Wednesday, May 13, 2009

quilt along

it's day 17 of the quilt along. so, how's your progress?


Anonymous said...

Well, I jumped ahead, LOL! I'm all put together, basted and have almost all the hand quilting lines of the sashing done. Will then be forging ahead to quilt 1/4 inch on either side of all other seams. I'm loving how it turned out with unbleached muslin! Love how the bleached muslin looked but I'm more of an off white kinda girl! Thanks for starting this!

Val said...

I am not doing too well but hope to get on it next week. I have my 4 month old grandson and I am not as energized as I used to me. I used to multitask more than I do now. I will get it though. I did work on the Star quilt along last week. I am almost through with the quilt top. I just don't see how all of you people get it done so fast.

Jennie said...

Well, that would make Sunday day 21... which means I'll sit down and sew 21 nine-patch blocks on Saturday night :) I've been so busy, but I have my fabrics and I'm ready to go once I get a couple other things done! ~ Jennie

Ashley said...

I am caught up and on track.(for now) I even started another quilt in the process.

tarabu said...

. . . ummm . . I am up to four.


I suck sometimes!

Dresden Quilter said...

I am a week and a half behind. This weekend is a long weekend in Canada, so I am going to use the extra time to catch up.

Rebekah said...

I caught up and moved ahead and now I have 24 blocks done

Sue H said...

I'm making mine 10 x 8 = 80 blocks. I have 50 done, all out of the scrap bin. So very much fun! Thank you for sharing such an achievable project.

Hincha's said...

I am two weeks ahead! I also have 5 boys and a busy life. I am proud of myself that I am not behind.

Fatty said...

I'm still puttering along! It's a lot more managable to just do a bit each day...I don't know if I could do a whole quilt of 9-patches at once! It's much nicer to do a little at a time. I'm a little worried about how all my patches will look together...they're all quite random and scrappy!

Emily said...

Progress, you say??? I'm with Jennie. I'll be making 21 on Sat night, too. Sad...I've got lots of fabrics pulled but nothing cut. Been working on clothes for the kids. Must get back to quilts--soon!

Maria Harrits said...

I have 20 blocks done, all the fabrics cut and I realy love the way it turns out so far.

Bunny said...

Just started so only have five sonw. Hopefully I can catch up LOL

Anita in Florida said...

Ok, well I was a slow start. Last week I spent several days cutting my squares from my scrap basket. That hurt my hands and wrist so had to recoup for days. But this weekend I made 14 blocks...I plan on doing at least the next weeks' by this weekend. So I will be caught up...will post pics on my blog when I get done. This is fun!

GloJoeSews said...

I've got 15 done--I'll catch up this week! I posted a pic of them on my blog! It's fun to play along with you all!

Robyn said...

I have 14 done... I'm also not sure about all the colors... seems like most of my scraps are blue/green... I'm going to have to do a pink and red project soon to make some more scraps and squares!!

Meg said...

I have quite a few done. Luckily I had a few days free pre-knee surgery to get 24 squares done. I'm way ahead. When I can get back to sewing (and blogging about sewing) I should be able to catch up quickly! Yay!

Nichole said...

i have 39 done so far. i'm a bit ahead. i figure it is better to be ahead at this point so when i inevitably lose interested it won't be so rough to catch back up. :)

i am really enjoying working on these though. i'm glad you started this!

Aimee said...

I only have 4 done. BUT, I have organized my scraps and done some cutting, so I hope to catch up. But I need to do that soon before I'm overwhelmed with how much catching up I have to do...

Anonymous said...

I've ignored all other quilt sewing and sewn 9 patches whenever I could. I think I'm up to 65 now and I'm starting to consider doing a larger quilt. I feel so industrious using my scraps.


dotti white said...

I am working on getting started! I have my fabric out and ready, but so many things have been in the way. I plan on doubling up starting tomorrow and see if that catches me up soon! I am so excited!

Nikki Kimboko said...

i guess i should finalize my fabrics!!! LOL!

I will try to catch up slowly...still trying to finish some other long standing WIP - sigh-

beck said...

I apparently can't count. I spent Sunday making 13 to catch up and now tonight I'll have 16. Somewhere in there I lost count of a day!
Oh well! I'm more worried about running out of scrap fabric.

ps. can you link my blog?
I think I'm the only Beck.

connie said...

I went and counted. I have 24 so I am a bit ahead and I have a stack of extra 2 1/2 inch squares. I am so excited about this and not overwhelmed. Great Idea. I have used all scraps from various projects.

Mandy said...

I'm so glad I'm not the only one that is very behind. I have a bunch of squares cut out, but I've been so busy sewing for others that I haven't even started putting them together. Tomorrow, I don't yet have anything else scheduled tomorrow.

Kelly said...

I'm with the few others who haven't done any yet. My excuse is that we moved on the 1st of May, and I still haven't found the power cord to my sewing machine. And my fabric is still in boxes. I keep hoping... but then we find more boxes to unpack, or get plants that need to be put in the ground, or discover yet another home repair....

But I have ideas. And dreams. And a huge stack (probably 10" tall) of charms cut out somewhere, in a box, around here or there.

Betsy said...

Catching up tonight. I have them cut but neet to put together nine or so. I will post pics tonight...loving using my scraps and seeing bits and pieces of my other quilts in this project.

Karen said...

Well I'm far behind as I'm starting over; had 8 squares done but don't like them so have picked another color scheme. Just finished washing up the fabrics so hope to get some made soon.
Oh and I'm not yet on the side bar. Instead of using Karen though, could you use JasonsMum. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I've finished 12, I guess it's time to play catch up.

I love the blue on on the top of your pile.

DIDI said...

I'm incredibly up to date! but looking at your photo.... emmmmmm..... are you sure there are 17 blocks piled up there?

Libby said...

WooHoo! I've got 20 done and a right smart stack of 2.5 squares for sashing! I'm a handqilter and havent quite decided how big/small i want to do my quilt. I'm most proud of the fact that I am ONLY using SCRAPS. This is fun!

Ashley said...

I've really been enjoying making these! I'm thinking about starting a second quilt using linen and scraps from my Etsuko Furuya stash - fun fun!

Anonymous said...

With the sashings and border, as pictured, and, this thing gets big, quick! If you aren't intending to make a twin size, do the math, early on, LOL! No need to do so many blocks! Mine is 57" by 64" (6 by 7 blocks) a big lap quilt, with *way* too many left over squares!

Carolyn cdn said...

This quilt-a-long is so much fun, not only am I on track I've also completed my first stippled quilt for a friends three year old. Next is my great-nephew's quilt and more 9 patch squares. Hmmm maybe a second 9 patch would be the answer to a wedding gift needed for this September...I've got to check out my scraps again.

Alf and Lily Creations said...

Doing well here too, I'm a day or two behind, my son had an ear operation today, so Ill wait till the weekend to catch up :)

Kelli said...

I'm up to 26, but I'll be gone until Monday and I know I won't get any sewing done. I'm loving this :)

Leslie said...

i am a week ahead. I had some free time last night and went ahead and made some. i really love using my scraps. I think I might make scrapy quilts for Christmas presents this year. Thanks for the quilt-a-long

Jane said...

Off to make block #17!

Kristi said...

well, I have to confess, I am very behind- I was actually just checking your blog to get the square size again- and saw this. so off I go to sew!

Cindy said...

I finished #17 last night. Now I need to get sewing again. This is so much fun!

Amy Friend said...

I'm doing well! I am expecting a baby in less than 3 weeks now so I am trying to get ahead. I am up to week 7 now though only posting the pictures as we hit the right week. I discovered that I was a little short of fabric to get all 70 blocks but might have fixed that situation today. I picked up a few scraps from the bargain bucket that the quilt shop that coordinate and I think I will be pretty close now!

Michele said...

Day 13 for those of us that started late :)
I'm keeping up with the blocks and am obsessing about sashing.

dutchcomfort said...

14 finished blocks, another 7 ready to be stitched together.

Frogdancer said...

I spent a Saturday afternoon cutting out squares and putting them together, then the next weekend I sewed. I thought I was WAY behind, but I must have started early... I'm only a couple of days behind. I can only sew on the weekends, so I'll whack a few more together and catch up then.
I've run out of scraps (because I'm only using each fabric once) so maybe this weekend I'll start trimming my stash...

Tracy T. said...

Phew! I just counted and have 18 completed. It's gotten me to organize my scraps just a little, which is nice, but in doing so I seem to have noticed just how disorganized my sewing room is! all I need to do is make some of your cool fabric boxes, one for each color, for each color of scrap, organize my stash cabinet by color, find the hunk of flannel that's hiding in the garage somewhere to use as a quilt back, finish up 6 little quilts...

Good, it's going good! That's my final answer!

Hrönnsa said...

I´ve got 10 finished, will have to catch up this week! But I finished a quilt yesterday and that took most of my time. I love this project and its so much fun going through my stash to choose fabrics for it :)

leigh said...

I haven't been doing them every day but I've done two rounds each Monday. So I've got 11 from the first round and 16 from the second round. Maybe I'll take a break next week.

Journeying Five said...

not as well as yours...but soon i hope!

Etta said...

Since mine are four squares, I have been making two per day. So with 36 I am caught up through tomorrow. I need to get cracking again.

I will share my photos once, I have a chance to upload them. My comp. likes to have little fits when I try, so I have to borrow someones. It maybe a while.


Julie said...

I'm laughing reading through all the comments. None of us are organised are we!!! I have 17 done funnily enough, but they were all completed in one sewing session last weekend. I'm happy I'm on track. Another session coming up this weekend. My six year old is having a ball arranging colours and pressing blocks for me.

Kelly said...

I have 6 done... trying to do them all out of my scrap bin so they are looking kind of random but I think it will be cool once it's done :) I decided that I'm making it for my daughter.

Elizabeth said...

I have 13 finished, but several more cut and waiting to be sewn together. I also took your suggestion and have been cutting extras for the border. I hope I can keep up!

imquilternity said...

I'm happy to say I'm right on schedule!

LauraJ said...

I'm a little behind (or a big behind, depending on where you're standing HA!) I will catch up on the weekend. I devote thursday or friday to 9 patches. You see I'm using black thread and it'd be such a chore to change out the thread and the bobbin everyday just to make one block.

Diana said...

I have 11 done and pieces cut for 10 more. I'm going to a retreat this weekend and hope to get myself caught up! I'm glad I'm not the only one behind.

Anonymous said...

Count me among those who can't count. I thought I was on track, but I only have 15. I have a lot cut out though, so I will go sew two more RIGHT NOW!

Mrs. Gray's Class said...

I'm doing pretty well - especially now that I learned how to do 2 at a time! Nobody told me quilting would become addicting - that I would start dreaming about colors, fabrics and designs!

Mary said...

As of today, I have 33 done and 8 more cut and ready to be sewn. A bit ahead, but I'd really like to get this quilt done before we move the first week of June. Like Claudia, I'm a bit concerned about the scrappiness of it. It all seems very random at this stage.

Shawn said...

70 blocks completed! I feel like I cheated a little using a jelly roll, but it was in my stash. And actually 1 jelly roll and 2 charm packs will make this quilt perfectly.
Thanks Amanda

Nanci said...

I have all fabrics cute and 40 blocks sewn so I don't fall behind during the week. I am using all 1930's reproductions so will probably use the muslim and can't wait to start them together. This is a great project.

Sarah said...

I'm loving it! I used blocks from my daughter's preemie clothes that I had already cut, as well as fabric from clothes I've made her the last couple of years, and so far I have about 18 blocks done. This week I put together blocks with purple in them--I think I like working on a theme color each week!

Jill said...

I have 35 blocks sewn. All so far from scraps. Although since I am new to quilting I do not have much of a "stash" to pull from. I did buy a bag of scraps from a couple months ago and this project has given me a great way to use them!I have started other projects just so I can glean scraps from them!

Thimbleanna said...

I have 14 and I'm very proud that I'm not farther behind LOL!

alice said...

I just started three days ago and have three done. Not bad. I have fabric for today's picked out too and I will try to catch up to the 17 as time allows. This is fun. Thanks!

Leslie said...

i think as it stands i am one block is so fun to make all the color combination's. My biggest challenge is trying not to think about matching too much.

One Flew Over said...

I'm a little bit behind...14 I think?!? But...I am going to make 2 cot size quilts instead of 1 large. Will be on teh machine over the weekend!!

Sarah said...

Oh no!! I think I've done five. I'll catch up! I promise!

Unknown said...

I have 26 blocks done, blocks for another two cut out, and fabric pairs for 8 more matched and ironed. I have been sewing 2-4 every other day so far...I also bought bleached muslin for the sashing, and hope to start cutting those pieces out and attaching them to the finished block next week.

Loralynn said...

Well...if it was day 4 I'd be right on track! I'm thinking that there will be a few days filling in the next 24 hours!!

Anonymous said...

Going great - I love seeing so many different fabrics from my stash and scraps come togehter! :)

Anonymous said...

Done 12 so not too far behind! Will catch up next week when things are a little calmer here.

Red Pepper Quilts - Rita Hodge said...

I've done 16 blocks, just lagging a little behind! But have just posted my progress on my blog Thanks for organizing this quilt-along and motivating me to make yet another quilt!

Lori in South Dakota said...

Making 9 patches is a great stress reliever, I must have been stressed as I have 87 made! Picked out sashing fabric--Moda Marble "Sweet Yellow", it's more like a tan, and it matches some fabric I am going to use for backing. Having GREAT fun!

Anonymous said...

I'm up to 14. and will do some more tonight, so not far behind. My daughter Lilly has done 7 so far, she's a bit frustrated trying to get the seam allowances right :-)

2ndAvenueStudio-Rachel said...

I've got 25 but I am trying to stay back and go with the group. I'm going to be taking a few days off so I'm good.
I am so glad you told us what day it was... I was totally confused.

kokina said...

ciao :)
i've done 21, but since i'd like to make this quilt for a king size bed, i have no idea of how many 9 patch i need.
i will be very happy to know the width of the sashing: always 2,5?
francesca giulia

The Calico Cat said...

17! already...

Saren said...

So far I have 27, but can't just do one a day. I will do four one day and none the next because of whatever hectic thing is going on- mainly the 2yr old. I've been trying to use up all the fabric in my cupboard and not buying anything, but am having trouble finding things that I like together. Using stash, scraps & old clothes.

Linda said...

I had 14 as of yesterday afternoon. Got 3 more done last night, so I am all caught up. I will get the other 4 for the week done over the weekend, if not a few more. Finally at a point where I have NO deadlines for projects (other than this) and can actually do some leisure sewing. :)

Bee said...

Coming along okay, a little behind but nothing to worry about. There has been just a few things pop up that caused a few distractions. I am loving this project:)

Cindy said...

Ummm... I haven't started.

Zeynep said...

I am a bit ahead, I have done 46 so far since I won't be able to work on it due to upcoming projects and travels. I am determined not to buy or cut from my stash. I will stop when I use all my 2.5" scraps.
Thanks Amanda for the quilt-a-long.

Lucy said...


Rebecca Maples said...

I have 14 done, but I plan on sewing this week's blocks today. My Mom's coming for a visit, and that means all shopping and no sewing so I have to catch up before I can take a break. I LOVE seeing everyone's blocks on flicker, I can't wait to see all the finished quilts.
Rebecca M.

Necia said...

Getting there. Lol.

Mrs. JP said...

I wasn't even gonna comment until I say Emily and Jeannie (sp?). I'm a pitiful excuse of a quilt alonger. I know it's no excuse since I did say that I'd do this but I've been working on another WIP.......I should know when to say when.....:O)

Rachel said...

15 done! I am having so much fun going through all these scraps. I've decided this quilt is going to become our "family night" quilt - because there are so many of the scraps that came from other things I've made that we see around the house or for distant friends and family ... it's just coming together to say "our family" to me. I love it!

sulu-design said...

17 days and you're right on top of it, yes? That's what I admire about you!

berylthepearl said...

I am right on track with you, and really enjoying making this. I want to use white for the sashing and today went to JoAnn's looking for white unbleached muslin. What they carry is quite thin and you can see through it. What do you use?? Thanks,

berylthepearl said...

oops I meant to say I went looking for BLEACHED muslin, and it was thin, etc.

Anonymous said...

Joanns usually carries Kona cotton (with the other muslins, usually has a hangtag on it,to make it easier to find, too)which is thicker and comes in bleached and unbleached. It feels *really* good. I believe it was $6.99 a yard, then with a 40% off coupon!

Rose Marie said...

I joined late, but was on a whirl and have 22 blocks done! Yippeeeeee.......

Bunny said...

I just started yesterday but I think I am caught up I have 24 done so far. Tons of scraps to press and cut. What fun this is, happy to be part of this.

Meg said...

Right on target! 18 today! Now just to stay that way! I am having so much fun with my scraps!

heather said...

terrible!!:( i need to get to work. i'll get on it soon.

Gina said...

It looks like your quilt along is coming along. Can't wait to see what you have, when it's finished!!!

Grey Cat said...

I have 18 blocks done, so I'm hoping to get a bunch done tomorrow after noon during my son's nap. I'm on vacation this coming week, so I might get quite a bit ahead, or make extra nine patches for the other quilt top that's been living in my head.

Anonymous said...

I have not added my name to the side bar, but I am keeping up. I see that most of my squares are the autumn tones some blue, and I'm tempted to start a 2nd one going with some fun bright colors. Please talk me out of starting a 2nd one....!!
Thank you for all your inspiration and encouragement.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to get caught up this weekend!

Anonymous said...

I am right at 17, but spent about 3 hours cutting up tiny squares and so I'll be whipping through those this weekend. I love making these!


PS to 'anonymous' who is already in the sashing phase of this quilt. You astonish me!!!

Chiara said...

Love the colour selection there!

jaybird said...

I'm behind... I've got 6 done with plans to catch up a bit this weekend. My plan is to only create blocks from scraps. This has been harder than I thought because most of my scraps are not large enough to cut 4 or 5 2 1/2 squares from... but I'll get back on pace hopefully this weekend.

duckyhouse said...

I was right on schedule until I decided to rip apart 3 of my 18 blocks for a redo. The colors don't sit quite right. That's how it goes sometimes.

Cryssy said...

I've only got 14 done right now. I don't quite have the stash that most people do as I'm VERY new to quilting and sewing. So finding fabrics that work together is difficult for me... But I'm hanging in there.

Karen L R said...

I posted a bit about my progress on my blog today, and linked to yours. I am having such FUN with this! Thanks for a really fun idea.

Anonymous said... this might be a stupid question...but how to do you get all your seams to line up? This is my first try at quilting and every time I try to sew the lines together they come out not lined up. Is there a trick?

Dionne said...

Just a few behind, started a bit later than you (waffled whether to do it or not) ~ but I'm confident I'll catch up!

Bobbi said...

I'm joining too... only have two blocks complete but plan on catching up quickly! Its so easy and is a great fabric stash buster!

Anonymous said...

Anon, I don't know what the *real* way lining up the blocks/sashing should be done, but I marked my sashing with a washable, blue pen, every two inches so, I had something to go by. I'm close to finishing up the hand quilting and for the most part they lined up beautifully. Any little bit off will not be noticeable once it's washed and puckered up, my hope anyway, LOL!

Quilting Kim said...

I was late getting started, but this was just the kick in the pants that I needed to get my "quilting mojo" back. I just love the 9-patch and I'm up to 25 blocks all pulled from my scrap bins. I even created an Excel spreadsheet to keep me on track.