
Friday, June 12, 2015

finish it up Friday, 6/12/15

Welcome to finish it up Friday!

No finish for me today. Not even a pin cushion! But I'm slowly plugging away on my hand quilting. I'm getting so close to finishing the stars, then just borders and binding. This will be one happy finish when I get there!

I've been teaching at the MN quilt show in Duluth this week and it has been so lovely! The views are gorgeous, the weather has been idyllic and my students have been delightful! I have photos I wanted to share, but due to technical difficulties (ugh) I can't load the photos like I had hoped. (Oh, well!)

Summer is in full swing! I've been trying to figure out what to do with finish it up Friday. I certainly can't post a finish every week (even though I try my hardest!) and I feel weird posting a non-finish on Friday. There is a good chance I just need to get over my issues (ha!) and keep on going. Or we could break for the summer and start back up in the fall. Any thoughts? I'd love to hear what you think! 

Well, it's your turn! Please link up your finishes. Thanks for joining me for finish it up Friday! 


  1. It's a very beautiful non finish!! I don't have a finish either this week, I don't have time to crank things out at that sort of pace but I do love seeing everyone else's finishes each week, it inspires me to keep plodding on if I'm in the quilt doldrums!

  2. love your stars, I am almost done with a star top I am making.

  3. I so look forward to your Finish It Up Friday posts, and I'm inspired by so many people who show their finishes. Please keep it going over the summer, even if you don't have a finish of your own!

  4. A finish a week does seem intimidating-to-impossible ... but I selfishly want you to keep the series going, I really look forward to it!

  5. I am inspired not only by the finishes others list but by the desire to finish a project and post it on Finish Fridays. There have been times my finish is as simple as a block for a BOM, but knowing I can post on Friday is very exciting. I hope you decide to keep it going for the summer.

  6. Even if I don't have a finish, I am motivated to work to get going. I don't care if you don't have a finish. A picture of a beautiful quilt you are working on is JUST FINE!!!!

  7. I can't do a finish a week either, but couldn't you post something you plan to finish? I think it is your blog and you can do what you like, LOL!! I'd love to see it continue over the summer.

  8. What about posting a finished goal. For example, this week I plan to finish 10 large quilt blocks. If I finish by next Friday I could post them.

  9. Maybe you could post favorite finishes from past years? Love this weeks non-finish by the way.

  10. Why don't we just be in progress for the summer instead of a finish?

  11. I selfishly hope you continue your finish it up Friday posts! I can understand though if you'd like to take a break. Happy Friday!!! Sounds like you've had a productive week teaching.

  12. Please, please don't stop for the summer! I love absolutely everything you post! It is great eye-candy! I like the idea of a goal finish, that makes you a bit more like us. LOL

  13. I say give it a rest(and you:)) your kids want you to play with them...OR show something kid/family/summer related...keeping it simple.

  14. I've always been in awe of all those finishes you post on Fridays.

    How about if Finish it up Fridays isn't just about an actual finished item but an item you make a commitment to work on and get finished by a specific time? So you make a commitment e.g. - "I want to finish Quilt A by Labor Day and will work on it at least one sewing session a week." Or "I won't start any new projects until it's finished." or whatever works for anyone. It could even be two rotating projects. And then on Fridays post the status of how the project is going.

    And that's such lovely quilt.

  15. Your quilt and the background are beautiful. Teaching is so much fun; you get to meet so many lovely ladies and they are all wonderful. I love Finish It Up Friday but I figure every step towards completion is another finish. So I think you should keep it going. And in a pinch you can always go back in time and show an ancient finish! :)

  16. Your quilt and the background are beautiful. Teaching is so much fun; you get to meet so many lovely ladies and they are all wonderful. I love Finish It Up Friday but I figure every step towards completion is another finish. So I think you should keep it going. And in a pinch you can always go back in time and show an ancient finish! :)

  17. I hope you do keep the Friday finish link-up for the summer, even if you don't personally have a finish. I'm sure it's a lot of work for you to host Finish It Up Friday. Please don't pressure yourself to have a finish each week. Non-finishes are just as inspiring, and also very real-world.
    Your hand-quilted star quilt is lovely, so summery in those fresh colors with white. Wonderful decision to hand quilt it to keep it soft and drapey.

  18. I, too, love your Friday posts and looking at everyone's work. It's so inspiring! I hope you will continue it, even if you just have something in progress.

  19. What about having if be something like "heading for the finish" so that people can still post what they are working on, even if it isn't completely finished?

  20. I can't WAIT to see your EPP star quilt finished! I've so enjoyed seeing your progress on it. How exciting to almost reach the finish line! x

  21. I can't WAIT to see your EPP star quilt finished! I've so enjoyed seeing your progress on it. How exciting to almost reach the finish line! x

  22. I, too, look forward to your Finish it up Friday posts, whether you have a finish or not! There are so many gorgeous finishes across the quilting world, and you provide a great landing place for all of them. I vote for continuing to host Finish it up Friday, facilitating the link up for the rest of us! If you feel like you need to post SOMEthing, you could choose a linked finish from the previous week to feature on weeks when you don't have a finish of your own. Just a thought. Even with a "here's what I'm aiming to finish" post, I hope you'll continue through the summer!

  23. Don't feel pressured. I say do whatever is best for you and your family. Posting a non-finish is fine, an old finish, or stopping for a few months. I like your posts but I assume you are saying you just wouldn't be hosting the link-up on Fridays? You will still be blogging otherwise?

    Really, whatever is best for the Nyberg's works just fine! It's summer so be sure to hang out with your kiddos as much as you can.

  24. I love that quilt and have been looking for instructions for a star quilt exactly like that! Can you point me in the right direction??

  25. As much as I enjoy having a hand quilting project in process, I do like having a "finish" as well. I understand.

  26. We just can't get enough of you. However, after all these years, I can understand you need a break now and then. Would you consider allowing one of us to be your guest host for the summer? I would be honoured to provide the linky party. *HINT* *HINT* Wish I lived close enough to be in one of your classes, Amanda Jean. You and your work are such an inspiration. It would be so much fun to meet you!

  27. I love Finish Up Friday and would be sad to see it go away for the summer! (Summer is a time of year when I seem to get a lot done--yep, I one of those people who quilts on vacation...). Could you count a finished stage as a finish? I think that is totally acceptable and worthy of celebration!

  28. The Star quilt is gorgeous! Can't wait to see it complete. As to the Finish posts, follow peace. It is you, after all, who is doing all the work of it. We just get to enjoy following the links and seeing all the new excitement.

  29. I love the link up and it gives me a goal for the end of the week, but I must admit that I sometimes link up with a nearly finished quilt. I have been amazed that you have managed so many finishes, I can't think how you do so much, teach and look after your boys. So I have to agree with the quilters who think you might love a summer break although selfishly I hope you don't really! What a lovely sunny corner to sit and hand quilt in, so calm!
    Kind regards,

  30. please keep going...

  31. Even if you don't have a finish every week, (you're not superwoman after all-or are you?) we still get to other people's finishes!

  32. Let yourself off the hook for the summer! Maybe every other week or once a month is an 'official' Finish It Up Friday and the off weeks could be a different opportunity to link up.

  33. Anonymous11:39 AM

    I would miss finish it up Friday. However, it is a lot of work for you and if it isn't in the cards it's okay.

  34. Please keep the link up going! Maybe just let yourself of the hook for having a finish every week? You could show is your summer vacation pictures instead! Kat @

  35. Like the rest I enjoy the Finish-it-up-Friday segment.

    The reality of quilting is you are not going to get a finished quilted project every week. Why beat yourself up about it? Unless this is paying the bills, let it go, and we will see your finishes when they happen. Enjoy your children and life!!!!

    If you are hand-quilting you are not going to finish it up in a week, or two, for that matter. Hand-quilting is all about enjoying the process and the way it calms your spirit while you are doing it. If you are pressuring yourself to finish it, then you are not taking the time to enjoy the process. So you might as well as machined-quilted it!

  36. This will be one amazing quilt!

  37. I'm with the majority it looks like in wanting Finish it Up Friday to keep going! You don't have to have a finish every week, progress is just as good. :)

  38. I too look forward to your Finish it up Friday posts. Maybe you could team up with another blogger and trade off every other week or something? People could still link up but you would get a little break! Just a thought. LMK if I can help you with something! These posts are very motivating!

  39. Get over your issues Tee hee hee - just kidding - I like coming to see what you are working on too, as well as check out what others have done. So if it doesn't put you in a bind - I'd love for you to continue

  40. I love your Finish It Up Fridays. It's a great way to organize my Enjoy-Other-People's-Blogs-And-Get-Inspired time.(And I miss your blog when you take time off.) But it's your blog, and you need to do whatever works for you. I'm in awe of people who have a finish to show every week. That wouldn't work for me. Things get done when they get done, so my opportunities to link up with your Friday posts are few and far between. If you decide to take a break, have everyone save up their finishes for a super linky party at the end of the summer.

  41. Thank you for your wonderful blog. Please, please don't put the Friday fun on hiatus. So many of us love your blog. I especially love the links to other peoples' blogs and finishes. This gives me a chance to see designs I wouldn't find on my own. It also encourages me when I'm down and gives me ideas on how to proceed with a project when I'm stuck. Please don't ever feel you have to post a Friday finish. I am amazed at how you and so many other people are able to finish something every week. I'm lucky to have a finish every few months. LOL! When you don't have a finish just post a quick hi, and we'll be happy just to know you're around. Thanks again!

  42. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Oh I love the link up. I find so many beautiful inspirations and new blogs to follow. I hope you decide to continue it this summer. I don't usually have my own finish to link up, as a handquilter I am quite slow to get projects done. But I always take time to stop by on Friday and Saturday o visit as many as I can.
    Just my two cents.

  43. No, no, no. Please stay up this summer. I really enjoy seeing everyone's finishes and sharing mine when I have them. I missed this in March!

  44. I don't know how much work it is for you, so it's hard to weigh in. I love Finish it up Friday and look forward to it, but I myself don't have a finish every week, so how could I expect you to? I like the idea of just relaxing the rules for the summer, and having a "in Progress" or "what I wish I finished this week" or something. I love seeing everyones posts and they inspire me.
    But it is summer and you have small children who want your time, too, so if having the party is time-consuming, then let it go. We can find inspiration elsewhere for a month or two. The internet is filled with cats and quilts to look at. Be with your family.

  45. love this quilt! Keep plugging away and smiling!

  46. I look forward to the blog every week and I never have a finish every Friday. im amazed by how prolific you are!

  47. Anonymous5:36 PM

    How much hassle for you is the link up itself (without the pressure of your own finish)? If not much, then please keep it going so we can share our finishes as they come. I think posting something like "here is your chance to show your finished" instead of "here is my finish" would be fine.

    I would prefer to keep the link up as actual finishes that are linked.

  48. I love your posts everytime. I say, it's the summer - take time with your family and surprise us with a post when you feel like it and have the the time. Happy Summer.

  49. I eagerly look forward to it every Friday, but I never have time to click on all the links each week, so when you take a break I just go back and catch up. Do what is right for you. Kids are only kids for a few years. Mine are grown and I sure miss them being young.

  50. Love Finish it up Friday link up, but you need to do what works best for you. Is it possible to just schedule the post for the link up without you feeling pressured to have something finished to share each week?

    That star quilt is so gorgeous and admire that you are hand quilting this beauty. Happy stitching!

  51. I love your idea if finished Friday. It makes me want to finidsh something up to add to your long list. Looking forward to seeing more finished projects.

  52. Gosh, do not feel at all guilty if you don't have a finish every Friday (not many of us have a finish every Friday either!) - I love that you do this weekly blog-post as it is such a cool spot for us quilters to show-off our work and see what others have been up to (and totally miss it when you have your tech-free month!) You're the host and that is cool, it won't matter if you don't have completed projects to share each week - we all understand, we have busy lives too! My Saturday chill-out is to look at all the linkies and see what others have done (it's like an online magazine).

  53. Sounds like you motivate others to finish up their projects, whether you personally have a finish or not. Hand quilting is so satisfying, but it is not fast! I'm not sure how much technical time the link up takes out of your day, but I say do whatever feels right for you and your family. Nobody wants you to feel stressed!

  54. I really look forward to the inspiring finishes of your readers. I even go back to old Friday posts. Maybe "link up your progress Friday"?

  55. Keep the Friday link up going. Whenever I need inspiration I know I can go to your Friday page and spend hours looking at cool quilt projects. Have a great summer!

  56. I do enjoy the Finish it up Friday, but don't have time every week to look at what others have linked with (There are so many). How about a Finish it FOURTH Friday? That gives a little more time for those doing a bigger project and looking at the links can be spread out over the other weeks. :)

  57. I am not bothered in the least if you don't have a personal finish to share! You are busy lady and finish every week isn't necessary. However, the link up is such an inspiration and a real treat to look forward to on Friday evenings. I do hope you'll keep it up through the summer.

  58. I am happy that you share your non-finish weeks. Makes me feel a little better when I don't have one either (most weeks). I do love to look at all the links, though.

  59. I don't expect you to have a finish every week just because you are posting. I certainly don't finish something every week, or even every month! What about clarifying and relaxing what constitutes a finish, so that it includes all of the milestones throughout the quilting process rather than just the end result? First I finished the design, then I finished prepping and cutting all the fabric. Then I finished my first block, then finished all of the "A" blocks. Then finished the "B" blocks or alternate blocks. Finished the sashing, finished the borders, finished assembling the quilt top. Then finished layering, basting and marking. Finished the straight line utility quilting, then finished the free-motion quilting. Finished the binding... and now The Big Finish!

  60. 1st choice - do what works for you.
    2nd - consider looking at "finished" in a different way. Finished a hem. Finished choosing the fabrics for a quilt. Finished organizing your threads. Finished the week by having a picnic. Finished the week by looking at the sunset. Finished sewing one row of blocks. Finished teaching my class and learned --- from the quilters. I enjoy your blog, quilts, and insights so be good to yourself.

  61. What a beautiful quilt! I look forward to all your blog updates. . . even if a quilt is still in process!

  62. I think you should go to Bali with me & my kids this winter... Minnesota is too cold & you could use the relaxation. Loved your class in Duluth

  63. Hi Amanda Jean, I really love Finish it up Friday and it has been such a spur to me to get on and finish projects. I am not surprised you find it hard to have a finish every week, and especially over the summer when you want to spend time with your kids. I don't mind if you just keep it running for other people to post their finishes and you just post what you fancy. Thanks for all the commitment you give to your lovely blog and the inspiration you have provided over so many months and years.

  64. Hi! I like to read your blog - with a finish or a work in progress or information about new fabrics, whatever! But if you'd benefit from a summer break then take it! Or maybe take advantage of the offer to lend the linky to another blogger for a while 'cos so many of us enjoy looking in on and joining in with Finish It Up Friday.

  65. How about if we call it something different for the summer summer Fridays progress... and then when the kids go back to school we can go back to finish it up Fridays.
    Don't want you to go for the whole summer :0(.

    Happy Sewing and have fun with your family.
    They will be grown and gone before you know it!

  66. What is this beautiful star pattern called? I really love it!
