I have managed to get a few things done....(between shoveling my driveway countless times-or so it feels)

I made another ruffle edged scarf. Ravelry link here. Yes, I broke down and joined ravelry. I held out a long time (because I spend way too much time on line already), but one day, in a moment of weakness, I succumbed. I haven't spent much time there yet, but have found it useful for searching for patterns and for linking, too. ;)
I made another ruffle edged scarf. Ravelry link here. Yes, I broke down and joined ravelry. I held out a long time (because I spend way too much time on line already), but one day, in a moment of weakness, I succumbed. I haven't spent much time there yet, but have found it useful for searching for patterns and for linking, too. ;)
I finished a pair of socks for my oldest son. They are just ankle socks, so they knit up fairly quickly. He was sooooooooooo excited when I finished them. I love that he loves the things I make for him. I have a half a pair knit for my other boy, with many requests to make the second sock soon. This is kind of gross, but both of my boys thought that hand knit socks were not washable. (Can you say ewwww???) I was sure to correct them and let them know that this was definitely not the case.

I also made a doll quilt. This is another commission piece. It measures 19" x 24", but I have to wash and dry it yet. I've got my fingers crossed that it shrinks to just the right size. This little thing gave me fits. I don't know why the smaller the piece, the longer it seems to take. But I am so pleased with the results. And it gave me another idea for a larger quilt. (Shocking, I know!) If only I had more time...
I also made a doll quilt. This is another commission piece. It measures 19" x 24", but I have to wash and dry it yet. I've got my fingers crossed that it shrinks to just the right size. This little thing gave me fits. I don't know why the smaller the piece, the longer it seems to take. But I am so pleased with the results. And it gave me another idea for a larger quilt. (Shocking, I know!) If only I had more time...
How are you all doing? Ready for Christmas yet? Or is your head spinning? :)
I have my house clean and dinner simmering on the stove, so I'm off to quilt. Yay!
Hi Crazy Mom -
Love your blog. I've been really inspired by some of your quilting tutorials. I've never attempted quilting yet - and think I might be ready thanks to you. This post raised a question for me: do you not pre-shrink fabric prior to quilting as in other sewing projects?
Feel free to email me directly - or if you don't want to reveal the secret - that's okay too. Thanks for the inspiration!
Happy Holidays,
welcome to ravelry! I'll have to go over and friend you :)
I've been lazy this Christmas season in the crafting department, but I just ordered my Christmas cards today and hope to pick them up at Costco tonight and get them mailed out tomorrow.
Ewwww and LOL @ non-washable socks!
Yay for Ravelry! So awesome for finding inspiration!
Head spinning!
I'm so looking forward to start some new projects after Christmas, right now I just want to get into the Christmas spirit, but I have to clean up my house first. I'd rather quilt. Or blog. Or maybe finish knitting grandson's jacket that has been laying here for a year. I'd better get going before he outgrows it.
Do I know what you are quilting? ;-)
Love the socks. I can see why your boy would love them. (And also loving the ruffles on the scarf. You know me and ruffles.)
I am going to make that doll quilt! What a cute idea - but I think I'll do green. Or blue. I'll make sure to show you when I'm done! So pretty. Maybe I'll even do pink - and give it to one of my nieces.
Welcome to Rav! Your scarf and socks are great. :)
Doll quilt is adorable, lovely colours.
I'm almost ready for Christmas - just need to do more baking.
ravelry is definitely addictive! I just spent an hour today cleaning up my queue list AND adding more stuff in it...
Adorable dolly quilt and lucky boys to get hand knit socks!
I have to put the binding on my tree skirt tonight.
Finished making another gift this morning - whew!! Spinning - yes!!
Welcome to the dark side on Ravelry! Kind of with there was something like that for quilting, although my knit queue is way to large and the quilt one would probably also grow quickly!
oooh! I loved that BOY story! You're going to want to remember that one. :)! Yep...my head's spinning too, but I see you're getting lots done!
I feel like I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off. I have sooo much to do and time is just getting the better of me. I think I'm going to have to put in some late hours to get my projects finished, but am determined to be done before Christmas Eve, so I can just sit and knit
Yeah, Ravelry is an addiction!! I try not to go there unless I'm looking for a specific pattern. But sometimes I do go just to browse (and drool...)!
~ Jennie
I can't imagine knitting socks much less a scarf. For some reason I just can't wrap my hands around a set of needles. I can crochet but only a basic stitch. I would love to learn how to make that ruffle scarf.
Well, I have a few odds and ends to finish...like 3 quilts to be quilted but today I made our Christmas cards!:) My sister gave me this adorable stamp set last year so I knew I had been challenged. I drew a picture on Paint of our mailbox and Christmas flag and printed 9 per page, cut those out and put them on precut cardstock that I already had from Target. Now I just need to glue the picture on and sign them...envelopes are done!:)
You are way too cute! I love this little blog of yours...but with working full time, spending lunch hours on here and then all the wifey stuff I do when I get home...I am out of time just about to quilt!!!!
Wanna send some of your simmering on the stove items to my home in Sugar Land, TX?
Wow! Quilting during the holidays -- THAT's an accomplishment. I joined Ravelry too, but I'm rarely on there. It's just nice for when someone links to something they've made -- there's just not enough time to spend looking around like I'd like to. Sounds like you have everything under control this year -- I'm almost there -- looking forward to only two more days of work -- yipee!!!
Not a knitter myself, but I do love the little doll quilt. Am I ready? Nooooo, but almost there, there's still time to get it all done :o)
Wow, thank goodness you set the kids straight about washing the socks! Now you know they will always end up in the hamper. Cute doll quilt, can't wait to see what it inspired your to make next.
I cannot go on Ravelry. I'm not a very good knitter at this point, moderate crocheter. If I get any better, I'll have to actually start finding patterns and doing something besides scarves. I DON'T need another hobby. = )And I'm about half ready for Christmas. I have a king-sized quilt on my kitchen table that is a little over half quilted. Needs to go to Albuquerque. I finished one, but I'm with you. I haven't had time to blog. Trying to get too much stuff done. This should have been an email, it's so long! You're amazing, as always, the amount of stuff you accomplish!
Sounds like your are doing great. I have been so busy I have not been visiting much. Finally found time to get around tonight. Got all 21 gifts made now to wrap them. I have some of the post for Creative Tuesdays with Mr. Tea and Toast. I am like you I want to be involved in everything that comes along. Gotta keep some perspective.
A adore your little doll quilt. Unfortunately I have not done a lot of Christmas sewing this year. It has crept up on me as usual. I did manage two cute little angels for my Miss Nine's school teachers last night, they were packaged and sent off today!
you are knitting like crazy!
I plan on sewing tonight. Why am I sitting here reading blogs instead? So inspirational.....
Okay, now I'm off to my sewing machine.
Hi Amanda! You are so productive. Clean house and dinner ready to go....jealous. Love, love, love the blue scarf. Have a good one and hopefully we can get together again after the holidays. Ann
head spinning....
bet you aren't surprised!
hope you stay sane!
The dolly quilt is just beautiful, the colours are so pretty.
Is it wrong that I haven't even started my Christmas shopping yet? We only have a handful of family who celebrate Christmas, but still, I think I may be that person on Christmas eve grabbing whatever's left before I hotfoot it out the door!
I have about a week to sew before Christmas comes. School and work are both off the same week. I hope I get as much done as I would like. Love your mini quilt~
Merry Christmas~
It's hard to get anything done this time of year. lol!
I came across your blog yesterday and I'm new to sewing/quilting and thought i'd attempt the checkbook cover...so I got to the part where I make the pockets but my sewing machine wouldn't move the fabric through - too thick I think....do I need a walking foot or other kind of foot to get this done? I also wonder if I used too thick of interfacing. I think alot of seam ripping may be in my future.
I love your tutorials though. So helpful!!
The doll quilt is oh so cute! I love the pinks! I may have to make a quilt just like it... but bigger!
Mass Clean up this weekend and tree up in time for the start of lots of visitors. All the presents done and wrapped up so am almost there. Sitting listening to christmas songs getting into the sprit. The little quilt is lovely gives me a great idea along with a million others, got a couple of quilts to finish before i start any new ones but thats for the new year - Vintage Land Rover to respray over christmas!
I can't believe you knit too!
PS I like the tutorial re-org. Easy to follow.
Tell me about being busy. I am scaring myself...I finished a lap size quilt top in three days! I want to quilt and be done with it before I go to bed on Saturday. I am done handquilting my big quilt, by the way.
loving your projects, especially your doll quilt..probably because I have one on the go too!
I am getting close to the ready for Christmas point. I am steadily checking off the handmade gifts off my list. Hopefully, I will stay focused! I spend way too much time online too. I was wondering what your favorite blogs are to follow?
Hey Amanda,
I know what you mean about this being the crazy time of yr, but I have a lot of my Xmas shopping done. Sometimes ALL the housework gets done and then sometimes it doesn't. I have made most of the Xmas gifts this yr. I have only bought a few. I'm not a Mall person. I think you did a great job on the doll quilt. As always I enjoy your reading your blog with my coffee. I'm @ the keyboard late tonite, cuz I'm waiting for my migraine meds to kick in. You did a great job on the socks also. Bonnie from FL (It is going to be a cold 49 in the AM)
Olá Colega.
Lindos trabalhos.
I'm definitely ready, now! We have been awaiting the arrival of my first grandbaby...and he arrived December 15!
I've been busy, period! And, I have so many ideas of projects I would like to work on!
MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and yours!
i'm off to work but no my head isn't spinning i'm pretty much ready. i feel good now that some christmas parties are out of the way. now it's just work. :) that supports my habits though so i'm good with that!! ;)
love the socks and scarf and little quilt. forgot to say that in my last comment. oops! :)
Lovely work on the knitting and I adore that doll quilt. I'm getting ready to attempt my first original design on a quilt.
Welcome to Ravelry - there is a great community there and a lot of really wonderful people :)
i know the feeling... this is the longest i've gone w/o blogging since i started.. i'm glad i'm not the only one feeling like there is no time!
I love your dolly coins! And can't WAIT to see what the idea is for a larger quilt. Oh the cliffhanger!!!
LOL! Unwashable socks! My boys just don't beleive in either bringing socks down for washing, or if they do they're alone, not pairs. Love your blog! I'd love to be able to knit socks, (i have a thing about cosy socks) But the more than two needles issue intimidates me!
Yes, it is hard to blog this time of year, let alone read blogs and leave comments. I can't believe you broke down and joined Ravelry. I aspire to be as productive as you one day.
Love you doll quilt Amanda - how big are you pink strips? I would love to make one too but just unsure of measurements.
Love your blog - unfortuately my son saw me on it and now wants a jedi cape - I was thinking maybe I could make one from a fitted sheet and pillowcase (for the hood)
Mandy UK
Those are gorgeous. Wonderful!
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