
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

little connections redux

Last night I finished up this quilt top...a boy version of the Little Connections quilt. I LOVE this one! I added one more row this time around so it is more rectangular and I like this size a lot better. I had to bust out stash fabric for this quilt. I could have used scraps but hardly any of my scraps are that big. Ha! It felt good (really good) to use my stash. I need to do that more often, but always get so sidetracked by my scraps! Oh, the problems I have! :)
Today is a very happy day because I sent out my first wholesale order. That was one of my goals this go wholesale with my patterns. I still have a lot of work to do, but I'm slowly getting there! I'm happy to be venturing into new territory, even if it is exhausting and a bit terrifying. My husband and I have been talking a lot about risk these past few days/weeks. I am such a chicken and crippled by fear in so many areas of my life. It's good to be breaking free from that just a little bit. It's refreshing! Here's to more of that!


  1. way to go on the wholesale order! Risk is good!!! It is always good to step outside your comfort zone, that's what keeps things exciting!

  2. yay congrats on your wholesale adventures:)

  3. I have a hard time doing new things too, but I am so excited for you. Your pattern is awesome!

  4. Way to go! That's exciting about your patterns. I wish you lots of success! And this quilt is super cute without being too busy. Might be exactly what I'm looking for!

  5. Good for you on your wholesaling! You know, for someone who deals with fear, you have helped so many quilters (myself included )try new things and to just start quilting.

  6. Beautiful quilt (as always!) and congratulations on going wholesale!!! I know how scary the risk can feel putting yourself out there like that with something you love, but I'm sure you'll be successful!!

  7. great little quilt! And congrats on the wholesale leap!

  8. I really like the quilt, and congratulations on your wholesale order.

  9. Congratulations on your first wholesale order. I have been a wholesale pattern designer/seller for 10 years. I did the wholesale thing first. It's really hard to venture out on your own and can be very scary. I wish you the best of luck with your new chapter. You can do it.

  10. Congratulations on the order! I know what you mean about risks - I'm slowly learning to take more myself!

  11. Is being risk averse a mom thing? I don't know if I was this way before. You certianly seem fearless t me!

  12. Congratulations! So glad for your success!

  13. Great job overcoming the fear of putting yourself out there!

  14. leap, the first step is always the most difficult ...

    to quote our friends at Nike "just do it" ....


  15. Congrats on your wholesale patterns! They are wonderful so I am sure that you will be a success!

  16. I love the simplicity of this quilt, it has very calming colours too. Congrats with those orders.

  17. Love the Blue/green/gray combo in this quilt. It has contrast but is not jarring, still altogether calming.

  18. Love the scrappy happy purse. Sweet.

  19. Congratulations and good luck with your sales!

  20. Anonymous9:30 PM

    Congrats on the wholesale order! That's wonderful. I love the baby quilt- simple yet elegant. The best kind!

  21. Congratulations on your order! Fear keeps me from doing a lot of things I want to- not a good thing. I'm trying to be better about it.

  22. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Am I next?? Can't wait!

  23. I LOVE this quilt! Love your color choices. Amazing!

  24. precious quilt! and new go girl!!

  25. Anonymous3:35 AM

    I love this bag! I think it'll fly out of the shops, so brace yourself for lots of re-orders.

  26. Congratulations!!! Wish you all the best with your new venture :)

  27. YAY -- good for you!! Nothing ventured -- nothing gained!

  28. You are always stretching yourself further! I admire that about you. Congrats on the lovely patterns.

  29. Congratulations on entering the wholesale world! A wonderful leap of motto for you maybe " feel the fear and do it anyway!!!!"

  30. Love the purse pattern, where can I purchase one?

  31. Congratulations on your wholesale order! I am the same way when it comes to putting myself out there but am working hard to take a few more risks :)

  32. Wow! Love that you are growing what you do at the pace that works for you. On a post it note at my new job one of the MAs has written "You must make the CHOICE to take a CHANCE if you want something to CHANGE" I kind of like it because people talk a lot about the choice part but not the chance part. They are both important

  33. Congratulations and the best of luck - your success is wholeheartedly deserved :)

  34. I am sure you will have great success in the wholesale world, best of luck and a beautiful quilt and bag pattern

  35. Congratulations on the wholesale order- you bit the bullet & its paid off...well done!

  36. Oh I love that scrappy bag pattern! Can't wait until it's available to buy :)

  37. Congratulations and best of luck on your new venture.
