I finished another quilt that I started back during baby quilt week. I think this is finally the last one of that batch. (Yay!)
You all know I have such a hard time naming quilts, so I cheated and looked back at this post with all the name suggestions and used one Erin came up with...cherry pie. (thank you, e!)
For the quilting I deviated from my standby stippling for a few reasons. One, I knew I wanted to finish this quickly. Two, with the pieced back (see photo below) I knew all those seams would give me trouble if I were stippling.
I love how the diagonal quilting shows up nicely on the back.

I finished it up with red star binding. Also from the scrap bin.
I finished it up with red star binding. Also from the scrap bin.
The quilt measures 45" square.
This one goes on the "to donate to charity" pile.
I love this scrappy quilt and I think this quilting goes perfectly with this quilt. I think I will do that with my moda charms I had bought long time ago.
Great colors for a baby quilt!! I'm always so inspired by your ability to make such beautiful quilts without using a complicated pattern. Awesome!!
Thank you! I've been going around and around in my head on how to do a baby doll quilt for my daughter for Christmas. This is perfect! Simple but fun. I love it.
Jen :)
I absolutely love the quilt (and the blog, which I just discovered). Your charity donations shame the quilts I make for gifts. Really gorgeous!
I really like that quilt, I never thought of putting yellow and red together but after seeing yours I'm going to try it.
It's beautiful Amanda! I love the quilting on this one. I can only imagine how special the little person who receives this will feel.
I LOVE this quilt!! It is so gorgeous, and the colors are very complimentary. It totally does remind me of cherry pie, which makes me love it more! :)
I love that quilt! Again, I love all that you do, the pants for your little one are so so great! I remember making a pink skirt for my daughter when she was 4 out of a long dress that I wore as a bridesmaid back in 1978. What size are the yellow and red squares? Doesn't it just feel good to use scraps?
It's beautiful. I'm so excited to think about the little person who will become the owner of that special blanket and how comforting and cozy it will be. Thank you for donating it!!
That is lovely! Great work...
Oooh, I do love a patchy-patchy quilt. And I really love those colors together! Great work!!!
Oh my goodness, it's utterly scrumptious. I have bucketloads of envy and admiration for you. I have really got to move beyond the drool-over-other-people's-handiwork stage into actual, you know, quilting.
ANOTHER great color combination! Can I be charity????
Great quilt!!!
Love it, and I love the name! So cute!
It looks great! I would have thought the crossing lines would be harder to deal with than stippling?! I think it is so cute, and I am sure it will make someone really happy :)
Love it! Love the back just as much as the front. How kind of you to donate it. I'm sure the recipient of it will cherish it always!
the squares were cut 5".
i love that one! what a great title. All the red is great! especially this time of year!
Perfect name, lovely quilt.
i love it!!! it's so adorable!
'sew' very sweet!
Yeah I agree, sometimes stippling doesn't give the effect one wants.
This looks nice both sides. Very good job.
Gorgeous. Love the colours. The back is stunning.
Andi :-)
i love this. great colors and fabrics. and i think i might even love the back more than the front. great job.
This is so cute!
Wow. Thats so pretty. I love the colors. How do you quilt in straight lines like that? Do you chalk it on then follow?
i like this change in stippling (as you call it).
very pretty colors. almost more of a reversible quilt. good job.
WOW! This is awesome! I love it!The name is so cool and the colors you used on the back are just like the crust of the pie :)Have a great day!
Excellent! I love the colors. The back is fantastic too. It is 2 quilts in one!
I think I love the back more than the front!
cherry pie perfect! love the scrappy back too!
I love this Cherry Pie quilt. Love it! And I think it's very admirable that you are sharing your talents and time by donating it. Bless you, friend.
I didn't mark the quilt at all. I just eyeballed it and followed the squares on the front.
You are one very talented girl! I love what you do with your quilts! The cherry pie is my favorite-I ador the colors!
~Tam :D
Cherry pie is a perfect name for the quilt. Very cute.
The quilt is so pretty! The color combinations are very nice. I thought the pants you made in your previous post were quite clever!! I will try them out one day for my neice.
oh, super cute!!! You are getting me inspired to quilt this afternoon. It's snowing here, so why not!!!
i'm so glad you're back and i hope you're feeling much better now!!
i completely love "cherry pie"!
"Cherry Pie" is a perfect name :) Looks great!
Super Sweet!
perfect name for an adorable quilt!
I love how either side could really be the front.
I love red and yellow together. Which is what is the inspiration for my next quilt for me...I hope I can collect some more fabric so that I can get started on that project...maybe in January.
it's lovely as usual. i am really loving the simple quilts these days. i also love how you didn't do red/yellow checkerboard...
that's a very cute quilt! Simple is often best.
Hi Amanda, I found your blog a couple of days ago and your color choices are wonderful, I love geometrics. I have been quilting for many years and as soon as I saw your raggedy squares I had to try it. I am using red and pink scraps and loving the result so far. Thanks so much for your inspiration and keep up the good work. I'm new to blogging and have added you to my favorites. Hope that's OK.
It looks great! Love the diagonal quilting.
Lovely, That about says it all. I just love the scrappy back.
I have to start doing that more often and start taming the stash in a useful way.
Great quilt...love the colors and that you have done a pieced back! Looks great with the diagonal stitching.
Pretty!! Looks pretty quick and easy too. I love it!
lookn' good! LOVE THE YELLOWS so cheery!
Now that will make someone very happy.
Amanda, I think this quilt is so cute, but then again all your quilts are great! I have just found this blog site and love it! Thank You So Much for taking the time to post. I will keep checking in weekly.
Well, Crazy Mom--you have won the Butterfly Award--visit my blog!
My daughter saw this quilt and now she wants one just like it for her friend who is expecting a baby in June. Lucky for me it's the SIMPLICITY of this lovely quilt that she loves! Thanks for sharing this. You will likely see my version of it posted on my blog next spring. :)
I love the simplicity of it - and the scrappy back!
Do you need me address?
Love it! Especially that polka dot!
Very lovely!
that is one darn cute quilt!
Can ask what colour thread you used to quilt it on top?
adorable! I always love your little patchwork quilts!
thank you!
I used a cream colored thread on both sides.
LOVE IT! x1000
I especially love the back, and how its so different from the front, but they go so well together.
Just lovely - such a cheery cherry combo of colors!!! And the quilting - inspired!
the baby quilts are so darling. i enjoyed your blog, thanks for sharing, Happy Stitching, Amy
I have a question... when you piece something "scrappy" like this, do you put all your pieces in a container and just pull them out completely random? Do you lay them out and play with the organization? Or is it some combination of both?
Personally, I love a scrappy look, but have trouble being totally random about it. :D
first of all, I sort all my scraps by color (as much as possible). for this quilt I knew I wanted a yellow back. so I dumped out my yellow scrap bucket and started sewing 2 pieces together. I try to use two pieces that look good together and are similar in length to each other, as to minimize cutting and waste. then I build from there. once the piece is fairly good size (12 x 16 or more) I set it aside and start on another section. once I get several sections completed, I try to fit them together like a puzzle, sewing them together and trimming as needed. does that help?
I love all the colors together and cherry pie is the perfect name. What size did you use for the squares?
the squares are cut 5" so they finish at 4.5".
I think I love the back of this one even more than the front. So cute, and such a nice donation.
fantastic. i adore this!!
you're so clever- and generous.
I'm a big fan of red but I love that combo! It's beautiful!
Love your Cherry Pie quilt, great name for those colors. That's a great charity quilt, another wonderful finish! :)
What a sweet baby quilt! Love the scrappy backing and your quilting.
Again - just simply lovely!
Someone ask how big the squares were. A simple thing to do, especially if you know the finished size (like we do) is some quick math. There are 10 rows and 10 columns, and we know that the quilt is 45" square. Therefore the squares are 4.5" finished or 5" cut. Which means that Amanda Jean probably used two or three charm packs to make this quilt with 100 squares.
The beauty of a design like this is that you can make it whatever size you have available! Just cut up your scraps into uniform squares and go.
The beauty of using pre-cut pieces (charm packs) is that the quilt goes together REALLY fast!
This is such a wonderful little quilt! I'm getting inspired to work on more doll and small quilts in 2009.
Love these colors.
Love the reds and golds!
your quilts are amazing - WOW - I love them all
What could be beter than a quilt all finished and then folded to see the corner or flipped back a bit to see the wonderful surprise on the back - thank you for your wonderful ideas and inspirations
I adore all your quilts, they are magnificant. I have a question about the color of the thread you use. Do you use the same color on the entire quilt or do you change colors when going from light to dark fabrics? Thank you, Beryl
i usually use the same colored thread throughout. it ends up blending in with some fabrics better than others. but it works well in the end. i hope that helps!
This quilt has inspired me to start quilting! I have basic sewing skills and recently got my own machine. Today I went out and bought some fabric, thread, and rotary cutting tools. I spent all day cutting all the pieces and even began to piece the blocks together. I know my quilt will look so simple compared to your masterpieces, but it's a start. Your detailed explanations are so helpful - I'm able to avoid problems before I even have a chance to make them... THANK YOU!
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