
Monday, February 04, 2013

busy, busy, busy

I spent most of the weekend at a quilt show in Red Wing, MN. It was delightful to meet like minded women and I enjoyed visiting (and laughing) with many of them. It was a good time! (Good morning Jan in Apple Valley!) I displayed quilts from the book and also spent time demonstrating free motion quilting. So, an added perk of the weekend was getting my sock monkeys quilted. Sweet!

I also had time to start a knit a rag rug from my strings/selvages. This project EATS scraps, which is a great thing. I've got plenty!
A few more details....because I know someone will ask. For this rug I'm using size 17 needles. I cast on 40 stitches and I'm using 2 strings (about 1/2" to 3/4" wide each) held together as one 'yarn'. See the tutorial linked above for the complete how-to.

Oh, and I finished this top on Friday afternoon, too. This is my lazy zig zag quilt top made from a Posy layer cake and an additional row of grays from my stash. I really like the gray cut the sugary sweetness of this line just enough. Besides, I have a hard time sticking to just one fabric line for a quilt. I'm working on writing up a tutorial for the lazy zig zag, so stay tuned! I'm looking forward to quilting this one up.

Happy Monday to you!


  1. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Wow! You have been a busy bee!

    Good work! The zigzag quilt is divine, I love the colours :)

  2. I have a hard time sticking to just one fabric line also. Nice bonus to demo and produce, one day I hope to be able to learn FMQ from you :)

  3. Love the lazy zigzag! The gray really works great in there-can't wait to see the tutorial.

  4. I hadn't seen the knitted rug before - what a great idea! Anything to get something useful out of these scraps :)

  5. Nice quilts. I have knit with fabric quite a bit. Makes good tote bags too.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. You take multi-tasking to a higher plane. I bet you are one of those people who always walks across the house from one side to the other with something that needs to return to the side you are headed to. You are, aren't you? :-)

  8. Ugh! I LIVE in Red WIng, and didn't make it to the quilt show. I wish I had, so we could meet. Isn't it a neat setting for a quilt show?

    Do you have a list on your blog of upcoming appearances? Thanks!

  9. I love the illusion of 3-D in that zig zag quilt.

  10. The zig zag is really cute!

  11. I must say, Jan (from AV) is my mom, and it made her day to see you at the show! She was so jazzed when she told me she saw you! Thank you for being such an inspiration!

  12. Thanks for the rug info! I was just looking at knitting videos today so I could learn to knit one of these rugs.

  13. Great quilt! I will make one of those rugs one of these days. I have the needles now!

  14. I do NOT know how you fit it all in! Please tell me that you have a laundry pile as big as mine and sometimes your family has eggs on toast for dinner!!

  15. I'm liking that lazy zig zag quilt.....are we supposed to stick to one fabric line for a quilt, who knew? The fun is in mixing it up.

  16. Anonymous6:48 AM

    What is the best way to become acquainted with free motion quilting?

  17. The sock monkey is soooo adorable! I am looking forward to the tutorial. That one is lovely too!

  18. What a great idea for scraps! I've got a ton of selvages that a friend gave me. Got to get my needle clacking!

  19. I meant 'needles' clacking ~ one needle just won't do it!

  20. Anonymous9:56 AM

    I was thinking of going to that show on Sunday but opted out. Was at Pumpkinberry's (Lake City) last Thursday and got the info on it. I am a 2 hour drive from Red Wing (S.E. MN, due West of La Crosse). Opted to settle in my sewing room for the afternoon. Will have to coordinate next time!!!!! Sorry to have missed you!! Hugs, Doreen

  21. Love the sock monkey quilt & the lazy zig zag! Can't wait to see both finished :)

  22. I'm so glad you said you are going to post the tutorial for that zig-zag quilt...I think it is beautiful and have a layer cake that would be perfect for it!

  23. As usual, I am impressed. Love the eye candy!

  24. I just love this quilt!! Good addition with the gray.

  25. Ohhhh, I love your new quilt-it makes me think of rainbow sherbet. Thanks for the rag rug tutorial.

  26. I adore that zig zag quilt, the colours make me think of rainbow sherbet ice cream. haha! I just saw a few people said that too! It's true though. So pretty.
