We went to IKEA before our trip, which is were I bought the bright fabric in the top row. The number fabric is actually a duvet cover with matching pillow case. I had to have it after seeing this.
The solids were on sale at Mill End Textiles. I bought all that (some are 5 yard pieces) in Fargo.
The bottom row is from a mixture of stores. The quilt shops that I have been visiting have been having great sales. There is some Heather Ross, Heather Bailey, Sandi Henderson, Joel Dewberry, Moda and some Amy Butler in the mix, among others. Most are half yard cuts with few fat quarters mixed in. Most of them were on clearance or on sale.

And last, but not least, is this exciting find. The fabric on the left is Moda from Purl Patchwork. The fabric on the right hand side is a knock off from Wal-Mart. It was $2/yard!!! I bought a the rest of the bolt. I have enough for a few quilt backs and some pajama pants. Woo-hoo.
Now all I need to buy is a bolt of white solid and a bolt of parchment solid and I'll go back on my fabric diet. Maybe. :)
Oh, and I almost forgot this pretty set.
One of my local quilt shops was having a fat quarter sale. This stack leads me to believe that I just may become a green girl. Hmm. Never would have guessed.
My goodness! When you go fabric shopping, you mean business, huh?! A bolt of white solid....LOL! But then you do quilt a lot, so it's not like it just sits in a cupboard :-)
The fabrics are gorgeous, the green with the white polkadot really is a bargain ;-)
YES! I bought some of the Ikea 'mini-bolts' too and I use them to make table toppers, so that I can practice my stippling :p
You are so lucky to be able to get the fabrics at such good prices in the States. I just bought my fabrics at my local quilt shop for the Star QAL's borders and backing and it cost me almost an arm and an leg for them :S
Enjoy your lovely stash and I look forward to your new projects with them ;>
I've started going the bolt route too, at least with muslin. When you fall off the wagon you go whole hog, huh? Sales are what kill me too!
Oh what fun to break the fabric ban!! Beautiful choices! And I too have been thinking that I need to just dive in and get a whole bolt of solid white... certain to use it all...
What beautiful fabrics. I really like the brights but I'm bright fabric girl. :)
You went 62 whole days? That's impressive.
62 days, wow I'm impressed. I don't think I can even make it 6 days. Love the new stash, especially the numbers.
Wow. I have _got_ to get back to IKEA. I always forget they have such great fabrics. It's just such a nightmare to be there on the weekends if you just want to browse.
Yummmm fabric ..... love them.
Wonderful choices, love the Ikea fabrics! I managed to finally finish a quilt using the blue fat quarter fabric bundle you sent me!! Thought you may want to take a peek: http://bubbachic.typepad.com/my_weblog/2008/08/more-progress.html
Thanks for your generosity
Oh, I love your fabric choices. After not sewing for years I'm still stocking up on fabric now that I've started again. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. :)
Nice fabrics. I have been wanting to go to Mill End Textiles every time I have been in Fargo but when you travel with non-quilters you can't always stop in every fabric store you want to.
Maybe next time.
Yay for stash building! Somewhere I once read a fun acronym for stash building: S.E.X. "Stash Enhancing eXperience". My husband never lets me forget that one. :) It looks like you've got some wonderful new additions for your collection.
62 days! Wow, that was quite a diet. Love your new stuff.
I love all your pretty new fabrics. I can't wait to see what you do with them. I am sure it will be nice.
I'm a green girl!!! always have been, always will be.
Everyone is allowed a treat (or 2) when they are on a diet, happy treating :)
Hair of the dog that bit you?
Makes me want to go out and buy a few FQs or 40!
I don't know who doesn't love a pile of new fabrics. LOVE them!!
All your selections look great! Good for you. You deserve it. You make nice things for your family.
love them all, but especially the ikea ones because i know i can't get those! fab!!! so glad you got to break your diet! 62 days is quite an accomplishment. you did good!
I love the new fabrics, and like the others cant wait to see what wonderful things you make with them.
I can't wait to see what all of this becomes!! :oD
Hee, hee, nothing like breaking a diet with feast! Gorgeous fabrics Amandajean. I zoomed in on them for a close look - I love to see what others have purchased. There are some 'to die for' ones in that bottom row! And the best part for us is that we know it won't be any time at all before they are transformed into something wonderful. Your productivity is inspiring. Best wishes, Ros.
WOW! Very impressive cache! I love the numbers fabric and can see why you bought it.
Have fun!
I am so going to Ikea this weekend!
I want to go shopping with you--love your choices!
Now that's what I call shopping! LOL Have fun creating with it!
I say indulge to the fullest after a 62-day fabric fast!
Great Shopping, I love your purchases. I tend to lean towards the greens. Followed the link to the numbers quilt, it looks great, can't wait to see yours.
there are some lovely fabrics in those photos. can't wait to see what they become. ;)
First of all - congrats on making it 62 days. That is impressive! Second - of course I love all the fabrics you chose!! Can't wait to see what you create!
What a great haul. I love all the patterns and colors. Ikea has really cool fabrics. In Calgary Ikea is the only place to buy cool fabrics.
oh goodness i have fabric envy. All of those are beautiful. That last set is especially pretty.lt those will make. What a great qui I love that Ikea duvet...my littlest has it and i always think about modifying and making his into that quilt. I can not wait to see what you make with all of this.
yay for being so productive during your 62 day fast! Your new fabric finds look so fun!
yippee! now that has to feel good. :)
62 days of not buying fabric??? How do you do it? ;)
The fabrics you bought are adorable and I can't wait to see what you do with them!
what a happy group of fabrics! think I'll run to IKEA and get me some of that numbers fabric - I saw it there before and it's so much fun!
What great fabric finds!
My daughter has some cute lounge pants with a ruffle on the bottom out of that green/white polka dot fabric. They are one of my favs!
well when you fall off the wagon you fall hard! Great finds..loving those bright colors at the top!
I, too, am liking those greens. The green dots would work so well with pinks & reds and so many colors. Great choices.
I'm so glad that you broke down, too, and added to your stash. It makes me feel a lot better about going off my bead diet. I love those Ikea fabrics
I wish I lived closer to an Ikea! Love those fabrics.
Do you notice any difference in the quality of the green/white polka dot fabrics?
Such lovely fabrics! I can see why your broke down and added to your stash :)
Yay to fabric shopping! I just got back from Walmart to find that green polka dot fabric. They have it indeed, and all fabrics are 25% off. Double yay!!
I love all your fabric choices.
I cannot wait to see what comes from all this! get busy so I can see!
The green eyed monster is upon me...I'm soooooo jealous and I love green! That numbers quilt was way too cute. Cant wait to see what you do with your numbers. You lucky girl!
I love to see new fabric purchases. These are some really pretty fabrics. Have fun playing with them.
I did not know that IKEA sold fabric. One just opened near us.
Just what I needed to know!
Don't you just love buying fabric? Oh the possibilities and the excitement of having sooo many choices. I love the bottom row.
oh, beautiful fabric!
Oh fine. You just had to link to that fantastic numbers quilt didn't you. I could have gone through life blissfully not knowing. And wouldn't you know, I'll be in the vicinity of an Ikea next week. I'm going shopping.
P.S. Great fabrics!
the quality of the moda is better, but the stuff from Wal-Mart isn't too bad.
Oh my, what yummy fabrics! That numbers quilt is just too cute, love it.
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