Wednesday, November 19, 2014

sewing for the fun of it

A few weeks ago a friend gave me a huge bag of scraps. A garbage bag full! There were a ton of denim scraps, lots of linen, some gingham, and several assorted utilitarian type fabrics, among other things. I sorted through the bag and I thought this would be a fun and interesting an understated way, of course.
Yesterday I started to sew from that pile of scraps, just for the fun of it. And it was SO fun! I thought I would call this quilt "moody", because it matches the gray blustery weather we have been enjoying (ahem) here in Minnesota.
I've also been toying with the idea of adding a streak of yellow somewhere in the mix and calling the quilt "mustard mishap". The title alone entertains me so much, I just can't tell you! I think I'm getting  a little loopy and already experiencing signs of cabin fever. (Although it's much too early in the season for that.)
Whether I add the mustard or not, I really like where this is headed!
I'm trying to convince myself that another WIP is not a big deal. I've added 3 in the last week! I'm up to 15 (official) works in progress with a few more that I'm still in denial over. It's a slippery slope.....


The Thimblemouse of Country Crossroads said...

I am soooooooo loving this!

Sandy said...

I love what you're doing with the denim! Makes me want to ignore my customer's quilt and haul out my tub of old jeans! I'm in denial about all of my WIPs......and I'm right up there with you in the count! It's good to know that I have great company in this crazy quilty world I live in. Thanks for the inspiration!

Terri said...

I think I see the perfect spot for that MM. Love that name. Keeping life light and fun... I don't view that as cabin fever.
Even though I don't always comment, I truly do enjoy your blog. Thanks for the extra work to keep us entertained.

Terri said...

WIPs are just a way of banking projects that you have made without a known destination. When you need one, you have a quick finish, and can make it more personal with the appropriate backing and binding. (Everything is just a few words away from working out to your advantage.)

Dominique said...

Yes for the mustard mishap! Yes yes yes! I wish I would have thought of that name for my last denim/picnic quilt! As for your project, I'm lovin' what I'm seein'

Suzanne said...

Oh, mustard!!! YES!!!

Snowcatcher said...

I am so loving the layout of this. Mustard definitely would perk it up, but I think I'd be tempted to use a pastel or hot pink as a girly touch...

Cheryl said...

I loving seeing how you pull scraps together and make a cohesive quilt top out of them.

Jodi said...

beautiful as is, but I like the mustard idea, too. Nice scraps from a friend!

Samiya said...

In denial about WIPs. Very funny. Reading that made me think about my denial WIPs. I think I have a few of those.

Molly said...

I love the color palette and the slice of yellow is perfect. A little ray of sunshine in a dull day :)

Susan C. said...

I concur, that shaving of the bright yellow would certainly add something. You could appliqué it onto the top when it's all done then you could splash it where you want.....oh the possibilities! You are inspiring me! Thanks for the blog and all you do.

Kelly Cline said...

Love WIP!! I have many!! Lovely!

Di~ said...

Yes, make that mustard misbehave! :) I don't dare start any new stuff, sooooooo I never do any sewing!

S Staum said...

Am really liking this- a lot! Was thinking it could use a pop of red and then read on about the mustard idea. Am liking that too. So IF there was a streak of tomatoey red it could be called "Catsup Catastrophy"! 😜

Megan said...

I just love this! I love the color palette and the scrappyness. This is making me want to start something completely different but I've got the wips too.

Turid said...

Love scraps, and love the way you use it. Thanks for the inspiration.

MyLittleBlueDog said...

Love it. I was shopping earlier in the week and have decided to make a grey and yellow quilt, so this post is extra interesting. I love it and think you should definitely add a splash of yellow.

✾Jamie Lee Cooley✾ said...

The name is fantastic! You've got to add the yellow strip!

Shawn said...

Love it!

Granny Maud's Girl said...

Ah, yes, the official WIP list and the denial list. I have one of each too.

Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

I really like the way your doing your scrap denim quilt! Nancy

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

15 in progress is quite a bit isn't it but sometimes a quilter just has to do what a quilter has to do - make more no matter if one is finished or not - I have 3 waiting for me to quilt and 4 in progress and starting another one that I just got the template and pattern for in the mail today - I wasn't going to start another and then I thought - why not - it is what I love doing.

Chancy said...

I am loving this palette as well, but as it's getting bigger I can totally see it with the pop of yellow.

Sewing In CT said...

Love the mustard idea!

Tamie said...

It's a really nice slope you are on. So cool!

Natasha said...

Put the mustard on it!

Sarah Craig said...


KWILEY said...

I love how you make it look so easy just to take scraps and turn them into something so cool! I struggle on the randomness and just picking up pieces and make the "random" strip blocks you put together. - Not sure why I have such a block with it - I guess I overthink it too much - but so jealous and love everything you come out with!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

I like where it is headed too! Nice job - and heres hoping for a good sunny day!

Anonymous said...

No one does scraps like Amanda Jean. Continual source of inspiration. Like the commenter above, I have a hard time letting loose and just putting scraps together. Why is that? This is so serene and the yellow stripe will be the perfect addition. Please pass the mustard.

Joelle said...

Love to see that someone else uses a design floor.

Serena @ Sewgiving said...

Yup! I love that colour palette too :)

Unknown said...

You make beauty and order from chaos! You have a talent for seeing the best in what others would have discarded. Thank you for your vision! It is a lesson to us all!

Nancy said...

I love it! I also love your commentary on this one! lol Thank you! :o)

leanne said...

so fabulous ! its not about the numbers its what makes you hapoy !!

Miss Jamee Quilts said...

a slippery slope indeed...but what a ride!

Annabellouise said...

I Love this!

Judi said...

That is cool! Mustard or not.

Lorna McMahon said...

This denim and linen wip looks like a lot of fun! I like the mustard idea. Just adds a little punch of colour. Don't feel too badly about the 15 wips... there's plenty of time to get those finished. We've got 6 months yet before winter will be over.

Diane said...

Once again your writing is as terrific as your sewing. The mustard mishap is a great one ! I would probably add a splash of red (ketchup-Heinz of course being from the 'burgh)😄 Stay warm and sane!

molly b quilts said...

Well, I'm going to be the only one to say I wouldn't add the yellow. I really like the look of what you have so far. I wouldn't mess with it. (I'm willing to bet though if you do add it you'll find a way to make it look great.)

Calicojoan said...

I love it too, and would probably not put the mustard in myself. It plays so well together as it is!

Kate O said...

This will be a fantastic gift for a guy when it's done!

nest full of eggs said...

Love these colors/fabrics. I always enjoy seeing what you're up to and I don't even quilt!

Lesley Gilbert said...

I'm glad I saw the tips of your shoes at the bottom of your pic - I thought those squares were a lot smaller - love the way this one is heading :)

Sharon said...

That is going to be a beautiful quilt!

Julia Graber said...

I too like the pop of "mustard" to brighten up the quilt. Really I think 3 random pops would be better yet!

Anonymous said...

What a great inspiration - receive a bag of 'scraps', tip it out and make a quilt top! I'd have received the bag with a wonky smile and been worrying about where to store it! Your approach of 'just get on and use it'is much, much better!
Allison, UK

Brenda said...

Love the name, and the bag of scraps. I always think of someone else's scraps as sparkplugs for creativity.

Karen said...

From a bag of "dingy" scraps to this--WOW!

Anonymous said...

This is really lovely! Thanks for sharing.

RosieGma said...

Don't you just love....getting a bag full of scraps...and then make something so wonderful with them...My kind of a treat bag....Love the name...splash of mustard, with a little ketchup on the side......

Anne / Springleaf Studios said...

Love the look of what you have going on. I think a single pop of color would be fantastic. Glad I'm not the only one with lots of WIPs. If only I would get them done like you manage to do.

Cindy P. said...

You can call it "Moody Blues" ! It's looking great with or without the mustard? I love adding that cheddar-ish tone to projects like this one!

Anna said...

Love this so much Amanda, seriously sending you more to play with soon! You make all the scraps look amazing!

Unknown said...

Isn't this how quilting started? Our predecessors never bought fabric; they always used scraps... This is a TRUE quilt in the original sense of the word.

TisaIrish said...

Oh, I so like the masculine, kind of austere feel of these colors and would happily snuggle under it any old day if it were mine. I have to say when I scrolled down to the pic with the mustard streak I yelped. So, one hell no vote on the mustard, but whatever you do this has a great wintry feel.

Gunilla said...

Whatever color you chose, you are so successful!

margaret said...

I am not a blue lover but this is fabulous and yes add some mustard

Unknown said...

What a wonderful way to turn a bag of pieces of fabric into a fantastic quilt,
Yes, mustard please, love how it looks blues and mustard!

Unknown said...

I am so impressed! This is gorgeous and I love it. Please yes on the yellow - a stroke of genius!

Andrea @ Mouse in My Pocket said...

This is great! I love the idea of using up denim scraps like this. I would probably skip the mustard strip - at least one that bright, but I like lots of neutral themed fabrics in my quilts.

Debora Exum said...

This is beautiful. I always love projects created with what is on hand. Hard to believe this started with a garbage bag full of scraps.

Sew in Time said...

I actually laughed out loud at the WIP slippery slope comment. I love where you are going with this WIP!

Vera said...

It looks really well. I'm curious about the yellow addition now :) Just have to wait and see.

FlourishingPalms said...

Leave it to you to find joy piecing such dull colors! :-) I admire your ability to find the fun in sewing with them. Your piecing is perfect though, and that's surely where the fun really begins. Love the idea of the mustard mishap. Or it could be ketchup. You've got some great ideas going.

quilterchick said...

Love, love, love this quilt! Looks like Moody with a side of Sunshine to me! :)

FashionMomKids said...

Good idear,it also can be my mom's inspiration