Monday, November 02, 2009


Today my little blog turns 3 years old!!! It's hard to believe it's been that long already. Then again, I can barely remember my pre-blog days, as it has become such a part of my life. As I was thinking of what I could do to celebrate, I decided to do a giveaway, as is a common blog custom. But, I'm going to switch it up a bit. Instead of picking a random winner, I decided that I would be giving away three quilts to Margaret's Hope Chest in honor of my 3rd blog birthday. (I also have 3 children, so it seems fitting to send 3.) I know I have written about this before, but Margaret's Hope Chest is collecting quilts for homeless children in Michigan at this time. Their goal is to raise 400 quilts and they are now at 137. The deadline is November 15, so there is still time to contribute. (Psst, they even take quilt tops, so you can reduce your UFO's at the same time.)

Speaking of UFO's...Jacquie is hosting another finish it up challenge that she is calling Joy in the New Year. You can read all about it if you follow the link. I entered the challenge with my whopping 19 (!!!) quilts in progress. It seems crazy, as that number doesn't count the one that I finished over the weekend. Yikes! I am curious to see just how large of a dent I can make in my unfinished quilts in the next two months.

In an unrelated note, you should bake these cookies today. Delicious!!! Thanks for sharing the recipe, Amy. My neighbors and family thank you, too. :)

Happy Monday to you!


Carla said...

Congratulations on 3 years! It's very sweet of you to donate to Margaret's Hope Chest. I'll have to check out Jacquie's challenge. Have a great day!

Chase said...

Congratulations! It's a huge accomplishment. Your blog has been one of my to read/do list.

Thanks for the sharing~

nicole said...


Over the weekend i just finished my two quilts to send off the Margaret's Hope Chest! I think that is the best way to celebrate!

Stacy said...

Congratulations on your anniversary - I love the way you decided to do your giveaway!

Good luck on finishing up those quilts.

Annilu said...

Great idea! Allthough I was really excited in the first moment when I read your post and thought I could take the chance and try to win one of your wonderful quilts...
To give your quilts to these children is definitly the better idea!

By the way - Congratulations!


jacquie said...

thanks for spreading the word! happy 3 years to you!! now that's a way to celebrate!

CitricSugar said...

Congratulations and THANK YOU for such a thoughtful giveaway!

Best of luck with the UFO pile (and Jacquie's challenge)!!

Sherry said...

What a nice idea to do for you givaway. we all have lots and to give it to someone that needs it is so wonderful. Great job.

Kim B said...

Congrats! What a wonderful cause :)

Audrie said...

I love that you're donating the quilts to commemorate your 3rd blog-versary :) I think I've a couple quilts to donate too!

Terry said...

Congratulations on three years of blogging! I can't remember life before my blog either and it's only been just over a year! :0)

Katie B said...

That's such a generous gesture! Yeah for 3!

Laurel H. said...

Happy Blogaversary! I'm celebrating my own right now, too (and am hosting a giveaway to some lucky recipient yet to be determined!)

Our sewing organization has created and given away literally thousands of lap quilts/blankets in the past 3.5 years ( We have sewn for the homeless, for the elderly, for babies, for children--you name it. We salute you in the work that you and other contributors to Margaret's Hope Chest have done, as well! Blessings in your efforts to meet your goal!

grendelskin said...

Congratulations! What a lovely notion, to have your giveaway directed to those who need it most! Kudos and happy Blogaversary..

Leigh said...

Happy blogiversary! What a great way to celebrate 3 years!!!

Angela Nash said...

Hurray for 3 years! You have certainly shared tons with us in that time. Thanks for donating those beautiful, warm quilts to the children that will love and need them the most.

beth said...

what a great way to celebrate!!! 3 years...yeah!!! Three Somebodies are going to be very happy cuddling with those lovely quilts!

Shelly said...

I think your giveaway is a wonderful idea! Congratulations on 3 years.

Alissa said...

A big huge congratulations on your third blog-o-versary!! What an accomplishment. And so lovely of you to donate the 3 quilts!

* elizabeth * said...

Happy blogaversary! Those cookies the BEST, I made them last week! Yummo!

MichelleB said...

Congratulations! What a wonderful thing to do foryour blogiversary.

carol said...

Bravo on 3 years!!! So you were one of the pioneers of blogging, huh? No wonder you have such a huge following.....other than the fact that you're good, but that goes without saying!! LOL So nice that you're celebrating by the giveaway! Much better than giving them to someone who can make their own, I'd say! But, that is you......big heart!! Incidentally, how did you know that at this very minute I am making Christmas cookies (I have a huge freezer)? I needed another cookie recipe like the man in the moon....but they sound sooooo good! I might have to make those instead of my ginger snaps.

Live a Colorful Life said...

First of all, your blog is one of my favorites. Yesterday in church we saw a short video on replacing consumption with compassion during the holiday season ( and so the way you are choosing to celebrate your blogiversary is such a great idea, and I guess I find it as a good way to "justify" my fabric purchases.

And those cookies look too yummy!

karen @ badlandsquilts said...


Lauren The Artist said...

Congrats on 3!!!

Jocelyn said...

Congratulations on your blogiversary! And what a wonderful giveaway :-) You will certainly be blessing someone with your quilts!

Lexilooo said...

Does UFO mean un-finished object? I'm still new at this :)

Yay for three!

Rose said...

Congrats on your blogiversary! I just had my one year, and am having a week of giveaways!! What a great idea to give your quilts to the hope chest, what a way to make a difference.

ale balanzario said...

Congrats on your 3th blogiversary!!
What a great idea to give 3 quilts to the Hope Chest, a big heart you are!!!

Lauren said...

Congrats on 3 years! I recently found your blog and have been spending my late night feedings of my newborn perusing all of your beautiful quilts and ideas. I think sometimes I stay up a little too long!

You've inspired me to finish some UFO's and try some new things. I'm quilting on my own machine for the first time (a quilt for Craft Hope), and have plans for doing some of the star blocks you have demonstrated a while ago.

Thanks for all the inspiration!

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary! Love your giveaway - it's fits you well :) and is a very worthy cause.

Needled Mom said...

Great idea to celebrate your three year anniversary. It's a win win situation.

I signed up for Jacquie's challenge. I hope it helps me get going!

karen said...

Happy 3rd Anniversary!! Here's to many more happy years in blogland. That's a very thoughtful and generous give-away.

19 UFOS?! I have no words, only admiration.

Andi said...

What a magnificent gift.
Happy 3rd!!!
Andi :-)

Marie' said...

Happy Anniversary to you and your blog.
May you inspire, entertain, and wow us for many more years to come.

Renee said...

What an amazing thing to do, your 3 quilts are going to be so loved.
Happy Blogaversary. :)

Jessica said...

Happy blogiversary! What a wonderful and meaningful giveaway.

Andy said...

Happy Birthday to one of my favorite blogs! Also, good luck to you on your 19 UFOs! I wasn't going to join because I have 5 or 6 UFOs and I really didn't think I could manage that. But gosh, if you're doing 19, then maybe I can do it....

Thanks for all of the inspiration over the past 3 years!

Gretchen said...

Wonderful! I'm so glad you're blogging. The other day I took your checkbook cover idea and made a larger one to cover a composition notebook.

Love the giveaway idea!

Amy said...

That is seriously the nicest one deserves those beautiful quilts more. Congrats on three years. I've enjoyed following you and your amazing work.

Robin said...

Happy anniversary! I so enjoy reading your blog and gather so much inspiration from all you accomplish. Thank you for all you do! And what a rockin' giveaway!!! It's perfect.

Unknown said...

That is such an awesome way to celebrate, and what a good example for your kids.
Happy blog day!

mariarrosa said...


Cardygirl said...

Happy anniversary...a generous donation is a great idea.

Kimberly said...

You are lovely!

...and Happy Blog-day!

Amber said...

Congrats - and what a great way to celebrate too! I'm trying to finish up a couple to send too.
And I'm signing up for Jacquie's challenge too - have to count mine first!

Lori in South Dakota said...

Congratulations--its a great idea!

quiltaholic said...

Congratulations - what a fabulous way to celebrate! You are an inspiration to a great many of us.

Kersten said...

A very nice way to celebrate your three years! Congrats!

Dawn said...

Happy Third!!!

Clair said...

We should have a party...but I am too far away and I have 2 meetings tonight, plus I have to go to Coborns to get snacks for tomorrow's library program.

Anonymous said...

Happy blogaversary!!! :)

Sara said...

Congratulations on your blog anniversary. I like that you are sending those 3 quilts off to a very worthy charity.

JG said...

Congratulations! That is very nice way to celebrate - by making your generous contribution.

Rene' said...

Congratulations!!! Three years!!! That's awesome. Totally awesome that for your giveaway you are giving three quilts to Margaret's Hope Chest. Tremendously good idea. Here's to at least three more years...actually, here's to way more than three more years of great quilting inspiration and fun.

Heather @ Camp Slop said...

Happy Blogiversary! I love your idea to donate to a good cause. :D

Katherine said...

Congrats! What a wonderful way to celebrate your blogiversary!
Thanks for all the wonderful inspiration and quilting goodness you share.

Dandelion Quilts said...

Congrats on your blog anniversary...what a generous way to celebrate.

dolores said...

Wow, I just started following your blog and didn't notice how long you have been doing it. Congratulations! I hope I can keep it up at least that long....I just started one last week so here you are with 3 years of post and I have a grand total of 3 post!:)

Here it is just in case you have time to take a peek with your 19 WIP!:)

Trisha said...

Happy 3rd birthday! I think this is an awesome idea for a giveaway. Good for you!

Lara said...

Congratulations and Happy 3rd Birthday!! To think you have been inspiring many for 3 years is awesome!! Thanks so much for all your tutorials too! And what better way to celebrate than a giveaway that will keep on giving!

Kristin said...

Happy 3rd Blogoversary. I'm so glad I found your blog.

KarrieLyne said...

Happy 3rd Birthday!! Woo Hoo! :) What a wonderful way to celebrate it too, by helping others! I definitely need to go through my stuff to see if I can get something out by then! Thank you for all of your inspiration!

Crystal Hendrix said...

You are so sweet, although I must say that I am sad...I really want one of your quilts!! :D

I hope you have fun at your quilters retreat in Colorado! I am told that it stinks like cows but I don't think so.

Also what is UFO??? I signed up for the challenge but what is it mean??

Thimbleanna said...

NINETEEN??? Egads woman -- you ARE crazy! What a lovely blog celebration though -- Happy Blogiversary!!!

Alice said...

Happy 3rd Blogiversary! You are an amazing lady. What a wonderful thing to do!

holly k said...

I love how quilters are so willing to give! :) Congratulations on 3 yrs...and to many more!

Anonymous said...

Congrats, you are an inspiration. 19! Wow, I thought I was bad. I'm sure I'd have that if I didn't do it all in my living room.

Are you in Michigan? I'm from there.

Janet said...

Happy blogiversary! That's quite an accomplishment in itself. Your donation of the three quilts is a very good idea and very touching. Best of luck for 19 finishes. I can't imagine a clean slate.

Rebekah said...

Happy 3 years! How sweet of you to donate lots of quilts to Margaret's Hope Chest!

Candace said...

Congratulations on your 3 year anniversary and what a wonderful way to celebrate the anniversary and your 3 children. I enjoy your blog very much, it is inspiring fun and educational.

Sarah - Red Gingham said...

My goodness, 3 years is a long time! Well done. I think you've made a lovely decision to donate your quilts to needy children. You should be very proud of yourself. Best giveaway I've ever seen.

Nilly Ofan said...

happy blogiversary!
you have a great blog! thank you.

Unknown said...

Congrats for your great blog, I love it!

Jessica said...

Three years! I do love your blog---it fills me with inspiration and creativity. Whenever crafting doldrums hit I hope over here!

RosaMaría said...

feliz aniversario!!!i really love your blog, yours was the first quiltblog i discovered and start to read!!

Suzanne said...

Generously creative. That's you. Thanks for sharing for three years. Here's to many more!

Mystica said...

Congratulations. May you go from strength to strength and continue the beautiful work you do.

The Calico Cat said...

Happy Blogiversary. So glad to hear that you are sending 3 quilts to Margaret's Hope Chest. I sent 4 UFO's!

Anonymous said...

Happy blog birthday. I can hardly imagine a blog world without crazy mom quilts! Thanks for telling us about Margaret's Hope Chest, I sent one quilt in already:)

Joanne Lendaro said...

Happy Blog Birthday!! Great idea for the three quilts!! I am sure they will be very much appreicated!
Great blog!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your anniversary. 3 years of blogging is quite an accomplishment. I have always enjoyed reading your blog. Here's to another 3 more years!

Holly said...

Congrats on 3 years of blogging. I am almost to two. It goes by too fast. And who knew we would have so much to chat about.

Chris said...

I love that your giveaway is going straight to charity! they look huggly & cuddly too
Congratulations on 3 years
Chris x

Diane said...

Congrats on your ani! I just found the blog world in the past few weeks and yours has provided me much insiration as I both resumed sewing and started my own blog.

I have a UFO that I unpacked from my stash and I think donating it is a great idea so I will head to the link to get specifics. (hmm, I have 2 kiddos, wonder if I can get two done)

wishes, true and kind said...

Happy third birthday! Have a great fourth year in Blogland!

Shelina said...

Happy Blogiversary. That sounds like the perfect way to celebrate.

Nina Lise@Mrs Moen said...

Congratulations on 3 years of blogging!

Kelli said...

The BEST sort of giveaway! Congrats on three years!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on 3 years! I can't wait to follow the next 3. Just like everything else you do, this giveaway is inspired.

:) Diane

pratima said...

Congratulations on the 3 year Anniversary. What a sweet way to celebrate this happy occasion :)

sulu-design said...

I've not heard of a better way to celebrate a blog anniversary. Congratulations, good for you, and thanks for all the wonderful posts!

Kieny The Dutchlady said...

Congrats on your three year blog anniversary,the give away is a very nice way of celebrating! Success with the UFO challenge, I've been thinking of joining in but haven't decided yet.

heather said...

Happy Blog B-day!!!!:)

Aimee said...

Happy blog-iversary!! What a wonderful way to celebrate!

elle said...

happy, happy, happy, anniversary!

Marjorie said...

Ooooo.. Pick me, pick me!!! I've never entered a blog give away, but your cause is certainly the perfect reason for me to start.

Bekhy said...

Congratulations on 3 years! That's a great idea to send 3 quilts to the Hope Chest. I thought the wonky stars were part of that project? I finally clicked on the link over to their website from your blog, and I couldn't resist. I'd just inherited 4 boxes of fabric from a relative's gma passing away, and I used about 80 yards of it to send off 10 lap-sized quilt tops plus matching binding & backing all pieced and ready to be quilted. I decided I didn't have the time or the money to quilt all of them and send them off. P.S. I'm going to comment on Alissa & Kristen's new quilt-along blog so I can enter myself in their fabric give-away :).

Sherry said...

Congratulations on three years of blogging. I know I have enjoyed following your blog. I think your give away is the best way to celebrate!! Keep up the great work, YOU inspire me. :)

Unknown said...

Gee it's been that long eh? Do you remember your post on fingerless gloves? You said you weren't really a knitter and when I was looking for the gloves, I wasn't a quilter. You were the very first "blog" I ever visited and after all this time, I am still here and so are you!
Now, I quilt and still knit a bit for relaxation in front of the tv, but quilting has become my obsession, not like you, but close!
I just don't know how you get it all done in a day!

lera said...

Happy belated 3rd, girlfriend. You are very kind to donate your quilts to such a worthy cause. I knew I liked you for some reason. And it's not just because we're twins.

Naria & Ken said...

Congratulations! I'm fairly new to blogging myself and love to see others out there with the same passion. What a great cause and idea to donate to Margaret's. Happy 3!

knittinbrit_in_wi said...

Thank you for sharing the link. I'm off to get my list together.

Anonymous said...


you make sooooo very nice quilts.
i love your blog very.

greatings conny form the nederlands