I know I'm not done with my first one a day quilt along quilt yet, but I'm going to start another one. (I have to since I'm gifting this one.) Anyone besides Heather care to join in round two?
Same deal as the first round...make one 9 patch block a day for 70 days. Each block is made from 9 2.5" squares. The finished block size will be 6" square. The quilt measures about 66" x 90". Sashing required is about 3.5 yards.
I'll add some sort of counter on my sidebar rather than posting about it each week. If you want to join in, leave a comment on this post. Post your progress photos on the flickr group. (I won't be adding names to the sidebar this time.)
If you want to use this as a motivator to catch up from round one, by all means, please do so. :)
We'll start (officially) on Monday.
i want to join this time. i'm on a technology honeymoom....blogging, etc. i have been missing out on so much FUN.
Hmmm, I'd love to be in this one, though I'm still learning how this whole quilting gig works....I need to see if I have any leftover fabric that I can combine to make so many squares....hoping to join, will keep ya posted!
Yes please! I think I can manage 1 block a day :)
Definitely in on round 2! I was dissapointed to miss out on the first one, so excited you decided to give it another go =)
I'd love to. That would be good motivation to work in my sewing room on other projects.
Yes and this time I think I'm going to use Christmas fabric from my scraps!
I will take advantage of round to to catch up on round one!! 45 blocks down... I was ahead, and then I got held up a month ago!!
I am at 85 and am going to keep going. I want mine to be a queen size quilt. I will post photos on flicker of my progress so far I have also posted photos on my blog.
THANK YOU, THANK YOU for the motivation.
Count me in this time. I have saved scraps from my children's clothing that I have made them to make a quilt. This will be perfect! I think I can manage one block a day.
Yes, I want to participate this time. Thanks for giving those of us on the fence a chance to join in!
I had already cut all my pieces but did not start. So I am in this time!
Yes, I will join in! I've been looking at my scraps and wondering what to do with them so this will be perfect!
Count me in! I have alot of scraps that I need to use up - and making 9 patches sounds like just the ticket! Thanks!
Yes please! I definitely want in on this one. Yay!
Yes I am in. I too was i first round - but wanting to make a queen - so blocks still needed.
(I'm using little woman fabrics from
Thanks you for the energy you give us all!
Love Leanne
I'm in. I think I can handle it. And it will be a good way to get rid of some of my scraps. And help keep me on task. And how hard is one 9 patch a day? I'll probably be sorry I said that!
Yes, count my in!! I'm one of the catch up players, lol. :)
I would love to, I did not do the first and I was sorry, I would love to play along this time. Thank you for doing it again!!
oh good gravy.
you amaze me woman!!!
I'm still working on the last one, but what the heck, you can't have too many projects going at once, can you? I like the idea of a Christmas quilt as well. Count me in!:-)
Im new(er) to the quilting blog world. I've blogged before but not about quilting. Just the other day, i created my first quilt blog after reading yours and others for about a year now. I'd love to join this as my first quilt-a-long. Please, count me in :)
I had some very bad health complications about 8 days into the first one and didn't sew for two months so ........YES!! I will join this one as I am able to get going again. This is great!
I've got 64 done from the first round so I'll play along, too! (Ssh, just don't tell that I haven't put tog my oldredbarn squares, either!--Oh my. It'll be a busy summer! lol)
yes i want to join. i love the one i am working on. just finishing sewing the rows and starting to cut boarder 2 1/2 blocks. this is great and i hope that we just keep coming up with new ideas. :)
I very much want to do this, but am afraid with all the summertime commitments it won't be entirely finished! Can we join with the best of intentions?
me! me! i just posted about this today... i'm up to 46.. so i'll used this to get my last 24 done... yay!!
This sounds like a great way to use up some of my scraps -- I'm in!
So I completed the full number of nine-patches required for the first one. And still have squares to sew. I have been taking my sweet time trying to figure out what color sashing I want? So instead, I am joining the second one, and will pool them together with the first to make a CalKing size. But I wanna set my patches on the diagnal. This #2 is a great idea, I am burning through my tubs of scraps!
I would love to jump in this time! Sounds so fun!
I think I will have to try it this time.
count me in
Amanda..... thanks! I know that last parragraph was intended for me.. lol
Count me in...
Yes, I will join this time around. I think making myself do a block a day will prove to be very therapeutic. :-)
Have I told you that you have me hooked on white sashing? It's true. I love how it makes the other colors, no matter what they are, pop.
I want to try! Count me in ;)
I'm in!!
I'm going to give this a shot. This summer is flying by and everything is so hectic and unorganized. I keep thinking that when I get caught up . . . then I'll start a project. Now I realize that I may never catch up, so better start a project, anyway! Thanks for the motivation!
I'm in but somehow I doubt I can actually keep up. But I am going to try.
I'm so going to regret saying this, well with having a 3 year old and 3 week old and all...but I have the perfect fabric and now I can't wait to start!!!
I am at 50 so I will join the second round to finish it all off.This is so much fun!
call me crazy but I think I will join this time around. However, I will have to do up a bunch to make up for the time we are on holidays. I even have some 2.5" squares cut already.
call me crazy too but I will do it this time...good excuse to get using those scraps! Can you do an easpy peasy tut on the 9 patch just incase some one needs a brush up? when will you start round 2, today?
Oh, I'm in...the one day block just makes it sound so doable. If I did my math right, I have 4 Peace on Earth charm packs that would yield just enough squares. I'm going to select on the coordinating wide backs for sashing AND quilt back... any suggestions on yardage (I'm hoping extra width would be enough for longer sashing pieces)?? Also yardage for binding? THANKS!!!!
Count me in! I have lots of scraps that need using up!
I'm in. Fabulous idea for summer doldrums that we can get.
Jane sent me so I better produce something.
Oh darn I forgot. I just received my jelly rolls, so definitely will be in the money with this one. 70 days of nine patch. are you kidding me? I may do them in nine days! Great ideas here.
Oh, this will be so much fun. I can't wait to play.
WooHoo! Count me in! I'm not done with the first one yet, but got so many great ideas from other participants that I want to give a go! Thanks!
I'm newly-unemployed (as of about ten minutes ago) and already bored - count me in!
Oy, I have yet to finish my blocks for the first one! LOL
I think I'll just play catch up this time. :)
SÍ!!!! I want to participate this time. Thanks for giving a chance to join in!
count me in for sure! what a cute cute way to use scraps! do i have to wait til monday to start? :)
I would do it! I didn't have time last time around, but I think I can fit it in now.
Ooh I want to join! yay quilting!I can do 7 a week, but I think it would have to be once a week as I cant have my sewing machine set up all the time. but this sounds like soo much fun!
I'm in! I have projects that I need to get sewn, and having a little thing I am supposed to sew every day will help me make sure I make the time to actually work on stuff.
I made 2 in round 1, but hey, happy to go again!
What's this, round 2? You know what they say...somethings are better the second time round. I too LOVE the Christmas idea or maybe fall colours. I was planning on a baby quilt in 9 Patch to donate so I'll do one in each!
Thanks again for the motivation AJ!
I'll give it a try ... in theory I have lots of time since I finished a course today and I'm only scheduled to teach part time in the fall.
(if I'm really good I'll even start using the blog I set up)
I'm so in and can't wait to get started!!! I'm trying to figure out how I want to make this one!!
I'm in. I started the last one but got to far behind! Now I am ahead for this one!!
I missed the last one, so YES! This sounds like a ton of fun :)
Count me in.
I am in--I got sidetracked the last time around so maybe I can catch up and get one done.
Robin in AZ
I'm in. I need a queen size quilt for my daughter.
I need to learn about contrasting colors so I will stop the matchey matchey stuff I do.
Maybe this will help me break me out of my shell.
Ye please, i too missed out on the first one but have done a few blocks so will now have more motivation to keep going:)
I'm in. Count me too :-)
Alright ...I'll go to my stash for fabrics then.
Count me in! I will love the challenge to see if I am able to keep up!
I'm up for it this time. I didn't join the last time. But I love all the quilts that have been made. So I'm going to try it too.
I'm going to do round two only because I have scraps spilling into the hallway. Seriously. Plus, I bound three quilts this week, so I guess I can start one that will use up scraps. Plus, I can't say no to a quilt along. Plus, I can't say no to Amanda Jean.
I'm in! More fun!
wahoo. maybe this time I can do it! thanks
Count me in. I just moved and would love something to do everyday to get me in my new sewing room. I have to get it organized and all my stuff unpacked. I missed out on the first one I knew I would just fall way behind with moving and all.
YES! Count me in! I stayed up til 1 last night finishing the top to the first one, bought batting (bogo free!) today, so this one will be for my son. My little girl has claimed the first one! :)I'm so excited to do another.
Your round 2 is my round 1 and I am ready this time. See you Monday.
I'm up for making another 9 patch a day. I about have my other quilt ready to baste, so count me in. Wish I could email Stephanie some fabric! I love to share. :)
This sounds like fun, I have scraps I can use =)
I'd love to join this one, too! I have a bunch of vintage sheets that would look great as a nine patch quilt, but they don't match the nine patch blocks I've been making for the current QAL. I don't know what I'm thinking, really, since I only have 32 nine patch blocks made and the first QAL is almost over!!! What the heck...I'll catch up sooner or later, right?
ha!i love that someone on their honeymoon signed up!! i wont officially sign up in case i dont follow thru, but i have good intentions here :o)
Count me in! I need to do use some scrap red white and blue fabric. That is just siting here.
I admire your tenacity! I know for myself, I might do it for a week, but after that I would fall behind, and then just be mad that I was too far behind to catch up! Good luck :)
Count me in... I think!
Do you have any tips you couls share with us about how to pick fabrics that won't totally clash with eachother. I have quite a stash going now, but don't feel like I can really make a quilt out of it since I'm stuck trying to figure out colors. I have a TON of charm squares that were gifted to me, I may use those, quartered.
maybe I can catch up to you in round 2! fun.
After stalking this blog for quite some time (and quilting on the side) I think its time I joined a quilt a long
I am so in! I can't wait ;)
hello very good
I'll be in again! Probably not full sized, but I can see a few baby quilts coming out of this.
I'm so excited to hear round two us starting up - my 9 year old just took a quilting class and I have been wondering what quilt she could make with me for her bed....well - yay! She could do this with me. The fun we will have picking out of the stash! Thanks!
I would love to join in the fun, thanks for running it again xo
I think this would be a huge challenge to take on . but I think I might be up for it . . .let's see how long I last!
Working on a string quilt and it's going quite well . . perhaps time to throw some blocks in there . .
Count me in! I've been regretting not joining the first time!
me me me....says the little girl who is all grown up now. Bother it.
This might teach me to make 9 patch blocks.
I have a rather infamous quilt in my blog which was to be made of nine patches and I cut strips but I had one floral and 2 fossil ferns and it did not quite look like a nine patch. But it did get finished. So now I need to know how to do nine patch without just joining all the squares together separately.....is there a tutorial...I think I may need it..LOL
I'm in! I just started teaching myself how to sew and I caught this last one at the tail end and thought about doing it on my own so I'm thrilled you're doing this again! Thanks!
Count me in again. Blocks for a baby quilt would be a good idea!! There is something in the water at work, need to make 6 baby quilts by February!!
Me too! Now that I've finished the "quilt from hell" I can do something fun! Have lots of fabric so here I go!
I'm in! I started on Round 1, but kind of stalled... thanks for the opportunity to get caught up! I'm trying to only use scraps (except sashing) - I do have a million of them! Betsy
well, you can count me in for the 3rd one...being without a sewing machine for at least half of this one, with a 36 hour flight (with 2 3 yeaor olds!) in the middle...hmm, yes, maybe I need to sit this one out. But promise you'll have a third!
Sounds fun. I wish I had joined last round as I really need some motivation to get sewing!
Sounds like fun! Count me in.
Oh I would love to do this! Just the motivation I need! Is it too late?
I would love to do this. Can I make the measurements a bit different (three and a half inches to make nine inch blocks)????
I will finally de-lurk to join in the fun!I have a ton of scraps to use up! Whee!
Yet another 9-Patch? LOL! You can count me in! I'll begin next Friday. Maybe, I'll hack into my Christamas fabric stash.
Thanks for doing this (again)!
I just finished a quilt so I'm itching to start another. I would love to make a dent in my scraps too, so count me in! :)
Yes. Please I was so excited about the last one but then I got stuck at the end it just didn't line up right! So I am going to try again.
Would love to join, I have plenty of Christmas fabric to use up.
I love your tutorials.
Yes, I am nervous about choosing colors but I really want to do it. Count me in. Lori
The way I'm going, I'll be sewing on the sashing of all of the 9 patches I've completed just as the second round of people are coming up to it. Done all the 9 patches, bought the fabric for the sashing and baking, but there's another project ahead of it in the queue.
Maybe I could be a 'straddler'... one foot in one quilt a long and one foot in the other...
I need something like this to keep me focus on quilting and to have some "me" time. This would be great also for a Christmas quilt. :o)
Count me in. Just reorganized my stash. I can do this!
I want to play...I hope I can actually pull it off! Thanks for offering another go around!
I would like to participate in the 9 patch block a day. Day by day. In the moment.
Thanks, :-)
I'm in. I wasn't ready for the last one but I can swing it this time.
I think I can manage 1 block a day. I'm pretty new to quilting. This will be a great way to get a quilt done for Christmas.
Count me in! I love a challenge...especially when fabric is involved!
Just the kick in the pants I need to bring back a little discipline. I am so doing this.
I didn't get in on the first round, but everyone's quilts look so amazing that I just have to give it a go this time! I started pulling some scraps today. I'm really very excited, this will be the biggest quilt I've made so far!
I'm in! And I'm happy to say that I am almost finished with my top from the first round! I have it marked for gifting so I need one for me now!
I'm so happy your doing another quilt a long! Count me in for sure, and thanks for the motivation, I need all I can get!
Please count me in as I didn't sign up for the last quilt along.
I will join in this time. Your quilt is very colorful. I hope I can keep up, but just looking at the end product will keep me going.
Thank you, AmandaJean.
Joyce Barham
Omaha, AR
I think I want to join also. However, I may bend the 'rules' just a bit. :)
I am seriously considering having my church ladies do this or a variation of it. Will keep you posted!
What the heck. . .what's one more project. . .I'm in! My scrap bucket is in SERIOUS need of reduction, hopefully this will help. . .if not, well there's that Kaffe Fasset bundle that's been sitting there forever.
Having seen so many fantastic designs in the first quilt-along (mine's being done by hand and isn't finished just yet!)I'm really keen to make another one and try out some different ideas. So yes, please, count me in! Mind you, I'm going to 'cheat' and make a lap-quilt, if that's ok, as I have a recipient in mind for it and I think that would be best for them. The support and motivation from the first quilt along was fantastic by the way!
Yes...I do want to join in for round 2.
I would like to join round 2! I already plan on starting off behind, but I'm confident I can catch up.
All right, yes I wil join the club.
The problem starts now already.
What colour do I use.
Lucky for me I have until tomorrow.
I'm in so I can finish the first one!
I already started a second one, but I’m only halfway the first with making blocks...!
I want to do this! This will be my first quilt - only at the moment I am 1200 miles from my machine so I'll be starting late but hopefully I can get caught up.
I'm in!!
Count me in....my first quilt-along!!
I'd love to join in this time! I'm feeling very motivated to get my crafty room cleaned up and I'm hoping that the cleaning will make it easier to quilt. Thanks for doing another one!
I'ld love to join this time. Looking at everyone's quilt makes me wish I had started on the first round. Love 9 patches, one a day makes it easy to keep other projects going. Thanks for hosting this.
Keep Stitchen'
I would like to give it a go - I have been watching all the posts and I definately have the scraps!
Thanks for the motivation! Tina
I missed the first one, I'm in on this one! It's the accountability thing that keeps me going sometimes!!
Have loved doing the first one... and want to start the second one using patriotic fabrics or brights...not yet decided. Thanks for the motivation as always.
Well seeing how I have loved everbody's finished blocks and quilts, I think I would like to join in on the 2nd round!
Yeaaa! I just found this blog (love it!)last week and was so sorry I missed the beginning of the 9 patch a day! I will begin tomorrow! Yes, I do have other quilts going but this sounds like too much fun to miss. Thanks! Toni, Molalla, OR
i should not start another project AND i am going on vacation for the next three weeks BUT YES!!!! I'm in!
Hi! I would love to join the swap! 70 9-patch squares - FUN! Count me in!
eem2848 at sbcglobal dot net
Well, I started off well in the first go round, and then fell off the wagon... so happy to keep working on my blocks (should put a photo up on the flickr!)
Fantastic. I came in too late last time and really regretted not giving it a go! I'd love to join in this time!
I think i will join!
I'm one of the ones that will use this as my motivator to finish round one!! Thanks for the nudge:)
My previous comment said I would start "tomorrow" I couldn't wait. Stayed up last night sorting through saved scrao strips and then made 7 blocks....being summer there are many busy weekends (and, darn! workdays) and I knew that I had better get some "stashed" to help me stay on track. My real plan is to do one each morning before work...we'll see!
Count me in - this is a great motivator! :)
This will be my first quilt along. I was sad that I missed the first. Thanks for starting another one up.
I *almost* started piecing together my first top this weekend, but time got away from me...I don't think I have a top two in me, but I look forward to seeing your second quilt. It's definitely a great stash buster!
Im totally using this go round as a motivator to finish up my first endeavors. Thanks.
I think I'll give it a go as well! I have a lot of quilting irons in the fire, but I think I can squeeze a 9-patch in a day (she said hopefully)... Gotta bust that stash!!
Well, since I totally never got to the goal of 70 the first time around (actually, all I did was cut my fabric!!), I'm totally in. I've already started, and I'm at 20 blocks... will post progress on flickr and must. keep. up. this. time!!!
I am in, too. I just started quilting so I don't have a very big stash. Maybe you or some other bloggers would like to do a fabric or 9-patch exchange for some of the squares?
Oh I am totally going to join in! Especially since I missed round one & was actually planning on making a similar quilt anyways :) Thanks for organizing this Amandajean! :)
I don't know how I deleted my original post but I am joining in and sew my today's square last night.
I am addicted! I have today off and a list of things to do but the nine patch bug bit me! As an example, another quilt that I'm working on as a gift, I can only do 2 blocks in 45 minutes. Not much instant gratification there! Anyway, my blocks are fun but not very exciting. My other quilts, even scrap ones have been so "planned" I'm trying to break out of that mind set for this quilt but it's very difficult for me! Keep up the good work everyone!
Oh, I'd love to make some more 9 patches. The first quilt isn't done, but that doesn't mean I can't start the second!!
am I too late to join? Today is the first day so I will make the first days block tonite. I plan to just use from my scraps of reproduction fabrics and fq"s.
Barbara in TX
Count me in...Im sure I can catch up and make 2 blocks tomorrow! I have just the fabric for this challenge! Thanx
I'm in again! I am finishing the borders on Quilt 1 this week. Looks like I am ready to start Quilt 2.
Count me in!!! I'm going out of town for 3 weeks in August, but I can get a head start and maybe even *gasp* try piecing some blocks by hand on the long long long car ride from Wisconsin to New Jersey!
I've always wanted to try a quilt along so here I am! Better late than never, right?
Okay, attempting round 2-missed the first with the newborn :0)
I would love to join. I was bummed I missed out on the first one! Thanks for keeping me motivated!
Yay! Glad you're doing round 2~ I also missed out on the first round, but I love this quilt pattern. I have lots of scraps to use up. I'll join, too!
I plan to join in. Started tonight. :) I'm curious (nervous) to see how all of my scraps work together...
I'd love to join this time! I started the last one but life interupted - hoping for a clearer run second time round.
I want to join, too. Want to use up my japanese fabric scraps. This would be a nice fabric sampler...
So lets try to keep in time!!!
Greetings from Germany, Katharina (My mother has almost finished her quilt from round one)
Yep! I'm in again!! Still need to finish the other one, but I'm in!
I'm in too - I found the KAL about halfway through last time and was just an innocent bystander :-)
I must be crazy but I am in again! My sister saw the first one and she wants one too. Now I know that there is no wrong or right and white sashing makes everything looks good, this round should be easier :)
I missed out on the last one, I'm definitely in for this one.
I would like to join this time. I started the last time but knew I wouldn't finish in time, so now I have a head start.
I am in. I just finished my first large quilt and ready to start then next one. I have never done anything like this before.
I want to join along this time also
Count me in! I got so left behind on the last one due to a wonderful vacation. But, since I'm home and back in the game, I'd love to finish what I started!
I'm in, too! This will be my first quilt-a-long. I'm super excited and I hope I can keep up! :o)
Finished my first quilt top yesterday, can't wait to do another. I am giving it to someone else to quilt, am I allowed to join?
I'm in for round two. The nine patch is my favorite block.
I'm a newbie quilter, but I'd like to join in, this sounds like fun!!
I'd love to join in on round 2! I'm so excited that you're doing another round, I just started my quilt today, without even knowing you were doing this- I was just gonna go along on my own referencing the past posts, but now I can join in- yay!
I would love to be a part of your quilt a long!
I'd like to join and play catch up! Hope I can find all the right posts! wanted to do this quilt, this will get memotivated!
I realize that I'm MONTHS late for this, but I'll still join in...
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