wonderful, gifted quilters (so I could sew instead of read!), but you're still in my short list. Thank you for years of inspiration, and best of luck with whatever you choose to do next. I hope it's as rewarding for you as what you leave behind.

Sheila said...

I haven't been following your blog for that long, but it has become one of my favorites. Best wishes for the changes that are ahead for you and your family. God doesn't give us a road map for our futures, but He does promise to go with us every step of the way.

Sdrewry said...

I'm proud of you for evaluating your life and priorities and saying no to the good so you can say YES to the BEST! As a new quilter, your patterns and blog was inspiring and so helpful! I wish you the best and know you will not regret this decision! We will all be here if you ever decide to resume! Best wishes!

T Smith said...

Very happy for you! I have recently taken on some quilt making for people and I don't find it fulfilling at all. I will not be advertising this position again! I want to enjoy my sewing; not see it as a job. Best wishes to you. It's your fault that my house is full of table mats made out of tiny scraps put together. Luckily, my artist husband loves them. If you do happen to write another book, I'll be the first in line to purchase it. Blessings to your family! Tammie

Susan said...

Congratulations on making a big decision. Good luck with whatever you do next. I have enjoyed your blog very much. It was one of the first I started following after my retirement ( from social work) in 2010. I will miss you. I’m glad you will continue to post on Instagram. Good luck! said...

Well it has been a journey for sure. I have followed you for 11 yrs. On and off as life dictated, but always inspired by your quilting. The children growing, as my grand children have done with following this blog.
Well good luck on new adventures. How fortunate that you found your niche!

Anne / Springleaf Studios said...

I will miss reading your blog but wish you only the very best in whatever lies ahead for you. Just enjoy making without any obligations attached.

elincp said...

Just found you last year and you inspired me to start quilting. Thank you and God bless you on your future path. :)

JanineMarie said...

I will miss your blog so much, but I can really understand your decision. I think blogs have limited lifespans—and yours has been a really long one; although, I must say that you did not run out of material (ha, I guess that’s a pun). I do want to say that I am forever grateful to you. Your blog was my introduction to Margaret’s Hope Chest and making quilts for the Mother and Baby Program—my favorite organization to quilt for. And, as a Michigan program, it’s practically in my own backyard. I wish you well and look forward to seeing your work and being inspired by your Instagram posts.

Lucy | Charm About You said...

Amanda Jean I wish you all the very best and will continue following you on Instagram. The second quilt (I believe) I ever made was the sampler from this blog. I've learnt so much from you and have loved all your tutorials and joining finish it up Friday! I appreciate change is difficult but I hope the rest does you the world of good and you enjoy all that you do! Sending huge hugs, Lucy xx

Mrs Quinn said...

Good luck and best wishes on your new adventure!

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your decision to make changes in your life that you desire. Priorities change over time as well as energy levels! I was fortunate to have the opportunity to take a class you taught at the Minnesota Quilters show in Duluth. It is absolutely true that you are a wonderfully nice woman!
Best wishes in your journey going forward.

Poppyprint said...

Sending lots of love and thanks for all you’ve shared. I actually appreciate your decision to make an announcement and conscious break from blogging (unlike me, who just sort of stopped one day...not quite ready to shut it down, I guess). I wish you all the best, Amanda Jean. Enjoy your family and quilting on your own terms. See you on IG!

---"Love" said...

I will miss you too! I always look forward to reading your blog. You've been an inspiration to so many of us! However, I understand that family requires more time, and certainly deserves it. So enjoy your kids; they won't be in the household forever, and I have a feeling your fabric stash will outlast them! You definitely will be missed here! ---"Love"

carole said...

Thank you so much for all that you have done. You have made more difference than you can know. Please oh please, do not take down the tutorials or old posts. I need them as they are so very clear and easy to follow for this beginner. You could, I suppose, put them in a book ;)
My very best wishes as you continue you path. I am so very glad you will still be on instagram. said...

You have done an amazing job, Amanda Jean. I have been following your blog since around 2014. I have learnded so much from your tutorials, blog posts, and have been inspired by your creativity. Thank you so much. Good luck with the next part of your journey. I will see you on IG.

Unknown said...

Thank you for all your inspiration that you gave to me - I am following since April 2012. Wish you all the best for upcoming projects, quilts and activities!

Pam said...

Hi Amanda, I will miss your blog, it is one of my faves. But I wish you so much happiness in whatever you do in your next adventure!

Ellie said...

Oh my! You will be missed. Please keep your tutorials and free patterns available. They are so helpful. But, I have your books and will be able to continue to be inspired and helped with them. You have given me courage to try new things and helpful along the way. Thank you for for sharing your talents with me all these years. It’s been great. May God bless what you put your hand to next. Again, thank you.

Kim said...

I’ve followed you from the very beginning. You inspired and encouraged me to machine quilt (meandering) some of my own quilts. It’s been fun to watch you as a quilter, blooming and thriving, and now I can imagine the peaceful creative time that retiring from your work means for you. Congratulations. Thank you. See you on Instagram. 😃

Karen said...

Congratulations on your future! I firmly believe in jumping off of cliffs :) I--and so many others--will certainly miss your blog, fabrics and patterns! Be well and happy!

Liz said...

Bittersweet for terribly excited you must be, not to mention you may feel so much lighter with the monkey off your back!
Our kids do grow up so quickly and the time that goes by can never be recaptured. Enjoy each and every moment you can with them.
You've been a huge motivation to me and for this I thank you.
I'll see you on Instagram.

Bunny said...

Waah!! So sad to hear this news but understand completely. Your first priority is your family and what's best for them. I have both of your books and love them. Thanks too for all the inspiration you have given through this blog over the years. All the best to you!

Debbie said... can tell how much you are appreciated along with your blog. I have followed it for years and have enjoyed every post. Family is important. Best wishes in 2019.

pmorgan said...

We will definitely miss you! You have inspired me to keep making the scrap quilts I so dearly love! And I will miss Finish It Up Friday. I've gotten so many good ideas from others. Blessings for the future - whatever that brings.

Sandra-Home Again Handbags said...

I only look at one blog consistently, yours. You will be missed. I have enjoyed the many quilts and hope that you are blessed with good things. Enjoy your freedom. And sew sew sew for fun.

Kelly D said...

I have so enjoyed your blog, your books and your inspiration ❤️ Thank you.
Good for you for following your ❤️ By taking a step back and breathing it will all become clear. Just as you never could have imagined all that has happened since you started this blog, you will probably be saying the same thing 10 years down the road into your next great adventure!

The Army of Four said...

Best wishes to you! I've really enjoyed your blog, but totally understand!

Anonymous said...

I love your writing and inspiration! I've been amazed and challenged at your creativity and productivity. But new seasons in life bring new and wonderful things. Blessings to you as you move on to whatever is next. said...

Thanks Amanda for all you have shared! I loved your blog. I'll be sad, but I can understand your decision. I wish you lots of happiness!!

Karee said...

Bravo, Amanda Jean! Wishing you a marvelous new chapter and hope you understand the deep gratitude so many of us feel for your positive and fun leadership you have shown in the quilting community. Like many, you were a creative force when I jumped into quilting. All the BEST to you and your family. The best is yet to come. Godspeed. -- Karee

Linda said...

Good for you! I love your blog because you make me laugh out loud, and your posts are like you are just talking. I am so, so happy and excited for you. Making a decision like that is hard, and ultimately you have to go with your heart. Godspeed to you.

Arlette said...

I will really miss your blog a lot. I enjoyed reading your posts since I started sewing patchwork (which is just two years, after sewing clothes for babys and children since 2012. Maybe your blog could stay online, even if you don't post here anymore?
Anyway, I'm wishing you and your family all the best for whatever the future may bring.
Have a good time.

Kind regards from abroad

Dondi M said...

I started reading your blog when my husband and I were teaching English in China to graduate students. Getting books in English was hard to do. We had two tv channels: news documentaries or controlled news from the Chinese government. How your blog brightened my evenings! I read your blogs over and over and counted the time until we returned home and I could start quilting. We loved what we were doing, but those evenings were so long. Oh, and the furniture was awful to sit on! I laugh now and wish we could repeat that year.

Thanks for all you have taught me! I love your sense of humor and your devotion to family and God.

Unknown said...

Thank for giving of yourself these many years. I have enjoyed reading and seeing your beautiful quilts.

Karee said...
Dondi, I would love to hear more about your ESL in China.


beth said...

I've read your blog almost from the beginning... in the OLD days when blogging was just taking off. What amazing changes these years have brought in our personal lives with our growing children - my oldest is a senior in high school, too - and in the world of quilting, not to mention technology! Wishing you ALL the best. And thank you for years of writing here on this blog and in print! I'm so grateful!

Penny said...

Gosh, I've been reading your blog for a few years and will certainly miss it. Your patterns, ideas and finish up Fridays have been inspiring. I love connecting with others who love quilting as much as I do. I'm happy for you, though, because change is almost always good. And you'll get to sew for fun! Best wishes for whatever your next phase in life is.

farmhousequilter8 said...

I am on instagram with you and I will watch you there. I sure will miss this blog, Paula in KY

Unknown said...

Amanda, Although I will miss your blog (a lot!), I totally understand nd wish you and your family the best. Now to add you to my instagram!

Unknown said...

All the best Amanda, I have enjoyed your blog more than I can say. Lyn

Unknown said...

I found your blog about a year ago and have so enjoyed your writings. I have learned from and been inspired by you. I wish you nothing but blessing as you begin a new chapter in your life.

Lisa said...

Wish you and your family the best, but I will miss you! I follow you on Instagram so I’ll see you there! No stress just fun!

Joyful Quilter said...

I have been a lurker for years and have truly enjoyed your blog and your beautiful quilts. While I'm sad you won't be blogging I can understand the desire to "retire". Good luck with all your new adventures.

Marty said...

I understand. I’ll look for you on IG. I just joined recently, I better hurry up through all your posts before you go!

starsthatblaze said...

While many of your quilts have inspired me, it's your sock pattern that really caught my eye. I was about to spend time with my daughter as she gave birth to our first grandchild and wanted a portable project to work on at home or in the hospital, so I decided to try knitting a pair of socks using your pattern. A traumatic birth led to time in the NICU for the baby, so there was lots of time to knit. Now, the happy, healthy and normal baby is about to turn four, and I'm working on my 15th pair of socks. Thank you for giving so much time and energy to people you don't even know.


u keep sewing said...

Only you know what's right for your heart. Good Luck.
You are so very talented and gifted. Thanks for sharing.
Hope to get your book before it goes out of print.

Grüne Socken said...

It*s some kind of sad. An inspiration is going to leave....... But you decide what's best für you.
Best wishes, Natalie from Germany

Carol E. said...

Just this week I finished another of your patterns (Show and Tell bag). I have really appreciated your inspiration and your sharing of ideas and patterns. And...was lucky enough to meet you in person a couple of times. I think you are going to love your new freedom. Happy Living!

karenbbsnow said...

Wishing you all the best Amanda-Jean. You have been such and inspiration in my quilting journey, especially when I started about 7 years ago. I always say I am self taught, but truth is that a lot of my quilting knowledge came from you... Thank you so much. Enjoy your next chapter!!!

mfg said...

I found your blog in the fall of 2008 when I googled "How to make a quilt label". I can't count how many times I read and swooned over your Ragged Squares Quilt tutorial (I had two young daughters). Yours was the first blog I had ever seen and I've followed along since. I have three kids nearly the same ages as yours and totally understand "family" in this season. Thank you for all the sharing, teaching, leading of quilt alongs and the reality. I can't wait to see what the future holds for you and look forward to following you on Instagram!!

Cheryl I. said...

I just discovered your blog about a year ago - you have inspired me with your ideas on using up my scraps! I have your book and recently purchased your Trees pattern at a quilt shop hop (I was so excited to find one of your patterns in a quilt store!). While I will miss your blog I wish you the very best as you "retire". God Bless!

Janice said...

I have loved linking to your Friday posts. Like so many others I started my sewing blog so I could link up. Enjoy your children, especially your oldest. He will be off to new adventures soon.

Unknown said...

Amanda, I am sorry to read that you will discontinue your blog as it is by far (by far!) my favourite one! I have been following you for a few years and found your sewing style and your way to write about it most inspiring. On the other hand I understand thoroughly that everything has to end someday and that at the same time it bears all the possibilities for something new. I wish you all the best on your new endeavors (whatever that will be), good luck and and keep your humour! Best, Astrid (Germany)

Letterpress said...

The writing does get sometimes tedious, after a while, and if other obligations loom larger than the quilting, it's a good thing to follow that drop the blogging and start the living.

I'm a long-time friend of Cindy's (liveacolorlife) and through her eyes, have enjoyed vicarious retreats with you, but also I've enjoyed reading your books (have both) and your blog, as well as seeing your quilts.

Cindy and I have discussed multiple times the reward/duty equation of today's quilt world; it's a delicate balance. More than not, the rewards we get are more making-intrinsic and less monetary, which makes it really hard to keep going in a commercial sense, if there is no reward there. We often feel that we try to focus on what makes satisfies, and more often than not, it's the cloth, the pattern, the making, the quilting.

I hope that you enjoy your "retirement" and your family. In a quick flash, you'll be the age of Cindy and I, and can decide whether or not you want to re-enter. We'll keep an eye out for you then.

I wish you all happiness--


Jill said...

Sounds like a good decision and a nice change. I'll miss seeing your amazing quilts and pincushions. Because of quilts I've seen on your web site I've pushed myself and made four quilts using all solids. A black licorice type quilt maybe next, yours is stunning.
Best of luck in whatever you do next!

Jessica said...

Congratulations on making this decision! So happy for you and grateful for all you have contributed to the quilting world. Having made a similar decision myself within the last few months, I can wholeheartedly tell you you've made the right one. :) See you on IG!

Lisa J. said...

Happy Monday to you. I'm glad that you have made the right decision for yourself and I'm sure you will move on to something you enjoy just as much.

Annie said...

I am so sad that I won't have the pleasure of reading your blog after this month. I am a late 'discoverer' but have been so inspired by your work and attitude. I sew for a charity and a lot of our fabric is donated scrap, so believe me, I needed help there! i am a very methodical person and breaking into the scrap aspect of quilting was hard! So...thank you so much for the inspiration, and many blessings as you embark on a new part of life.

Gina said...

Thank you. Your kindness came through. Your posts have been so encouraging and helpful. May there be karma. Then the future will return your grace tenfold!

Bernie Kringel said...

I am really excited for you Amanda. Like the others, I will really miss you - This was my first blog I followed back in 2010 when I got back into sewing and quilting. I think one of my first projects was using your Fair and Square tutorial. I love both of your books and will surely follow along on Instagram. Blogging can be draining and I get that it is time for a change for you. All the best to you and many, many thanks for all I have learned from you. Exciting times lie ahead for you!!

Anonymous said...

congratulations and enjoy retirement!! It was your blog that introduced me to quilting and I thank you for it, its one of my favorite things I have ever done and helped me find my people!! said...

congratulations and enjoy retirement!! It was your blog that introduced me to quilting and I thank you for it, its one of my favorite things I have ever done and helped me find my people!!

Claudia/Ompompali said...

Dear Amanda! I have been reading your blog for about 10 years. Not daily but very often and so you became a very good friend to me. I loved everything you wrote, loved all your quilts and quilt patterns. I profited so much from your tutorials and all of your phantastic ideas and tips. When I wasn't sure how to go about my quilt I would visit your blog knowing I would find help somewhere. I also enjoyed seeing you enjoy your sewing and quilting. Of yourse I can understand that you feel you need a break and also new plans. But I will miss you very much. I hadn't bought your book yet but I will do so now so that I have something from you to keep for myself.Because when I look at your quilts I always find an inspiration for myself and I wouldn't want to miss that. I wish you the very best for your new future and am very happy that you can still be found on instagram!

Unknown said...

I wish you all the best! I will miss your blog posts as you are one of only a very few I follow. I hope you will continue to post periodically, only if to share pics of projects. Inspiring and motivating.

MissesStitches said...

I am really, really going to miss your blog. You've been one of my favorites, and I've listed you on my blog's sidebar. But I understand. Best wishes to you in whatever your next steps may be. Walk with God.

Mr Naveen said...
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Jennifer said...

I will miss going to your blog, hoping that you have posted something new since I last looked. I have loved looking at your quilts, reading your top tips (my bindings are so much better thanks to you), being wowed by your colour choices and admiring the scenic backdrops to your quilt pictures. However, we all get a certain amount of time and energy and we have to choose what to do with it. The old saying about motherhood "The days are long but the years are short" springs to mind. Best of luck with this new phase of your life. You can always come back to us!

Michelle @ From Bolt to Beauty said...

Wishing you all the best in the fun and exciting challenges that lie ahead! : )

southcedar said...

Oh, my goodness. I have loved your blog for the past two years. Read all the older posts. Have been so inspired by you and your work. I, too, ask whether you plan to leave the blog up or will it go away?

Alice in WV said...

Sigh. We will miss you terribly, but I get it. Totally. The kids growing up... Your oldest and my only are the same age. Where did THAT time go? Go find yourself. You're beautiful and talented. I'm sure we'll cross paths again.

Charlotte M. said...

I will miss you, but happy for you. Your excitement is so great. One question, will your blog still be up if we want to look at past posts and tutorials?

Unknown said...

Best of luck on your next adventure. I will certainly miss reading your of only 3 that I now follow regularly. Enjoy your family and your free time.

Sue Laufer said...

Amanda, You were one of the first quilters I started to follow back when I got bitten by the bug. It didn't take me long at all to figure out that we were like-minded. I have learned so much from you, your blog and your books. I can't even begin to name all the projects I've jumped into because of your inspiration.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being there. I'm a much more confident quilter/sewist because of you.
Now, go forth & enjoy your life. Love your family. Watch your children grow. Know that you will be missed.
Sue Laufer

Ned Night said...

I stumbled upon your blog serveral years ago when I was looking up something quilty on the net. I signed up to receive notices so I wouldn't miss a post. You have been a great sorce of inspiration for me. I'm hoping you won't close your blog so I can come back here and see instructions and inspirations. Enjoy your retirement. Kind regards.

Jane said...

I'm so thankful for the day I stumbled across your blog which opened up the world of modern quilting for me. In particular I'm thankful for your step by step tutorial on binding - it guided me through a process which is was initially terrified by, turning it into my favourite part of the process. Thank you Amanda Jean for sharing so much of your love and joy and skills in quilting.

em's scrapbag said...

Good luck on the next phase of your journey. I've enjoyed your work. You are an inspiration to me. I'll continue to watch for your beautiful work on Instagram.

Super Mom - No Cape! said...

I've been following your since way back when you had your very first quilt along. It was my first real introduction to how to quilt. I totally understand that feeling of not realizing where starting a blog would lead you. I wish you all the best in whatever the future brings your way.

CapitolaQuilter said...

Wishing you a wonderful next (whatever that may bring). I've enjoyed your blog from the time I figured out that blogging was a thing and it was great to meet you in person at QuiltCon. Enjoy the family. Finish it Up Friday is very fitting.

Heide said...

All the best to you on your new adventure! I sure did love coming over here on Fridays to check out Finish it up Fridays, and then when I started my blog to post. Enjoy your family time. Hugs.

Stacy said...

Thank you I have loved following your blog!

jfitz said...

I tool a class from you years ago and became a changed woman. I worried at the time that you had a lot of pots on the fire. Your passion was inspiring, but family is SO important, and life is TOO short. Time to sit back and enjoy the flowers.

Sandy Panagos said...

I'm certainly disappointed because I enjoy your blog so much, but I understand. Everything has its time and season, and it sounds like it's time for something new. Thanks for all you've shared with us.

grammajudyb said...

Adding my best wishes and "Godspeed" to your next adventures. Thanks for the opportunity to get to "know" you. You have inspired many of my projects. I continue to put pieces together for Colorful Birches, I am gathering scraps for a ticker tape wall hanging, and have my version of Remainders in a bag by my cutting table. A June quilt is still on my to do list also! And I have made several pincushions using your tutorials. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!

Unknown said...

I have so enjoyed your blog and the ideas it has given me. I will truly miss it.

Kristin said...

Awwwwwwwww, Amanda Jean!! This makes me sad-- I love your style and creativity. I fully understand that you need a change, but I'm going to miss all of what you do. It would be LOVELY if you could continue to blog on a sporadic basis, just to share what you are creating for your own personal goals. I truly wish you the best in this next chapter of your life. xoxoxoxo

LaurieH said...

Very sad to hear this news but I wish you the best! I don’t know how long I’ve been reading your blog but it’s been a long time. My husband jokes that you are one of my imaginary friends! I’ve enjoyed all of your posts! have your book Sunday Morning Quilts and I’ve made several of your patterns. I’ve just finished making 10 biased pot holders for Christmas gifts. I will miss seeing all your beautiful pincushions too! Thank you so much for all your inspiration and helpful tutorials!

diane said...

Oh no!! haven't felt this sad in a long time as I do now learning you will be leaving blogland. However I'm so happy for you in your decision as family is very important. I've got your books so good memories abound when I read them.