Saturday, October 17, 2009

again with the sheets

Flannel sheet set from Target. Price: $19.99.

Fitted sheet goes on the bed. As do the pillow cases.

The flat sheet becomes...

a design wall. For less than $10. Plus the cost of a few staples.

When I told my sister I was making a design wall, she said, "Amanda, you're in deep."
I think that's quite obvious.
I will be picking the giveaway winner (see previous post) on Monday.


Linda said...

And she didn't already know this? I think this is a great idea!

RosaMarĂ­a said...

i make my desing wall with a very very cheap felt... and also i just used a sheet for a quilt back and looks soooo good!!!! have a fantastic weekend!!!

Rachel said...

I had to laugh at your comment near the end: "Amanda, you're in deep." I think that's quite obvious.
It just struck me as so funny... I think it's pretty obvious that we're all in deep. I mean we tell complete strangers about our obsessions with fabric, yarn, whatever... and rejoice in new purchases, new projects, new patterns. Isn't it wonderful?

I don't have a design wall. In fact, I don't have a wall in my sewing room that could even BE a design wall. One wall has a slanted ceiling, one has built-in bookshelves and the other two are about 6' wide (and one has a window). My design 'wall' is the bed in the spare room :)

Renee said...

What a great idea. I haven't got a wall big enough for that... but you've got me thinking.

RosaMarĂ­a said...

I'm sorry that I forgot to tell you how incredible that is your desing wall! I had seen that quilt before... is so amazing!!!! your bedroom looks perfect!

Unknown said...

Great use for that other sheet! Boy is your design wall large too!! Fantastic!

carol said...

Getting too old to use the floor, hey? J/K Seriously, it will be easier on your if only someone would invent a vertical way to sandwich the quilts, we'd really be "in like Flynn".

Two Dogs and a Quilt said...

Great idea and use for the sheets. You're going to love it.

LeeAnn said...

You are a sewing super star! Love it!

Annieofbluegables said...

great idea. I wish I had a blank wall like that. . .

Jenny said...

Great idea! Love it and hope you won't mind me coping the idea for an art wall in my basement.

Shanna said...

What a great idea!! I never would have thought to use a flannel sheet! I will have to give it a try. Thanks for all the inspiring posts!

Threeundertwo said...

Good job! I love my design wall. I keep a few orphan blocks around the perimeter that inspire me.

suburban farm said...

She said that you were in deep like it is a bad thing!?!

Janet said...

If I had another wall, I'd go for that idea, it's great.

One Flew Over said...

If only I had my own sewing room...then I could have a design wall! One day.

The quilt looks fantastic on the bed!!

Jennifer said...

What a great idea! I've got a free wall in my craft room, maybe I should try something like this!

Sara said...

I use one of those plastic tableclothes that are backed with felt ... it works great.

Andi said...

Great idea for a design wall.
You're in so deep, I suspect you'll never get out. Enjoy your submersion!!
Andi :-)

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

Super Idea, and your bedroom, looks like it came out of a book!

CJ said...

What took your sister so long to notice??? LOL!
Great idea on the sheet/wall!

Annie said...

Once again I put you in the genius status bucket!!!! That bedroom scene seriously looks like it belongs in a designer magazine. I just love it.

Betsy said...

Amanda did i miss your giveaway?

amy said...

You have the best ideas! I've been wanting to make myself a design wall but I didn't really know how to go about it. Yay for you! :o)

Anonymous said...

What a fantastic idea - and so cheap!! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, that's brilliant. I just came across the concept of a design wall recently, and I'm trying to figure out how I can have one.

(First comment, by the way! I love your blog - been reading for a while.)

Mountain Home Quilts said...

Getting in deep huh? Well, I guess it never felt better! That's awesome! :)

lera said...

Are you going to hang fabric scraps on your design wall or magazine clippings of what you want to try or what? (Oh, and did you use a gift card to purchase said sheets? lol)

Trisha said...


Lurline said...

You are in deep - you will either sink or swim - I'll put my money on swim, LOL!
Hugs - Lurline♥

Alissa said...

Such a super smart thrify way of making a design wall happen! Oh how you are going to be in love with your design wall. In all of five minutes you'll start wondering how you ever did this without it. Enjoy!!

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Deep is good!!

MommaMari said...

Love it and the price! In my case a flannel wall would do well to cover all the dings my children manage to make in the builder grade walls.

Love your sister's comment. Almost like she's just realized you've become one of "them". LOL

Gari in AL said...

What a great idea! My wall is two lengths of flannes but they don't meet in the middle and don't reach to the sides. I am not a fan of sleeping on flannel but if I put the flat sheet on the wall I can sew with the fitted sheet and perhaps sleep on the pillow cases (or cut them apart and sew with them also). Anyway, thanks for the idea.

Thimbleanna said...

Hahaha -- that's hysterical! You probably shouldn't tell her you're in deeper than most!

ozjane said...

I saw the packet......I saw the bed and I thought...oh my...she has used a fitted sheet as batting......
how clever I began to think...but how..
But I was oh so wrong.
My one query do you manage to have an empty wall??

Cheryl Arkison said...

I love that you stapled it to the wall. Now I am really, really jealous.

karen @ badlandsquilts said...

I've been thinking of how to make one and where to find the room... have fun with it!

Day before Michelle said...

Now's things like this that have me checking in so often..I'd heard of using flannel backed tablecloths, but I much prefer the full wall size! Hope you don't mind if I copy it :)

Renee said...

Amazing!!! as always, thanks so much for sharing!!!

Rebecca Maples said...

You rock! Did your husband look at you like you were out of your mind?

Red Pepper Quilts - Rita Hodge said...

You're way way deep!


Kristine said...

Ooooo! Great idea! I've been trying to figure out how I could afford it. ;)

Coffeebean's Dailies said...

Yeah!! I bought a grid one years ago but don't have any space to put it!! I also bought a smaller grid one for the watercolor quilts I was into way back when! I think design walls are great!

We all knew you were in deep long ago !!!

Metanoia said...

This sort of thing makes me wish I didn't have a solid brick house. I think I shall have to rig up some sort of frame... oh well...

Jodie said...

What an awesome idea!!! You sure are one clever lady..

take Care
Jodie :)

Solidia said...

A sheet is a great idea! I bought flannel at Joann's after Thanksgiving sale last year and pieced it together.

By the way, your room looks GREAT!!

Simone de Klerk said...

So did you hang the sheet against the wall? And then use it to hang on things?

Niki said...

Will a flannel sheet really hold fabric? I have wanted a design wall in my sewing room (I'm a new quilter) and didn't know it was so simple. Did you just pin it to the wall and that's it? Please explain....this is such a great and thrifty solution!
Thanks and blessings

laura capello said...

oh SHUT UP, that easy? i am totally stealing this idea!

Carla said...

It's such a great idea! You are going to have so much fun creating on this wall. You'll be able to work on more than one quilt at a time. The possibilities are endless! Have Fun :o)

ale balanzario said...

Great idea!! your design wall looks great, and your bedroom looks so neat, Congratulations.

MichelleB said...

Genius! I've been using the back of a plastic tablecloth - but this would be even smoother and less noticeable in the place that I want it to be, and have the benefit of no seam lines! Thanks!

Kelly O. said...

wow! I'm asking for sheets for Christmas!

leigh said...

hey - great idea! all i need to find is some wall space for one.

aSprinkling said... you not use a top sheet on your bed? Just wondering. And I have to laugh at those who say something like "I don't even have a wall in my sewing room that could be a design wall" because I don't even have a sewing room. I have a sewing, computer, exercise, laundry, piano playing room. :)

Erin @ Why Not Sew? Quilts said...

You are so creative! Design walls always seemed intimidating and big and clunky for my little sewing room. This is great and you can take it down so easily. I love it and what a great time of year for flannel sheets.

Anonymous said...

My split pins are THE BEST thing I own for piecing - does that count?
BTW - I am an Aussie girl who is new to quilting and has just finished a quilt back inspired by your quilt backs - I haven't posted a photo yet but will let you know when I do.
thanks for the inspiration :)

Aimee said...

Genius, as usual! I LOL'd at your sister's comment! : )

rosehippo said...

:O I want a design wall!

Can't wait to see some designs on it, though the plain white is exciting. Like new notebooks; oh, the possibilities!

java diva said...

I do not have a permanent sewing space, so a design wall is OUT. Do you know if I can use the fleecy back of a vinyl tablecloth for a temporary/removable design wall?

Kristin said...

Oooooh, I want a design wall!

beth said...

you're always on your toes when it comes to saving money and creating something practical or PRETTY! great job!

henny said...

smart of you, Amanda!!
Love this post :)

Courtney Q. said...

Genius! Thank you for this idea!

CitricSugar said...

Someday, I will have space for a design wall. Someday, I will have bruiseless knees.

Fantastic unorthodox use of sheets, dear!

Peggi said...

Why didn't I think of that?? *smacks self in head* I've been lamenting the fact that my idiot backwards-tablecloth-pinned-on-the-wall is too small...

craftyclaire said...

Just thought I'd let you know I made your zigzag quilt, and absolutely loved doing it!

Thank you for great instructions.

Cristin said...

Stinkin' great idea Amandajean! Now... where can I purchase a WALL that big to hang the sheet on? ;)

Kimberly said...

you. are. SMART.

I wanna be just like you when I grow up.

sallgood said...

Don't have a spot for that right now, but I'm gonna remember this one for when I do! Thanks so much for this great (and inexpensive!!) idea!

peaknits said...

You're in deep - that's funny:) Great idea too!

sulu-design said...

Have I told you how much I love your nicely made bed? That quilt is just the perfect piece for it - it works so nicely with the headboard and pillows.
I'm so excited to hear about the board. I can't wait to see what you do with it and what results from it!

Chara Michele said...

Oh very cool! :)

Doris said...

You're in deep...HA! I love that comment...

Great idea for a cheap design wall...hmmm...

Kelly said...

I know you get a TON of comments, but I have given you a blog award. If you have time, visit my blog to read about it! And thanks for inspiring me to sew and quilt every day!

Cheryl Arkison said...

I just noticed that we have the same lamps!

happy zombie said...

I love your idea of a king flannel sheet. No seams! I use fleece, which I love... but wish it was one big piece. When I go to Fred Meyer today for groceries... I think I will wonder over to beddings.

Anonymous said...

And it works??

carole ann said...

And that is another idea I am going to shamelessly steal from you. Where do you come up with them, want to tell you that I now am going to Ikea for the backing fabric for quite a few of my quilts.Thanks for all of the great ideas.

bingo~bonnie said...

that is great that you killed 2 birds with one stone ;) I love flannel fitted sheets but not for the top sheet... so for you that worked out perfectly!!!

Now will you share photos of what's on your design wall each week??? JudyL at has a mr. linky that everyone shares their blog addy in each Monday showing what's on their design wall... hope you will join up!

oh and I just la,la,love your Bento Box quilt on your bed!!! I've made 2 of those in bright colors and gifted to teenagers but I really like the calmness of yours... perfect for a master bedroom ;)

Love from Texas! ~bonnie

Lisa said...

Cool, I was just thinking today how I could come up with a bigger design wall. Thanks!

Rebekah said...

I just might have to jump on this design wall bandwagon soon :)