Wednesday, October 12, 2011

rag rug wip

I love to reuse/repurpose things. I also have an unhealthy love for rugs. Handmade rugs? All. the. better. This one is pretty zany, I'll be the first to admit it. But so far, so good!
I started with this stack of previously worn knit shirts. Some were pilled, some were slightly stained and some of them shrunk up funny in the wash. (Hate that!) I deconstructed them and cut them into approximately 3" squares. Thank goodness for my rotary cutter!
I selected a few upholstery samples that I had in my stash (these are 18" square). Then, I basically used this tutorial (thanks Vanessa!) for attaching the knit squares to the upholstery squares. Working with 18" squares made the process pretty manageable at the sewing machine. Any larger and things would have gotten awkward fast!
These totally remind me of those little tissue paper flowers we used to make in grade school. The ones where you used little tissue papers wrapped around a pencil eraser and you dipped them in white glue, then attached them on a background piece of paper. Remember those?
So far I have two squares done and four left to go. Once all 6 squares are made, I plan to zig zag them together in a 2 x 3 layout. (Now THAT should be fun. Heh.) If all goes well, this will be my new entryway rug.

I started this back in May (oh, my!) and I'm blogging about it now in hopes that it will motivate me to finish! Because I really, really could use a new entryway rug. In fact, I could have used a new rug a few months ago. :) I'm also linking up with Lee for WIP Wednesday.


bellypancasakti said...

very cool idea!

Lynda Halliger Otvos (Lynda M O) said...

I love it and hope to make one of my own someday. My husband is anti-throw rug for safety reasons and he is almost always right so I bow to his “not wanting to take care of my broken hip !~!

Heather said...

I really like this idea. It kind of reminds me of a rug my Grandma used to make.

Al said...

I love this idea! I really want to make one of these now!

Kristen King said...

Love this! :)

Maria said...

It looks really fabulous.Great colours. looking forard to seeing it finished.

Dawn said...

Very cool!! I'm in desperate need of doorway rugs and this is awesome!

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

It looks great Amanda Jean!! Go for a finish! (Will you be able to wash it at the Laundromat after it's all together?) I would love one of those.

quirky granola girl said...

there is something about liking up with Lee at WIP Wednesday that makes me feel more accountable to *finish* things. maybe that's why i haven't linked up in awhile? well, anyway your rug idea is pretty cool :)

elizabeth said...

Too cute, and I do have plenty of t-shirts to if I can find plenty of time : ) said...

how do you attatch the squares to the upolstry fabric?? Do you do a locking stitch in the middle?? I have braided rugs, but never done it this way!

Deborah said...

This is really cool!! Thanks for the linky. I always keep all my hubby's old t-shirts. Now I know how to use them up!
Thanks, Deborah

Kari @ The Purple Quiltapotamus said...

What a cool rug - its going to be fantastic when its done. Great job. said...

oops, I missed the link that you added to show the tutorial! Sorry! I saw it right after I left my comment! THanks for sharing!

Becky said...

Of course you can, of course you can...finish, that is! Can't wait to see the end result. I think I'll try this idea myself. I really like the variety of colors you chose. Very cheery.

Anonymous said...

This is pretty cool! I think this would look great in a kids room, or maybe fabric that are in the "color tone" of a room that coordinates good.

Thanks for the share! :)

Thimbleanna said...

Wow -- VERY cool Ms. Crazy! Isn't it funny how you don't notice projects sometimes when you see them, but at other times they have the big Wow factor!

Miranda said...

Hey that's really cool!!! I just got done doing up a crocheted rug made with t shirt yarn. It's OK but it turned out kinda wonky.. This one I likey! Thanks a whole lot for giving me one more thing I feel like I "have" to make :)

Kate O said...

This is awesome! Now how can I fit this into working on a Halloween costume, plus two twin-sized quilts, one a zigzag (pieced, sandwiched and pin-basted), the other a cartwheels (still piecing). How do you do it, Amandajean?

Anonymous said...

I have two of these I bought at a thrift store. Dirt cheap so I so not care if they get goobered. One of your posters asked how to wash: take em to the laundry and toss them in a large machine.

Mine are backed on denim and they are about 2 foot by 3 foot.

Best Wishes!
Cindy B.

MulticoloredPieces said...

What a neat project! And the colors are so fun. Just happened by while surfing the net a bit. Enjoyed your blog and your quilts and your fabrics!
best from Tunisia

Timi said...

Thanks for the idea :o))!

Heleen Groot said...

That is a wonderful idea! Oooooh am I going to fit that in. I could really do with a new mat in my bathroom an I have loads of old shirts....Right, excuse found. I'll try it~!

sonia said...

Very good idea! I hate throwing clothes to the bin!

Leslie said...

this is awesome!!!! i love all the fun bright colors

Amy said...

Wow that is fabulous! I love this idea! Awesome. Can't wait to see the finished product.

Jenn at The Little Shop of Stitches said...

I like it! Very colorful and fun. Looks like it would be fun to step on with bare feet. :)

Peggy said...

What a great idea - I know a drapery seamstress who is always looking for places to give away her sample books..... Hmmmm....

Vicki B said...

you are the best Amanda Jean. Love this idea. Wanna make it for my daughter. thanks.

Annieofbluegables said...

This is so great. When you say upholstery samples, is that just heavier fabric, the kind you can get from JoAnns?
I never did those tissue things in school, but my children did.
I love how this turned out.

Emily said...

This is stinkin' awesome! What a fun rug. Will make for a cheery entry for sure!

tina said...

Thank you! I think i'll try

Connie said...

Eager to see the finished rug!

(If you get this comment 3 times, it's blogger's fault!)

Karen said...

Neat! I definitely would not have thought of that.

Textile-tally said...

Thank you for the link on how to do this. I love it and have a stash of t shirts waiting for inspiration. Thanks!

Denise L said...

Very neat idea and I would definitely like to try it sometime. Thanks for sharing!

Jennifer said...

THAT... Is cool!

thegirlwithacurl said...

This would make a great bathroom rug. I have some upholstery samples I've been saving for "something." This looks perfect!!

Kristen said...

This is a very cool! You are always coming up with such interesting ideas! Finish it up already! ;) It going to look great.

Lee said...

Yaaaay, you linked up! What a cool idea! It reminds me of a fabulous modern update on '70s shag carpet. : )

Thanks for joining in WIP Wednesday!

V and Co. said...

now you have to make me one!!!!

Quilter Mom of 3 said...

I have upholstery samples, but have another plan for them, so I will be using Denim as my backing.

Catherine said...

Love this so much....the rug at the back door just hit the bin, but I have a feeling that it will be replaced by something more creative by the end of this coming weekend.