
Sunday, May 20, 2007

a bib tutorial

cut 2 pieces of fabric and a scrap of batting about 10" x 13".

make a quilt sandwich.
I use spray baste to hold all the layers together .

quilt your layers together.

cut into a bib shape. (pattern below)
I usually cut an additional 1/4" out from the (tear drop shaped) neck area to make sure there is plenty of room for the baby's neck. (sorry I didn't add this to the pattern) or, if you have a little one, you can check to make sure you have the size you need. also, cut generously around the outside edges of the pattern. An eighth of an inch to a quarter inch would be perfect. (an accurate pattern would have been easier, no? again, sorry about that....this is the way I craft.)
when you are to this point, the bib should be about the size of a letter sized piece of paper.

use a quarter inch seam allowance to sew the bias binding around the outside edges.
I make my own bias strips cutting them 2.5" wide, then fold in half lengthwise and iron.
leave an extra inch of binding fabric at the beginning and end.

hand stitch the binding onto the back side of the bib.

trim off the ends even with the inside edge of the bib,
don't cut off your knots, though.

machine stitch more bias binding, sewing slowly around the curve.

again, leave an extra inch of binding beyond the top edge of the bib.

now, I flip it over and check how the seam looks.
I barely caught the edge on the back,

so I resew making sure there is a quarter inch seam.

now, working from the back,

fold in the extra inch of binding,

fold that in half toward you, and tack down the edges really well.

hand stitch the binding down.
finish up the same way, folding the down the raw edge and tacking the end very well.

add a snap.

and you are done.

after washing, the bib will soften and lay flat.

this one has been washed several times.

if you have any questions, I will answer them in the comments.

if you make any bibs using this pattern, I'd love to see them.
for personal use only, please.
(to get the pattern, right click on the image, save picture, then print out. )

make the pattern full size on paper before cutting out your quilted piece for greater accuracy.

or you could do what I did originally....use a bib that you currently have and make that your pattern...I think I added a bit more length for extra coverage.


  1. This is an awesome tutorial!! Nice work & thanks for sharing it! I think I might make some of these...seems babies are on the way all over the place these days! (Not me though, didn't mean to make it sound that way!!) Hope the packing/sorting/selling etc. is going well. Take care!

  2. Thanks for the tutorial. You make it look so easy!

    I am currently trying my first "quilting" project. Is there a trick to hand sewing the binding? (It's for the birds, in my opinion.)

  3. Such a gorgeous quilted bib!

  4. Anonymous7:22 AM

    so pretty amanda jean!

  5. How very fun! Now all I need is a baby. (No not one of my own, one to give it to!)

  6. Thanks for the great tutorial. Now I need to make some.

  7. I just found you through Roxanne's blog. I will be back often. Thanks for the fantastic tutorial! It explains things very clearly for a novice sewer like me.

  8. Thank you for posting this! I am so excited to try them. Must finish quilt first, must finish quilt first...that's what I've been telling myself for weeks now. :)

  9. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Thanks! I am intrigued by the basting spray. Have you used it before? How does it work? Would you recommend it? I am all about anything to making sewing easier and maybe that's another product I should check out.

  10. Great tutorial. Hopefully I'll have someone to make these for one day! They are great for a quick gift, too, I just don't know of anyone needing a gift at this point.

  11. Wow, that's quite the tutorial! I've usually made my bibs by turning them inside out, but I think I'll try this sometime too.

  12. Anonymous8:10 PM

    you are terrific! I can't believe you put this tutorial together! The step by step instructions coupled with the photos are just what a novice like me needs!

  13. You made that look way too easy (but I knew by the quilting step that this is not a project for me to attempt - always good to know one's limits, right?). Those of you who post tutorials are amazingly selfless - what a nice gesture!

  14. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Wonderful! Do you have to be able to drop your feed dogs (i'm not even sure what that means) to quilt like you did? When I have machine quilted I have only stiched in the ditch and done a grid. I love the look of your machine quilting. I can't wait to try one.

  15. beannie,

    yes, I did need to drop my feed dogs in order to stipple (quilt) like that. But you could easily quilt a grid on the bib instead. it would work just fine.


  16. Thank you so much for that very nice informative tutorial. A friend of mine is having a baby soon and I am making a nice little basket of VERY necessary items that she'll need. This one is certainly going to have to go in the basket. Also, thank you for showing how to do bias tape. I have been wanting to work with it but just a little skeptical of myself.

  17. Thanks a lot AmandaJean for the bib tutorial. I'll try to sew one and send you a photo. Regards.

  18. Thanks for the tutorial! I made some up this week and love how quick they came together.

  19. Thanks for the great tutuorial and the blog in general!! I made one bib and it came out great... so easy, and I'm a major beginner!! I blogged it:

  20. Anonymous5:27 AM

    Thank you for the tutorial about make quilt and way of sewing.
    Now I also start to produce how many crafting like : pacthwork, applique , sunbonnet sue etc.

  21. This may be a silly question, but are the snaps hard to put on?

    Love your bibs!

    mama to 6
    one homemade and 5 adopted

  22. Hello, I came across your blog doing a google search for bib tutotials, nice job! I just wanted you to know that I posted a link to your page on my blog, as I made some bibs using a kit I purchased but wanted others to know there are great tutorials out there! thanks!!

  23. I made this bib tonight and the instructions were great. Thank you so much for the tutorial. I'll post pics for you to see at http://flickr/photos/nutcase101


  24. hi,

    Thanks for d tutorial. Now i can make one for my baby.

    p/s: allow me to add your url to my blog. Tq

  25. Since I'm fairly new to blog-land, tell me what all those "weird" comments were about?!! I LOVE your blog, your craftiness, your ideas and your tutorials. Keep up the awesome inspiration!

  26. p.s. I meant to click the option that gives you my email address so you can respond that way if you choose. All those strange comments left me feeling a little uncomfortable and I just wondered what it was all about.

  27. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Good Day!!! is one of the most outstanding resourceful websites of its kind. I take advantage of reading it every day. rocks!

  28. Thank you for the bib pattern! You are so generous and I appreciate this gesture very much!

    Big hug to you :)

  29. A great opportunity to practice stippling and still have a product to show for it.
