
Wednesday, October 01, 2014

plenty of pineapples

I've been playing with my scraps again and that means I am a happy girl! These pineapple blocks are not paper pieced, but pieced 'freestyle', if you will. I have taken photos for a block tutorial, to be posted on another day. These blocks are 16" unfinished.
Scrap quilting is a messy job, but someone has to do it!
And I don't mind THIS kind of mess one single bit. :)


  1. I love these pineapples...and I love that you're NOT paper piecing. I'll be watching to see your tutorial one of these days. Thanks for sharing all of this wonderful eye candy & inspiration.

  2. Love these! My sewing room looks like a scrap bomb went off when I sew with my scraps and I'm like the mad woman digging for just the right one that's to be sewn next!

  3. Those look super cool! :)

  4. Love the riot of colour - both the blocks AND the floor!

  5. Thank you for showing your scraps on the floor. My husband thinks I am just an unusually messy quilter when I do things like that.

  6. Love your pineapples....and love more that it can be done without paper piecing. Will be looking forward to the tutorial.

  7. I wanted to congratulate you on your 250th quilt but comments on your post from Monday have been closed.
    So here you go...congratulations! That is a cool 17.857 quilts per year. Not an insubstantial number.
    Here's wishing you at least 250 more beautiful quilts in your future!

  8. how funny... your co-author cheryl was making something similar the other day (and by other day, i mean a month ago)!! i'm so intrigued!

  9. I love your pineapples. I look forward to the tutorial--these look so fun!

  10. Your pineapples are so beautiful and colorful. I really want to make a pineapple quilt but I really do not want to paper piece it. Hmmmmm

  11. Lovely colours you've used here.

  12. First, thank you so much for the pattern, I'll make it soon:-)
    And your blocks look great and I'm looking forward to the tutorial because I hate paper-piecing!

  13. One of my favorite blocks! Your wild scrappiness is perfect.

  14. Those pineapple blocks are beautiful! I have always admired pineapple quilts but have been to intimidated to try one myself, can't wait to see your tutorial.

  15. Ohhh myyyy - LOVE! This is going to make one uber cool quilt.

  16. It's a wonderful, colorful mess!

  17. Thanks so much for the Trees Pattern. Such a wonderful gift. The tutorial for this block would be another terrific present. Your blocks look wonderful up there on the wall.

  18. Freestyle?! Whoa! That is way too much like living on the edge for me! :)

  19. Oooh I like the sound of that! These pineapples look spectacular!

  20. Looks like a great pillow pattern too! The one with the x just off center is my fave. Also, thanks for the patter... Can one start and finish a quilt on maternity leave? We shall see!

  21. The pineapples are awesome! My stuff can be all over the place too. Thanks for showing yours. This last year you have inspired me to clean out scaps and old fabric. I have been knitting all the old stuff into rugs and table runners. It has been very rewarding. Look forward to the tutorial on the pineapple block.

  22. Hi Amanda,
    I just wanted to thank you for the pattern you sent. Can't wait to get started on it. And I love your stash pile. Hey. Creativity is messy business!

  23. You ARE a crazy lady!! Those are beautiful little pineapple layers! My goodness!!

  24. I'm looking forward to your tutorial. Those pineapple blocks are wonderful!

  25. oh wow!!! another totally amazing quilt in the making. I so love seeing what you're working on.

  26. Seeing your colorful 16" pineapple blocks on your wall brought back the memory of the test pattern shown on TV before 6 a.m. when as a child, I enjoyed the quiet early mornings before the rest of the family roused!

  27. a lovely mess!!!
    just like cooking, you bring out all the ingredients, and then start putting them together to create something delicious.....
    looks like fabric ingredients to me....

  28. I LOVE your pineapple blocks! I have always wanted to make a pineapple quilt but the thought of removing all that paper after paper piecing the blocks...UGH! I should have known that if anyone could turn out beautiful pineapple blocks without pp them it would be you! :o) I'm looking forward to seeing the quilt when it's finished!

  29. Love these blocks and colors! Sad to miss your previous post for the Birch Trees PDF. I've made a couple of your patterns with another in the works. This looks like another for the list!!

  30. Love your pineapples! I never thought of doing them freehand!

    Thank you for the wonderful birch trees pattern. I have SO many scraps -- this is PERFECT!!

    Thank you!


  31. Wonderful, all of it!

    And congrats on the 250th quilt and giveaway. Wow!

  32. Those are fun, so much movement. I made a block like this once, way back when I couldn't stay out of my sewing room :) I saw how to do it on public t.v.! Looking for the the directions tho', because I'm sure I can't remember how to do it.

  33. That is a glorious beautiful sort of mess - and the pineapples are a lovely result :)

  34. This is beautiful - love the scrap pile too.

  35. Thank you so much for the free pattern from your 250 celebration. I can't wait to bust a few scraps with the new pattern. You probably sent around 1,500 patterns and you are already back in the sewing room. You are amazing!

  36. Wow!! I love those blocks. I have never made one because I'm not ready for paper piecing when I haven't made enough "regular" quilts yet. If this isn't paper piecing I would give it a try. I look forward to seeing your blocks. And I don't have that many scraps yet. I guess you have to stop buying fabric and start sewing!!

  37. Oooh, pineapples that aren't paper pieced? Yay! Thanks!

  38. love that they are not paper pieced I started a few paper pieced and just don't want to tear off all that paper later on!
    wow I was wondering the size of the blocks. looks like you will be able to make a few quilts out of the scrap piles like this if you wanted to :)
    have fun!

  39. love this...i just started paper piecing some scrappy pineapples...but only have four blocks, very interested to see how you are doing yours...

  40. Worthy mess for a worthy block, these are absolutely delightful, cannot wait to see how you end this quilt!

  41. gorgeous! can't wait for the tutorial!

  42. Thank you , I'll be watching for the tutorial, great pattern and no paper piecing!

  43. Love this! I like that this isn't paper pieced. So looking forward to tutorial! I have a scrap pile similar to yours so this would help with that situation. Thanks for the inspiration~

  44. Love your pineapple blocks. I LOVE to play in my scraps. What mess?? I see a playground. :)

  45. What a pretty mess! Can't wait to see your tutorial.

  46. Ah! Jealous! I'd love to make a mess with you with those scraps!

  47. I love it, love it, love it!!! Can't wait for the tutorial!!!!

  48. With each block being so scrappy, they look like the changing views in a kaleidoscope! Too cool!

  49. Really fresh and wonderful! Amazing that scraps can look so good :) I love these and hope for a tute too!!

  50. I love your sense of color and wish I had your stash of scraps! Love this quilt!!! I don't usually make block quilts but this one I may have to do! Great work.

  51. So traditional and untraditional at the same time. You are living in scrappy heaven! This one is going to be great! Looking forward to the finished quilt.

  52. Your pineapples are awesome. I love all the colours and I thank you for posting the picture of the scraps on the floor. I thought I was the only one who had a room of exploded fabric. I can't wait for the tutorial! Thank you for your inspiration.

  53. can't wait for the tutorial! I have never attempted a pineapple - mostly because it looks like it would make a lot of waste, which would drive me nuts! I am not a scrap keeper either (just don't have the space to keep scraps sadly)

  54. Can't wait for your tutorial! I love your scrappy blocks <3

  55. I love it!! I just want your dive into your scraps!!!

  56. How awesome! I love the look of pineapple blocks, but I've never tried them because, well, I'm not the biggest fan of paper piecing. I'll be looking forward to your freestyle tutorial!

  57. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Awww man I was enticed to come in by the pineapples and lo and behold no tut yet!

    For some reason I could have sworn you gave us a tutorial in the past. Guess I'll just have to visit another day I just hope I don't miss it.

    Most excellent pineapples by the way; love 'em.



  58. Nice! Those look like a lot of fun.

  59. My kitties would love to play in your mess. It's why I can't let my scraps fall to the floor.

  60. Love these!!! I've seen a lot of pineapples, but these ones are by far my favs! Great work :-)

  61. Love the look of these pineapples, looks like fun!

  62. Love the look of these pineapples, looks like fun!

  63. I love the pic with the quilt i the background, it gives a different perspective on each block.

  64. Love your pineapple blocks. They are just so cheery! I look forward to your tutorial. Thanks!

  65. Love the piles of scraps on the floor-brought a bit smile to my face!

  66. Love the pineapples! And I really love scrap busting! Have fun and happy sewing!

  67. These look so fun! I have never thought to try this pattern before, but now I can't wait

  68. This looks like a lot of fun! Anxiously awaiting your tutorial!!

  69. Great job picking your fabrics! My first pineapple block was way too "muddy" without enough clear variation between light and dark. Your's are great!

  70. Love those blocks! Can't wait to see the tutorial! Pineapple is one of the first blocks I had to make for an online bee and it caused quite a bit of tears since I was just learning to sew. I'm probably ready to tackle it again with more success. Remember that log
    Cabin quilt in white background you called old school? I keep wondering about low volume--in five years will that be considered passé ? I hope not because just looking at your blocks the low volume pieces add so
    Much liveliness and movement!

  71. VERY fun CrazyMom! And, apparently you hit a new level of Crazy while I was gone -- giving a gift to everyone who commented? Did you know, all those years ago, when you chose your blog name, just how true it would be LOL?????

  72. VERY fun CrazyMom! And, apparently you hit a new level of Crazy while I was gone -- giving a gift to everyone who commented? Did you know, all those years ago, when you chose your blog name, just how true it would be LOL?????

  73. Hi AmandaJean! I am blown away by the fact that you have made 250 quilts! That is almost more than I can really wrap my head around. I'll do the math after I finish writing to you. I already own your birch trees pattern, so I think I'll stay on a tree theme and ask for the Trees! pattern. Your giveaway is amazing, but then, so are you....:)

  74. Love the quilt blocks. It will be a fun and beautiful quilt when finished. What directions exactly are you using?

  75. I love these crazy pineapples! I'm doing one in solids (tutorial is on the blog), but your scrappy pineapples beckon me to try this block another way. So terrific!

    By way of introduction, I'm one of Cindy's friends, from her MCM bee group, and always love reading what you are up to.

    Thanks for this happy post!


  76. I just want to play with your piles of scraps on the floor! Love your colors too!

  77. I think I have about a 32nd of the amount of scraps that you have! I love those see-through off to get me some! And the pineapple quilt is going to look fantastic! Great work.

  78. OMG I WANT that scrap pile!!!

  79. That second picture makes me very happy. A colorful mess!

  80. tried this block once said never again so look forward to your tutorial as your blocks look great. Love your mess pile have even pinned it!

  81. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Such a pretty, colorful mess.

  82. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Such a pretty, colorful mess.

  83. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Many Many thanks for sharing this great tutorial on the pineapple block - have wanted to make this one for a long time but not with paper piecing - this is so doable and looks like a good scrap - strip eater - your blocks are so pretty - love how you have the light and dark..
    Thanks again

  84. Gorgeous blocks! No, this kind of mess is divine and inspiring :)
