Saturday, July 23, 2011

moving on

First off, thanks for FLOODING my inbox with your encouraging comments and emails. They mean more than I can say. Thank you ever so kindly. I'm feeling so much better and I'm ready to put all that behind me and move on! So I will. :)
I am so excited about this quilt. I love, love, LOVE it. It will always have a special place in my heart. You see, I have a super sweet friend that sent me all the pieces already cut out! What a gift! Thank you so much, Penny!

The fabrics are so lovely and many of them are so unlike any that would come in my stash, but I love them just the same. (Don't you wish that you could have someone else go fabric shopping for you once in awhile, just to increase the variety of your stash? I know I do.) Anyway, the quilt top was super quick to put together. Now I'm thinking about hand quilting it. Sounds like a great idea in the heat of summer, huh? But after seeing how great this one turned out, how on earth could I not?


Caryn Allen said...

I had this exact same experience with these exact same shaped blocks! I call it my "ugly quilt" even though it's not technically ugly. How fun! I love how yours turned out!

Mommarock said...

I sure wish someone would do that.. I know if I had a Go Baby, that would be one of the greatest gifts that I could give after getting it. Already cut Rose of Sharon shapes..spread the wealth.. dreamin... :)

Anonymous said...

I am glad that you feel able to continue blogging and sharing your great tutorials.
What a lovely quilt this is and due to colour very different from mine, which I made last year.

Ginette said...

Love tumbler blocks!! My mom just made one for my friend's baby girl using flannel with sock monkeys on it!! So cute!! I love the variety of fabric in yours! What a great friend you have!
Also, so glad you are feeling better; I love your blog!!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Your right - you have an awesome friend. I love how that one turned out. How do you get so much done?

sewtakeahike said...

oh Amanda! Just seeing your quilt all sewn together is making me cry! It so touches my heart that you took your precious time to put it together so quickly and I can't tell you how giddy I am that you, Tara and I have "matching" quilts. I will cherish mine forever and I think of you two very special friends ever time I use it! You are such a light AJ!

sewtakeahike said...

p.s. I can't take all the credit for this, it was my idea, but Tara helped pick fabrics and ironed every fat quarter and then sorted and counted them. She's so amazing and I'm so blessed to be able to call both of you friend!

Erin @ Why Not Sew? Quilts said...

tumblers are one of my favorites and this is beautiful.

Jessica Christensen said...

I DO tend to buy the same kinds of things over and over. Not enough variety in my stash either. I love this tumbler block -- the jagged edge.

Shannon said...

I LOVE it!! I'm dying to make a tumbler quilt (but I'm holding out for a Go! Baby...I actually added it to my running "Christmas list"...not kidding!)

Jenny in Texas said...

I am so glad that you are feeling better!! Thanks for all that you do -- love the picture of the new quilt top!

bethanndodd said...

Awww, aren't friends the best! Love the quilt...good luck with the quilting. Smiles~Beth

Anonymous said...

Welcome back! I think that's why I like swaps sometimes. People send you fabric that you wouldn't necessarily pick out yourself. Love the quilt, great, fun fabric.

Joanne said...

I want a friend like that. I'm working on a queen-sized tumbler quilt, but I've been cutting all of the pieces with scissors and so far, no two are alike. Actually, I'm working on this between other projects (lots of them). I love doing this and seeing yours has made me want to work on mine full-time.

Natalie said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous quilt top!! I think you can only increase the loveliness by hand quilting.

kemory said...

I so want to make one of these quilts...I just got the AccuQuilt and need to get the die for the tumblers.....
it's beautiful!

Quiltn Mama said...

You're staying, you're staying! Picture me doing the Tom Cruise jump-up on the sofa thing (minus the creepiness, of course)! Happy quilting, Crazy Mom!

Brenda Kay said...

I made a tumbler block earlier this year and loved it so much I am planning another in a few months. the colors in your are wonderful and to have them cut for you, what a gift.

Anorina @SameliasMum said...

Beautiful fabrics. I'm yet to try the tumbler block... one day :-)

Hand quilting is very relaxing and a little bit therapeutic.

Tina H. said...

Oh, it's a great day! You've not only posted, but have a great picture to go with it. Love your work. Seems like you have terrific friends. Glad to see that you are continuing to inspire many of us.

Impera Magna said...

I recently finished up a tumbler that I quilted on the machine... I like how it turned out. I'm not trying to talk you out of hand-quilting but there is another option to getting a similar result to the photo you posted.

Deb said...

My sister and I have different tastes in fabric, so often we buy 1/2 cuts of fabric, then give the other one a fat quarter of it. It's nice because it does shake up the stash a bit with things I wouldn't have otherwise bought!!


Sara said...

Pretty amazing top!!!

Wendy said...

A lovely little quilt!

Karen said...

Great quilt top and I think hand quilting it would look wonderful and really compliment the tumbler design. How fun to create a quilt from a friend's choices of fabric!

So far, I haven't done a tumbler quilt, but I'd like to, maybe for a baby.

I'm very glad your back amongst us!

Hugs, Karen

Char said...

Nice! Now I want to make one and I'm already hooked on the Yo -Yos. Just not enough hours in the day.

Joann said...

Love that quilt. You make me believe I could make it.
Glad you are feeling better. I would really miss your blog. It is at the top of my favorites list and always the first on I look at, quite often because of time constraints the only one I read. Have many of you tutorials in my favorites also and am looking forward to making them.
Please keep inspiring and do your best to ignore the nansties.

Anonymous said...

i made one of these last Summer in indigo, ecru and tan colors.
Love it!! and i'll definitely make another one.

Sharon Pernes said...

I love the quilt! I just made a tumbler table runner and it was lots of fun to make.

Gari in AL said...

I really like your quilt, too. I have been wanting to do a tumbler quilt (I have a GO and the die) but am not sure I have enough interesting fabrics for it. But I'm gonna look.

Thimbelina said...

It's just beautiful....and I'm so glad you're moving on and still blogging. I just love your blog and can't believe the hide of some people.

Deborah said...

Awesome quilt! My friend gave me some bright summer batiks. I'd never used brights before and now I love them! I made a tablerunner that turned out yummy.
Glad you're feeling better.

Sarah Craig said...

So glad you've decided to stay put while moving on - you would have been sorely missed! Lovely tumbler quilt - this one's on my short list!!

Little Penpen said...

The colors are gorgeous. I would love for someone to send me a quilt already cut out.... what a treasure!

Anonymous said...

beautiful! You inspire me so! Thank you! Im gonna go to Joann's with coupon in hand and buy the Go baby cut die for this!

Nanci said...

I have wanted to make a tumblers quilt for the longest time and yours turned out so sweet. Glad to see you are back doing what we all love- quilting.

Kris said...

Gosh! Just read this post, and the "blue" one too, and all I can say is, "Some people!". It's terrible to think that just because you blog, some people think you should have thick skin and be able to "take" it. No-one has the right to speak unkindly to any one. You are an inspiration to many, but that doesn't mean you are responsible to us or for us. Hang in there. I'm sure you have much more support than you realise. I love coming to your blog. I love that you share photos of your latest passion or work with us. That's all a blog is about. Sharing your quiltiness. That's all any of us can expect from you. And you do it remarkably well. Best wishes!

Angela Nash said...

Since you didn't have to cut, I say go for the hand quilting!

Lucky you getting all those awesome fabrics from Penny!

**nicke... said...

what a sweet gift from a sweet friend. i read her response to your post and thought it was very sweet. i think it is so great that we can make virtual friends. i have made so many and i am so happy for every single one of them.

Dandelion Quilts said...

What a beautiful quilt, Amanda Jean. I have been a bit out of blogging due to various summer doings, I am sorry to hear you have been having all these troubles. I appreciate the inspiration your blog provides from examples, to tutorials, to quilt alongs. I do hope you will stick with it, even if you do take a break for a while (I do this sometimes and it does help). Blogs are a lot of work as all of the special stuff you do. Don't let the negative people steal your joy. That is something I try to keep in mind.

Anonymous said...

What a super sweet friend indeed you have-- not to mention the other 550 virtual friends that took the time to leave you a comment (& many said they never comment) in order to lift your spirits and nudge you to move onward and not "let the turkeys get you down."
Yes, put it all behind you because what doesn't kill you will make you stronger!!! Just Believe in yourself & you can't go wrong.

Kristyne said...

Yay! Thanks for sticking around. :)

Anonymous said...


Lexi said...

Glad you're feeling better, that makes me happy! I love this quilt, I love its simple simplicity and old fashioned goodness while being modernly happy and lively.
Looking forward to seeing all of the wonderful things you continue to share with us.
You'll always have people cheering for you. Lexi

Mego said...

Beautiful! I've been WANTING to make a tumbler quilt! I read your previous post and was also enraged for you. I am tired of people thinking they 'own' you because you blog. Honestly. Hang in there and as always, thanks for sharing. Some people are just...well whatever. Best to you!

Sara said...

Glad to see you are moving on - I am so sorry someone made your life miserable.

I love your quilt-alongs ... and I've learned so much from you.

Thanks for having a wonderful blog...

Kim said...

You rock Amanda Jean
Be strong....Quilt on!
Love your quilts, your tutorials, and your upbeat approach.

Happy Sewing

Connie said...

So glad to see your post today -- been holding my breath.

And I am in awe of anyone who takes the time to hand quilt. I'd say never for me, except I said I'd never make a quilt, too! But here I am, happily piecing another quilt.

carol said...

I missed your last post. I'm so sorry you're sad and upset (again). I hope you can let it go and realize that you have many more fans than not and those that criticize are just the jealous ones! Poop on them!

Beth said...

I have a fairly big stack of tumblers ( actually two stacks, small ones and large ones) all of which I hand cut. I think you just inspired me to sew those pieces together. Thanks.
Yours is a beauty.

Shanna said...

I've been wanting to make a tumbler!! Such a great way to use scraps :o)

Kim with a K said...

Looks scrapp-a-licious!!!

Karen said...

Hey Blue!
Good to see you did not leave us. There are good people in the world. And I LIKE your blog, what you show us and share with us.

I recommend that you delete the irritating comments.

You cannot change people, you can change how they effect you.

Happy days to you...K

Jill S. said...

I just finished hand-quilting a hexigon quilt (1st hand quilting project) and it turned out so neat...even with my uneven stitches...i think your quilt would be gorgeous too hand quilted; very vintage looking. On the tumbler I made, I made my edges straight after I was done piecing so I could bind it. Can't wait to see what you do. Thanks for sharing your talent with us. I love your blog.

Jan said...

I think your tumbler quilt is gorgeous and cheerful looking! Hand quilting would be a nice touch to add to a quilt that was inspired by a gift from a friend.

Thanks for sharing it with us!

dutchcomfort said...

Glad to hear you are feeling better! Working on a cheery quilt always helps!

Sarah said...

That quilt style terrifies me...gotta admit it. I work mostly in rectangles and/or did you piece it? Did you sew it in rows first? That's the only way I could think of to do it...but I really want to know how it was done since you said it was super easy to piece...and I'm looking at it and thinking...uh-huh, not so sure I'd want to attempt it.

A Family Deal said...

So glad that your spirits are lifted!
What a great friend and a lovely quilt top. I really like this style but being a beginer I will stick with my squares and rectagles for now :0)
I'm starting a quilt tomorrow that will be either a birthday or Christmas gift for my niece (both in Dec). Have fabric and batting start with cutting and maybe get to pieceing if all goes well. Wish me luck!

Karen said...

Geat quilt! Love the tumbler block. Your Moda Bakeshop inspired me to make a table runner or two.

RebeccaL said...

Yay! So happy you're staying. This quilt is AMAZING! I love the tumbling cup look (plus I can see some of my favorite fabrics in there!).

Thanks for staying, AJ!

Ginny said...

Glad you are staying. I so enjoy your blog and your beautiful quilts!

Shawn said...

Oh my gosh Amanda, I love this quilt. I am hand quilting your Topsy Turvy pattern made in Simple Abundance with perle. Using the perle cotton to quilt is new to me but it's fast,fun and hand quilting is always so relaxing to me. Have fun!

Heather said...

oooo this is lovely! If only the exact fabrics that I love could come precut exactly the way that I want them … I think i might sew more if so!

Rosa said...

I glad you are moving on,I enjoy your blog.
Last summer I did one quilt like that with that blocks.
It`s a beutiful quilt.

Michelle said...

One of my quilty goals for this summer was to learn how to hand quilt. Maybe not the best season for that :) Did not get around to it though...perhaps after Christmas I can tackle this one!

deebriese said...

Gosh love it! How wonderful and probably just the pick me up you needed..I wondered about the machine assembly..I know my grandmother used to do that one by hand. Glad your feeling better!

michelle said...

Hey! I sat and watched you Tara and Penny cut them out...doesn't that count for something. I have actually told Penny I would give her the money if she would fabric shop for me!

Candy said...

YESS! Loved seeing your post. I don't detect one bit of "blue" in you. Hooray! Beautifully sewn quilt top. I've never hand quilted anything bigger than a baby blanket - I know you are up to it though, it's so therapeutic.
So thankful you are back, AJ.

Elbow Chronicles said...

I love this quilt - it may even be my favorite of all the ones you've ever posted!! I'm curious though, what does that back look like?
Thank you so much for sharing your creations - for a beginner quilter/sewer like me, your posts are a wealth of inspiration! :-)

Cheryl Arkison said...

Fun! What an update from the basic patchwork charm quilt.

Karen said...

Now I want one - how great is that!?! Now I have hand quilting on the brain too. Hmmmm

Mary said...

I may have to buy the Accu-quilt die for this and give it a try, glad to see your are no longer "blue"!! :)

Carrie said...

I really like that quilt! I have seen a few others, and they are all cool. My mom, sister and I did a version of the "three quilts the (kinda) same. we all made blocks of our choice using one inspiration fabric, did a swap and ended up with 4 of each person's blocks then put them together how we wanted. they are all different, but the same.
My husband also really likes it, guess I know what my next project is!
Thanks for sharing. Would you mind if I link to it in my blog?

Shelly said...

Oh, Amanda. I knew it would be fabulous!

PinkGranny said...

I love it!

Jill said...

Glad your spirits where lifted and you are quilting on! I often use your tutorials for the wonderful reference that they are!I have a tumbler template that I have been itching to use! Maybe today is the day to make use of it!? I also love the comments here on all the ideas to share fabric among friends. Very inspiring! This is exactly what a good blog should accomplish - inspiration and sharing.

Anonymous said...

Hey the tumblers. I may have to cut some with the Accucut at school. Really would be fun to share with a friend. ♥

Patty said...

Thanks for your continuous inspiration! Love your work, this is very cheery! Really enjoy your blog!

Pam M. said...

YEA! that you are feeling better!
YEA! that you are back!
YEA! that tumbler quilt rocks!

Anonymous said...

You have to wonder why some people seem to be driven to live their lives just to make other people miserable. I'm glad you've pulled yourself above it, though, and taken the high road.

Iron Realms Entertainment: Tears of Polaris, Achaea, Aetolia, Lusternia and Imperian

Live a Colorful Life said...

It was so much fun to see the beginnings of this quilt come together in person! It looks great. My good friend here has both of the Accuquilt machines. I definitely need to take advantage of that and cut some tumbler blocks.

JusticeBlog said...

Love this!

**What size tumblers are these?**

I have been contemplating a tumbler for a couple of months now - mostly to use up some of my scrap fabric that is threatening to take over and consume my entire quilt room!

Thanks for sharing and continuing on despite the recent negativity. I think there is something in the air recently...even outside of the quilt world, a lot of this sort of stuff is happening.

Anonymous said...

I am new to quilting, and your blog basically taught me how to quilt. This tumbler quilt of yours was the first one I had courage enough to machine quilt, and I love it. I thought you were crazy for wanting to hand quilt it until I looked at the flicker picture and now I am convinced! Thank you so much for all of your wonderful tutorials!

Ann Rose said...

Such sweet friends, cutting out all of those tumbler shapes, and the colors are sweet too! All the happy pastel colors remind me of spring and summer and an ice cream parlor that serves every flavor you could ever want.

Glad you've decided to stick with the blog, I find your work inspiring and uplifting -- even if I never make a fill-sized quilt (I'm a klutz and can't match up seams very well), CMQ gives me confidence enough to try!

Anonymous said...

AmandaJean, Howdy Doody...this is Judy! Your passion and enthusiasm spills all over anyone who reads your blog! Some people are oblivious to how their comments sound, oblivious to blogger etiquette and could possibly even be oblivious to being the ones having offended you. That's the downside of putting it on the internet for any and all to see. My family says "Look to the good!" Which means that there is always a bad side to things, but you must concentrate on all that is good in situations. I started reading your blog just months before you had stopped and felt like I was losing a friend. I was thrilled the day I hit my CMQ favorite button and you were back! I should have written you back then, I'm sorry that I didn't let you know.
It's true that what you put out in the world really does come back to you and I pray that you receive blessings galore because you are a blessing to me and many others! Thank You for sharing your love of quilting and being an inspiration for us all! We love you and dream of being at a quilt retreat with someone like you! May God Richly Bless You and all your many projects! You have a good heart and it comes across in your blog! Luvyabye, Judy @

Amanda said...

I'm a hand quilter and I love it. It always feels like I'm putting more of me into the quilt. Though every time I end up quilting in the summer I do question my intelligence. I lap quilt on my "gigantor hoop" and after a few quilts I developed a heat avoidance system. Good luck if you decide to hand quilt. I'm sure it will be beautiful no matter what you do. Your quilt's tempt me to try machine quilting all the time!

donna said...

What fun!

Unknown said...

I am so glad you've decided you can put mean people behind you!
I've been feeling a bit burnt out myself lately.
I'm hoping ti passes because I love my blog, my patterns and twitter but right now they're seeming more work then fun.

Karen said...

Hey Amanada Jean :)

Your blog is crisp, fresh and straightforward. We love your approach and appreciate your time and giving "free" pattern dimensions and tutorials, as well as your quilt-a-longs! Keep up your spirits and continue to give as much of yourself that makes YOU happy! Your blog is inspiring and a great reference tool. With or without peoples comments, your blog represents a modern new age guide for us all to enjoy. If I were to start a blog it would be comment FREE! I never read comments on any of my blogs that I follow, so don't worry, most SANE people don't pay any attention either.

For the rest of us nice people, please don't take down your blog, I refer to it often and do enjoy reading about your process!

You Go Girl :)

Anonymous said...

hand stitching would be lovely, as usual you are right on!

Suzanne said...

I've never done a tumbler quilt nor hand quilted any of mine but you encourage me to try new things all the time. I love, love, love the lady with the heart on her apron.

Marian said...

I am usually one of those "silent blog readers". I enjoy reading your blog and she made that look so easy. It makes me believe that it might just be easy enough to attempt. I am sorry for whatever has happened that has caused you pain. There are so many takers in this world and very few givers. The givers just get worn out. You have a geniuine joy of quiltiing and sharing your inspiration. It is deplorable for otheres to take that from you. Focus on what is good, what is pure, what is right, and what is true. All the other stuff will fade away. The takers will continue to take..all of thier life and shame on them! Do not let them take your spirit..your joy. Thanks for blogging and thanks for sharing your love of quilting and a little piece of your soul with us.

Anonymous said...

Hi there,
I normally am silent on blogs, but was sad to see the post on how down you are feeling.

I have wanted to quilt for a long time and have never had the courage or knowledge to even know where to begin. I found your blog and eagerly followed every step of your very clear direction on a ragged edge quilt (figured it was an easy way to start!). I made a beautiful quilt for my new nephew and everyone thinks I'm a genius - I told them YOU were the genius.

Please don't stop blogging. People like me are learning so much and getting so much joy from your experience and willingness to share. I will never be a quilter of your caliber, but I love to see what you are doing and you have inspired me to try another quilt that ISN'T ragged edged! Wow, that's a big step.

There are people out there who are grateful for the time you put into explaining and photographing things.
Please don't stop!
Thank you

Unknown said...

You introduced me to quilting. I know that you get many many emails daily and I don't always post as there is so many ahead of me. But know this, you inspire many of us and it's because of your love of quilting that we are here. No one expects you to blog daily. Make yourself a list to only do three a week and see if you can relax a bit. We don't want you to have the weight of the blog world on you shoulders. And yes, it's a free blog, I know that. I know what you mean about it takes a lot of time to take a wee break during the week.

Beth said...

I just found your blog, and think it is wonderful, so thank you for continuing. Your top is beautiful, and an inspiration. I want to start quilting more, and will look forward to reading more. Thank you!!

Teri said...

I love this quilt! The zig zag edges are so cool! I so wish I had an Accu Cut to cut these types of pieces so much quicker! Awesome!!

April (Polkadot Sparrow) said...

I have yet to tire of looking at this one. :) Pretty. And pretty cool to get the pieces already cut!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you are continuing with your blog.....great news! The Tumbler Quilt is so nice, I haven't made one of those YET, but I have a cutter and lots of fabric, just need the time. There are so, so many neat patterns out there, it is hard to decide just what to do next. Wouldn't the gals from decades back have had fun if they would have had the quilting gadgets we have now? Thanks for all of your neat ideas and photos. Cynthia

Samantha K said...

What a true friend you have to send you all of the pieces already cut! This turned out so cute. I love your idea of handquilting it. It will complete the specialness of the quilt.

p.s. making a tumbler quilt is on my "Quilting Bucket List" Hope mine turns out as well as yours did!

Erin said...

Beautiful! And yes, it is hard for me to get into quilting in the heat of summer, but I need to do it!!

Deborah said...

The quilt is adorable! Take care of yourself. I check your blog everyday. When there isn't a new post, I wonder what you are up to! Have you read the book "The Help"? There is a sweet line, "You is smart, you is pretty, you is important." Sometimes we just need to hear a new dialogue. So here is mine for you...You is gifted, you is generous, you is important. :)

Carmen said...

Lovely! I also had the honor of being present when the fabric was being ironed and cut out. :) It's funny, but when I saw the picture my first thought was "That screams to be hand-quilted!".

Terriaw said...

How lucky to have such a sweet friend to send you a fabulous selection of fabrics already cut and ready to piece! I love how this looks. I think I would have to make a tumbler quilt if I had one of those Go Cutters. This is going to be a wonderful project for hand quilting - I admire you for taking that on cuz it sounds like a lot of work. But it will be worth it.

aneela said...

I'm so glad that you are ready to move on, way to go classy lady!
Love the tumbler quilt, I wish I got packages of ready cut shapes to just sew sew sew (Hmmm now there's an idea, tumbler precuts??).

pratima said...

This is a beautiful quilt! It has a wonderful mix of fabrics. Lovely collaboration between you and your friend :)
So sorry for your pain. It shouldn't be happening to anyone. I'm glad you are surrounded by the love and support of your friends. You are just awesome!

christi said...

Love the Quilt!! I think I need new friends! Just kidding, maybe I need to be a better friend. Anyways....Love your quilt and the fabrics, and glad to see you are still providing all of us with great inspiration. Thanks!

Dorrie said...

I'm glad you're feeling better. I'm sorry for the mean people who feel the need to take their horrible day (life) out on you. What is it that my kids say . . ."mean people suck!" And I think that about sums it up. Keep sewing, keep designing, keep doing what fills your soul. We'll be here to encourage and support you.

Timi said...

I am soooo happy you feel better!!!
And this quilt is simply beautiful :o)! I like it!

audreypawdrey said...

I am glad you are feeling better about it. I hate mean people; there just isn't any need for that in the blog world! I know I have always enjoyed reading your blog for the past four years, and you have taught me so much. I hate to think of how much I would have missed out of knowing about quilting if I hadn't had your blog to read while I was just getting started.
Please don't stop blogging due to those type of people; we need nice people to outnumber them! You should be furious, and I am furious for you, but I hope it won't make you stop.

I love that Penny sent you all of these beautiful fabrics! It is so gorgeous, and I know that was such a happy package to open up in the mail. I think hand quilting would be a great way to finish it, and you can always turn the air down lower, right? :)

Mama Pea said...

It's looking fantastic! You started this at the retreat. I love it!

I'm reading these in reverse order, so I'm not sure what you were feeling so bad about. I'll go back and see. So glad to hear you are feeling better. I have found myself missing you and your bubbliness!

Warm Hugs Design said...

There are so many of us that love your blog. Thanks for taking the time to post! Love the quilt top and can't wait to see it finished -please share once done.

Warm hugs,

Anonymous said...

I love the quilt above. I saw the pattern at a quilt shop last weekend as a group of us went on a little shop hop. I didn't purchase the pattern, however it is in my future. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT!


Andrea, the little collector said...

Glad to see you moving forward...and sharing your adorable quilts! This one is just fabulous. And your new Moda "Cabbage and Roses" one is so sweet. Large HST are great!

Sending you a hug!

Lisa said...

I love the complete random/scrappy look of this one! Are those hard shapes to cut out, or do you need a special rotary ruler? Thinking great scrap reducer!

Annalia said...

I've been collecting scraps for a quilt like fact, I think the Sandi Henderson brown henna pattern and the blue, framed roses from AM Horner are among them. Fun to see a finished one!