
Thursday, January 01, 2009

quilts of 2008

2008 was a big quilting year for me. I finished 34 quilts.

My goals for last year were:

1. Make more charity quilts.

I donated 6 quilts to the Linus Connection yesterday. I also donated two for silent auctions earlier in the year-one for a family in crisis and one to my church.

2. I have a few friends that I have known for a long, long time that don't have an Amanda-made quilt, so that needs to be remedied.

One went to Linda.
And one to Nancy. (those were the two i was hoping to cover last year.)

3. Finish the 4 quilts that I currently have in progress.

I think I did.

4. Make more quilts with triangles in them.

I made 4.

5. Make another 2 color quilt.

I was pretty close with this quilt.

6. Beyond that, I just plan to do more of the same quilting that I have been doing...scrap quilts, improvisational piecing and pretty much quilting like crazy. And working on my list.

Yes, I can safely say that I DID quilt like crazy. And it was great.
Now, looking ahead to 2009...

I hope to make my in-laws quilts this year. Only my MIL has a quilt made by me. I think the rest of the family could use some quilts, too!

I would like to donate at least two quilts to Quilts of Valor, which is an organization that gives quilts to wounded soldiers. I found out about this program through one of my local quilt shops. What a great cause to quilt for!

I need to start making more quilts that fit beds and make fewer lap quilts. Last time I counted, I have 20 lap quilts in my house. That's a great plenty. I want to make more quilts for our beds so I can change them out with the seasons...but I'll start with changing them out twice a year. I have such a hard time committing to a color scheme and design for bed quilts, though.

And I hate to say this, but I really, really need to slow down. My arms hurt. I have been in a lot of pain due to my obsessive quilting. It scares me. I'm only 33, and I really, really don't want to have to give up this hobby of mine.

I don't really want to end this post on a down note...I am excited for the year ahead. I have given myself some time off over the holiday and am anxious to start all kinds of new quilts. I have a feeling this will be a big year for me...I'm looking forward to good things.

Happy New Year, friends.


  1. 34! Wow, thats awesome. Its been fun watching most all of them on the blog.

  2. Take a lesson from me. If you are having pain - stop now! Force yourself to not quilt for 2 or 3 weeks and get some therapeutic massage and do lots of stretches. My back is a total disaster - although it's healing now - and I haven't been able to do anything in over a week. I'm not going to be dong any sewing any time soon either. Take very good care of yourself!

    That said, you accomplished a lot this year!

  3. Holy Cow! 34 quilts?? Yes, please slow down ~ you are making the rest of us look bad!! (and no hobby is worth injuring yourself over). I wanted to mention to you that a friend of mine is in the middle of a personal QOV challenge. Her name is Alycia and she is trying to get 400 QOV's to take to Ft. Carson Army Hospital in May. You can read all about it on her blog
    If you want more info on her challenge just email me and I can tell you all about it!

  4. 34 quilts!! So amazing. They are all so beautiful. You have been such an inspiration to me all year long. I can only dream of reaching that number of quilt. Can't wait to see what 2009 brings!!

  5. Absolutely amazing. I just recently stumbled across your blog and loved seeing your recap post.

    I hope 2009 is a good one for you!

  6. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Yowza that's a lot of quilts in one year! Slow down a bit and savor your passion for quilting, if you wear your body out you'll not be able to do quilt anymore!

  7. yes do stop and maybe work on smaller projects. That is what I did this year and my fibromyalgia has barely flared up.

  8. I love stopping by your blog to see what you are up to . . . and there's always something! You do wonderful work and I hope 2009 keeps you inspired and creative. - Marlene

  9. Whoa! Those are some accomplishments!! Yes, I was thinking the same thing about the excess of lap quilts I'm accumulating and not bed quilts. Those bed quilts just take so much longer and are pricier! :)

    Good Luck in 2009!

  10. Wow isn't it amazing when you see the whole list of what you did? Well done! If your arms are hurting why don't you do some redwork embroidery or applique inbetween to give your arms a break. Have you seen the Red Delicious block of the month?? It's free and its very cool to do, I've Redworked the first two blocks and it does give your arms a rest!!

    But keep doing what you do best - I love reading what you do!!!!


  11. You make BEAUTIFUL quilts--I'm a big fan! :) Can't wait to see what 2009 brings...

  12. Wow - busy lady -I was always a huge hand quilter- swore I would never machine quilt- however after having to have to have acupuncture treatment on my arm because of excessive hand quilting I now can not hand quilt for more than 5 mins. max without pain- Sooo I am now learning to machine quilt - do not like it but the only way now- rest your arm as soon as the pain starts to avoid more damage-

  13. Just wanted to let you know that you have REALLY inspired me! I haven't been following your blog for long, but I check it religiously - no, obsessively - throughout the day! I think I'm all caught up with what you've written and now I'm starting to explore all your fans' blogs, too! What a great little "community" of talented people to learn from! My goal for 2009? To be more like Amanda Jean!

  14. Happy New Year, Amanda Jean! You are a great inspiration. I have to say, make sure that you are doing back and neck exercises. I almost had to make a horrifying choice last year when I suffered very painful neck problems from doing too much quilting. I endured several months of PT. But now I am doing much better, with a little bit of residual effect. However, now I am very conscious of making that effort to take a break and exercise my neck, back and arms. Cheers to you and another wonderful year of pain free quilting.

  15. I know you are probably never short of places to donate quilts, but I know that Love Without Boundaries could sure use one for their Art Auction in April! We've tried to win one for the Auction, but have had no success! The quilt would be auctioned off to pay for heart surgeries for orphans in China! They usually do very very well, and could probably pay for 1/2 of a surgery or more!

  16. Just wanted to pop in and say "thanks!"
    I found you a month or so ago (maybe from oneprettything??) and you have been an inspiration. I've always loved quilts, but have never owned any.
    By following your incredibly understandable tutorials, I made a ragged squares baby quilt (I like your's much better - but hey, I'm just learning...) and then I made a diaper bag so I could practice stippling (still no good at that one ~ so I bought some clearance Christmas fabric to practice on..)
    I found that I really enjoy binding ~ which suprised me. Actually, I enjoy the whole quilt-making process. I think partly, because I am just learning - I am forced to go slow. and nothing else in my life moves slow.....
    anyways - didn't mean to ramble.

    Thank-you & may God bless you richly in this new year.

  17. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Your quilts are so gorgeous – all 34 of them! I hope you are feeling a little better. I'm glad you are listening to your body and slowing down a bit. Wishing all the best for 2009 Amanda Jean!

  18. Soy una seguidora de tu blog, y me gusta todo lo que haces. ¡¡Feliz año nuevo¡¡¡ Besos desde Sevilla, España

  19. i'm echoing vicki's advice...i'm older than you, but my back problem earlier this year scared me too. stretch and exercise and listen to your body! it's wonderful seeing all of your quilts together. you are an inspiration to all of us.

  20. WOW! Applause, Applause, Applause Your work is great and I love seeing it! I hear you on the sore arms thing - and got into Pilates because of it and it really helped. My quilts start small but somehow always grow and the big quilts can be killer to quilt. Congrats again on some beautiful quilting!

  21. Wow! times 34!!!

    I wish you many pain-free quilting times in 2009!

  22. thanks amada for all your inspiration. I watch what you do all the time and replicate a small percent of it in my home.
    you've gotten some great afvice here. maybe it's time for you to invest in a standing machine quilting frame. that would save your arms and back a ton!

  23. Anonymous3:05 PM

    WOW what a generous industrious woman you are
    Well done
    It will be interesting to see what you have planned for this year
    Happy New Year to you

  24. Wow! That's impressive!
    You are always an inspiration but I agree - you need to slow down a little or you'll be burnt out before you hit 40.
    Love all your quilts though!

  25. Do you realize that that is one quilt about every week and a half? LOL You do amazing work and I am proud to own an Amanda-made quilt. Thank you so much again my friend! I hope that you and K and the kids have a wonderful new year! And please DO slow down and let your body catch up. (Although I know that is hard for you.) Maybe a massage would be good thing. :0)

  26. What a great post about your quilts. You have an amazing passion and I just loved reading about them all and looking at the wonderful photos.

  27. Thanks for the 2008 inspiration! I'm trying to be a great quilter with my left hand and at age 50.

  28. It's all about finding the right balance for each of us ... although I have loved seeing all your amazing quilts! Here's to a great 2009 and less pain! :)

  29. Your quilts are all so beautiful. I tried to pick a favourite, and it's too difficult! I'd really like to have a go at your quilt-a-long quilts this year, and I love the red cross one so much...maybe I'll attempt one of those too.

    Happy 2009!

  30. Wow! You are indeed one crazy, quilting mama! The quilts you've made are beautiful and inspiring. And thank you again for hosting the fabulous quilt alongs! I didn't manage to complete much this year-- but my star quilt along quilt was one of them, and it's probably one of the best projects I've ever finished.

    I hope you have a wonderful 2009, with lots of quilty goodness. And be sure to take some time to take care of yourself too! :)

  31. amazing job! But do take care of yourself. Enjoy this new year each and every day.

  32. You are truly amazing! I am absolutely determined to get better at free motion quilting this year. Not that I'll stop handquilting as I love doing it and the softness it gives to a quilt -but it's soooooo slow! I look forward to seeing what amazing creations you come up with this year. Please take it easy for a bit and maybe mix it up with some other crafting and get off the machine a bit. Have a happy, healthy 2009!

  33. Amanda, happy new year! You achieved a lot in 2008 and I am sure 2009 will also be very rewarding. Definitely slow down to protect yourself from doing long term damage to your arms or find some good physio exercises that will help you maintain your health while still letting you quilt like crazy! I've enjoyed your blog this past year - thanks for posting so regularly!

  34. AmandaJean ... you are truly an inspiration to us quilts and 34 quilts is a lot in one year...that is almost three quilts a month...So, a big congratulations on your accomplishments!

    But, please slow down I want to be reading your blog 15 or 20 years from now and see that you are still quilting and ENJOYING it!!!

    May you have a wonderful New Year!!!

  35. Love this post! Your mosaic is so fun and inspiring :) Take care of yourself!

  36. Every single quilt you make is fantastic! They are beautiful!
    But...please slow down! You need to listen to your body!! Not being able to quilt is one thing, not being able to pick up future grandchildren is another. You need to give your body a rest. Maybe only sew every other week? Or every other day? Or not sew one week every month? And don't start knitting to spend the free time! That kills your shoulders too. Lol!
    Please take care of you!!

  37. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Happy New Year Amanda, I call it an addiction (quilting and buying fabric),it's a good one though. Your quilts are an inspiration and you are so good at showcasing all those wonderful fabrics.

  38. Amanda Jean ~ you are amazing!! I'm totally impressed and truly inspired. I love your guilts and blog.
    Wishing you and yours a wonderful and very Happy 2009!!

  39. I'd love to own an Amanda quilt. Maybe a blog giveaway?

    I have always wanted to quilt, but don't have room to do it in my house.

  40. You're a quilting machine! Great work though. But if you slow down, it will give the rest of us a chance to catch up. LOL. I have a couple quilting goals. I actually want to creat a lap size quilt since I've never done a quilt before and I want to make a bed size quilt for my daughter with the fabric that I bought when I first started this whole quilting journey last year. We'll see which one gets done first. Lap quilt I'm sure.

    Happy 2009!
    Jen :)

  41. Quilts of Valor is a great idea. Thanks for mentioning it. I really love making quilts for others and this is a great reason.

  42. that's a WHOLE lot of quilts.
    i'd say you did REALLY good on your goals.
    hi-5 to you!!!

  43. We are looking forward to your 2009 adventures!!

  44. You've made some amazing quilts and I know there are more to come in 2009, but don't overdo it. I need the inspiration! See how selfish I am! Thanks for the inspiration in 2008! I am now officially proud of my stippling thanks to you!

  45. i love your blog and i love your tutorials thank you for one heck of a year! :)

  46. Wow! I have been reading your blog for awhile, but I think this is my first time posting. I just wanted to let you know that your bento box quilt has inspired me to make one. The top has been pieced. I'm working on tying it now. I will drop you a line when it's done. Thanks for your inspiration. I saw your note on Quilts of Valor. I hope to make one of those, too.

  47. Anonymous10:17 PM

    Amanda Jean~
    Your quilts are beautiful. I can't wait to see what 2009 brings. Thank You for sharing!
    Debbie in San Diego

  48. which is your favourite?

    Happy New Year! Please slow down and take care of yourself...maybe some physio exercises would help, or a re-evaluation of table/work surface heights? Sometimes just a change in the ergonomics helps.

    Take care!

  49. Your work is beautiful and so inspirational! Your readers could revisit one of last years quilts each day for over a month, and still be inspired by you while you rest up!!

    Happy New Year! And take it easy on yourself!! We don't need another hero!!

  50. Well done Amanda! Take care of yourself. You're right, 33 is young!
    Looking forward to 2009 and your inspirational ideas.

  51. i find you so inspiring Amanda, but don't push yourself! you are such a fantastic quilter, congrats on such a successful 2008!

  52. Wow! Amazing and inspiring. I love the mosaic. I wish you a healthy and productive 2009!

  53. I love all your quilts - I get so inspired by you. Take care of your self so you can do this for a long time.

  54. and we want you to continue as well Amandajean, so please do not do yourself any lasting damage by overdoing it.
    I don't think I can pick a
    favourite from this year.....can you?

  55. Very happy new year from the Bask coutry in France!
    and thank you for every thing you let us share.

  56. What a beautiful collection of quilts. So Inspiring.

    As everyone has said, please slow down and take care of yourself. Something you love shouldn't hurt you.

    Hope 2009 brings you much joy :-)

  57. they're just beautiful, and such an inspiration, my first goal for 2009 is to finish your quilt a long..........
    happy new year!

  58. 34??? Wow... I am completely amazed...
    lots of best wishes for 2009 and strenght! if you still intend to quilt at the same pace hehe
    love from spain


  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. That's great! 34 is a lot of quilts. Quilts of Valor is a great cause. I've been reading about it and am in the process of making one. My fiance' and brother have too many friends that are wounded and still struggling. It's just such a great cause!

  61. What a great and productive year. Your quilts are georgeous and I love your blog. You are so inspiring to keep me moving along with my own projects. I am actually starting a Flea Market Fancy in browns, aqua and lime. I thought yours was great!

  62. well, I made 10 quilts last year and it seamed (lol) that I was sewing all the time. I can't imagine 34 quilts, let alone your tutorials. At first I thought you had someone working with you when I first found your blog...fingerless gloves...lucky me, it started me quilting instead of knitting. I realized that you were a one women whirling machine (no pun intended) that quilted beautifully and inspired me for this past year.
    I suppose with so many people watching what you are doing all the time that the pressure is on.
    So, a block a week would do and relieve the pain you are feeling. My fingers are sore after just sewing the binding..

  63. Anonymous8:15 AM

    another lurker popping out to say happy new year and offer more unsolicited advice...I'd start seeing a chiropractor and/or physical therapist immediately to figure out why you are having the pains you are and the best techniques to use going forward. Nip it in the bud.

    Beautiful work. Like others, I am inspired. Best wishes to you.

  64. wow! You were really busy this year.I can't believe that you made 34 quilts this year.

    Take it easy and try out some other crafts if your arms are starting to hurt. Of course, I'm saying this as my left pinky feels like it's going to fall off from knitting too much :)

  65. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Happy New Year to you too! What a year of sewing! You sure accomplished a lot. But you know what? It's ok for you to slow down a little too. Quilting can probably still be just as fun with just a teeny bit less time spent on it. ;) Take care, can't wait to see what you have in store for us in 2009!

  66. One of my goals is to quilt along with you this year!

  67. WOW!!! You are truely amazing. I love reading all that you do!

    I was going to try to do one a month. not 34 but a good goal for a beginner! :)

  68. If I did a photo montage of what I accomplished last year in my quilting, I'd have a montage of several unfinished things. I don't believe that I finished anything, but I am working on doing better in 2009.

    You're amazing!

    But rest up before the doctor says you have to stop altogether.

  69. Feels a little silly to be the 68th person to say "Wow, so beautiful. And inspirational. And hope you can figure out the pain thing soon!!"

    But I guess it's still just as true coming from me as it was from the 1st person. : ) All the best to you in 2009! Can't wait to see what you're up to (even if you finish with "only" 17 instead of 34!)

  70. Keep up the good work! Lovely collection of quilts.

  71. Wow! I love how they look all together up there! Happy 2009 to you, too.

  72. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Wow, and my goal for this year is completely finish one a month. Hmmm, I might have to step it up a bit. Hope that you feel a bit better; quilting isn't worth hurting yourself. However, I can't wait to see what you will make this year!!!

  73. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Your quilts are beautiful and you are such and inspiration for me. Hopefully some day mine will be at that level.

  74. Anonymous2:07 PM

    34 quilts! WOW! Happy New Year to you and yours!

  75. lots of work and accomplishment!!

  76. You should be proud, but watch out, pain in your bodies response, check out my blog to see what was on my checklist for the holiday season, I am typing to give my fingers some workout after hand surgery. I hope to gain more use of my hand after it heals!
    sandy of

  77. What a fantastic year!

    Thank you for sharing Alissa's Flea Market quilt on your blog. I made a QOV quilt from the pattern and it has been a big hit!

    Suzanne at

  78. Can I just say, for totally selfish reasons, "please slow down?" I so enjoy seeing your quilts...but not at the expense of pain in your arms.

    I love reading your blog. Stick around and slow down you crazy mom!

  79. I love your blog so much! So much productivity. Quilts of Valor is a great program, but if you are interested I make "Hero Quilts" they are quilts for children whose fathers have been killed in Iraq and Afghanastan. I repurpose the soldier's actual uniform in the quilts I make for the children and widows who have been left behind. I would love to give you more information on my "Hero Quilt Cause" if you are interested.


  80. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Just found your blog and it's a keeper! Love your quilts; you have great color sense. And judging from how many times you said the fabric came out of your stash, I'm feeling pretty ok with going out and buying some more fabric--I think I'm waayy behind!

    Good luck with the hand pain. I get tendonitis for which the doctor recommended Aleve for two weeks, helps take the inflammation down.

  81. I'm almost 38 and I've had pain from quilting and hand work. PLEASE take care of yourself. If you are in a location where you can access your doctor easily, go see her/him and ask for physical therapy. PTs are trained in repetitive stress injuries and can show you great stretches and routines to help with pain. They will first work with you on healing, then on strengthening so you can continue to do what you love without pain. Good luck, I love your work but not so much that you should be in pain! *hugs from california!*

  82. Wishing you a very Happy New Year. Slow down, take care of yourself, lots of time for quilting. I share a goal of yours, make more bed sized quilts, I tend to make lots of throw sized quilts too. I too am going to make more charity quilts this year than the last couple of years. One thing I will continue to do in 2009 is to follow your blog, you give lots of inspiration! Now, take care of yourself! :)

  83. That is a lot of quilts. I think that I am going to try to make 2 or 3 quilts for me this year...and possibly one for my friend who is expecting a baby in July. And then the quilt challenge project for quilt club.

  84. happy new year! hope its a good one for you ! cant wait to see what you have planned for the day!

  85. Your quilts are all so awesome. I thought I'd find inspiration for the quilts I want to do for my step-daughters, but you have so many great idea I still don't know where to begin.

    Take care of yourself.

  86. Anonymous3:25 PM

    What an acomplishment! 34 quilts! Congrats! Love the mosaic you made of them. I'm looking forward to seeing all you do in the New Year. Thanks to all your inspiration and wonderful tutorials, I see lots of quilting ahead for me. Please do take care though.

  87. The collage is so beautiful.
    Thank you so much for the inspiration. Do take care of the pain :(
    A very Happy New year to you and your family.

  88. Great job on completing your '08 goals and good luck on the '09's you have listed.

    THANK YOU for posted about Quilts of Valor. I've never heard of this before and I think I will try to donate a quilt this year, as well. You have inspired me!

  89. Anonymous4:10 PM

    happy new year. it is great to look back on all your years accomplishments.

  90. Wow, you have been busy - I would be delighted if I could make even half of that lot!!!

    I'm adding you to my follow list!

  91. Anonymous8:38 AM

    I've only just come to your site--what an inspiring post! Your quilts are beautiful, and your friends are lucky.

  92. Anonymous4:56 PM

    You are truly amazing - it only I could achieve half as much! (Maybe less time reading blogs would be a start!)

  93. Beautiful work!! I zoomed in on that image and just can hardly stop looking at it! Each one is so pretty. Congratulations, you really are an amazing quilter!

    I can't wait to see what you do in 2009!

  94. You're amazing Amandajean. Just amazing. What an inspiration you are to all of us!

  95. You are my quilting hero. ;o)

    Thanks for several years worth of inspiration, Amandajean. I love your quilts.

  96. 34! You are truly amazing. All while raising three children and teaching us how to make quilts. You have given me so much inspiration. Your simplistic approach to quilting is so inspiring. I love your color choices. Thanks

  97. Again as everyone else has said "WOW" what an inspiration. I just came across your blog and can't believe all the work you have done. I only completed one quilt in 2008 as I find very little time to quilt with being a technology coach at school and 2 small boys at home. I hope to learn a lot from you this year and can't wait to see what you do. I also have carpel tunnel from quilting and my computer work - so I agree with others - take a break.

  98. 34 quilts??? You are amazing! And they are such great ones too!

  99. I hope your new year is off to a wonderful start (you can breathe now that the holidays are over!). I'm glad that slowing down and taking care of yourself are on your 2009 resolution list. You can only produce such beautiful pieces if you take care of the hands and body that produce them.
