
Tuesday, June 07, 2016

finding a new rhythm

Summer is in full swing and I'm tired! The kids are home all day, which is great, but it requires a much higher energy (and tolerance) level. As my kids are getting older, I can see how fast the time goes, so I'm trying (trying!!!) to spend more time being with them. I'm trying to enjoy the summer instead of quilting away the rest of their childhood. Most importantly, I'm trying not to lose my mind. Some days (most days!) it's a tricky balance!
My daughter, who is 10, has taken up quilting. It's not easy for me to give up "my" sewing time, but I'm trying to let go and let her sew, too. The other day she dug through my 2 1/2" square scrap drawer, designed a block and sewed it up. I helped press and pin, but beyond that, she made it!
She is doing so good!!!! Here are her first 5 blocks. I absolutely LOVE them! I want to make a quilt just like it, but she doesn't want me to steal her pattern. Ha! She has such a great eye for color and design. Her skills have progressed noticeably in these 5 blocks. Maybe she can finally help me make a dent in my scraps. Hahahaha!
Since she has been sewing on my Juki, I have been spiral quilting my scrapalicious quilt on my Janome Horizon. It feels great to be quilting and making progress on a WIP. Plus, quilting is a relatively easy task to start and stop as the interruptions come along. :)
My kiddos set up an iced mint tea stand the other day...and they had good results. It was unbelievably cute.
And....we've been doing some fishing. Summer goes waaaaay too fast here....but we are determined to make the most of it....sewing or otherwise! :)


  1. Love your little girls quilt, she must love what you do and following in your footsteps.
    Paula in KY

  2. Your daughter's blocks are awesome! The apple doesn't fall far from the tree!

  3. A machine of her own? In your quilting studio? What fun that would be to sit together and visit while you both are creating.

  4. How adorable! How incredibly cool that she's following in her mom's footsteps and designing already!!!

  5. As a mom whose last two have just graduated college and are starting adult jobs, yes. Enjoy these precious years. You will not regret it! make quilts together...but also invest in their other activities. The returns are great!!

  6. It's evident your little girl has learned a lot just from watching you and seeing how careful piecing can affect the finished quilt. I look forward to seeing her quilt! I also know from raising two boys near a river, that little boys love to fish. Looks like all of you are having a fun summer so far. Enjoy you kiddos while you can; you'll still have lots of years to quilt! ---"Love"

  7. Your daughter's blocks are wonderful! I started sewing at the age of 10 and my first project was a blue gingham apron. Fifty years later and I'm still sewing! These days it is mostly quilt related sewing. May your daughter also enjoy a lifetime of playing in fabric!

  8. Congrats! to your budding designer. She's doing a marvelous job!!

  9. It is hard to get into a different rhythm during the summer - I'm experiencing the same transition right now myself but it's wonderful to get to spend more time with the grandkids! It's certainly making me use my quilting time more carefully! And tell your daughter her blocks are beautiful - I don't blame you for wanting to make some of your own!

  10. Beautiful photos, families are priceless. When my kids were younger and still at home an older woman said to me, "These are the best years of your life, you just don't know it yet." She was right on.

  11. Your daughters blocks are so fun!!! It is going to make such an awesome quilt. And her points are right on!!! So fun that she is following in your footsteps :)

  12. I adore those blocks that Abby is making!! I suggest you and she write the pattern and market it like this: Abby Nyberg for Crazy Mom Quilts, you know, kind of like Jen Kingwell and Lucy Kingwell. :)

  13. oh I miss those days! I loved summer with my kiddos at home! Love your daughter's quilt design - truly!

  14. Anonymous3:37 AM

    wow your daughter's piecing is so spot on! brilliant.
    As a mum of 3, who have all grown and left home, I have to say make the most them while you can. Before you know it, you'll have endless days to yourself to fill with crafting, so enjoy being with your kids while you can.

  15. They grow up so fast. In the blink of an eye, you'll be looking back, wondering where the time went. You can look back, but you can't go back, so savor every moment now! Your daughters blocks are incredible! Mmmmm, iced mint tea. My mint is almost grown enough to start harvesting! Last year I posted a delicious fresh mint cookie recipe I'll bet you'd like. Have a great day! XO

  16. Your daughter has your natural talent for color and design! So fun to help her develop these further. And her perfect points! Wow. Enjoy the moments! It is true that they fly by waaaaay too quickly!

  17. Maybe Abby will let you make one too if you convince her it's a QAL and lots of people want to do it with her. She can be the leader and in charge. :)

  18. I totally understand the dilemma... wanting to make great memories and be with the kids, but also wanting to maintain some sanity :)

  19. Really great post. You captured summer, kids and time so well. Your daughter's quilt is amazing. Love her style! Enjoy!

  20. Such a fun post CrazyMom! Of course your daughter has a great eye for color -- she's been surrounded by it for her whole life! Have a wonderful summer with your babies -- quilting will still be there when schools starts!

  21. love those blocks. such a great use of color. would love to see a whole quilt of them. that girl is going places.

  22. With a great start like that, I can see years ahead of fun sewing for you two together.

    They do grow up too quickly. Make the most of these sometimes challenging times.

  23. I can really understand your struggle to make the time work for your kids and yourself -- been there, done that. It is a struggle worth the effort, though. They do grow up before you know it. It's lovely that your daughter is interested in quilting, and she has made some wonderful blocks. I can't help but ask: What about your son? Or is it sons? In any case, it would be great to hear of some young men getting interested in quilting too.

  24. First, your daughter's blocks are TERRIFIC! Congrats for letting her try!
    Second, I'm going to learn to quilt this summer! If she can do it, so can I! Thanks for posting! Hug.

  25. Oh, goodness, I know what you mean. This week is my kids' last week of school. So I can count on chaos from here till Fall.

    My oldest has been exhibiting an interest in sewing. She's 14, but ASD, so anything with complex instructions is probably a wash. But I've bought the fabric to make a pillowcase, that we can do together. I'd also be interested in what other simple, beginner projects you might have started your daughter on?

  26. What lovely scraps you have and her quilt is super cute. It's hard to give up your time. I wish I had taught my daughter to sew but I didn't quilta till way after she left home. Congrats on being a super summer Mom.

  27. Your daughter's blocks are terrific! She has a good eye for color and value. Your pictures brought back memories of long summer days as a child, and the unhurried pace of those days. Enjoy this family time together!

  28. I remember those days of feeling torn about wanting my own quilting time, and wanting to enjoy and appreciate my kids. It was a constant (internal) battle, but I have no regrets about being there for them. I only wish my own daughter had taken to sewing or quilting like your daughter. What a joy and blessing for you! Continue to have fun together.

  29. Your daughter has a great sense of color!

  30. Oh how wonderful that your daughter shares your passion! I know it's difficult right now to "share" machines but you will cherish the fact that you have this in common later! My daughter showed a brief interest when she was younger but that died. She loves fashion design though. I wonder if I could talk her into designing a quilt for me to make!

  31. Your daughter's quilt is lovely, you must be thrilled to see her enjoying your passion for sewing too!

  32. Tell me about that quilt block pad/mat in the first picture - I'm assuming it's "stiff?" If so, what did you use to make it that way?

    Love your daughter's blocks!! She's a great sewist! And what an eye for color! I'm jealous!

  33. Your daughter is very talented! Great blocks she made, the pattern, the colors, loveley!
    I am astonished that your children have 3 months of summervacation, thats' really a long time. It's a lot of arrangements for parents to take care of too (I suppose working parents doesn't have such a long time off?)
    Here in the Netherlands we have six weeks vacation for schoolchildren in summer, which is a long period in my opinion as a teacher (elemantary school). After six weeks it takes a lot of time for children to get used to school again, how will that be after 3 months of absence I wonder?
    Anyway enjoy it, they are doing great things together!
    kind greetings, Conny

  34. Anonymous2:06 PM

    May you (and I) have the wisdom to keep it all in perspective. We start the summer vacation fun next week - just as I'm starting a five-week evening teaching job that's sort of high stakes. Never a dull moment.

    In that particular picture at that particular angle, somebody looks a fair amount like his Uncle Wayne...

  35. I love absolutely everything about this post. Enjoy your summer!

  36. You should have her make a disappearing 9 patch...easy peasy for a beginner...

    Adela Wiley

  37. Yes.. Summer with kids home IS a tricky balance.. I almost had to put locks on my kitchen cabinets!! Super cute quilt your daughter is making ..More importantly,shes lucky to have a mom like you

  38. Precious times! Beautiful photos!

  39. Wow, I love your daughter's color choices, she did great!! How fun to have a quilting partner!

  40. What a gorgeous area you live in - enjoy your summer! I love your daughter's blocks - that's very funny that she's protective of her pattern. Then again she should be!

  41. I want to make a quilt like your daughter's, too!!!! (Still figuring out summer here, too. 😉)

  42. I think she should name the quilt "good genes" or "In the DNA." haha. I'm so happy you have a daughter that is interested in what you love. Good times.

  43. Your daughters blocks are awesome. Enjoy them while they are home and want/need your presence. There will be plenty of time to quilt when they are gone.

  44. Wow, the blocks are great. I can see why you want to make one like it. Can't wait to see what other combinations she creates.

  45. she's doing very well! Good teacher huh?

  46. Your daughter does have an amazing eye for color. And good sewing skills too. When my kids were young I can remember being happy for summer to start and a break in the routine and yet after a few weeks more than ready for them to get back to school so I could find my routine again. Enjoy the time you have with them. Your daughter will remember this time of sewing with mom.

  47. Way to go A! (and Mom, LOL) Tell her I love her blocks and can't wait to see her quilt! Hope you are enjoying your summer. I'd love to get together some time. :)

  48. Your daughter obviously takes right after mom. What beautiful blocks and so well pieced! You are very fortunate to be able to have her want to spend time with you in the sewing room. My daughter only likes fabric you can wear. It's nice to see you enjoying time with your children, enjoying the "now". They certainly do grow up too fast!

  49. Ahh, wish I had a glass of their tea now! Her blocks are great! Enjoy the summer! Hope they catch a big one!

  50. Your daughter's quilt is fantastic. Nice color combinations. Yes, enjoy the kiddos, you will turn around some day and they will be gone. You can't go back, so cherish each day with them. You are so fortunate to be their influence.

  51. i love her blocks! I hope you'll show us the finished quilt when she gets it done!

  52. I guess you now know what to get your daughter for Christmas, a sewing machine of her own. Her blocks are fabulous and I hope we get to see her finished quilt.
    You photos of your lovely family are adorable and you are all making some lovely memories xxx

  53. Your daughter's blocks are so pretty. I love her design and the way she uses color, that's so difficult for many of us

    I know you've heard it before, enjoy these days with them, those dears will be grown and on their own before you know it! Happy summer vacation, Amanda Jean and family!

  54. Love your daughter quilt, she does an amazing job, great sense of color.
    Thanks for sharing these amazing photos of your kids, summer is a great time.
    Have a nice week.
