
Wednesday, September 03, 2008

gifts to create for Christmas '08

When I was a kid, my dad started a tradition on New Year's Day by coming up with a slogan for the new year. The first one I remember hearing about was: "Don't be late in '78". And then there was the follow up: "Arrive on time in '79." Those were the most memorable. And we, to this day, ask my dad what his slogan of the year is. It's a fun family memory. All that to tell you that I blame/credit my dad with my title of this series of Christmas gift tutorials that I came up with. I was going to start with a bang and have a little logo on my sidebar and a flickr group set up, too, but let's face it, if I waited until I got all that organized, I wouldn't start with these tutorials until well after New Year's. Maybe I'll work those things up as we go along.

So here we go...(and thanks for all your excitement about this...I'm very excited, too.)

Today's tutorial is for checkbook covers. I have 3 varieties....

We'll start simple....

cut 2 rectangles 7" x 13". I used regular cotton fabric, so I added interfacing on the back.

Place 2 rectangles right sides together and pin well. Leave a 4" opening for turning.

Use a 1/4" seam allowance and sew around the perimeter (except the 4" gap for turning). back stitch at the beginning and the end of the seams.

trim corners

press well

sew around the entire perimeter using a scant seam allowance. (this will also close up the opening used for turning.)

fold down one end 2.75" and pin

sew, again, using a scant seam allowance, starting at the top (of the red) and going down to the bottom (of the red) of the folded piece. (basically, you want to make 2 little pockets. it's hard to explain, easy to do.) repeat this 3 times.

and you are done.

easy peasy, right?

I made one using selvages!!! How fun is that? There are a few changes for this version...

I foundation pieced the selvages onto a light-colored piece of fabric so there is no need to interface this one. Also, I used iron on vinyl to cover it so it will wear longer. The iron on vinyl is easy to use, if you haven't tried it before. There is one can't really rip out your stitches with the vinyl or you will have several holes, so just make sure that you are sewing accurately the first time.

It's a little wrinkly because I have been using (and showing off) this one already. It makes me giddy. It really does.

And the third version is a patchwork and linen cover.

Make a strip of patchwork 7" wide by 1.75" or so.

Trim patchwork to 1.5" high

the linen rectangle on the left measures 9" x 7"
the strip of patchwork measures 1.5" x 7"
the linen rectangle on the right measures 4" x 7"

sew together (pin the patchwork will stretch very easily)
press seams toward the linen, not the patchwork
(I used interfacing on the linen after making the patchwork and I interfaced the lining, too.)
trim the entire linen piece to 13" x 7"

to give the patchwork more durability, I top stitched on each side of the strip

finish as shown above

isn't this one cute too? I really, really like it. A lot.

If you have any questions, I'll try to answer them in the comments.

If you would like to win one of these, leave me a comment, and I'll pop the checkbook cover of your choice in the mail. US and Canada only this time, please.

Thanks for reading and happy sewing!


  1. Those are GREAT. I have seen directions for checkbook covers that were much more complicated, yet not as nice when finished. I like your ideas better. :o)

    Would love the selvedge one, myself!

  2. Those are all so cute! I am pretty crazy about the selvage one too!

  3. You read my mind, I've needed a new one for soooo long! a quilter should have a cute checkbook, huh, so thank you! I love all three, in fact, I think I should win here because it's my birthday today!!!
    If I don't win, I just have to make me one, BUT which one???

  4. Love it! This seems really easy to do (and quick!)... I've been making hobo bags, and this might be a great way to use up the leftover scraps of fabric I have! Thanks for the inspiration (as always)!

  5. I love all the checkbooks but the selvedge one really is something special!

  6. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Only U.S. and Canada? Sigh. I'd love the red polka dot one but sadly am in Switzerland. - Kim

  7. These are really GREAT , in September of "08!!!!!!! I love little rhymes like your Dad used to do--what a great memory! Checkbook covers are neat!

  8. I love those. You are so good. I am trying to be more crafty. The cherry one just says "happy" to me so I would love to win that one!

  9. I'm so excited you are doing this....I've been 'waiting' for you to finish holidays to see what you are going to present..these are so cute. I think I want to try the little patchwork one. I just joined my first quilt guild..I'm so excited to learn. I love your site and think you are so wonderful to take the time to share all your knowledge and talent!!

    I would love to be entered in your draw as well..thank-you : )

  10. Welcome back Amanda Jean, I'm glad to see the tutorials have started. These checkbook covers are awesome!

  11. I'm so excited you're doing this. I've been trying to come up with crafty gifts for christmas.

  12. thanks for the great tutorials! I especially love the selvedges. I just finished a project with them myself (you can check it out here if you want)

    I love your dad's slogans too. You'll have to let us know what he comes up with next year!

  13. Two words for you, my friend....


    Nothing else quite describes it. I love the the patchwork and polka dot ones, but the selvage one has me drooling in my seat. I've been saving my selvages after seeing that one bag we spoke of, but this may have to take priority. And silly, because I don't even carry my checkbook around anymore....

    miss you -

  14. Anonymous4:52 PM

    I love them! I'm new to your blog, and I would love to win one! :) I like the red one. :)

  15. how stinkin' cute is that???

    <3 it.

    what a great tut.

    and please enter me, myself & i.

  16. These are great! I especially like the red one.

  17. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Wow--quick to make and love the idea of using the selvedges to make a patchwork of sort. I have a feeling there are crafters the world over right now cutting selvedges off off their stash fabric. Luckily for me, I've been saving the selvedges! Time to sew....

  18. I love the linen one. I think I'm going to make one of these for my mom-in-law. She always carries her checkbook around! Excellent idea!

  19. These are so cute! I love the linen and green one.

  20. These are great! I love them all...what nice gifts. I plan on making up the "Wonder Wallet" by LazyGirl. It would be neat to give both a check cover and wallet in coordinating fabrics! I'm excited!
    Thanks again!

  21. Now i'm wishing i would have saved all my selvedges ever! Super cute, but i prefer the white on red dots. Thanks for putting together the tutorials, you're awesome!!

  22. I'd love to win one but I'll probably be making a few just in case I don't.

  23. Too cute! Bookmarking this post for my own holiday crafting! Thank you so much for sharing. Can't wait to see what else you'll be sharing this fall. ;)

  24. Anonymous5:23 PM

    oo!! oo!! pick me. please.

    i just ordered a leather check book cover that was $20 and it didn't fit the matching checks!! i was so mad - called and they sent me another one. same problem. boo.

    but yours...yours are totally awesome.


  25. I have been in love with your work for a very long time . These are so cute. I have been wanting to make one for my sister for christmas as well. What perfect timing! THank you!

  26. These are awesome Amanda- this stuff is right up my alley! :)

  27. Wow, Do you hear enough how cleaver you are???? This is a great tutorial and something just about anyone could use. Mine right now is disgusting!!!! Thank you for your easy to follow directions and pics. I love all three the selvage one is cleaver, patchwork classy and I guess polka dot is cute. I give you a 3C rating!!! Kathie

  28. Thanks for the tutorial!! My fave is the green, but they are all so fun.

  29. love it! this gives me ideas for the fat quarter challenge my sewing friends are doing...

    can't wait to see future tutorials

  30. Wow! Those are great. I like the green one and the selvedge one. Your instructions are great. Even if I don't win, I can make one of my own! w00t!

  31. Great tutorial! They are so cute!!! I hope I win!!!

  32. I would love to win one!!! I'm fairly new to sewing. Is it a hard project? It doesn't look too hard, but sometimes things are deceiving.

  33. Wow, I've been making journals, but these look easier and quicker yet. How fun! Looks like stockign stuffers to me! I love the patchwork one and the selvage one and the dotted one - aw heck - I love them all!

  34. So cute! Makes me want to start carrying the checkbook, or maybe the pattern to be modified for a paperback book cover! Great way to protect your book at the pool.

  35. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Thank you! This is a fabulous tutorial! I can hardly wait to get started.

  36. It really is just great.
    These directions to create.
    And I hope I'm not too late
    to get my name onto the slate.
    If I win it will be fate!

    Thanks Amanda!

  37. I can tell this is going to be a really fun month on your blog. We need to talk re: socks.

  38. Blogger is acting funny...These are great! Great instructions...

  39. Great project! I love that people are using selveges these days- such a cool idea!

  40. That's a really neat idea. I'll be using the technique to make a book cover for my son's book. That way he won't be able to chew on its spine! I love the colours you've chosen for the patchwork one.

  41. Love them ! I am drawn to the red polka dot one.

  42. So nifty and so simple. I love it!!! Thank you so much for sharing this idea. I'm so making one (or more likely, many)!

  43. So much fun! I love the green one!

  44. Very cute Amanda Jean. Alas I'm not sure it would fit my cheque book as I think we have different sizes here! Just going off to measure mine...!

  45. Love the checkbook cover. Thanks so much for the tutorial. Your directions are very clear.

  46. Too cute! The selvages checkbook cover would be great for a gift for quilty peeps. I would be proud to own one myself, so if you don't mind, enter my name in your drawing!

  47. Ooohhh...I may have to MAKE time in my ridiculously overscheduled schedule for these...LOVE THEM!

  48. This is wonderful! As I was reading the tutorial I was already thinking of a list of people to make them for. Thank you so much for sharing this great idea. Now I just need to get out my scraps and piece a few together. Thanks again!

  49. What an awesome tutorial! Thanks so much for coming up with the idea of gifts to make for Christmas...I'll be checking in often! By the way, all the checkbook covers you made are adorable!

  50. Anonymous6:40 PM

    love your blog, I am new to it! Totally looking forward to all of the Christmas ideas! Cute checkbook covers too!

  51. I love the linen and patchwork one! Thanks for such an easy tutorial - I'm really hoping to make a little something homemade for each of my sisters and girlfriends this year.

  52. I think I'll be trying this tomorrow! What a cute idea!

  53. oh this is a fantastic tutorial - thanks so, so much for posting it! I just love the patchwork check book cover, but those cherries are adorable, too. I'd be lying if I said I didn't want I won't - I want to win one! ;-)

  54. Tutorial is great and these would be great gift for a person who carries a checkbook. My problem? I don't know anyone who carries a checkbook anymore. What I need is a pattern for a wallet. I love my Buxton French Purse which they don't make anymore, so I'm trying to make mine last till trends come around again and they come back into style! I have a checkbook I keep here on my desk for doing bills once a month, so I'd love a trendy new cover for it! Drawing is a great idea and I'd love ANY you showed!

  55. What a fun project. All of them are great, but I am drawn to the red one with the cherries on the inside. It is so colorful and would be easy to find in my purse.

  56. LOVE these! The scrappy green one is just wonderful. Can't wait to try some of these myself ... thank you for the tutorial.

  57. Great idea -who would not want one of those!! You have great ideas. Thanks!!

  58. That is seriously fabulous!

  59. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Wow. Great tutorial. Great giveaway. I love, love the linen one. Awesome! Thanks!


  60. I love your blog and I love it when you do a tutorial!! thanks so much :)

    my favorite of the 3 is the linen one. love it!


  61. I love your tutorials. I think I could handle this one!! I can't wait to see all the rest. I'm not really a quilter, but I still have to check your blog to see all your beautiful quilts.

  62. As usual you come up with such great ideas and are so generous to share the tutorials. Thank you. Thank you.

  63. I think I can do this one and I would love to win one from you. They are all gorgeous.

  64. Excellent tutorial! I love the selvages one. ~jen~

  65. those are fantastic...i would love to win one!! I do have a question though...what kind of foot is that i see you sewing with in the patchwork cover pictures?

  66. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Those are really cute. Thanks!

  67. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Those are really cute. Thanks!

  68. Those are all very cool!! Thanks for the tutorial.

  69. You are the BEST at giving simple instructions! I love how these look!

  70. they are all so cute!

  71. Darling! I have the perfect fabric waiting for this!

    Of course, I'd love to win one as well. ;)

  72. Anonymous8:02 PM

    I'm from Australia, so don't put me in the prize draw.

    But that selvedge one is just too cute.

  73. I love your cheque book covers! What a great way to use up scraps. I'd love to make some of these and would love it even more if I won one! :-)

  74. Anonymous8:03 PM

    I have had a checkbook cover on my list forever! I may have to make one now that I don't have the excuse of having to measure, calculate, etc. Thanks so much!!

  75. oh you rock!

    This is one of the things I've had on my list for AGES. I knew they must be fairly straightforward, but never have taken the time to figure out the measurements and 'how-to'.

    And I'd NEVER have thought to use them as Christmas gifts, but now I can think of 3 people off-hand that they'd be perfect for. how cool is that? :)

  76. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Awesome! What a practical Christmas gift. I have been racking my brain trying to think of some useful things to make this year. Thanks a million-gazillion!

  77. Anonymous8:11 PM

    I love the tutorial and I love the red one. Yes, I know I live in Indonesia, so i wann make those from your tutorial. Thank you Amandajean.

  78. Oh I love these - and who doesn't have a checkbook that needs a cute cover???

  79. Anonymous8:14 PM

    I was going to comment anyway to thank you for this excellent tutorial. All the better that a contest is involved. Family members just might be seeing these under the Christmas tree this year. I have plenty of scraps to choose from for making these. :)

  80. I love them! Thanks for the idea. The 3rd one is my favorite because I like green!

  81. Ah! I love them! Thanks so much for the tutorial.

  82. fun! these are so cute. Thanks for posting this tutorial!

  83. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Oh my gosh, so cute! Love love love these, perfect for gifts. I will certainly be doing this for Christmas gifts!

  84. i'm crazy about them all. thanks so much for doing this. looks like something i could do!

  85. Amanda you are my hero! Not only did oyu just give me the perfect solution for what to give my busness partner for her birthday on Sunday, but you gave a chance to win one too??? AWESOME!! You really are the best.

  86. Love this! I will try. (I'm all about the visual lessons... thanks!)

  87. I love the selvedge one! Thanks for making the Christmas gift tutorials for all of us!!

  88. Amanda
    you are so awesome!
    thanks for all the great ideas that I get from you and your blog.
    you are quite the inspiration..
    the checkbook covers are so cool

  89. You are amazing! These look great and your tutorials are wonderful.

  90. I love your checkbook covers, very cute. I was wondering if that iron is one of the tiny ones from JoAnn's, and if so are they worth it?

  91. Very clever. Thanks for the tut. :-)

  92. Love those...I'll be making a couple of those for Christmas gifts this year...

  93. Anonymous9:36 PM

    If I was lucky enough to win the selvage one, I'd be the happiest girl in oklahoma!

  94. Anonymous9:40 PM

    Thanks for the tutorial i better start soon to have some ready for x-mas! I loved them

  95. I've been thinking I need to break away from the usual plastic cover! It's not like I can't do it - just haven't :) This is great and easy!

    Thanks for sharing - I think I would have to choose the selvage, too! It is so different and fun :) Just like all of us!

  96. Ok I love the slogan ;-) Clever! And the tutorial is great too, I've been meaning to get around to making one of these, and this might be my motivation (unless I win, then it'll just be great!)

  97. Great gift idea! The selvage one is clever.
    Thanks for sharing this tutorial.

  98. Thank you, Thank you for the tutorial!!! I am starting a craft blog and hope you don't mind if I share this idea, it is to cute not too. Check out my blog if you want it is Though I don't have a lot on it right now.

  99. Great tutorial! I love all your fun quilts and ideas. Thanks!

  100. These are wonderful! Love the red dots!!

  101. Thanks for the tutorial. Hope I win!


  102. Super cute!! What a great gift idea. Thanks for sharing, can't wait for the next 29!!

  103. Anonymous10:49 PM

    ack! super cute. i think i'll make these for all the guys in my family, just to be snarky ;-) thanks for the awesome tute!

  104. Oooh - you're back with a bang! I love the story of your dad (and I'm wondering what is '08 slogan is). I am so excited to see all of your projects. You really outdid yourself showing three today.

  105. Ah, nothing brings out us lurkers like an Amandajean givaway! How can we resist such cuteness:) Sinply darling, and I can imagine a small done for my daughter for christmas, filled with play money! Thanks for the tutorial!

  106. How lucky are we that you are sharing some fun Christmas gifts! And even more lucky to have the chance to win one! Thanks for the tutorial...I'll be anxiously watching to see what comes next! :o)

  107. I have been waiting for your Christmas ideas to start...WOO HOOO!! What a way to start off. LOVE THESE! I might go make one TONIGHT! I am thinking of making a couple for an auction I get involved in each fall (raising money to give Christmas to families that need some help). THANKS! I can't wait to see what else you have in store. Deciding on which one I would want if I won....hmmmm, I love me some selvedges but the other two are dang cute as well. :0

  108. What a great idea- this series of Christmas gift tutorials. I can't wait to see what you've come up with!

    And I LOVE that green patchwork/linen checkbook cover. SO cute!


  109. these are fabulous! i love the selvage one-such a great idea!

  110. Fabulous tutorial! I have been wanting to make some checkbook covers, but have found several tutorials that weren't exactly what I was looking for. They had made the whole process so hard. You on the other hand have made it so easy! Thank you for taking the time to put this tutorial together. I see I am late getting in on this one as I would love to win one of these. I am especially partial to the linen one. Very nice. : )

  111. Anonymous11:29 PM

    LOVE this idea! Now I wish I had a checkbook, lol....but I'll make some for Christmas! Thanks for the tute!
    Allie in MI

  112. These are great. I am excited about all of the Christmas ideas.

    BTW, I am also hosting a giveaway on my blog. I hope you will pop over and join in.


  113. What a fun project to work on! The selvage one is neat, but I love the red and aqua combination!

  114. I never win anything, but that's ok cause now with this great tutorial I can make them myself!
    First one will be the selvages one.
    Thanks so much! Really enjoy your blog!

  115. Wow- this is really great! Thanks for taking the time!

  116. Wow, you do make that look easy! I love the selvedge one- very lovely!

  117. these are adorable and thank you so much for the tutorial to make them.
    Love the story about your Dad and his theme for the year, wonderful memory for you.
    The selvedge one is incredible I will have to start saving selvedges but the polka do one is so fun, I can see how you can really make each one a special gift for the person who will receive it.

  118. Anonymous4:56 AM

    Those are super cute!! Great teacher gifts! Yay! I'm really excitied now! Cant wait for the next one! You are so sweet to do this! Friends, Libby

  119. thank you for this tutorial. Can you do a notepad cover one too?

  120. How wonderful for those who are following the Handmade Pledge...I'm trying. I have a few gifts started but I think this checkbook cover solves the problem I was having coming up with ideas for some very hard to "gift" family members. Thanks!

  121. I love the idea of using selvages! What's such a great idea. I WILL share one cautionary note about the iron on vinyl. I used it to make a hand bag, to help prevent my stuff from getting soggy in the fall rains. It was great for a few weeks. But at the points where it folds, such as the flap? It started to crack, and peel away, alas.

    The vinyl under all of the stitching, however, stayed nice.

    So for whatever that's worth...

    Love the checkbook covers, but as I just won something from you, AND I bank on-line, um, I'll bow out of the competition. ;)

  122. How fun! Great idea! Polka dots, please.

  123. They are all so lovely, I'd love to win one. (The green one) Thanks for the tutorial.

  124. these are so much fun!!!! thanks for sharing!

  125. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Great idea! I need one real I know how to make one. Thanks for sharing!

  126. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Love your tutorial! I can't wait to see what you have in store for us! I really like the red polka dot one...but they are all too cute. Jody (Canadian fan)

  127. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Thank you so much for this. They are EXACTLY the kind of thing I ave been looking for. I can't wait to start sewing!

  128. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Thanks for the great tutorial. Love the selvage and patchwork both. Maybe I will actually get some gifts made this year with your early inspiration. Jody

  129. Oh these are lovely, really simple to follow. Over in Scotland we don't really use checks (or cheques as we say!) any more, but I think it could easily be adapted for a pretty notebook! Thankyou for the tute.

  130. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Thanks for the great tutorial! I will add my vote to all the other selvage lovers :)

  131. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Whoa! These are super cute! But what did I expect? I like the linen and patchwork one the best.

    Thanks for the tutorial!

  132. Yay! I've been wondering what to do with my bag of selvages (I can't throw anything away). Thanks so much for sharing!

  133. This tutorial was clear as crystal! Thanks for sharing!

  134. You are one generous lady, Amandajean!!! To give us all these wonderful tutorials and then...and then.. to offer one up as a prize??? Thank you so much. And--since I NEED a new checkbook cover--if I don't win, I will definitely use the tute to make my own!!! And some for gifts too!

  135. Anonymous8:33 AM

    You make this look so easy! They are all wonderful - I can't believe you're willing to give one away! I would love any of them, though I do love the patchwork on the linen one, and of course, who can pass up anything made of selvage! I'd be giddy too!

  136. can I just say, these are so great?
    thanks for posting. Your instructions are sooo good!

    Oh, I love your dad's "slogan for the year" how fun!

  137. Wow! I've been looking for some fun/simple and useable Christmas gift ideas. I think I found the one for my brother-in-law now .... now, just to find the 'money' fabric I saw not too long ago. Hmmm ..... <*off to search the web*>

  138. Anonymous8:53 AM

    I'm so excited to start my Christmas sewing. Thank you!

  139. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Thanks for the tutorial! I'm going to try to make one. They all are awesome!

  140. Anonymous9:07 AM

    I love these covers! In fact, I think I may go make one for myself right now. :) Thanks for the tutorial and the give-away!

  141. I copied off you a long time ago when you posted an adorable checkbook cover you made. I gave the one I made to my mom and every time I see her cute checkbook I want to make another one for myself. These are such a great idea!

  142. WOW very cool :)
    I'm going to have to try one this weekend....
    Gift making tutorials early enough for us to try and get ahead of the holiday
    thank you!! thank you!! thank you!!

  143. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Just found your blog and love it. Love the checkbook cover and looking forward to other gifts to make. This is going to be a homemade gift Xmas at this house

    Thank you

  144. I can't wait to make one of these. I love the selvedge one. Hope your last week of summer was spectacular.

  145. Thank you so much for the tutorial. I have been wanting to make a checkbook cover. I love your use of the fabrics

  146. Oh my gosh. These are out of this world. I am going to have to try my hand ta it. My mother-in'law's birthday is coming up. Thank you.

  147. Oh my goodness! they are all sooooo cute!!!! Selvedges.... green on linen... cherries! hard to choose!!! Iron on vinyl?! where do you find something like that?!!!

  148. What a great idea. I love to give handmade Christmas gifts.

  149. Oh this will be fun to try! The selvage one is so neat.

  150. I don't know which is my favorite - they are all so so so cute! What a great idea Amanda. And I'm comment 152 so what does that tell you? ITS A FABULOUS IDEA! You are so good.

  151. Anonymous10:09 AM

    What a fantastic idea! Salvages... who would have thought...

  152. Oh my goodness, these will be a great gift for my Mom, Mother in Law and maybe Grandmother for Christmas. Now to find some fabric that will be just right for them!!

    I love the Red with White polka dots cover. The Cherries inside are too cute.

  153. they look great! Thanks for sharing the how to!

  154. Those are awesome - and so easy. I'm going to make some stocking stuffers!

  155. Thanks for the great tutorial! I love these. All of them are great. I can't wait to whip some up.

  156. You never cease to amaze me!! These are awesome. I can't count how many people these would make great gifts for! Thanks for sharing!!

  157. Of course I'd love to win one! I made some wallets already for Christmas but will now make some Checkbook covers too! Thanks for the tutorial

  158. Thank you! I'm going to make these for my co-workers,

  159. Fun! I think my grandmother would love one of these and I never know what to make her. Thanks! I would love to win one of these, they are all great.

  160. oh, i love these! thanks for the tut. I like the one made with the fabric salvages. Loving that idea!

  161. You always give me such good ideas! This is another quickie project to whip up this weekend. Not to mention I get to use some of those lovely new prints that I haven't been able to bring myself to cut up yet! Thanks for the inspiration!

  162. Hurray! These are so cute. I love the selvedge one. Any ideas for duplicate checks?

  163. I'm still going to make one (thanks for the tutorial!) but I might need the real one to really pull it off. Plus your fabric is SO cute. Red dots please!

  164. That's great (in 2008)! These are pretty and functional. I like.

  165. I made one this morning!

  166. Anonymous1:28 PM

    These are so cute!!!

    I have to say my favorite is the green!

    What would be wonderful about winning is that my purse was stolen last Monday and while I have new checks...all I have is a stinky bank issued cover for them.

    Here is me with my fingers crossed!!!

    By the way, I read your blog often even though I cannot quilt. You sure make it seem easy and beautiful. Someday I might have to give it a try!

  167. Gosh, I was just going to leave a comment on how excited I was about your tutorials then I noticed the giveaway too! How sweet are YOU!! Thanks!

  168. these are so cute! I LOVE them all and can't decide which to make!

  169. I'm so excited about your gift ideas! And the selvedge cover is adorable!!

  170. Ran upstairs last night and made one! Well after going thru scraps and scraps trying to decide on the combination. So I MADE ONE! I cut out 3 more. :D When I showed dh today he said WOW! Fun and quick and CUTE! Thanks again. I will post a picture on my blog when I can get dh to slow down and take one and then upload it for me.

  171. Anonymous3:08 PM

    I love the green one! That is such a cool idea! And, you are right...super easy.

  172. Thanks so much for this tutorial. I've seen patterns for 8 bucks in quilt shops....if they only knew they could get one free here!!

    I love the selvage one as well. Very creative!

  173. Anonymous3:20 PM

    I would love to win one. I'm going to try to make some of these tonight. I know I have the fabric!

  174. Wow! A tutorial and a giveaway! I love them all and would certainly love to win one. Thanks for such a great opportunity!

  175. SO cute! I love them all, but those shades of green are my favorite color, so I guess I'd pick the linen/patchwork one. Yeah, my checkbook could use some jazzing up–I still use the cheap plastic cover that came with the checks!

  176. The checkbook covers are adorable! What a great, easy idea! Thanks for the tutorial!!

  177. Anonymous3:52 PM

    These are great - I'm so excited to see more tutorials too and hopefully enough to get me sewing some of our Christmas gifts this year. I'd love to make quilts for my 5 little ones (yes, I said five)but lack the skill! :( Thanks for the great share and tutorial again!

  178. Umm...YAY!!! Who knew that I could make something this awesome that is this easy for my new mother-in-law (who has everything) YAY!!! Thanks!!

  179. Those are so cool! Homemade gifts are always best!

  180. Anonymous4:52 PM

    ooh i like these :) i can't decide which one is my favorite--they're all so different!! i may just have to make one of these for a few family members for Christmas. Thanks for the great ideas!

    oh... and here's hoping i win one as well :-D

  181. Anonymous4:54 PM

    i love that you are so gracious! this is what crafting is all about isn't it? thank you!

    i need to write down my "list"...but i bet these checkbook covers will find their way into some of my girlfriend's stockings!

  182. Too cute. I'll want to write a check more often now!

  183. Great tutorial and welcome back! You make it seem so easy :)

  184. Wow! Thanks for the tutorial.

    I would love to win one. Please enter me!

  185. These are great! I am going to make a couple! I also want to try the iron on vinyl. Sounds cool.

  186. You are so talented, they're very cute! Found you while surfing around...maybe I'll get bold enough to try one!

  187. Anonymous6:29 PM

    I see I am not the only one that loved your tutorial. I am going to make some for some of my sewing friends. We always have a little xmas get together and I was looking for some ideas for simple gifts for them.
    Helen in Mass.

  188. These are simply fantastic! Thank you for the wonderful tutorial!

  189. russ and nic,

    this isn't a hard project at all. it's good for even a beginner.
    have fun with it!


  190. leslie,

    I am using a regular 1/4" foot on my machine.


  191. candace,

    the iron I use is not from JoAnn's. it's about the cheapest iron you can buy anywhere. my husband bought it at Shopko. I think it was $7. it works great!


  192. upstate lisa,

    I bought iron on vinyl at JoAnn's. it was with the interfacing and such.


  193. lynn,

    I tore out the vinyl flap from my bank checkbook cover and use that, although it's not attached. It's worked out pretty well.


  194. Those are adorable! I especially love the polka dot one! Something about that cherry fabric :-)

  195. now i know what to make my quilting group for xmas!

  196. I think I'm going to be Comment #200, so if you read this far...

    That selvage idea is SO STINKIN' CUTE. And thrifty! And GREEN. I love it. Love them all, actually.

    You're a genius.

  197. I love all of them especially the polka dots and the green pieced one. thanks for sharing the tutorial!
