Friday, October 19, 2007

my insane quilt project

I started another quilt. It's a little insane, but I have been thinking about making this one for a year and a half. I finally jumped in and started cutting.

I cut a strip off (nearly) every piece of quilting fabric I own (it's a LOT, despite my recent stash busting phase)...

sorted it into color families....

then cut those strips to approximately 12" lengths.

Now I am sewing those little strips all together to make bands of color.
I am going to try to incorporate all those fabrics into one quilt top.
A nice little benefit: I am adding to my stash of scraps. Hurray!


Anonymous said...

What a terrific idea, look forward to seeing it come together. I want to get into my scrap bucket and cut pieces for a quilt from that.

Lindsay Blau Portnoy said...

This looks like it's going to be yet another beautiful creation! I cannot wait to see the finished product. You really should teach classes or something! Your passion is contagious and your talent is really remarkable =) Thank for the birds eye view into your life. The house looks gorgeous, can't wait to see what the kitchen looks like!

Elizabeth said...

Can't wait to see you put this all together and I'm sure you'll get it finished in record time!

Congrats on the move! Hope your head has stopped spinning by now! HA.

dutchcomfort said...

That’s some wonderful idea! Your arm must hurt after all the cutting!

Amanda said...

You have great fabric Amanda. Where does most of it come from?

Sarah said...

Ooo! This is going to be really cool! I can't wait to see the final result!!

a friend to knit with said...

That is a lot of cutting!
Look forward to seeing the final quilt~!

Roxanne said...

This sounds really cool...can't wait to see your progress!

Kari V. said...

That looks great so far. It's going to be fabulous with all those colors. And, a few look familiar... ;)

(I did start a blog myself, after being inspired by yours and some of the other super quilting blogs out there. Thanks for the inspiration!!)

lera said...

Oh, I can't wait to see it! I bet it's gorgeous like the rest of them.

Alisa said...

That is a totally awesome idea! I can't wait to see the result...

Now that you've finished a few projects, you feel you need to add onto your wip's? :-) I'm the same way!

Anonymous said...

Talk about resourceful and inspiring!
What a great idea! Naturally, this quilt is going to rock just like the others :) Love the colour palatte.

Unknown said...

Cant wait to see progress pics!

Anonymous said...

What a great idea and a great way to use up lots of unassigned fabric. I'll check back to see what it looks like. Have a great weekend!

Anina said...

Oh my gosh! You are a crazy quilting mom! I can't wait to see what you end up with.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see how cool it looks. I love watching your creations develop!

Mama Urchin said...

Totally crazy but I bet its going to look great.

dot said...

That just might end up being one big quilt. It will be pretty though.

Clair said...

This is a cool quilt...I 've seen some of the strips sewn together.

Linda said...

I'll bet that one will be fabulous when you are finished with it. Such pretty colors! Can't wait to see it.

Anonymous said...

this is going to be awsome!!! (not to mention huge from the qty of the fabric...


Thimbleanna said...

Oooooh. Can't. Wait. To. See!

Gita said...

Look forward to seeing the final quilt! Such pretty colors!

sulu-design said...

I can't wait to see how this comes along. I love quilts with strips of colors (I mean, I think I understand where you're going with this), and I know yours will be fabulous!

Stefanie said...

More pics in the future please! Sew fun!

Chara Michele said...

Wow this sounds great! I can't wait to see how this turns out:)