Monday, December 31, 2012

WIP rundown

Since it's the last day of the year, I thought it would be a good time to review my WIP scary as that may be.
#1: Missing U Quilt
Today I spent a good amount of time getting this quilt top put together. I really like it! I think I'm going to add a scrappy 6" or 8" border around the whole thing in GRAY! I'm excited about that least as of today. We shall see if I lose steam and end up finishing it as is. (Which would be perfectly lovely, too.)

#2: Super Scrap Happy
A few months ago I declared this quilt top done, but I'm going to add a few more inches to the least 5 or 6". I should have no issue rustling up enough scraps to do so.

#3: Oh My Stars!
This one could use some attention. It's been awhile since I worked on it.

#4: Pezzy
Top is done. I am waiting for backing inspiration to strike. Or the right sale to come along. (hee hee!)

#5: Trees
16 blocks pieced....just 4 more to go. (YAY!)

#6: Log Cabin Blocks
Another scrap project. Focus fabric all the way from Sweden, thanks to my sister.

#7: Machine Quilting Sampler #2
About half done. This is an on-going project, as I use it when I teach machine quilting classes. I have another class coming up in January, so I will be doing more on this soon. (Incidentally, I REALLY like this quilting design!)

#8: Leftovers
I'm pretty sure that this is my oldest WIP. It uses leftovers from my off kilter quilt. I'm not sure what is taking me so long to finish this one. I really like the colors (even though there IS purple in it!) and it would be easy to finish the top. All I would need is a plan....and an hour.

#9: Malena's Quilt
My niece and I started making this quilt on Labor Day weekend while she was here visiting from Iowa. It was intended to be a joint project, but I'm kinda itching to work on it and try out some fancy stitches on my new Horizon at the same time.

#10: It's ALL just Fabric
Not sure how big to make this...probably just a wall hanging.

#11: Reclaimed Stars
THIS might be my oldest WIP. It's a quilt made from clothing pieces and "ugly" scraps that I just couldn't throw away. I do like this one, too, even though it's not my normal style. I would like to make it at least a decent sized lap quilt.

In addition to these, I have a bunch of orphan blocks that I don't know what to do with but can't bear to part with them quite yet. They barely count. :)

I think that's it! It was actually fun to review the state of things and to see photos of them all in one place. It looks like I have plenty of fodder for upcoming finish it up Fridays!!!

Hope you have a happy and SAFE New Year!


Anonymous said...

An impressive list of WIPS's. Love your trees.
Happy New Year from Holland, where the New Year is already 55 minutes old.

Unknown said...

LOVE that fmq design! I pinned it for future inspiration. :)

Just the other night I made myself a WIP list... I need a list so that I can mark things off as I go, so not only do I list the project, but also what needs to be done (i.e. quilt and bind!). As someone who dislikes having WIPs hanging over my head, I was shocked to see 6 quilts on the list! Ekk!!

I can't wait to see these projects pop up again as you finish them!

Maja said...

Your work to be is fantastic!
Lets hope for plenty of time, inspiration, and a bit lesser scraps- sometime;-)
Have a Safe and lovely 2013.

Beth said...

Fantastic WIPs. I have a much longer list LOL.
I really am going to try and actually finish them up.
Happy New Year

Karen @ Confessions of a Home Ec Dropout said...

My WIP's are more like baggies full of bits and
pieces,some sewn together and some loose,
with a pattern and some scribbled notes
thrown in for good measure!

Sometimes the parts have been robbed for some other use,
so it'll never really work now anyway!

Your WIP's look great.

MariQuilts said...

Looks fabulous...I don't know how you get so much done. Have a wonderful New Year.

Lynn said...

Fun post! Thanks so much for sharing. I'm almost afraid to go through my wips (oops and don't forget 2012 ufos).
Happy New Year!

Suzanne said...

Your stroll down memory WIP lane puts a smile on my face. Happy New Year!

Carie @ Space for the Butterflies said...

What a gorgeous pile of inspiration with which to start the new year! I've got one quilt ready for backing, hand quilting and binding and the fabric for at least four more all planned out but first I have to finish paper piecing some hexagons to make sure that even if my tiniest girl didn't have a finished stocking this year she'll be all sorted for next.

dutchcomfort said...
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dutchcomfort said...

Happy New Year Amandajean!!

Glinda ♥ said...

I love them all! Stars and trees are special ... Good luck and all the best in 2013 :)

Franziska said...

I saw a quilt recently where orphan blocks were sewn together. Maybe something for you?
Happy new year.

Franziska said...

I saw a quilt recently where orphan blocks were sewn together. Maybe something for you?
Happy new year.

Karin på Ösäter said...

Happy New Year 2013!

Karin på Ösäter

karen said...

That's all? You're much too efficient about finishing your projects. :)

Happy New Year.

Jilly said...

I absolutely love them all and I am sure you will get at least some of them finished this year. I just adore scrap happy. Hope you have a wonderful new year and many blessings for 2013

Cheerful Homemaker said...

Love the quilting on the sampler! I would love to take a machine quilting class, but I don't think anyone local offers anything like that (sad face!).

Happy New Year!

kathy-o said...

"Oh My Stars" has got to be a favorite! I love stars....ahhhh! And you machine quilting is wonderful! Happy New Year! Can't wait to see what you accomplish this year!

Donna said...

Sew an orphan block to the bag your grocery story sells. I have 4 so far and it seems to lighten the grocery shopping load.

Jessica Christensen said...

Oh, if I only had 11. It is getting quite serious around here, because I have had equipment and time problems most of the year. Maybe I'll just choose 12 again, and see if I can finish any of them. It SEEMS like I should be able to do one a month, but that never works out. I cannot believe how many scrappy projects you have. I always love them, but they are the MOST time-consuming. Keep inspiring me. One day I'll show up on finish-it-up Friday. ;)

poppiquilt said...

WOW! I thought I had so many WIP, but I see that you are not joking! I hope in my resolutions for the new year. Good work and good 2013!

Unknown said...

I was getting bogged down with UFOs but now my MIL has had to relocate to a resthome and UFOs are now becoming lap quilts for use in the conservatory as all the residents feel the cold. I'm ticking them of the list and out of my sewing room and the residents love them so win, win all round

Emily said...

I'm actually surprised you don't have more.... Only bcuz you are always coming up with new ideas. As for your lonely blocks, I just saw a cool idea on one of my regular reads. She made a "kitchen sink" quilt with all the orphan blocks. It was kinda cool. Happy new year!

Emily said...

It was called the puzzle quilt, found on s.o.t.a.k handmade blog.

Halliday's said...

Beautiful! Do you have a pattern for the tree quilt?

Amanda Jean said...


Thank you! I am working on the pattern for the tree quilt. Stay tuned!


elletaylor said...

Love Scrap Happy! :)

Diane Barfield said...

Love the trees. Is there a pattern for those? Of course, all your work is great. Happy new year.

Amanda Jean said...


I'm currently working on the tree pattern. Stay tuned!


Sarah Craig said...

You've got lots of pretty projects going on there, can't wait to see them finished! And if you want a good home for your orphan blocks, you can send them my way - we'll put them into ministry quilts and give them good homes with people who need a quilt-y hug!

Happy New Year!

Lana said...

Happy New Year!!! I am excited to get back into my studio this year and finish up some of my WIPs...but I have one or two items on my list from ideas I have had on your blog...I LOVE THIS PLACE!

Jeanna said...

I'm going to stop calling all those things in my closet UFO's and now they are WIP's! I DO plan to finish them someday! I love your FMQ sampler - do you have any instructions or closer pictures of it? I thought I was a regular follower of your blog, but I might have missed this one...

tubilinha tiacarminha said...


Cheryl Arkison said...

That's not that bad AT ALL!
The leftover blocks from the off kilter quilt remind me of the quilt you made N, just in prints.

Maggie said...

I have so many WIPs hidden in corners round the house! I have finished sorting my scraps though which I'm really pleased about. I need to make some more of your patchwork boxes for some of the colours that don't have a box yet!!I love your stars quilt :) Maggie xx

Ellen said...

They are all gorgeous...starting at number 1!

Anonymous said...

Great quilts as usual! I really love the tree quilt :)

Jeanna said...

Wait - did you say you have a new Horizon??? I have the 7700, which one do you have? I LOVE my machine!! You should come and join our Yahoo group (, lots of wonderful ladies with ideas and tips specific to our machines! Congratulations, I hope you love your machine as much as I do mine.

Tsoniki said...

Lots of WIPs! I am too scared to list all of mine. LOL Maybe when I get moved and unpack again.

Mama Pea said...

I'm not even going there this year. I give up. I just work on what makes me feel good. ;-)