1. What kind of machine do you use?
I have a JUKI TL-98Q. I do all my piecing and quilting on this. I do not have a long arm or a quilting frame. Nor do I send my quilts out to be quilted. It's all done on this baby. For those of you who have read my blog for awhile, this is old news, but I LOVE my sewing machine. I would recommend it in a heartbeat. If I had any complaints about it is that it is straight stitch only-no zig zag. And it's kind of loud. (More my husband's complaint than mine.) This machine is FAST and durable. It is a workhorse. It's a professional grade machine and the large throat makes quilting even a king size quilt attainable. One feature that I scoffed at when I bought it but now I would not be able to live without is the auto cut feature. I LOVE it.
2. What kind of batting do you use?
Warm and White. With all the white fabric I use in my quilts, this is the perfect batting. I buy it a roll at a time (40 yards). It's nice to have it on hand when I need it and it saves me countless trips to the store. I buy it at JoAnn's on sale or with a coupon (or both).
3. How much fabric do you buy for your stash at a time?

Usually quarter or half yards. Unless it's a good sale...then I buy a yard, two yards or the rest of the bolt. :)
Usually quarter or half yards. Unless it's a good sale...then I buy a yard, two yards or the rest of the bolt. :)
4. What kind of thread do you use?
I order most of my thread from Connecting Threads. I love their product. Otherwise, I use serger thread in some cases because it's thinner. I like this option especially if I am concerned with the thread blending in with the fabric.
5. What fabric do you use for the backgrounds in your quilts?
I love Quilter's Only Cotton in the color Parchment, which I buy at JoAnn's, usually by the bolt when it's on sale or with a coupon. The white white that I use is bleached muslin. I've just recently started to use it, but I love it already. I have a bolt of that in my stash as well.
6. Do you pre-wash?
No. And I really don't want to debate this, LOL.
7. What do you do with all your quilts?

I use some of them in my home-I rotate my lap quilts quite a bit. I give some quilts as gifts and donate some to charity.
I use some of them in my home-I rotate my lap quilts quite a bit. I give some quilts as gifts and donate some to charity.
8. How do you wash/dry your quilts?
I machine wash them in cold with regular detergent. Then dry them in the dryer on high heat.
9. I want to get started quilting...where do I start?
An easy quilt to start with is a small one (baby or lap size) using just plain squares. The ragged squares quilt is a good beginner quilt, as well. If you are unsure of the process, I would recommend a beginners class at your local quilt shop or learning from a friend.
10. Do you have any tips for stippling?
I have a free motion quilting tutorial here, complete with video (but no sound). The only other advice I can give is to practice, practice, practice. A side note: I do not think that all machines are cut out for stippling. I'm not saying that it can't be done, but a good quality machine will make this much less frustrating. I can say that from much personal experience.
11. Do you use a stitch regulator while quilting?
12. How do you find so much time to quilt???
This has to be by far my most asked question.
I'll list what I think helps...
-my machine is fast and dependable.
-I have a dedicated spot in my home where I leave everything set up. I work on things here and there throughout the day whenever I have a bit of time.
-I stay home a lot. (which results in lots of quilting time.)
-I'm a workaholic so I'm almost always working on something.
-my blog motivates me a LOT.
-working from my stash and having materials on hand (like batting, plenty of background fabric and thread) saves me lots of time running around.
-I've been quilting for 8 years and obsessively for the past few years, so I've got quite a system down now.
-my kids are used to my obsessive quilting habits, but I am always on call. Some days are better than others.
13. Where do you buy most of your fabric?
I shop on-line a bit (Cia's Palette, Fabric Shack, Fabric.com) but most of the fabric I buy from my local quilt shop (there are 3 that are reasonably close to my house) and I prefer to buy fabric in person whenever possible, but it is nice to have the on-line option.
Alright, I think that's all I've got for now. If you have other questions I'll either add them to the list or answer them in the comments.
And one more thing I'd like to add...I'm not a professional quilter...I'm just a mama that loves to quilt. These are just my thoughts and tips on quilting based on my personal experience.
As always, thanks so much for reading. I love creating and I LOVE sharing what I have created here on my blog. :)
great post! thanks for all your inspiration.
Thank you for answering all these questions... I found myself nodding a lot while reading :) I keep my machine set up all the time too and am always working on at least one quilt! I didn't know you could buy an entire bolt of batting! I use the warm and natural and just buy it when it's on sale and get what I think I'll need.
I do have one random question... what kind of tape do you use to tape your quilts down when you're basting? I've been using blue painters tape and when I used it for my tree skirt, it didn't hold very well and it was frustrating!
Thanks for being such an awesome inspiration!
I use duct tape. it usually works pretty well.
Thanks so much amandajean, you really are so considerate to share your talents and knowledge. That is what we are here for, to help others. I do appreciate your work and blog. I agree a lot with your answers, but still you inspire!I wish I had your energy.
love the size of the throat on your machine. i also never prewash my fabrics lol. and thanx for answering about washing/drying quilts. i've started adding a sheet when i give a quilt away to explain that they are all washable and dryable!
keep up the great work!
This may be a dumb question but it's one I've been wondering about for a while. I have a machine. Possibly a great machine - it's a Singer Featherweight that's been reconditioned and is lovely and beautiful and every time I go past it's box I have to open it and gaze at the machine. But I don't know how to use it. I was actually laughed at by one of the quilting shops in the area when I called to ask if they knew of anyone who could teach me how to use the machine so I could start my quilting journey. So here's my question - where would you direct a shiny newbie to find someone who can teach her how to use her sewing machine? Nearly all of the intro quilting classes I've seen assume that you know how to use it already, and um. Yeah. Not so much.
I really appreciate all that you do on your blog here. You really inspire alot of us to quilt more, develop a love for the beauty of the patterns and fabrics... Your tutorials are amazing, your photographs keep me in awe every day. My ip address is probably the one that comes up alot...I just love to look at them and analyze how you've placed colour combos together, and I even study your stippling and then go practice and see if I can improve on my beginner status.
I just need to get some zing and do more. I think if my quilt space were upstairs rather than in the cold rec-room, things would improve on the production line ;-)
Again...thanks for your hard work. We know you don't have to do this, and it's an extra load of work for you.
My favourite thing about your quilting, is that I notice you rarely use triangles. ;-) For some reason, triangles terrify me.
This post was fun to read!
This is so funny! All your answers are exactly what I would have answered to those questions (except for where I buy my fabric).
I love seeing and reading about what you've created here too! I looked at your machine when shopping, but really had to have a zig-zag and a hem :)
Thanks Amanda Jean, always intested to hear more behind the scenes facts!
This is a nice post Amanda Jean. I think I am so awe struck by your work that sometimes it seems silly to me to ask a question but you sure answered a lot here today. I have dreams of having my dedicated sewing space someday soon myself. I've taken notes and printed the quilt a long tutorials and someday I will show pics of what all you have taught me. Thanks for all you do!
Loved this post - and you gave me an idea for where to buy thread! Thanks!!!
Thank you so much for the FAQ. I was going to email you with a question recently myself. How do you cut all of your fabric. I want to make a quilt so badly, but I'm so scared I won't cut the fabric properly. I'm no good with a rotary cutter. Do you have any cutting secrets? Thanks!
Thanks for all the great info. I love your blog and read it faithfully...thanks for all the inspiration!
I really liked the answer to #12, and your blog motivates me so much.
Perhaps somewhere down the line it'll be possible to do a post about your quilt "time line" just to prove you don't have magical quilting elves in your house! ;)
Thanks for this post, this encourages me a lot as I am a starter, as I've read all your blog last week I already knew some of your answers (lol) but what I loved to read is that you don't prewash the fabrics you are going to use, nor do some of the girls who have sent you comments already. Great!
Thanks a lot.
wow, thank you so much, I will have to bookmark this post, so i can look back later when I have a question.
thanks so much for sharing... i too, was nodding along in agreement... i love your work and i follow your blog regularly... great stuff amanda jean! Lx
Great answers!! I love reading your blog!
Thank You Amanda Jean for taking time for us! I look so forward to ckecing out your blog every morning! It's like having a sewing buddy! Be glad that I dont live near you, I would probably have my nose preesed up against your window every morning when you open your blinds! (i wouldnt really do that, my husband is a police officer) Merry Christmas from your favorite "stalker" Libby
Thanks for such a great post! I am in awe of your productivity and hope to be just like you when I grow up! :)
I get giddy when I see a new post next to your name in my Google Reader. I always know I'm just gonna love what I see! I was just at the quilt store today and found myself looking at fabrics and thinking "oooh, that would look good in an Amandajean quilt" or "Wow, Amandajean could do amazing things with this fabric."
Your blog is such an inspiration!
FINALLY! ::snicker::
Do you have QQQ's or Q3's too?
I want to thank you for all the inspiring that you have given us. I have made two tree skirts. One in the greens and reds and the other in black and pinks. I even free motion two quilts and the tree skirts. So thank you for the help. I have to check in everyday to see what you have done. Thank you and have a very merry Christmas. Terri
Excellent post. You've answered alot of my questions with that one post.
I wish I had more time to dedicate to sewing/quilting. I finally have a dedicated area... just need to dedicate some time!
Jen :)
Thank you so much for this. Your work on this blog is so inspirational and so appreciated! It is so wonderful of you to share your knowledge and passion. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Thanks for your post, It was very in-sightfull (spelling Sorry!. Great read!
Cheers Leah
great FAQ! and I'm green with envy for your machine!
Thank you for answering all the questions. Very informative, and I watched your stippling video, very good. New question, the pins appear to be about three inches apart or you have small hands. Are they really that close?
I really enjoyed your post and reding the comments too. I beleive that the declared "non-profesional" quilters or any kind of crafters in this case are th best to me to give advise because we are the ones thatfight the every day issues of quilting and crafting. we sare the common grounds non profesional equipment, but every day tools.
Thank you Amanda Jean for sharing with us and inspire us to create and to make memories for our love ones.
Lovely post and great blog...
It's great to read Amanda Jean. I'm the same with the set up machine and projects ready to go! I would never get anyhere otherwise.
It's Sunday morning in Spain, my children have waken up early and reading your post has been a good way to start the day. Thank you very much. You are so much inspiration to me.
Great post. Re your batting the warm and white, is that cotton? We don't have that one here in NZ. The stippling tutorial waas just what I've been looking for. Cheers.
Great idea. I use the same batting.....er...haven't actually finsihed the quilt, but the battings the same!
That was a great read Amanda Jean. I am going to try and do more machine quilting this coming year because I know I would get more quilts done. I love my hand quilting but I also like the finish of ones like yours. I guess it's just practice!
Teerrrifffic post! You always have the best posts filled with beautiful work and very informative! I too love to sew a lot! I have a sewing machine that my grandmother baught me in oh I think it was 1990 for mother's day and has very sentimental value for me. Tt has only need to have small repair once-that's it. It was the first of the Singer Quantum XL's was top of the line then-and very very expensive! I would never have been able to spend that kind of money on a sewing machine! But she-yes it is a she for sure-of course has been a true blue friend! She never complains-sews like a dream. She is very quiet and smooth. the repairman was shocked that in all those years I had never taken it in to be serviced in anyway and said he has never seen a machine of that age that got so much use sew so beautifuly-I said yea I know! LOL! Anyhow-thanks for the wonderful post that you do-love your blog it is one of my fav's!
In fact I am up very late trying to play catch up in blogland because I have been at my sewing machine so much-I am addicted. Hope you have a nice weekend!
Enjoyed reading your FAQs! I'll be turning back to the quilting tutorial video! Thnak you so much! ENjoy all your work!
Amanda Jean and husband: about the noise from the machine vibrations, here is what has worked for me in cutting that down to an enjoyable level. I have found that placing a rectangular thick piece of foam, the kind that is a kneeling mat for gardeners, under the machine makes a huge difference. It is also an inexpensive item. Give it a try and let me know how you like it.
I love my autocut, too! I've only had my machine for almost 4 months and I couldn't live without that feature now...
i miss auto cut. the bernina doesn't have it.
and i agree that having everything set up and at your fingertips makes it easier to get more done.
I'm not sure where to direct you to. I'm sorry that someone at the quilt shop laughed at you...that's just rude! Maybe you could check another quilt shop or a sewing center (a business where they sell sewing machines) and see if they offer intro to sewing classes. If that doesn't work, ask around and see if any friends you know have friends that sew. maybe you can find someone who would be happy to help you on your sewing and quilting journey. good luck!
Hi ... Love your blog. You may have answered this previously, but can you estimate how much thread a quilt like Candy Bar Road would take? Also, what size/type of needle to you use?
Regarding the noise issue, have you tried putting a mouse pad(s) under your machine?
Susan in San Diego
crazy train,
I use a rotary cutter to cut most of my fabric. for me, it was a tough skill to master, but it does get easier over time. I still mis-cut sometimes, and then I just re-cut and throw the rejects into the scrap buckets. it's handy for me that I LOVE scrap quilts. :)
I think that I pinned that quilt a LOT because of all the tiny pieces of patchwork in the quilt top. I wanted to make sure that nothing shifted. most of the time a good rule of thumb is to have the pins about a handwidth apart or so- usually about 4" apart. and no, I don't have tiny hands. :0)
the Warm & White is cotton batting. (it's made by the same people who make Warm & Natural.)
susan in SD,
I think the candy bar road quilt would take about 800 yards of thread. I used size 80-12 needles.
no, I haven't tried putting mousepads under my machine, but I'm going to give it a shot. thanks for the tip.
Awesome FAQ, thank you for taking the time to answer the questions many of us would ask. I love the photos you take of the quilts, and I have to say... any day there is a new AmandaJean post is a good day. *smiles*
What an insightful post!! I really feel like I got to know you better, thank you!
Hi! I've just been bitten by the quilting bug and I found you on Craftster. I just completed my first couple of quilts and I loved the process. Thanks for your FAQ. I have an industrial plain stitch machine myself so I do have the issue with fabric sliding around, after snooping on your blog I now know what feet to look for at the supplier. I also like the fact that you don't prewash LOL. I think you and I have the same philosophy regarding sewing, I will be following your blog.
You've been tagged. Come to me blog to get the tag!!
You make beautiful quilts!!!
It is Sunday morning there in San Diego, and first thing I did this morning is hop on my computer to read this blog...... I love it!!!! Thank You Amanda Jean.
I have only been quilting for a year and love it.
keep up this great blog.
Great information Amanda Jean! You totally rock – thanks for sharing your passion with all of us - you are really inspiring to so many people!
Enjoy your weekend :)
I am doubly blessed to know you, amanda, still amazed that I was introduced to your blog online that I found a couple of years ago (looking for a mitten pattern!) and now you live in my town and go to the same church!! Thank you for being the kind, warm, loving, giving person that you are--you are so sweet :)
Thanks so much for this post. There were lots of great tips. And I feel less bad about not being so productive as I am not home very much and have very little crafting space. :)
And thanks for the little blurd about your machine. I'm saving up for a new one and I keep getting pulled to the Juki... but in the end, I just do so much more than just quilting... I think I'm going to go with a Janome Memory Craft 6500. If I can save up the money that is. :)
Also, moiraeknittoo, have you tried You Tube? You can find lots of little instructional videos if you poke around for a while.
AJ, thanks for your FAQs, it helps and a good reinforcement for us, quilters. You are a good example for me. thank you!
Great post - I enjoyed the read and it motivates me to keep things going on my end here!
you are such an inspiration. i have pulled out some old projects and finished them. now im starting on some new projects, and finished some of them even. i thought i didnt have time to sew, but turns out i do. someday im going to send you an email of some of my finished projects. since ive caught the quilting bug, my girls have followed in my footsteps(and some of my boys) and we have been in creating heaven lately. its gonna be a cozy christmas. My husband says thanks alot amada cuase i spent an absurd amount at the quilt shop sale yesterday. but who could resist fat quarters for $1.25?
btw - a great place to look for sewing lessons is your local community classes. ive taken tons there. mostly for the peace and quiet sewing time it gave me when i had a bunch of little babies and needed a break.
thanks again amanda and keep it coming!
What a delightful read, Amanda! Thanks so much for all the info and the helpful links!
As always,
coming away inspired,
What a great blog - thanks for sharing! I am in the process of buying a new sewing machine for my quilting habit. Thanks for giving me reasons you use what you do! Great information! Thanks for sharing!
What a great post! I'm just getting into quilting and your post has totally inspired me. Thanks for taking the time to write all of the questions/answers!
Amanda Jean, thank you for your FAQs, what a great read. I was thrilled to the back teeth to read that you don't pre-wash.... hooray for you, hooray for me! Love your blog, I read it every few days and I'm continually inspired. Have a lovely Christmas!
Thanks for the faq, very fun to read and learn more about you. My charm packs for a version of the christmas quilt are in the mail...I'm so excited! :)
Thanks so much for a great blog and all of the info in it! I just received fat quarter of It's Snowing by Moda for a Happy Hour Christmas/winter quilt totally inspired by reading your blog.
Thanks so much for the tip on the duct tape! I pinned my son's Lego quilt last night and the duct tape worked liked a charm. Lol, I wanted to kiss you last night when I was working on the quilt :) I was walking on it, my 2 year old was crawling on it and it never moved off the floor!!! Yay! Thank you thank you thank you!
oh, we are so much a like, i stay home a lot too. my kids have also gotten sued to me always "doing" something. it is just the way we work. loved reading this, amandajean!
I would like to thank you for the little video tutorial on stippling.
I am a stubborn self taught quilter and have never spent a dime on a quilt pattern or class.
You make it look very easy and why I never thought to drop my feed dogs is a mystery. Will be trying this out very soon!
Thank you for your wonderful supportive and inspirational blog. You are amazing and your blog is on my Top 5 list. I enjoy everything you do and look forward to reading more. My favorite quilt is the vintage sheet quilt large stippling and all. It has so much character. Happy Holidays!
Thanks for all the FAQs.
Recently found your blog - I'm brand new to quilting. I've just taken a quilting class at my local quilt shop, and am halfway through machine quilting my very first quilt. I love your blog and it's easy to read format - and I especially love your tutorials. You've become a tremendous resource for me! Thanks for sharing your experience!
What a delight to read! Thanks for all the inspiration you give! I love reading your blog frequently. :)
I just have to say that I would study your stippling over and over and over. I wanted to try it SO bad! Finally I got up the nerve after watching your little video on it. After stippling 4-5 quilts, I am finally getting the hang of it. But, I would never ever have tried it if it weren't for you and this amazing blog :) Thanks!
Hooray! Thanks so much for gathering all this information together and sharing with your curious and adoring fans.
thanks for posting this! I'll have to check out connecting threads.
I've just started quilting, and I've completed a small lap quilt (including my first time actually QUILTING--previous projects were just pieced pillows) and have started another. But the cutting is such a pain, I'd like to start using a rotary cutter. A quilt shop near me offers a class in it, but just says to "bring all your rotary cutters and rulers" as well as a mat. I don't own any yet, and I'm not sure what tools are best to start with. Any suggestions?? Thank you!
quilting newb,
you can start very basic....one rotary cutter of your choice, one ruler that is 6" x 24" and a cutting mat that is a large size...mine is 35" x 23". you will be happy to have the larger cutting mat-i started out on a 17" x 23" mat and the larger one is definitely nicer. that's basically all the rotary cutting tools i started out with and that's still about all the tools i use now. i hope that helps!
That helps a lot, thank you so much! So the diameter of the cutter doesn't really matter (I couldn't really figure out why it would...)? Thanks!
quilting newb,
i don't think that the diameter of the cutter matters. i wouldn't go really small though. either the 45mm or 60 mm would be great.
I had been wanting to learn how to quilt for a long time now. I came across your blog. YOu had recommended doing the rugged square quilt as a beginners quilt. I was so excited to start and complete it. I dedicated a whole weekend to getting it done and I did it. You gave such a great tutorial. Thank you so much for teaching me how to quilt. I'm so excited to make more and to try something more challenging.
I'm a newbie to the whole internet quilting world. It's overwhelming to think of trying this, when you're doing such a great job already!
Pat Anderson
is there still room to try to 9 patch a day? New to quilting.
Chris in Tacoma
Do you know of any good tutorials specifically for the quilting part of making a quilt? I know how to piece, etc., but I'm not sure about the actual quilting part. (So far, I've only done tied quilts.) Thanks! (BTW, I just stumbled across your blog, and will be subscribing. You have some beautiful work here!)
Hello Amandajean
I just discover your Blog and I love it. I live across the ocean, in Portugal (Europe) and I'm beginning to quilt. You're such a good inspiration.
Thank you
This is now one of my favorite sites to visit. You really are an inspiration. I live in Toronto Canada. I'm a beginner quilter, work in a quilt shop and can't seem to get enough. I really like your style... of course you also make it look so easy. Thank you for sharing your talent ... you truly are helping me!
Take Care,
what type of muslin do you use? do you use the standard $1.29/yard stuff from JoAnn's or do you buy a more expensive designer muslin?
Your site was recommended to me because you use the Juki TL-98Q. I am considering getting your same machine, with a quilting frame. I am curious if you ever considered getting a frame, and why you haven't gotten one. Thanks!
love your web site...........this is a great site for any level.........will be following along with you all...........thanks...Cathy Jo
I just wanted to say that I love your blog! I've been quilting since high school and got away from it for a few years...only to stumble upon your site a few weeks ago when I decided to pick up quilting again to make a baby quilt for a good friend. You've provided me with lots of inspiration to use my stash on and also for another baby quilt that will be in the works shortly. You make quilting fun and approachable, thank you so much for sharing all of your fantastic quilts!
I love your blog! I havent quilted forever. I am going to buy that juki you have there, I heard nothing but amazing reviews!
Do you use any kind of color wash catcher after you make a quilt? any trouble with bleeding?
I hate washing fabric, It never looks as good :)
A friend sent me over to this post because I'm researching the Juki TL-98Q as a piecing only machine for my business. I've been unable to confirm if this machine had dual feed (even feed, accufeed, whatever each brand calls it) and wondered if you could tell me for certain.
I've seen it described with and without, I'm confused!
Hi! I love your blog & check in almost every day. I'm a new quilter & for the first time I'm trying to do triangles. I'm having a problem though. I'm making them where I just put 2 charm squares right side together, draw a line corner to corner & sew 1/4 inch away from each side, then cut down the middle. I'm using printed fabric on one side & Kona white cotton on the other. When I sewed the first 4 of them together, creating a pinwheel, they are rippled on the white side, like they aren't square I guess. I did square them up, so now I dont' know what to do & I really want to make this tabletopper. Can you help? Thank you so much!
Ohh how wonderful you are!!! I am absolutely inspire. I am a mummy of a 2 years old girl and a begginer on sewing. I LOVE YOU AND YOUR BLOG!!! - And I just discover it! :-) Thank you so much.
Wonderful post! I find your blog to be so helpful. I have just finished my first wuilt, a scrap doll quilt and I am so excited. Can't wait to throw myself into my next project. I constantly visit you back and forth for info and isnpiration. Thank you so much and I hope I can make just as beautiful creations as you make one day.
Very helpful information for those of us who are getting back to sewing but are rookie quilters.
Thank you so much!
Dear Amanda,
I'm writing you from Bulgaria, so you could understand that your blog reaches me over thousands of miles. I just want to say that your blog and lessons is the most wonderful, useful and inspirational that I found in internet. Congratulations and thank you!
I really love your blog. I recently interviewed an amazing quilter- Jean Truelove on my blog. She has 10 kids and has created, given away and sold hundreds of quilts. I think she would be a great inspiration to your readers. My blog address is www.fiberluscious.blogspot.com. thanks,
Your blog is simply wonderful, I enjoy reading all the different ideas, projects and so on! I would like to make the quilt that you will be giving instructions for at your Quilters Retreat in May of 2012, As I live in Missouri and will not be able to attend is there a way you could give me the instructions?
Thank you!
Nicole K
I thought I saw a picture of a confetti quilt on your blog, but now can't find it. Did you make one, and if so, can you direct me to your picture of it? By the way, i love your blog, your ideas, and love that you share your knowledge!
Hi Amanda Jean ~ I follow your blog and it's a real treat to see all of the pretties you sew. Your blog is inspirational to myself and I'd say by the comments above mine, many others! Amanda, would you ever consider making a quilt for me? I have tons of fabric and would certainly provide everything you need. I just want some simple, but sweet. I spend much of my time in bed, either at home or in the hospital. I think a pretty quilt would be so healing for my soul. I also have fabric that I would trade in exchange for the quilt or I could pay you, too. All of the fabric is designer fabrics and I need to let go of some of it. You can contact me at jomoseley57 at gmail dot com
I hope to hear from you! Thanks ~ Jo
Hello, recently I found your blog.
And I love It. Thank you for this info.
You are a inspiration for me!
Hello,recently found your blog and I love it! You are my inspiration. Thank you very much!
Hi! I'm from Montréal: internet is wonderful for that!
I'vs been sewing for now 4 years, when a friend of mine mooved oversea and let her sewing machin in my poor unexperienced hands! This was a real gift! Recently, after looking and looking again at patchwork, afraid to make it "for real" (like for real bed in real life instead of making bags and little patchwork things...), I've throw myself in...WOW, my new life has begun!!! For a few months, I've been reading your blog and repeating around me how generous were some people (you!), sharing and teaching without limits...I'm really grateful.
Today, when I came back home, in my mailbox... was what I was waiting for...YOUR BOOK!!
It's my third book about quilting, and still, it is fully significant. Thank you so much for sharing your talent and ideas! I may say I love you :)
However, since english writing is difficult for me, I will stop here saying that I don't know if I could really meant my gratefullness! I can't wait to continue the reading of your book, and the making of what it will inspire!
Hi Amanda,
My name is Amanda to!! I love your blog!! I have been quilting since I was 12, sewing since I was 6. Raised in a family of sewers/quilters/you name it they do/tried it. I have a 1 year old and just went back to college to finish my degree. I have not been sewing as much as I want to and reading your blog is giving me the itch to quilt!! I love everything you blog about. Thanks for such a great blog!!!
I really enjoyed reading this. I find many people are too secretive with WHERE they get their good deals (in Australia). Makes it hard to build a good stash of bolts etc.
Things like labels for quilts. Everyone has them but when I ask where they got them from all they reply with is "online". It can be very difficult for me.
I don't have countless hours to research as I am pregnant with my 6th child and have all the other children at home full time (all aged 7 and under).
Thanks for always being so generous and sharing!
I also have your book and really enjoy it!
Thank you again!
I am in love with the quilt on the cover of your book "Sunday Morning Quilts". What is the name of that quilt?
I am in love with the quilt on the cover of your book "Sunday Morning Quilts". What is the name of that quilt?
I came over here from V & Co this past weekend and I've added you to my 'favorite blogs' list! Thank you for all of your great tips!
PS...I've just begun quilting and I so grateful for these wonderful tips!
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