
Tuesday, August 28, 2007

exercising gets me into trouble

This morning I was planning my day and I decided the kids and I would walk downtown to get a few things. We all could use the exercise. I brought a jug of water, had the sunscreen and I thought I was prepared. It was pretty humid, but sunny. And we set out.

So we are walking. It's a lot longer than I would normally go with the kids, but last week when we were at my sister's, we walked quite a bit and the kids did great. So I thought today would be no problem.

We get closer and closer to downtown. Pretty soon it starts thundering. But it was still half sunny. I thought we might have a brief shower, but we could wait it out at the library or the store or something. At this point my son had been complaining about the side of his foot hurting.

Pretty soon it starts to sprinkle. Not a big deal. We continue running the errands that we set out to do. Post office. (We were a little wet at this point, but the boys thought it was a fun adventure.) Health food store. Grocery store.

We leave the grocery store and we are probably about a mile from home. It's dark. Really dark. We know we are in trouble. No two ways about it.

So I put my little boy (who was really complaining about his foot hurting now) in the stroller, I decided to carry the baby and my older boy had to push the stroller. We were able to cover the distance a bit more quickly. This lasted a few blocks. Then my older son got tired of pushing the stroller, so we put the baby back in the stroller, and the boys walked. Eventually I ended up carrying my 30+ pound boy (he had blister).

We are getting closer and closer to home and it starts raining harder. And harder. It was POURING! Thankfully my kids were enjoying it.

We were a few blocks from home when a super nice lady stopped by and asked if we needed a ride home. I declined, since we were close and we were already soaked. I made sure to let her know that it was very sweet of her to offer.

We eventually got home. And just when we got there, it stopped raining. Of course.

The moral of the story: It doesn't pay to exercise.
I should be able to justify a good 3 days off now because that is how long it's going to take for our shoes to dry out.


  1. You poor gal!! Way to stick it out! Most days I attempt to exercise with the little people it always backfires and I just get cranky!! Another day will be better!

  2. Oh no. See, it would have been so much better if you had just stayed home and had ice cream.

  3. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Oh you made me laugh :)

    What a great story! You have a great knack for writing, I was totally loving each new steps you + the gang were taking.

    GO have some ice cream now :)

  4. Some days things just don't work out the way we like but I hope that the next time you strike out for a walk that the weather is beautiful so the boys can enjoy it, completely stress-free for Mom too.

  5. What a great story. But, no, if doesn't really justify taking 3 days off. It's summer. Go barefoot. :-)

  6. Oh my. It always seems to rain when I let Jack go on foot instead of riding.

  7. I have been seriously contemplating exercising, but after reading your post I see that I should just stay put. Now I don't need to feel guilty about it:)

  8. Well...we are sisters. So let me tell you my story. Yesterday I went bike riding. It was cloudy. And it got darker and darker. And then it rained. And poured and I was twenty minutes away. SO I got soaked again. I am taking the day off because I got soaked and my shoes are not drying.

  9. My story isn't as good as yours. But I think it will be a good memory for your boys and you.

  10. You are too funny!!!!!

  11. Oh, no! What a day! I looked at the radar today and noticed it was raining over in your neck of the woods and wondered how much you were getting. All we got out of it was a little sprinkle here and there. Hope little Parker's foot is feeling better. Blisters are the pits. Like Clair said, in a few years you will look back at this day and have a laugh about it.

  12. That is a great story!! And I love that you documented it here. I think you can definitely take the week off now! And if you don't, can I take it off for you? :)

  13. Well seeing as you have tested that theory I'm not going to try it myself point in us both suffering :o)

  14. I agree, exercizing just makes me tired and grouchy!

  15. Anonymous11:54 AM

    man that is so bringing back childhood memories of horrible hikes... :)

  16. Bad exercise, BAD!!! What a great made me giggle! Hope you're enjoying your day off, wet shoes and all!

  17. I love this story because it's so familiar - whenever I plan to get a bunch of errands done in one trip, I over do it and things go wrong. I get rained on, I can't carry all of the groceries I bought, I leave something somewhere. Sorry that your little mishap happened with the whole family. But it sounds like it turned out to be fun in the end. Stay home tomorrow!

  18. Anonymous5:21 PM

    I like walking in the rain (when it's not too cold). It's relaxing.

    I echo the good memory bit. Just think of yourself as the cool mom who does this with her kids, rather than reprimanding them for it.

    And you can be thankful you didn't drop anything down into that gutter. Have you heard Badeh's cell phone story from our trip to the zoo? We created a bit of drama as the street cleaners helped fish a phone out of one of those with a long-handled dust pan.

  19. Oh my! That sounds like quite the adventure:)

  20. Anonymous11:39 PM

    What a wonderful story. What a wonderful memory for the boys. Although it was miserable at the time, it is a precious moment in your lives, one that is uniquely yours. Treasure it and give praise for it. Truly, you are blessed in so many ways.
