Monday, December 09, 2013

finish it up week

Over the weekend I set a little goal to try to share a finish each day this week. It can be big or small, as long as it's a WIP. Before you assume that I've finally gone off the deep end, let me explain. I'm set up pretty well. I have a handful of projects that are nearly finished, I just need a little push to get them completed. I'm looking forward to a LOT of binding!
Today's finish is another rag rug. I've made several of these in the past and it's one of my favorite ways to use up scraps. I was hesitant to finish it because I don't excel at casting off when knitting. I had to look up and view this bind off technique several times before I jumped in. It's definitely not perfect, but I'm happy to say that it went pretty well. The rug measures 24" x 30". It is scrap project #27/101. (woo-hoo!)
The texture is amazing! I wish you could reach into your screen and smoosh it.

If you'd like to knit a rag rug of your own, there is a tutorial here. For this rug I used size 17 needles and I believe I cast on about 40 stitches. It takes a bit of wrestling to knit something this bulky, but it's totally worth it. Now, I just need to decide if I'm going to keep this one or gift it. That's going to be a tough call.

Happy Monday to you!


LynneP said...

Wonderful, fun rug!!!

Live a Colorful Life said...

I can attest to the wonderful-ness of these rugs!

SarahZ said...

I would almost learn to knit just to make this keep posting them, and I will weaken, I'm sure :)

Susana Neiger said...

I love this! My mom and sister have both knitted rugs out of fabric strips, and I'm thinking maybe I should try it soon, too. I love the variety your multi-colored scraps give this rug!

Unknown said...

Amanda -

I've made a few of these. More of a table mat size, but hey... a finish! I haven't gotten the hang of using two strands... I get too tangled and frustrated. LOL. Good job on the finishes!


Amanda Jean said...

Lisa Nelson,

If the two strands are a pain you can use just one wider strip...around an 1" is good. I like to use 2 strands so it's nice and thick, but one would certainly do the job. I've been thinking of doing something similar to what you've made....a small one to use as a trivet type of thing....something to hold a kettle of soup. The possibilities are endless. Just like scraps! :)


Deborah said...

I'm definitely going to try this!

tink's mom said...

I love your rug. I was lucky enough to be gifted one of these made by an old friend. Wouldn't part with it for the world.

mari paz said...

es muy alegre y muy original ese mantelito.
un beso

Susanne Tyree said...

Love the look of that rug. I don't know if I could handle doing it in knit, but I have crocheted my own kitchen rugs in the past and I loved it! I can see where it might be a tough decision to gift it, I would struggle making that call too. Susanne :)

Karens Quilts, Crows and Cardinals said...

Awesome finish Amanda Jean and thanks for the link to the tutorial! Love the scrappy!

Clair said...

Keep it in your 'give away as a gift' pile. I try to keep some things ready for those events that sneak up on me (birthdays, showers, etc).

VickiLorraine said...

This is adorable. I simply love it. A must try for me one day :)

Judy said...

I just need to figure out how to cast on and then I, too could make a rag rug. I need to add it my quilt bucket list. Thanks for sharing! said...

I love the rag rugs you make :-) Wish I was a knitter.

Tracybug Creative said...

I love that it's spotted with AJ signature colors, red and those stand out to me and the rest of the colors just fill in the gaps!

Vicki said...

I totally LOVE this rug! If only I could knit.

pandchintz said...

It looks totally smooshable!! Gorgeous.

margaret said...

that would be just the job on my cold tiled floor, one in front of the sink and one in front of the cooker, would never have tiles again so very cold and of course when anything gets dropped it shatters immendiately

Joanie's Trendy Quilts said...

Your knitted scraps table rug is wonderful! I have inspired to pick up my needles again - that is if I can caught up with WIPS. Not sure that I have size 17. Anyways I think it would be nice for those hot dishes on the tabletop.

Aimee said...

Amanda, which rug do you like better? The one with size 17 needles or the first one where you used size 35? Love them both!

Sue said...

With the size 17 needle, did you still double your strips or use just one wider or just one 1/2" to 1" strip? I really, really want to make one of these and love how yours turned out! I know, it's a scrap rug for heaven's sake, so I should just wing it, but I guess I need specifics! :) Thanks!

Amanda Jean said...


I like them both! I'd be hard pressed to choose a favorite. It's nice to know that you really can't go wrong, isn't it? :)

Amanda Jean

Amanda Jean said...


I still used two strands on the size 17 needles. The rug is pretty thick and dense, but oh-so-lovely. I hope that helps!


Melodee said...

This is my absolute favorite pattern from your book. I am currently working on rug #5. I use circular needles, the weight does give me trouble, having the extra area for the weight to spread out helps me deal with that. I too have trouble with the binding off, especially since I seem to be a tight knitter. A LOOSE bind off is what I try to do.

Donna~~ said...

Love your rug! I wouldn't want to give it away! :)

Lea said...

Amanda Jean, This rug is so cute! You did a great job binding off...I have heard of a crotcheted bind-off (sorry I don't have a link for you) which may simplify things for you, or maybe this rug can be made by crotcheting? I love the colors and the texture. Amazing job!

Suzanne said...

I mean this in the nicest way...

Darn you!

Every time I get close to tossing those skinny strips I have been saving because of your rugs...

Every time I think I have gotten them out of my system...

Every time I admit that they are a super idea but better left to you (and other ambitious people),
you go and post another one!

But hey, is there someone out there who comments on your blog who wants my scraps? I will so happily send them mine. I'm serious!

Kay said...

This is a fabulous idea!!!!

Cloud CouCou said...

I love this it's so pretty. I've always wanted to make one, but think it will have to wait for now!!

Anonymous said...

Great rug! I've been wanting to make one of these ever since I saw your first one :) On the list...