...if you knew you only had six months to live?
I was pondering this question yesterday when I was mowing my lawn. (I have a huge yard, so I had a lot of time to think about this.) Today marks the 2 year anniversary of the death of one of my friends. And in exactly a month, it will be the 2 year anniversary of the death of another of my friends. Both friends each fought 4 rounds of cancer in a 4.5 year time span. They were both within 5 years of the age that I am now.
I came to the conclusion that if I knew I only had six months to live I would be living my life a lot differently that I am now. I would spend much more time with my husband, my kids, my family and my friends. I would devote much more effort toward my relationship with my Maker, who is my Saviour and Lord. I would spend less time being busy. I would spend a lot less time accumulating and maintaining my stuff. Because all the stuff isn't going to matter in the end. Heavy stuff, but well worth the thought.
So what would you do?
Oh, wow! Every so often I think about this, but then never do anything about it. I do think that spending more time with family and friends would be on top of my list too. And just stopping to take it all in, which I have been doing more of lately. I definitely wouldn't stop crafting and sewing, since it really feeds my soul.
Wow that sure was an unexpected post, but I'd do pretty much the same as you, only difference is I'd switch around theorder in which I did things. Making sure I had a right relationship with my Lord first and foremost.
Yup, I'm with Linda. I've been struggling alot with this lately too. What are my priorities?
Why am I so caught up in "the things of this life", and not focussing on God, my husband, children and church family? So if we feel we would live like that if we had 6 months left to live, why aren't we doing it now? - That's my big struggle. Well worth thinking about AmandaJean. And I am sorry about your friends, you've been through much haven't you?!
I’m sorry to hear about your friends.
Two years ago I had breast surgery and was the lucky woman who got the good news that the cyst removed was non malicious. But I lived through three rough months and I can tell you, all I did was thinking about how to survive when the news would be bad. I don’t think I would have changed the way I live that much though I have become even more thankful and appreciative for everything that is a part of my life. I stopped pondering on trivial issues (for a while) and I have tried to be a better person to my environment, myself and my body.
i'd spend as much time with my kids and husband as i could. i would not worry if my house was clean, but i would probably clean out my closets. i would take long walks with no destination in mind. i would eat my favorite foods and read my favorite books. i would sew something for each of my girls. i would write letters to all my loved ones. i would apologize to those i have hurt and forgive those who have hurt me. i would fight.
I'm a mower-thinker too. What is it about mowing? We have almost an acre and I'm wanting to get a push mower. My family thinks I'm kookoo for Cocoa Puffs but I see it is something good for my mind, good for the planet (except one part of the property and our good friend John Deere can have at it).
Anyhoo... I too think about this. About living. I try to live each day as if it's my last. Some days I suck at it (like yesterday... I was in bed all day in my jammies with a bug of some sort). Great post and great comments!
I've pondered this question over and over again.
When my sister was killed in a car accident, I wondered if she would have done anything differently if she knew she only had one day left. Or one hour. It was so sudden, there was no time for "good bye." Sometimes that's the way it happens.
I think knowing you are going to live X amount of time would be hard, too. I can imagine trying to squeeze in all the family time I could. And hugs and kisses.
I've pondered this question over and over again.
When my sister was killed in a car accident, I wondered if she would have done anything differently if she knew she only had one day left. Or one hour. It was so sudden, there was no time for "good bye." Sometimes that's the way it happens.
I think knowing you are going to live X amount of time would be hard, too. I can imagine trying to squeeze in all the family time I could. And hugs and kisses.
I would worry a LOT less about the messes.
I'd pick up and travel with my family. See the world, make some great memories with my kids + husband. I'd just enjoy the time I had left... and like Erin said, I'd fight for more time :)
It certainly puts things into perspective. Knowing I am right with God is the first and foremost thing for me. After that, I would make sure that everyone who is special to me was well aware of it. I'd visit relatives that I haven't seen in a long time and try to contact old friends as well. I'd sit on the couch and coddle my cats more, too. When J was diagnosed with his tumor last fall we had a few days where we were uncertain of what his diagnosis would mean for us. It really does make you face your own mortality. My friend Beth passed away unexpectedly from a heart attack at age 36 a few years ago. I really wish that I had responded to her last email a little earlier. I was just thinking that I should email her back when I got the news that she was gone. I wish I would have emailed her sooner. I will always regret that.
One of the many things my mother's father taught me before he died (two Christmases ago, leukemia) was to never take ANYTHING for granted. I live EVERY day as if I could die any moment. I don't walk around all sappy and mopey- if I want to take a vacation, I take it. If I want to buy a piece of fabric, I buy it. I can't take money with me, and I can't take stuff with me, so I give liberally of my time and myself to the people important to me. It's so rewarding to live this way.
Will this change anything in your life? Because for all we know, any of us could have only 6 months to live, or less.
I've lost 2 friends to unexpected cancers and made radical changes to my life as a result.
I would quit reading books and spend my time with people instead of books. I would spend more time with my family and give my money away.
I would write more letters. And stop feeling guilty about all the things I say no to. I would relax into the freedom of not having to please other people.
Other than that, my life is pretty much now as I would have it then. Which is a good thing to know. Worth the thinking about, absolutely.
Interesting that we, nearly all of us, would do some things differently. I'm sure that I would, but that begs the question ~ why not just go ahead and make those changes anyway to enrich the life I have left?
I think it would be hard to do that unless of course the circumstances were such as you described. I want to know when I leave that I touched someone, left something a little better, wasn't just a "taker".
Thanks for bringing this topic up.
An important and very BIG question, too big to answer in a couple of sentences! Having been through a serious medical incident earlier in my life, I know that I would turn to my Bible & be sure of my salvation in Jesus. That is all that matters in the end. In the meantime, I have a nagging sense of urgency to make the most of the time with my children, to make sincere friendships & to stitch as much as possible!
As Bloom said, it's a BIG question. I'm really not sure I can answer it. I'll have to think...
I've had this thought recently myself...probably because of traveling. I would be worried about all the things I wouldn't be able to tell my daughter. I think I would probably start taping myself constantly so she could still get my words of wisdom and know what she meant to me. Other than that, ditto your list...guess we should get started now regardless of 6 months or 60 years.
Goodness, I certainly wouldn't be doing what I'm doing now! Being with my family would be my #1 priority.
Goodness, I certainly wouldn't be doing what I'm doing now! Being with my family would be my #1 priority.
I have just been through a health scare and am slowly recovering...
What would or what did I do differently, nothing. I do the things that keep life going, keep the house, talk to hubby, try to make myself happy and those around me each day -- one at a time. Hope that those left behind can handle whatever I forgot to get done...
big question.
One of my favourite songs says 'live like you were dying'... and it's true, why waiting to be told our time is limited to live the life we ought to live? we want to live?
Good question. I'm going to think about it as I'm cooking lounge.
My answer would be much like yours. But what do we do about that? I never can seem to get to the point where it actually changes my life. Although, I am making a conscious effort to slow down The Busy.
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