
Wednesday, May 02, 2007

rag rug progress

A few things about cutting up t-shirts:
They make a lot of fuzzies.
They can ruin a cutting mat. (mine is on the way out anyway.)
They will make you evalutate each of piece of laundry you fold.
Is this tank too worn? It would look great in the bathroom rug....


  1. It looks great so far! I had the same problem when I knit the fleece for Reese's Christmas gift. Everything had red fuzz on it. What a great way to clean out the closets! Lee has a ton of old t-shirts that are too far gone to be donated or anything. I think I better try this! Most of them are white - what if I dyed them all before I started? Have you ever dyed anything before?

  2. That looks great... I need to start making some t-shirt rugs too. I found your blog through sulu-design, and I love your work! I'm adding you to my "list of blogs to check"!

  3. How hysterical. I hope you don't chop up anybody's favorite shirt!

  4. I know this will make me sound insane, but I actually cut up my tshirts by hand. It's great doing it that way because I can get one looooonnnng spiral--so much fewer ends to weave in! It also allows me to vary the width, which I think adds texture and dimension to the pieces. The only drawback is how LONG it takes to cut up one shirt!

  5. It looks excellent so far. (And makes me remember that I still do not have the skills to make one of them!)

  6. looks great so far. I'm loving the colors. Eyeing up Jason's old shirts in the closet........

  7. Gee, and to think I've been using the old t-shirts as cleaning rags!

  8. Anonymous3:18 PM

    I tried a rag rug once before and only got as far as a coaster - all that cutting!!! This looks so good though, I'm tempted to give it another go. And t-shirting would be so soft under the feet.

  9. Anonymous3:47 PM

    you make me laugh! All good points, but I think you have started a trend :)

  10. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Looking good! What's it like to crochet? Are you running out of things to wear yet?

  11. Honey, you make some of the coolest stuff. You're very talented and should consider in future swaps getting some gadgets for me, I'm really not into earrings (though they look great).

    Love you!

    Incidentally, have you seen my blue shirt around lately, you know my favorite light blue shirt?

  12. Great post... but now I can't decide if my anal retentive self would love making a rag rug to get rid of t-shirt clutter, or if it would cringe at the fuzzies it creates in the process! Yours is looking fabulous.

  13. Anonymous12:23 AM

    i felt the same way when I was making my t-shirt quilt. weeks later I'd be looking for a shirt to wear and i'd think "oops, it's gone now~"

    fun though, to turn something old into something new. Do you have a pattern or are you making it up as you go?

  14. How long does it take to make a rag rug?

  15. Anonymous2:56 PM

    i have a huge ball of t-shirt "yarn" waiting for me to get going on a rug... i connected the pieces so no ends to weave in, but i found that looped the easy way made it double thickness which was too much. so i cut the loops and made little slices at the ends and looped through those. much better. :) now i need to figure out the crochet thing :). i'm a knitter.

