
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

another pair of socks

When I first learned how to knit socks, I went to great lengths to take the classes. It wasn't at a convenient time of the day so I had to find a sitter for my girl and find someone to watch the boys after they got off the bus. (Sometimes that involved two different sitters in the same day, which is totally unheard of in my world.) Then I had to purchase the sock yarn, pay for the class, drive back and forth, pay the sitter, etc. When it was all said and done my first pair of socks cost at LEAST $75. For that reason (and so many more), I am committed to keeping up my sock knitting skills. I try to have a sock on the needles at all times.

I had a FABULOUS teacher (through a local-ish yarn shop) and it was totally worth my time and effort to learn this new skill. Hand knit socks are a treat to wear AND I enjoy the process of making them. I have a high tolerance for tedium, so knitting them-even the second one-isn't a problem for me. No second sock syndrome here. Hurray for that!!!

This particular sock yarn was a gift from my pal Terri. (Thanks, dude!) It's lovely, lovely yarn....Lorna's Laces in the color Mother Lode. (Ha! Love that name! That's exactly how I felt when she gave me this yarn, like I hit the mother lode!) I love these socks! Every time I finish a pair (this is my 7th pair!) I still feel like proclaiming "I can knit my own socks!"

I just cast on another one charcoal gray. Mmmmmmmm. I can't wait!


  1. my daughter is also addicted to sock knitting. she tends to either do her own designs or take patterns from Ravelry. There are some beauties out there. I am hoping for a pair for Christmas! Everything crossed, especially the toes!

  2. I understand perfectly! I've not yet had the pleasure of using Lorna's Laces yarn, but I love my sock, nevertheless. Here in the high desert it's not unusual for people to experience deep cracks in the skin of their feet. Since I knit my own socks, that's never happened again. I suspect it's the lanolin in the wool. (I even knit summer footies!)

  3. Wow they look lovely.

    I only bought a book but I haven't had the courage to start yet!


  4. Great idea to find a local teacher - I'm dying to knit socks.

  5. I love my home knitted socks! It´s a must for me!
    The ones I´m knitting now is grey and lilac. I feel like a punkrocker;-D

  6. what an awesome skill! I hope to add it to my list of things I can do one day.

  7. I also have a high tolerance for tedium and love sock knitting, the perfect mindless knitting, at least on basic no frills socks. I knit on dpns, toe up. Do you do toe up or top down?

  8. Homemade socks are the absolute best! I haven't made a pair in a year. I need another pair

  9. $75 is a lot for socks! lol My daughter is the knitter in this family, me, I just quilt.

  10. Oh man...I would love to learn how to knit socks but I don't think my backward brain would be able to do it. As it is when I just knit a simple square I have to put one needle between my knees...I just can't hold them both and move the yarn around. Backward...I know!

  11. Anonymous5:56 PM

    What fun! I'm guessing you knit on road trips?!

  12. LOVE hand knit socks. They are one of the most fabulous things ever! I am in the process of making J a pair right now, just because I want him to experience the fabulousness! LOL. These are taking forever, though, because I chose a pattern with cables. Turning cables on socks can be pretty tricky and got on my nerves after one sock. I had to put that one away and work on a different pair for a while. LOL Finished one of those and now back to J's.

  13. Wow that sounds crazy! So glad you stuck with it and have made way more to make up for the first pair. They look great with that shade of yarn =D

  14. Those are lovely socks!

    Sock knitting is my first love. I taught myself using a tutorial online and I've been hooked since. I have about 150 different sock patterns queued on ravelry! Way more than I could ever have time (or money) to knit, but I just keep finding more I love!

  15. See. This is what I mean... fast! Just 2 weeks ago you were at the cuff. :) I also have a pair of socks out of that exact same yarn!

  16. I started knitting socks this year, and I've knit 7 pairs too! I taught myself from books and online tutorials. I had a love-hate relationship with knitting, until I tried socks. I don't know why, but socks are so much more fun than scarves and sweaters!

  17. I haven't made a pair in years. My grandmother taught me how to knit socks and I really enjoyed wearing those that I made myself. Yours are really nice.

  18. hurrah for hand knitted socks. I currently only have one pair but I LOVE them. Yours look great.

  19. I have one pair that my daughter in law made for me......divine!

    Happy Sewing

  20. Cute socks!! It's definitely something I want to learn to do. Congrats on your recent finish!

  21. Cathrin2:30 AM

    Wow, you knit, too? I'm more a knitter than a quilter, but especially during summer time I prefer sewing. ;-) (and somehow found your blog)
    I started knitting just 3.5 years ago and already knit far too many socks. But I love, love, love knitting socks! So I'll probably cast on another pair tonight.
    Enjoy this fabulous skill!
    All the best,
    a german knitter :-)

  22. Anonymous2:34 AM

    Put me in the sock knitting club too - although I only do plain ribbed ones. I live in them all winter and you're right, there's nothing more comfortable than hand-knitted socks. Although I did have to teach myself - thank goodness for the internet. How funny - the pair I cast on yesterday was in a variegated grey. Snap!!

  23. I don't knit, yet (lol) but my girlfriends do. They are currently knitting 2 socks at once! They took a class and now you can't stop them!You may want to check that out because it seems such a time saver.

  24. Hysterical! All said and done I'll have one ripe $50 tomato in the garden before frost hits, so I know the process. I narrowed most of my knitting down to socks - so practical and really comfortable. Yours look like a perfect fit. And the yarn choices are amazing. I start both at the same time, so no more second sock issues. Good luck and enjoy it!!

  25. Wow, that was one expencive pair of socks! :-D

    i was lucky to learn to knit (socks and mits were the first things) at elementary/middle school, it just didn't seem like that when we were 10 yo and sweating through the first pair of I knit several pairs a year for the whole family.

  26. I'm a sock knitter too. It's great that you have the drive to continue getting your dollar's worth out of the first class. I have never taken a knitting (or quilting) class for probably the same reason. I do hope this year to learn how to do two at a time magic loop socks. That might be the first real class I take. Otherwise, I'm a crazy self-taught crafter.

    I have fallen in love with the 9" circular needles. I go round and round without realizing how many times and I don't get those ladders which I can't seem to avoid when I use DPNs. Yay!

  27. Love it! That colorway of Lorna's laces is what I knit my first pair of socks in! (50 pairs later, they're a bit worn out.)

  28. I'm super jealous. I'm a massive failure at knitting. Maybe in a few years I'll give it another go.

    Your socks look wonderful!

  29. Nice work...they look so cozy.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Me too; me too! I love knitting socks. All kinds. Love wearing them. Hate the seams in commercial socks. Glad you're having fun and it's great to 'find' another sock knitter! Knit on!

  32. Congrats on the skill! :) i would love ot learn someday but don't need ot add on to any of my to do list lol

  33. I knit socks, too! Usually I make a rolled top, though, and give them as slippers. They make great slippers.

  34. Cool socks!!

    Learning to knit is still on my Bucket List.

  35. Great socks! and would love to try it. Just looking for a pattern... They look as if they feel very warm and soft!

  36. A few years ago, I gave all my needles to my sister because my hands got just too cramped up while I knit. Now, I'm thinking maybe I would like to knit socks. I never tried them! I wonder if they might frustrate me't not like I have the patience of a saint anymore.

  37. I'm a needle between the knees knitter too. It's not like I'm a complete idiot. I do lots of dextrous things. I wonder if there's any hope. I'd love to knit a pair of socks. They seem so hard to me but so many people can do it.

  38. The creative decorative, looks good, and I love it. Thank you.

  39. I love that you are so committed to the cause!
    PS Love the Hello Sunshine quilt. Genius move adding the navy solid.

  40. Great socks!I wish I could knit.

  41. Maybe I should learn to knit! Your socks look great.

  42. Your socks look awesome! I've been wanting to learn how to knit, but keep putting it off. I see Joann's has a beginners class. Maybe it's about time I take it!!

  43. I would be saying the same thing!! I would love to be able to have the time/patience to do that.. one day!! They look great and so warm!

  44. Knitting socks is one thing I have not done. Do you use 4 needles? I've knit mittens with 4 needles and love how they turn out. Some day I may have to try knitting a pair...might be the last pair. They look awesome!! Happy stitching!!

  45. $75 for a pair of socks, that is so funny.

  46. So pretty! I've never been able to get the hang of socks. I know how to knit, but when there are more than 2 needles, I get mixed up. :P

  47. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Lovely socks.
    I like the sunshine quilt too. The triangles and the colors are fun. So is the last picture of your boy.

  48. I would love to know what pattern you use for your socks. I've only made one pair of socks but I was not happy with the pattern that I used.
