
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

another guitar strap

This guitar strap was a custom order for a friend. It will be a going away present for her daughter when they move in a few weeks. The plan is for all of her friends in the youth group to sign the guitar strap for her. Isn't that a sweet idea? The solids are from Connecting Threads. I LOVE their solids! And I'm loving the lime and eggplant color combo.

I didn't want to cover the entire strap with stitching, so I kept it simple and did some double stitching on the sides only, to leave room for the signatures.
I used the Ultimate Seam Guide to make the parallel lines. It is slick! I taped the grid to my machine, then used the guide bar (which is adhesive and removable/reusable) to make the outside stitching lines. I moved the guide bar to make a second line of stitching about 1/4" away from the first line. It made things very quick and easy. And amazingly accurate!
There is no way I could do stitching this neatly without the guide. I think it will work well for hemming things, too. Hurray for handy tools! I always say that I'm not a gadget girl, but I think I just may be becoming one.

I wanted to say a big THANK YOU to all of you who have left such kind comments here recently. They are much appreciated!


  1. Una correa muy bonita y muy Ăștil!!!

  2. Well done! The lime and eggplant color combo looks really really nice! Would look great on a quilt as well. In my quilt sketch-book I drew sth. in lime, violet, purple and vine-red after I saw a plate of figs. Maybe I should leave out the vine-red...

  3. Wonderful tool! Now tell us..what is it called and where can we get one!

  4. love the colour combo too,have had a look at the tool no idea how it works !!!

  5. Looks great!!! :-) I'm sure she will love it.
    I saw that tool being used on one of the quilting shows I watch on TV. I don't remember which one. It looked pretty simple and effective to use, but I usually don't just trust what I see on there. The person using it on there was a guest from the company that produces the tool. It is nice to see that you like it too. That way I know that you actually like it and you are not paid to say so.

    Patchwork and Play, just click on the words "this handy tool" and it will take you to a page on Connecting Thread's website that sells it. You can get the info on it and purchase it right from there if you would like. Thanks again Amanda for making it simple for us to find it. Your links are much appreciated.

  6. What a great idea and you did a great job. But where did you get your new gaget or what is it called.

  7. I love it! you do great work,

  8. Love it. What I would like to know is where you got the leather patcheds at the bottom that hook to the guitar? I would love to make one for my son....maybe with lightening and skulls on it!;)

  9. I absolutely love this guitar strap! Very nicely done, and love the little grid trick. You are a genius!

  10. The strap is great. I too would like to know where you bought the leather and adjusting piece. It would be fun to make one for my nephew.

  11. What a great guitar strap! It will provide great memories.

  12. Cool guitar strap for a gift! I love that idea of having all the friends sign it. I adore these fabrics you used to, so now I want to try solids from Connecting Threads. I requested their catalog at your recommendation, but haven't ordered anything yet. Love love love that tool!

  13. Anonymous8:54 AM

    This was a great idea. I also want to know where to get this great tool

  14. The camera strap is great, and I love the greens and purples. It will be perfect as a going away present for friend's signatures!

  15. I love connecting threads. I'm going to have to get that next time I place an order. I love it!

  16. Thanks for showing the tool in action! I had it dog-eared in my latest catalog, along with a couple books (ALL their books are 40% until June 26!) ---- and just placed my order. {grin}

  17. What a great idea - a guitar strap! I struggle with gift ideas for my son, and this is a great one. I can imagine if I free motion quilted it, or pieced it . . .Thanks for the idea!

    I will say that the one beef I have with my Bernina is that it doesn't make great straight stitching. I mean, the stitching can be straight, but the type of stitches that the machine generates just not neat like yours. As a result, I avoid it as much as possible.

    All the best - Chris

  18. What a great gift and post for all the aforementioned reasons. :)

  19. Awesome. Great colors. I'm definitely buying one of guides!

  20. i'm curious about the guide bar....

    it looks like its part of the plastic sheet - did it come with the diagonal sheet??

  21. Makes me want to take up guitar playing and I love those colors together!

  22. Wonderful!! I love it!! :)

  23. That is a beautiful strap. The colors are very stricking. I hope you feel better soon. I enjoy reading your blog:)

  24. What are the tools you us to them...I would love a grid tool like that.

  25. VeeV,

    yes, the guide bar came with the diagonal sheet. actually, it came with 2 guide bars. both are removable & reusable.


  26. Dee Roo,

    I usually buy a new guitar strap, then stitch rip the ends apart, take out the old strap and put the patchwork strip in place. I restitch over the ends and it's done! you do have to stitch pretty slowly/carefully through the ends, as there are a LOT of layers.

    hope that helps!


  27. Just placed an order with Connecting Threads and added this new tool you have just demonstrated. You know - I did email Connecting Threads and told them that it is entirely your fault that I have placed four orders with them in the past month, lol. You are definitely now on file in their promotion department!!!!!!

  28. love the guitar strap! my son plays and teaches guitar. i would love to make him one of these. where did you get the leather pieces and buckle? thanks!

  29. bunbear,

    I usually just a guitar strap at a music store, then take it apart and reuse the end pieces. I just replace the strap with patchwork and then sew it up on the original lines. Hope that helps!


  30. i've never seen a stitch guide like this before. that looks really handy.

  31. Thanks for the details.! I'll try to make like this one for my brother because he loves to play guitar.
