
Thursday, September 23, 2010


I made these bibs for a friend. Well, for her little boy, actually. It's his baby gift. He's 9 months old. I gave them to her two weeks ago. What can I say...I am be-hind! (I feel like it's confessional time, apparently.)

I made this style of bibs for my last baby and I got a ton of use out the them. They wash and wear so well. And they are so versatile-you can customize them any way you please. I used my tutorial here. (go easy on me, it was my first tutorial ever.)

The "e" one is my absolute favorite. It's up there in my top 10 favorite projects I've ever made. I did a great deal of squealing over it before gifting it.

I ended up making this one in the middle of the night. My daughter was sick, my husband was out of town, I had soooooo much on my mind, I couldn't sleep. My way of coping? I got up and I sewed from 2-4 am. It doesn't bode well for accuracy, I can tell you that. I was quilting and I estimated where my next quilting line should go. I was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay off. But rather than stitch ripping (who needs THAT at 3 am?), I went with the uneven widths for the quilting and I love the results! Hurray for happy accidents.
I used steam a seam lite 2 for the applique letter and although I'm not sure what font I used, I do know that the type size is 375 pt. The geeky printer girl in me remembers stuff like that.

I also made this one, in a slightly different style. I swiped this scrap from Kelli at the summer work party. (Thank you, Kelli!) It was already cut into bib shape, I just added the bottom bit and added a nice curve shape to the bottom.

The reverse side was pieced, too. This one is significantly larger than the other two, but bigger=more coverage=less ruined clothing.


  1. They are darling! I do love love love the "e" too - and thanks for the tip on the font size!

  2. I agree with you about the quilting and "dealing" with irregularities that come up. I'm trying to be less rigid about measuring and seeing what happens when I go freehand. It's better than I think! The bibs are super cute.

    PS One night I made a whole tied quilt for my son when I was pregnant and couldn't sleep because I was so mad at my manager at work. 2-4 am can be a productive time!

  3. these are adorable...thanks for pointing me in the direction of your bib tutorial. i am going to need some of those.

  4. I love the bibs! Very cute and a great gift/idea! Definitely something I need to make!! :)

  5. I can just hear your squealing through the Internet - LOL! These bibs really are adorable. I can't imagine sewing at 2am, so I think you did an awesome job. I didn't even know you could do 375 pt font! (Guess I'll learn that in my typography class next semester.) I bet your work friend was ecstatic to receive these.

  6. Those are adorable. I love the "e," too!

  7. Really cute and I love the initial! What a great idea! Great gifts for the little ones, mom always needs another one, especially when they are so cute!

  8. They are *so* good!!! I'll have to have a look at the tutorial. I know a little bub or two who could be in need of some bibs!

  9. Awww, these are adorable! I think I might have to make some with my collection of fat quarters and extra batting for a friend with TWO chiclets on the way. Thank you for posting the tutorial!

  10. New baby boy on the way in January. I am bookmarking and making these for sure. Thanks for sharing your creativity. XXX

  11. Thanks for the tutorial! I need to make some of these - a new grandson is on the way, plus we have 2 other little ones still using bibs.

  12. Cute bibs!!! I like the "e"!

    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)

  13. cute, Cute and CUTE = Happy Babies! :)

  14. Like 'em.
    And yes, the bibs do wear well. The ones we've got are still in good shape. Caleb will put them to use once he has the need for bibs.

  15. Very, very cute CrazyMom! I loooove quilted bibs and yours are adorable!

  16. How inspiring!! I'm 5 months along and have not had the time or energy to start any baby quilting projects but this has got my sewing bug going again :)

  17. Those are so cute, love the green one, the best.
    I want to get more into sewing, so need to relearn my skills, so I can make gifts for friends.


  18. You're not late! Just in time to save those clothes! Adorable--I'd be eeeeeeeeeeeing all over them too!!!

  19. These are just gorgeous! I am definitely going to have a go. I have many friends with babies and this is ideal for a different new baby present :)

  20. These are so cute!

  21. These are so cute! When my girls were babies I made bibs for them, but the were strickly utilitarian washable terry cloth. Where was my imagination? Oh well, they seem to have survived it somehow :)

  22. Very cute and a baby can never have too many bibs!!! All that dribble and drool straight onto fresh, modern fabric.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. These are so cute! I am a crafter and regular sewer but I have never done quilting and am intimidated to start! I LOVE your blog, can I ask a dumb question though? What kind of foot do I use to machine quilt? Just a regular one? I was afraid that may look too tight or pucker.

  25. very cute! love the E. too fun!

  26. Interessante!
    Spiegazioni eccellenti!
    Ciao Domenica

  27. Very cute. We are definitely out of the bib stage around here, but what great gifts! I've got a baby shower coming up. These are perfect.

  28. way to use Kelly's scrap!!! so cute!

  29. Love 'em! I got a questiong for ya. I'm new to applique so did you put the e before or after you quilted your pieces.


  30. Totally adorable! I've been selling quilted bibs on Etsy, they're so fun to make because they're small enough that you can be creative and try new things!

  31. Anonymous3:40 PM

    super cute!!!!
    doesn't the binding take forever???
    thanks for the inspiration once again!
    oh, i to sew or work those hours when my mind decides to act up like that :)

  32. These bibs are wonderful!

  33. Very cute..... Middle of the night sewing obviously works well for you! lol... I hate to think what I'd end up with if I tried it at that time!

  34. I do love the 'e' bib.

  35. Smashing! Love the initial, it's squeal inducing cute.

  36. Those Bibs are sooo gorgeous!! I love how you have quilted them!! You need a bib for your bibs... I wouldnt want to use them!!

  37. They're all very cute!

  38. Anonymous1:26 PM

    very nice! BTW, masking tape in vaious widths makes a fast, easy "guide" for quilting lines.Karb

  39. These are so cute and would make perfect shower gifts.

    I tried to email you through the link on your "about me" page and it will not go through.
    I wanted to thank you for your hard work and sharing the 9 Patch Quilt with us. I have made it and love it. Won a Red ribbon with it and wanted to share that with you.

    I have finally quit lurking and have my blog up and going ...slowly...I have a lot to learn. Thanks again for your inspiration.
    Peggy from Southern Missouri
    Nine Patch Scrappy Quilt
    Tues. Sept 7 post

  40. eeeeeeee!!!!!! sums these bibs up. they're Extremely adorable, Entirely cute and Exactly what a new mama will be needing. ;o)

    Love them.

  41. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Those bibs are adorable! Thanks for the tutorial. I'll try it for sure!


  42. I'm thrilled to see that little scrap used up! All the little bibs are adorable :) I am in the process of top-stitching 25 of them for the craft show that's coming up way too fast!
