We moved from our tiny little temporary apartment into a rental house. This place feels like a mansion. We are loving the house. This move is nowhere near complete, but we are one step closer to the end.

My husband and I had a lovely dinner cruise date Friday night. The evening was planned and paid for by his work place. It was something that we wouldn't have found the time to do otherwise. Thanks to Hjordi for babysitting my kiddies.

My daughter is cutting eye teeth.
One of my boys has a cold.
A new bus route for my other boy.
Met some wonderful new neighbors. They bake great cookies. :)
No internet access in our home for 5 days. And 7 hours.
I finished a quilt top.
And started a new (insane) quilt project.
My sister had her first baby yesterday-a little boy.
And my other sister is here to visit for a few days.
Whew. Anyone else tired?
Sounds a little hectic. And, wow, you've been busy.
Enjoy the mansion! :-) It will be nice to spread out.
Wow, it does sound like you're very busy - I'm glad you moved into a rental house you like! Are you waiting for a house to be built, or do you rent usually? It looks beautiful! Sorry about the teeth (my son is cutting his right now too!) and the cold. Congrats to your sister! I just became an aunt for the first time 6 weeks ago, and I'm so excited to have a new neice! She is coming to visit today - isn't it nice to have sisters visit? I hope you have a wonderful time! Good luck on your new quilt project - I have to get going on Christmas presents before I can even think about doing another quilt! Em
hmmm..we are leaving in about 4 mintues to go to story time at the library...no hectic-ness this week, but I feel for ya!
Wow! You are quite busy:)
You sound tired, but happy! Isn't life fun?
Wow! No wonder your head is spinning! Hugs and congratulations on the arrival of your new nephew, and a new place to live. Have a wonderful visit with your sister!
My head is spinning over the part where in all this happening you still managed to squeeze in time to sew! My hero!
I don't know how you keep it all together and still manage to post! I'm so impressed :)
Enjoy your new digs! I'm sure it will make life a little more pleasant for you.
Yay for a fun date with your husband.
Congrats to your sister!
Head spinning for sure. Congrats about the new baby, and the quilt top too.
Each of these made me so happy for you (except for the teething - ouch). The house looks huge, and I'm so glad you'll be more settled there. Congratulations to your sister and your family. Such joy (and exhaustion, I'm sure) in your neck of the woods!
You HAVE had a busy week! Congrats on the new nephew! I'll bet you can't wait to see him! Hope both P and A feel better soon, and Z adjusts to the new bus route ok. Say hello to Clair!
Wow, that is a ton of stuff going on at once! The house looks great, I hope you can settled in soon. Congrats on your nephew, I just got a niece myself yesterday!!
Wow, that's a lot! Mostly good things though. I can't wait to see what your insane project is...
I am tired for you!! New nephews are awesome. Cutting teeth and new bus routes - not so awesome. The house look marvelous. Yeah for friends that will babysit - double Yeah for dates with hubby! And neighbors who make cookies - how can you top that??
What a nice looking house -- such a big back yard! Moving is exhausting. Try to squeeze a nap in.
Yes...a lot going on over there...just enough to keep you crazy! :)
congrats to your sister, and have fun with your other sister!!!
congratulations on the new house. We want more pictures!!
A new baby nephew in your family! Now that is a joy to be counted. Sounds like your life is rather blessed with joyful happenings right now. You are a lucky girl, except for the teething thing. Ouch! Sorry. And moving your family...goodness! I FEAR the next move. We have a ton of stuff to downsize out of. I absolutely must move all things sewing, quilting or crafty. All things kitchen could stay...
Life will be easier in a couple of weeks. Hang on and enjoy your new space!
Sounds busy! The rental house looks lovely! :) Hope all the moving has gone okay...
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