I decided I need another quilt (in July-go figure) and my pink fabric stash is going to overtake the whole lot pretty soon. So, with those 2 factors, and ignoring the fact that I have at least 5 other quilts going, I came up with this.

Its 4" wide strips cut at random lengths and all sewn together in strips. Easy peasy.
I think I started the top on Monday. Here it is, on Friday, measuring 77" x 88" or so.
Here is what my pink stash looks like now-barely a dent in it.

On to other news....this morning I packed a picnic lunch and we were going to go meet my husband at work and spend his lunch hour with him. I had all the kids packed up and ready to go when I got a call from him saying he had a lunch meeting he had to be at. We were all disappointed, but decided to go to our regular park instead. (We are there at least 3 times a week.) So we went and played and we met our first Wisconsin friends. During our conversation she said that she would try any craft once. Her and I are going to get along just fine. :) She has a little boy and a little girl close to my kids ages and she has also relocated a few times. So we have lots in common. Hurray!
It's been a good day.
I am in awe, as always, of how much sewing you get done. And I'm so happy for you that you've met a kindred spirit!
Yay for quilt tops and newly-made friends. Have a great weekend.
New crafty friends already? You must have some sort of magnetic attraction to creative people, huh! I'm so happy for you, and I love the pink quilt!! The little dashes of green are perfect! Have a great weekend ;)
Oooh...I love it! I love that style of "strip" quilt. And don't you love it when disappointments bring about something better than what you were expecting in the first place?
Pink! My favorite color! I absolutely love it!
I'm so happy that you've already met someone new in your new city. Happiness!
Your new quilt top is very pretty. It is funny, I have always said that too, that I'll try any craft at least once! I think you have made a friend there, I'm so happy for you! Now you'll have to get her to blog with the rest of us! LOL
You've got a lot of good pinks there. I'm so glad for your new friend. Virtual friends are awesome but it's nice to have some in real life ones too.
Very pretty~ who doesn't love pink? You are so prolific, you are inspiring!
Happy day that you are already meeting new, creative + like-minded people. I'm really happy for you Amandajean!
Have a great weekend!
Your quilt top is very nice! And that's really great that you've made a friend. It's hard to move to a new place and not know many people.
It looks great, Amanda! You just amaze me. Now I am getting the quilting fever and am thinking about learning. Want to come back to Michigan and teach me? :) I'm thinking of taking a class this winter to learn. Enjoy your new friendships. You are a blessing to all you touch.
Yummy pink fabrics in your quilt top. I like the simplicity of the strips and the variety of fabrics. Definitely inspiring. I have been trying to accumulate a stash of pink fabrics as I would love to have a girly coloured quilt (I am the only female of the household and the only one fond of pink ;o).
love your last 3 posts...........keep sewing...
What a fantastic stash of pink ! All neatly piled up too, inspiring!
oooooo... pretty quilt top!
i'm so happy you have met a crafty wisconsin gal!!! and that quilt top! wow!
My "problem child" in my stash is the selections of green fabric I have on hand. I have three boxes of greens! I have made a couple of scrappy green quilts, but there is no way I will ever use it all up.
It is lovely that you have met a new friend.
I love your new quilt top! (and stash ...)
your quilt top is gorgeous! really, really pretty.
the new quilt is very fun!!! :)
I love this quilt top. The sort of randomness of it and the geometric but not symmetrical design is right up my alley. Beautiful job. And I'm so glad to hear that you're making new friends in your new state. Things slowly but surely fall into place, right?
what a coincidence! I've started a quilt just the same but with much smaller strips (2inches) using all my scraps...
great minds think alike!
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