
Saturday, July 14, 2012

fabric usage

I broke open a whole jelly roll today-just for 2 strips of lavender fabric. Never thought THAT would happen. Ever.

Back in May, when I was at quilt market, I was overwhelmed by the sheer volume of fabric out there. I mean, there was so. much. fabric. Everywhere. And they keep making it. At breakneck speed! I'd like to say that after that experience I'm a changed woman. Ha! It made me want to use my fabric rather than hoard it. When I say hoard, I mean "wait for that *perfect* project for the fabric". You know what I mean, right? Now, I'm not holding my breath or anything...but I'm actually enjoying cutting into my fabric these days. Yippee!!! Something that monumental needs to be documented. :)

On the flip side...and there is always a flip side, don't ya know.
I'm saving smaller pieces than ever. These are mini ticker tape pieces.  Aren't they so darn cute??? The orange polka dot bowl (thanks, Mary!) was just screaming for something special to hold. I think these little bits are it!


  1. Hahaha! Because of you I have a million little jars and bowls filled with small pieces of fabric. And I'm saving them for specific projects.

  2. I don't really hoard fabric unless I really love it and can't use it for someone else. I have many scraps from projects, jars, ziplock bags, mini drawers! =D

  3. Monumental!! ....and a littler bowl! he he

  4. I'm starting to come to that realization as well. They will continue making new fabric and I will always be able to find something beautiful! So we now have permission to use everything we've bought. ;)

  5. Wow...what are you going to use those itty-bitty little pieces for? Curious to see....

  6. A mini ticker tape quilt makes my heart beat faster. I might just have to go try one. Tomorrow. Too tired now.
    Use tha fabric up. ;)

  7. it is super hard to cut into those perfect, coveted head says use them because i love them but my heart and wallet say "NOOOOOO!!!"

  8. Well it still 'hurts' me to get to my stash, I have been thinking about that. Stop buying would be a first great step. I wonder what will make me start using them?

  9. I have a layer cake that I bought two years ago and am still waiting for the perfect project for it!! I love the fabric and am so worried I am going to make an ugly quilt with it. Thanks for the motivation to get over it. If it such beautiful fabric how could it make an ugly quilt!!

  10. I am also on the "use my fabric" tear... I'd like to say it was because I matured in my attitude, and I have, but it's more I've had to "mature" in my pocketbook. :-)

    I save tiny, tiny pieces, too, but they come in handy for all sorts of stuff. I've gotten much much better at using scraps than precious yardage. And it's so fun!!

  11. Anonymous9:44 PM

    I've been cutting squares for a postage stamp quilt and saving the scraps that are smaller than 2". Not sure why. Maybe some hope that I'll use them for something. But, they are cool!

  12. you're absolutely right - why save fabrics for some unknown project in the future? - much better to put them to good use now! Maggie xx

  13. Thank goodness that isn't me. I have plans for all my precuts though my regular stash, not. If I bought it obviously I'm going to use it so that I have room to buy more.

  14. Hang on a sec....okay, I had to pick myself up off the floor that you dove in for some LAVENDER!!!! Haha! That cracked me up. I totally relate to your feelings about being overwhelmed at market. I would like to say it has satiated me, too, but it hasn't (as is obvious from my shopping at Gruber's). But it has slowed me down just a little bit. That little bowl with the little scraps is just wonderful! Love it!

  15. Just when I thought the Amanda Jean I knew had been replaced an impostor (because surely only an clone would grab out the lavender!), the one I am endeared to returned with mention of a ticker tape.

    Joking aside, I'm with you! I have a WIP I need to finish so I can incorporate the leftover fabric into my stash so I can use that up too. In the meantime, I'm still pining for some means to stay up all night sewing without being chemically altered and exhausted the next day. :-)

  16. I've been accumulating fabric for decades, and I've inherited some as well. But I can't seem to part with scraps, either -- and they seem to multiply like rabbits. Love your little bowl. I have been keeping bags of 2" squares as a way to tame some of the scraps.

    I still suffer from the "Too Pretty To Cut" syndrome, though, with some of my fabrics.

    I hope to make some crocheted or toothbrush rugs this Fall to use up some of my boring fabrics.

  17. I'm not quite ready for your ticker tape quilt (maybe you can "push" me next year) but you have totally inspired me with your friendship patchwork quilt!! I will be spending the weekend/upcoming week cutting out 4 1/2 inch squares from fabric taken from the quilts I have made up to this point. I'm interested in seeing just how many differenct fabrics I have used in the last two years ;-)

  18. Love the Idea's yes thanks to you I now have many little pieces and some new Jars to put them in. I recived some vintage glass Jars from my quilting buddy Elaine - Thanks they are sitting on my shelf ready to be filled with lucious bits and pieces...Love them.

  19. Ticker tape? Gosh I need anther project to think But I do love the polka dot bowl!

  20. What a great posting, I have been overwhelmed lately about my stash and there isn't enough time to make the projects that I bought it for - now I will cut into that stash and use it for whatever I currently want to make, thanks for the great push to normalacy!!!

  21. Those little bits are soooo full of potential! I can't toss even the little ones, either.

  22. Hi!

    Just want to share wuth you my scrap quilt - it is about the tiniest pieces :)

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. I'm trying to use up my fabric so that I can buy more! :)

  25. you are courageous...
    you are inspiration...
    you are giving me motivation...
    you are encouraging me
    to sew more ...
    think less.....
    use it up...
    lavender happiness....
    there is more where that came from!
    bless you!!

  26. I have recently started cutting into some of the beautiful fabric I have been saving. Saving for WHAT exactly? Good question. It feels good to use it. And super cute bowl. With teensy tiny little scraps. I have been resisting saving ALL my scraps for you. Unless you want them. hehe
