Saturday, July 25, 2009

oh happy day!

I'm done piecing the strips for my spiderweb blocks. I have a *few* strips leftover. (Actually, a basket full.) They would work in any string quilt. If you want a chance to win them, leave me a comment on this post. I'll pick a name on Tuesday. One comment per person please.


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Sara said...

pick me!

Maria Harrits said...

I would love to win them please!

Debbie in San Diego said...

me, me,me please pick me!!!!!!

Mariel said...

I love scraps! My scraps, your scraps, anybody's scraps,scraps! Hope I win!!!

Darlene B said...

I would absolutely love to win your scraps! I have several projects planned for "strings" and this would be a great boost for those projects. Thanks!

Jeanette said...

Oh! Oh! pick me!

Susan Q said...

what a wonderful basket of scraps! Am anxious to see your spiderweb quilt when it's finished.

RazakFamily said...

definitely pick me!! There is no such thing as too many scraps...and I'm working on a scrappy quilt right now :)

Dara said...

love your blog, am always inspired by what you do. i already got scraps from the local ladies quilting group for one of these spiderweb blocks, however one can not have too many scraps?

FrancisMoore said...

I am making a string quilt using white as the center piece. I could use some more scraps for my blocks. Francis

Chrissy said...

pick me, pick me!

Missy said...

I would love to add your scraps to my scraps!

Nancy said...

Of course I would love the chamce to win some of your lovely fabrics! Thanks.

RosaMarĂ­a said...

Thanks for this chance! hope win!

Leslie said...

so fun...thanks for the chance!!! love the fabrics that i can see.

Me? A Mom? said...

Fun! Thanks for the opportunity!

Amanda said...

There is always room for fabric scraps in my mailbox! Thanks for sharing!

Amanda said...

Congrats on getting all the piecing finished! I can't wait to see what you've done! I'd also love to win your left over scraps! Have a great Saturday!

Malin said...

First time I send You a comment, but I read all your posts.
Pick me!

Megan said...

Oooh, I want! :)

Cardygirl said...

I love your spiderweblocks...nice to have so many strips prepared & ready to go!

Louise said...

Your string scraps would be so awesome to have! I'd love to win so I could add them to my spiderweb quilt-in-progress!

Zeynep said...

After scrappy 9 patch, I want to try scrappy spider web. This will be nice to have.

mommymae said...

i can't wait to see your spiderweb!

Rachael Adele said...

Thanks for being so generous!

knitaddict said...

Scraps you say!!? You're giving them away??

Surely scraps are like shoes and handbags? you can NEVER have too many!!

I'd be happy to give your cast off's a home!!!!

They will find a home in a project here, no troubles!!!

Tia xxx

Amy said...

I'd love to win these! They be perfect for helping me complete the improvisational quilt I recently started at a Denyse Schmidt workshop!

Eprsy said...

I would love your scraps. I'm new to quilting and I find you blog very inspiring. Thanks.

Unknown said...

I heart s scraps!

Christina said...

I would always prefer someone elses scraps to my own cut fabrics!

Marissa said...

I'm excited to see the quilt! I would love to have your scraps. Come visit me sometime at

bioyarn said...

I would love to have the scraps to make another string quilt, I just finished my first one! Thank-you for the opportunity to add to my scrap pile!

Lisa said...

How fun!

Christy said...

Crossing my fingers that I'll get lucky!

tina said...

Always love your work!

Andrea R said...

I'm a HUGE fan of scrappy quilts! Other people's scraps are way more interesting though.

Mary P said...

Please count me in.

Francy said...

as a new quilter I could use an assortment of scraps :o)

Silka said...

I'd love a chance to win.


Chelsea said...

I have a few scrappy strips already but no where near enough for a quilt. So adding a few for FREE would be wonderful!

~Little Miss Me~ said...

this would be so much fun to win!!! :)

Coleen said...

I would love a chance to make a string quilt, and scraps would help ;)

I am Arizona; a person, not a place. said...

I'd love to win them! I've been enjoying looking at all the spiderweb quilts on blogs lately. They're gorgeous!

Georgia said...

I'm looking forward to seeing the quilt!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing! I love your blog and read it daily. Your work is just beautiful.

Erin @ Two More Seconds said...

cool! thanks for the chance!

jannza said...

Wow, I'm a great follower of yours. I'd love the scraps. I've been beginning to organize mine for upcoming projects. : )

Brynn said...

Ooh! Pick me! Pick me!

pwl said...

I'd be crazy to enter, but I'd love to win!

One Flew Over said...

Oh yes please! Thank you!! And can't wait to see the quilt top ;)

Kangaroo said...

you're so generous these days! i'd love these scraps, thank you!

Renee said...

I can't wait to see your quilt!
Love to rehome your scraps, fingers are crossed. :)

Brittney said...

Ooo I've been wanting to make a string quilt for awhile now, but my scrap stash needs a little boost before I can make a full size one. Thanks for the chance :-)

annie said...

Ooo! I can't wait to see your spiderweb blocks. I've been dying to make a string quilt. Your color choices are always a slam dunk in my book, so I would love to win your scraps!!

Anonymous said...

Yay scraps!

Wendy said...

I would love these and put them to good use for sure!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Croughwell said...

Love your blog...

martameiga said...

Would love to get those!! ready for some piecing! Thanks for the chance


Julia Gabriel said...

Can't wait to see the finished spider blocks!

elle said...

I ♥ scraps! said...

I'm new to blogging and love reading and seeing everyone's creations. And I've learned so much, too. I've only made a couple of small quilts but because of all the beautiful works of art I've seen on everyone's blog, I'm inspired to do more. I would love to win but I am also anxious to see what the winner does with these strips. Good luck to all!

Cheryl said...

My husband says I'm not allowed to have any more scraps. Hmm.

Ida13 said...

...the one and only...

Emily Herrick said...

My scrap stash only goes so far- I would LOVE prints and scraps from another stash. hope I win!

Emily BB said...

scraps are too fun and i love seeing other people's because they have things i don't!

MommaMari said...

an excuse to try a new technique? I'm all over it.

Jill said...

I have always wanted to do a spiderweb, but haven't accumulated enough stash yet. I would love to win your extra strips.

roseylittlethings said...

I would love them, I just started a scrap stash and it is too puney to do anything with yet:)

Emily n fam said...

I would totally dig those scraps!

Mam said...

Enter my name please.

anne said...

wow, cannot wait to see your finished quilt. Love your work. Please count me in, would love to use your scraps in a quilt. Happy Stitching

smarti said...

I want a chance to win those! Can't wait to see your spiderweb quilt completely finished.

Jenny said...

I would love to win!

Anonymous said...

I would love to start a scrap stash with your scraps (until recently I've been tossing, I didn't realize all I could do with scraps.)


Deb said...

Yes, I can go crazy over a basket full of scraps! Pls enter me!

Amanda said...

I would love to win! As a new quilter, I don't have a lot of scraps yet...but I love the scrappy look!

Mary Fox said...

LUV, LUV, LUV your blog!

aSprinkling said...

My husband might shoot me, but it would be fun to have all those pieces to try my hand at a string quilt!

Marty said...

I hardly have any scraps at all to work with. OK that's not true at all, I just want to win something. Well that's not really true either, I would love to make a quilt from your scraps. What a great idea

Unknown said...

I love using scraps and to have some new ones would be wonderful.

Linda T said...

Count me in! I'd love to have a pretty scrap pile!

V and Co. said...

no way in hell am i going to win but i'll play anyways! sign me up !

j... said...

Ooo!!! I've been waiting for a giveaway just like this!! I want to make a coiN stack quilt & have had a heckuva time finding small pieces of scraps in a variety of colors :)

Andrea said...

I am itching to try one of these quilts... this could get me started! :D

mandbrid said...

Gotta love giveaways!

Mearaid said...

I'd love some scraps.

Katy said...

How fun, I could add them to my collection for a spiderweb quilt!

Donna said...

Miss V., I have some lovely organic soap to wash your mouth out with! Shame on you! Oh, yes, the real reason for the comment post, I'd love to win your scraps, Amanda.

Sarah said...

I would love any free fabric in my stash!

Zully LĂ³pez-Romero said...

Hi!!! Please pick me!!!!

Hughs. Have a nice weekend.

Leah said...

OOHH - lovely scraps.

Please put my name in the hat. I don't have a "stash" so I might as well small and grow from there!!

Amy said...

oh golly---just what so many of us need---MORE fabric!
Count me in please :0)

Ammieloris said...

Thanks so much! These are adorable. Sweet you.

Jane said...

ooh a basket of lovely scraps! what possibilities!

i'm looking forward to seeing the finished spiderweb quilt - sure it's beautiful!


cnydalynn said...

I would love to win your scraps :) I hope Chen doesn't enter... that girl is on a winning streak:)

Sarah said...

I'm always up for some more scraps! :) Thanks for the chance.

Betsy said...

Amanda Jean, I would enjoy these very much.

Suzanne said...

would love these!

M. Regina said...

Hello, Amanda, i love scraps, and i'd like to win. Hugs from Brazil.

Mom said...

Would LOVE them for use in my Linus quilts :-)

Amy said...

These would be awesome. Pick me Pick me.

Knitlee said...

Wow-lots of scraps!

Anonymous said...

I would put your scraps to good use. :0


Emily said...

A girl can never have too many scraps!!

patsy said...

count me in ...

lorien hardy said...

I'd love to have those to feed my scrap bin...

Nicole said...

ACK!! I do want those!! :)

Rose said...

Never done a strip quilt, count me in!! Thanks :)

Audrie said...

Gimme please!

Unknown said...

Oh, pick me! Pick me! I'm really starting to get into this scrappy thing.

Hope said...

Congratulations! Can't wait to see the finished product :)

Andi said...

Mmmm .... lovely!!!!

bruinbr said...

very cool! thanks for the giveaway!

Mary beth said...

I'm a big fan.... Would love to try the spiderweb thing!

Grey Cat said...

Oh my goodness! I would love to win something like this. I've just started a string quilt, and am loving the idea of having as much variety as possible in it!

Andrea said...

would love to get this as a start up to a spiderweb quilt! thanks.... andrea

Betsy said...

Oooh! I would love some of your scraps in order to make a string quilt. Love that.

Sarah - Red Gingham said...

Oh scraps, yes please! Actually I wouldn't mind go through your bins too!!

Kenton and Marianne Ogg said...

How fun!

kellie: thelemondime said...

scraps are my fave! thank you so kindly!

Jessica said...

Awesome! I would love to win these! Thanks!

Hillary said...

How exciting! I can't wait to see your quilt!

I'd love to be able to try this to! I know it's hard to imagine but I don't yet have enough strips or scraps to make one of my own :) Of course I know once I get there there's no going back!

Rhonda said...

count me in, I love to make string quilts

Alicia said...

You're so kind to share your scraps! They'd be perfect for MY spiderweb quilt that is about halfway completed.

aliciadockins at yahoo dot com

hannah said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win some new scraps!

Julie Nolte Owen said...

This log cabin gal in Mississippi would love some scrap strips. I love to look at what you are up to. . .

Anita in Florida said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win some new scraps...mine are just about exhausted from your quilt along!

Anonymous said...

Have not done a string quilt. Would love to try. Have been saving strips myself & could use for my "collection".

Misha said...

I'd love a chance to win. Thanks!

Nichole said...

oh! i'd love to win those!

T@iy@ said...

Oh, fantastic! I'd like to make a spiderweb wall hanging for my living room.. :D

S.K. said...

thanks, I'd love to win!

Anonymous said...

I'd love to win those strips! I love making strip quilts. They're really fun.

Andi said...

Crossing my fingers!


Unknown said...

I love making scrap quilts from other peoples scraps!

Katie B said...

I'd love to win this!

knit to unwind said...

Pick me !!!

Victoria said...

I really envy you , you finish such a big work 0.o

Holley said...

I love little strips just as much as big pieces of fabric.

tarryn said...

Ca-YUTE! I would love these scraps, especially since I love all of the fabrics you would choose!

Cynthia said...

Love to see the finished project. How do you choose which quilt block to make into a quilt.

carolyn said...

what beautiful scraps!

Pat at Bell Creek Quilts said...

Hope I receive your scraps! then I will make lovely quilts like you :)

Becky said...

I love making string blocks!

Jocelyn said...

Amanda Jean, you are so generous! These are great looking scraps. Please add me to the list :-)

Anonymous said...

You realize I will no longer have an excuse to not do a string quilt if I win!! Thanks for the chance!
Krousegirl2 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

My daughter's friend is 10 years old, and loves scraps which she longs for- the first thing listed on her birthday list this year. She works at her drafting table for hours in her room and creates all kinds of wonderful things. I think she would just be overwhelmed with happiness at the thought of having won scraps for future projects. I hope she has a chance at your scraps-they will be used and treasured.

jeri said...

pick me please :)

Bethany said...

How pretty! I would love a change to win some strips. Thanks.

Annalee said...

Count me in!

Anonymous said...

I would love to win these. I am working on a string quilt and would welcome a variety of scraps.
Rebecca O from Buffalo

MarĂ­a Isabel said...


Danielle said...

Count me in please!

Anonymous said...

Help out an Arkie, I only have a quart ice cream container of scraps..need help getting more:))) (Working on my first quilt now).
Thanks, Brenda fro Arkansas

Anonymous said...

ooh yes please!
Kim from Canada

PegS said...

Can't wait to see your completed quilt!

Whitterbon said...

lucky number 159??? :)
a spiderweb is on my short list of projects to start!

Mary said...

I can't wait to see your finished spiderweb! I'm sure it will be gorgeous. Thanks for being so generous with your scraps! :)

foodmathquilts said...

I'd like to win a basket of scraps (the string quilt interests me ... but most of my "strings" are less than 1/4" wide.
Always up for something new.

Monica said...

I can't wait to see your finished quilt! And thanks for a chance to win some great scraps!!

Robyn said...

I'm looking forward to seeing the pieced top! The squares were gorgeous!

Peggy said...

I love your blog and would love to make a string quilt of my own by starting with your scarps. Peggy

Megs said...

wow, you have a lot of comments! Would love to use these scraps though. Fingers Crossed!

LilacClouds said...

I've been wanting to learn how to crochet a rug, I know I know not quilting related but I think these would work? I dont even know where I would start. if not that I know for a fact I could find a quilt to make :-)

Kara Powers said...

I'd love to win!

Julia said...

OOOh! a strip quilt would be fun! Throw my name in the hat please!

two hippos said...

I love scraps!

Erica said...

I don't think I could say PICK ME enough. I love scraps!

Calico Road said...

Ooooo, i'm drooling over that bit of brown and white on top! Thanks for offering such a treasure chest!

Gari in AL said...

I'm getting ready to start my first string quilt so I would love to win your strips.

teaginny said...

ooh, ooh, pick me! :) I was inspired by your string quilt and I want to start my own asap!

ladmquilter said...

I would love to win your scraps I have been thinking about doing a string quilt. Thanks for the chance to win.

~the ten of us~ said...

My daughter and I are already dreaming about what to do with the strips.

Victoria Findlay Wolfe said...

I just need red scraps!!! ;-)
hi Dearie! way to finish you spider web!

Becca Quilts said...

You have such beautiful scraps. I would love to win some. Thanks for the chance!

Anonymous said...

I love spider web quilts! I want to try to make one for myself at one point!!

Lisa V said...

I am always inspired by your projects! I would love to have the scraps

stitchinpenny said...

A bunch of Strings, count me in.

Ariane said...

I would love to have all those strings. Pick Me!!!! Thanks for sharing!!

mandalei said...

Too lazy to make my own until the other quilts are done... this is a decent compromise! :) thanks for the free gift offer!

GloJoeSews said...

Add me in!

Unknown said...

Ooooh, I love scraps.

jmb_craftypickle said...

Do I need more scraps?? Maybe YES!!!

Anonymous said...

wow, awesome strips! too generous :)

Q said...

I would love to be included in on your scrap drawing!

Stitching At Stone Cottage said...

that would just about give me enough scraps to start a quilt...oohh yes please..

Renee said...

Love it!

but do I stand a chance to win this cos I am from faraway >>> Singapore! ;)

Admire whatever posted in your blog ;)


Kimberly said...

If you need a winner, I'm your gal!

BitnByAQuiltingBug said...

Oh Oh OH! I wanna win something you've had your hands on....inspiration transferrence by fabric! Giggle! Pick me! I'd love to be included in your drawing!

Lyric said...

Oh, I want to win this!! I never win anything, but here's hoping! {crossing fingers}

Kristen said...

I can't wait to see how your quilt came out!!

Ruth B said...

I love scraps!Fingers crossed.

Anonymous said...

what a lovely gift! hope i get the chance to "play" with those yummies. your sister's quilt is great, i just love nine patch babie. sharon

Lexilooo said...

how lovely!

rachelmp said...

Scraps make me so happy! Thanks for the chance to win them

Sarah said...

So pretty! I'd love to make one of those soon!!

Bet said...

Scraps are great! I'd love to have some.

Damery Family said...

Scraps are awesome. would go nicely with my baby clothes scrap quilt I am making.

Michaela said...

Please me, me...

Jeannie Gan said...

I'm in if I'm allowed. Thanks

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