
Friday, November 02, 2007

studio progress

I saw this post and I thought I could join in the fun, at least for this week.
My creative space is getting an upgrade in this more sharing with the laundry room. Although I was fine with that, I am thrilled that my creative space could now be called a studio. It still sounds a little weird to me, but it makes me feel more official. :)
It will actually be a studio/office. I get 7/8 of the room. My husband gets the remaining 1/8. (I'm sad to say that I am not joking.) I spent most of the day unpacking and organizing. It was so enjoyable. I have miles to go before I sleep.
You can tell that I am nowhere near settled because the sewing machine isn't set up yet. I had better get on that soon, or I will get all twitchy.
Also read about this, and think that I just may join in that fun, too.


  1. It looks like a great space. Please post photos when you're finished.

  2. I am so excited for you! Isn't it fun to "play" and organize all your craft supplies? The 7/8 things goes in my craft room too, but I don't feel too bad. He has an entire garage stall full of his stuff. :) Good luck with your organizing!

  3. Anonymous12:33 AM

    Visiting via the randomizer. It is so great you will have a studio. I had a studio once, then we moved into a much smaller house, and I don't have any space to do crafting or painting. I sometimes cross stitch, but took up blogging a few month back and now I don't do much of anything.

  4. I can't believe I've been away from reading your blog for almost a week now! And look what's happening. I can't believe you have a studio (or at least seven eighths of one)! You totally deserve it, and I can't wait to see it all in order. Knowing you, it will look fabulous. Enjoy!

  5. Anonymous2:15 AM

    I LOVE unpacking boxes in a new house!!! It's about the only time the stuff is tidy and where is should be...

    Show us the place when it's finished, please!

  6. Studio's are great. I have about 11/12 of the studio, the other part is the computers. I planned the layout that way. :) Hubby loves having his computer in there because we get to spend evenings in the same room conversing. The studio has become a very special family area of the house. Enjoy your space, hope the unpacking doesn't take too much time from being creative!

  7. you are one LUCKY girl to get a room.....Can't wait to see your studio finished! and that was very sweet of you to give your husband 1/8 of it. :)

  8. Was that on your "must have" list for the new house? It certainly was when we bought this house.
    I'm joining naboplomo too. It won't be hard, since I post just about every day anyway.

  9. Yay for having your own studio space! :) I share a studio/office with my husband too, although he gets more like 1/4 of the room:)

  10. Wow, a real studio!!
    Enjoy it!

  11. Anonymous7:17 PM

    A WHOLE room??!!! I am sooooo jealous! Thanks for playing along with my Sewing Room Friday scenes. I can't wait to see your finished "Studio". I'm happy for you...really...I. Am. Happy. For. You. I will go pout now
    ~ Robyn

  12. This is definitely the upside of moving.

  13. Anonymous9:03 AM

    i can't wait for the "after" photos! :)

  14. Anonymous9:39 AM

    oooooh! lucky you!

    i am almost finished cleaning mine out. boy, it does feel good to get organized!

  15. OOH I missed it- I cleaned up yesterday.

  16. You are fortunate to get 7/8 of the room. How is Kevin's room going?

  17. Anonymous10:34 AM

    So far I love it (and I'm eyeing your Juki) and can't wait to see the grand unveiling! I love your colors... so warm and cozy. Mmm... delicious! I have a love/hate with unpacking - I agree with what Monica said (that felt funny for me to write). I too have a hard time with saying "studio" and slip into the word office. Maybe one day when I have a free standing studio and can say "studio". Ahh. One day.

    Congrats on your new space (and your other big, big, big, big news!!!!) xo - Monica
