Monday, June 04, 2012

16 tons quilt

I finished my 16 tons quilt. Not a ton to say about it. It's scrappy, it's done, and the the tutorial is here. :) It measures about 46" x 57". My friend Darcy came over this weekend and loved the quilt, so I sent it home with her. She has two little boys and it matches the color scheme she is planning for their new room. Hurray for a quilt going to a good home!

This is only my 11th quilt finish for the year. (I'm slacking.) My kids' last day of school is Wednesday, so I have a feeling that my production is going to take huge hit before it gets better. It'll be fine, I'm sure...just dreading the transition a bit. I guess I better get my quilting time in while I can. :)

Happy Monday to you!


Quilter Mom of 3 said...

I LOVE this quilt!!

It looks amazing!

Books_Bound said...

I love that song!

I like the quilt too. :) The charcoal looks great with the bright turquoise and lime green. It's nice to see examples of other backing besides white!

Michelle said...

Beautiful quilt!! I appreciate, as always, the links to your tutorials. I'm currently working on your Filmstrip quilt for my younger sister. Sunday Morning Quilts, and I am looking forward to a personal signing next month ;-)

Leslie said...

this is really a fun quilt. i love the way you quilted it

Katrina said...

I love the quilting and the colors on this one. :) Awesome job, as always. :)

Margaret said...

*Only* your 11th finish?! I think I have finished 1 quilt this year. I have about 5 WIPs, which I hopefully will finish by the end of the year.

Liz Jimenez said...

Lovely as always! Great colors, and yet another awesome use for scraps...

Richard Healey said...

The quilt looks nice.

Lynn said...

Love the new quilt and thanks for the tutorial link.
Oooh summer break, ours starts tomorrow. This is my last one in school. We are going to spend the summer getting him ready for his drivers test in September, wish me luck!!

Katherine said...

Beautiful quilt! You know how I love scrappy and the colours in this one is so lovely in its controlled palette. Now, imagine my surprise in seeing the backing... what a dotty delight! It totally works and yet I would never have guessed the introduction of a different colour, just for the backing. I like it! You're just too clever, my friend. :o)

beth said...

How in the world did you sandwich that quilt so that the quilting line goes RIGHT THROUGH that strip of little blocks???

Erin M. said...

I think you're selling yourself short when it comes to finishes- the book, all your small projects! That's plenty.

Luisa said...

Absolutely love these! They are beautiful.
I forgot to comment in your last post love the curtains from Ikea. I have only 1 pillow case in the same pattern and a small window in my home I may give it a try and make that pillowcase into a curtain. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Your quilting looks wonderful and not too difficult. I get hung up on the quilting part, don't know why.

jlk said...

11 already? Wow!

Claire Jain said...

Looks awesome :-) And 11 quilts for the year? I'd pat yourself on the back!

Cherie said...

Great looking quilt and 11 is still a lot seeing as its only June =D

Angela Nash said...

I love the green binding with the charcoal.

We've transitioned with lots of lounging around and a couple visits to the pool.

Carmen said...

Eleven quilts in six months is slacking? Sheesh, you should see my finish list. (2 mini quilts and a ton of quilt blocks for other people) :)

Robin Lemke said...

11 and you're slacking? Wow!
I just started quilting with a project for my girls' beds - two quilts at once... I was nearly done with one quilt top and just put my seam ripper right through a piece of fabric in the middle. I feel like I have to mourn for a day before I take it apart. ;)
LOVE the new quilt!!

Clair said...

Yeah for a finished quilt. I finished one last week...the baby quilt. Maybe I will start a new one this week.

Anita said...

11 quilts is only about 10 more than I've finished. Ok, 9. One was a baby quilt. :P

Enjoy your last couple of kid-free days. If you lived here you would have at least a couple more weeks.

Summer Killebrew said...

That is GORGEOUS! I love the grid quilting you did on this with the main block on's such a great look. Well done!

Thimbleanna said...

You're too funny! A Slacker you're not. It looks fab -- as always!!!

Mama Pea said...

Great quilt, great colors. How fun it went to such a great home!

Um, I think you have 11 more finishes than I do this year (if we're talking quilts), so be proud!

Sarah Craig said...

Such a beautiful quilt, and I so appreciate your doing a guest post on my blog with a tutorial for it! It turned out wonderfully - I love the binding!

Jessica Christensen said...

I just barely finished my first quilt this year -- today. And it wasn't even one of MY wips -- somebody else's that she asked me to finish for her. I think 11 finishes sounds wonderful! Love the blue/green on gray.

pasqueflower said...

Great scrappy quilt! And I LOVE the polka dot backing.

themissymom said...

The "potholder" quilt, right :0)
Great quilt for boys, I love the gray. Sweet of you to give it to a friend!

pamela said...

isn't it fun to give away quilts - especially to the unexpecting? :) super cute quilt, amanda! thanks for the tutorial - hope you have an awesome week!!!

sports live said...

woow nice pics

BumbleSweetDesigns said...

AJ - This is totally awesome. Love the colors and I LOVE LOVE LOVE the simple quilting!

Pieced Brain Quilt Designs said...

Happy 11th! Thanks for posting the pics and the tutorial. Yep, this summer won't be so productive for me, either. Oh, well... we can't have our cake and eat it, too (... all the time, right??? ) :-)

Annie said...

Lovely quilt...I'm giving one away tomorrow, and it feels good. Share the love, that's what I say.

Suzanne said...

Remind me to visit you the next time you anticipate finishing a quilt.

Good luck with the transition to summer. Breathe deeply and regularly and take time to sew. Even a minute or two gives me a much needed attitude adjustment. It's much cheaper than therapy or chiropractic care.

Rachel said...

Love the quilt! I think Suzanne and I need a "road trip" (When did you say the next finisheS will be? LOL!!)

Annalia said...

Funny! I home school, so I get a ton MORE done when my kids are off for the summer. :)

Love this quilt! I just made one myself that has brown and gray together...and was surprised at what I nice combo they make.

Cheerful Homemaker said...

I love the quilting on this one!

Terry said...

Congratulations on getting this finished up. I love your solution to how to quilt it. The quilting lines in the gray squares mirror the piecing in the colored ones. I'm glad I got to help you pin the sandwich together - good times ;-)

quirky granola girl said...

this is a pretty finish. are you happy with the quilting design?

paige13d said...

Catching up on your blog after a few weeks away .... I love this quilt and the quilting is perfect.