Monday, September 30, 2013

3 is the magic number

Remember the school house rock song '3 Is A Magic Number'? This quilt is named after that song. I love it, but now I can't get it out of my head! Sorry if I got it stuck in your head as well. At least it's happy.... :)
This quilt is made up of 720 3" (cut) squares. All scraps. All individually cut. Lots of pins were used to get those seams to match up just so. Time consuming, sure, but I love the results!
There were times that I didn't like this quilt. In fact, I was ready to put the squares up for adoption just two weeks ago. (I can be a little high strung.) Thankfully I got through my little dislike stage and now I'm happy with it. Quilting it should make it better yet! The top measures 60" x 75".

Happy Monday to you!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

scrappy Saturday

Margaret's Hope Chest is collecting log cabin blocks for "A Mother's Hope" program. The blocks will be made into quilts, which will be given to women who are battling post partum depression. You can read all about it here. They will be collecting blocks through November 1. Would you consider making and sending a few (or several) blocks? It's a fun way to play with scraps and help out a great cause...all in one fell swoop!

Friday, September 27, 2013

aqua desk

Welcome to finish it up Friday!
My little sewing desk got a couple of fresh coats of aqua paint! I LOVE the color. Love the look. The hardest part was letting the paint cure for a week before using it. My sewing room sure needed the splash of happy color. (It was really hard to photograph, though, because of the backlighting from the window.) I have so much more to clean and organize in my space before I am willing to show the rest!
This is what the desk looked like before. Such an improvement, no? I'm glad that this project is finished! I really like painted furniture, but painting furniture isn't my favorite.

Paint is Behr from the Home Depot. The color is Sea Life in a satin finish. (It's really nice paint. I was impressed!)

Just a note about my last post! I had lots of questions about the cost, cutting, etc, so I added a little blurb at the end of the post and did my best to answer the questions that came up. Thanks for your comments! It's always SO fun to read them.

Now it's your turn! Do you have a finish to share? If so, please link up! Thanks for joining me for finish it up Friday!

finish it up Friday, 9/27/13

1. Michelle's Romantic Tangle  67. wombat quilts  
2. Jo's Country Junction  68. Valerie @ Evening in the Garden  
3. Mary @ SeeMaryQuilt  69. Michelle @ Squeek Crafts  
4. Heidi @ Buttons and Butterflies  70. syglad  
5. Eva-Bambi-Johansson  71. Esther @happytimesfour  
6. Pumpkin candy case tutorial  72. Wool applique wall hanging  
7. melissa @ myfabricrelish  73. Angela  
8. Mama Spark's World -September Bee Blocks  74. Anna (The Crooked Banana)  
9. sewing for halloween  75. Katherine  
10. Grace and Favour  76. Aunt Marti @ 52 Quilts  
11. Kat and cat quilts  77. Nat @ made in Home  
12. tubakk, Norway -inspired by AmandaJean  78. Two quilt tops for charity  
13. Carin @ Margarets Hope Chest  79. Diana @ Red Delicious Life  
14. Brigit @ brigitgail  80. Paper pieced star pillow  
15. Heidi @ Fabric Mutt  81. Inès @ Thready Bear  
16. Fabadashery  82. Georgi @ The shy one sews  
17. Snowcatcher  83. Christmas is on it's way!  
18. Mini Drawstring Bag from Tumbler Die  84. Gone Fishing  
19. Cristina @ The Quilted Mitten  85. Sarah from mila+cuatro  
20. Cathy Tomm AB Canada  86. Megan @ Crooked Tail Crafts  
21. Made by Rae Toddler Backpack  87. Jesica from Ushuaia - Argentina  
22. Leigh Anne @ Ella's Cottage  88. Cristina @ All The Pretty Things  
23. Modern Handcraft  89. Adrianne @ On the Windy Side  
24. Hexagon Mug Rug by Good Golly Ginger  90. QuiltnMama  
25. Stacy @ Freshly Handmade (Swim Bag)  91. Brenda@WieldingWildWISPS  
26. selvage zipper pouch  92. Green@sosewgreen  
27. Becca @bryanhousequilts  93. Caryn @ With Arms Open Wide  
28. a maiden hair fern  94. michelle @ cityhousestudio  
29. Reia @ My Patchwork Home  95. Marie @ Quilts with Personality  
30. Nancy@PugMomQuilts  96. Samantha @ Making Life Prettier  
31. Debbie  97. Maja  
32. Jade @ Stitch Mischief  98. Sally at Sally's Angelworks  
33. T-shirt Quilts  99. CJ  
34. Super Mom - No Cape!: Santa Tablerunner  100. Susan (4 projects)  
35. Jan O @ the Colorful Fabriholic  101. deborah@LittleMsSew-Unsew  
36. Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation  102. Angie in SoCal  
37. Quick Baby Girl Quilt  103. Amy @ 13spools  
38. Allison @ flip flops & quilt blocks  104. Julie @ Julie's Quilts  
39. Beth  105. Rugrat rodeos -Barbie flat-pac living  
40. Tessa @ The Sewing Chick  106. Tooth bear  
41. Ruth@cbcraftycorner  107. ForkandNeedle  
42. Brenna@Quilting in the Heartland  108. Kristin - Crew Cut Knock Off  
43. Kim@MegSueDesigns  109. Brenda@ Scraps and Strings  
44. Wedding quilt @ the amateur librarian  110. Julie @ Wannabequilter  
45. The Inside Stori/Mary Stori  111. Caroline @ Caroline's Craftiness  
46. Debbie @ A Quilter's Table  112. 3 Friday Finishes  
47. Cynthia Brunz Designs  113. Candace @ Saltwater Quilts  
48. Ruthann  114. Pauline @ QuiltnQueen  
49. Gray and Yellow Quilt  115. wish2stitch  
50. Val's Quilting Studio  116. Logan @ Chocolate Dipped Quilts  
51. Melzie @ Melzie's Monologue  117. Chase @ {1/4" mark}  
52. Deb @ asimplelife Quilts  118. A Note to Follow Sew  
53. Suzy in FL  119. finally rebound. A quilt designed by me  
54. Audrey @ Hot Pink Quilts  120. Kathie @ dipity-do-dah  
55. Belinda aka BGMom1  121. Nesta @ Ella & Nesta's Little Room  
56. Reese  122. Kim @PersimonDreams  
57. Linh @ Calling all stitchers  123. Simple Sewendipity  
58. Melissa @ Happy Quilting  124. Jeni B Quilts  
59. Sarah @ FairyFace Designs  125. Karee  
60. Izzy @ Dizzy Quilts  126. Garden Trellis @ Creatin' in the Sticks  
61. Sarah C..  127. Richard's Star  
62. Cathy L in IA  128. Color Blast Quilt  
63. Liz @ Shush giveaway  129. Embroider Rag Quilt  
64. Barbara H. Cline  130. Windows Quilt Top  
65. Yvonne @ That's Sew Creative  131. Shauna@lovinquiltin  
66. Michelle @ Renewing Mrs. Sew & Sew  132. Patricia @ Quilting Lines  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

a fabric haul

Yesterday my friend Brianne and I met at SR Harris, which an AMAZING fabric warehouse located in Brooklyn Park, MN. I had heard of the wonders of SR Harris, but yesterday I got to experience it full force. If you are already overwhelmed by how much fabric you have, this is NOT the place to go. But I went anyway. :) And boy, was it FUN!!
There were rows and rows (and rows!) of quilting cottons. A staggering amount. I started with a list, knowing full well that I'd be overwhelmed. The list helped me to focus a little bit. Still, it was REALLY hard to narrow down my choices. It's not surprising that we ended up with two carts. (It could have been 20!)
You have to cut your own fabric. It's crazy! (And very smart on their part.) All around, it was quite an experience! I'd recommend it.

Here's my loot:
Fabric to be turned into garments.
 A few quilt backs.
Some oil cloth.
And a little bit of stash fabric. (Sigh.) It's so pretty!

I'm so excited about all of it!! I just can't sew fast enough. You know?

Edited to add:

Lots of questions came up about the cost of fabric. The bolts are marked at retail prices. Most were 8.99, 9.99 and 11.99 per yard, but it's all 50% off! (Thus the difficulty in choosing!)

And yes, it's open to the public!

The minimum cut is 1/8 of a yard. (Which is really isn't much, I found out.) If you are buying over 5 yards an employee needs to measure and cut it. After you cut your fabric you label the amount cut and the price per yard on a sticker. They ring it up and compute all the discounts at the register. They rely on the honor system for cutting. It's quite a unique experience!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

one way to randomize patchwork

It seems like a lot of quilters I talk to have a problem randomizing patchwork. It usually isn't too difficult for me, but then again I've always been kind of random. (Ha!) I like to call my approach "controlled random". Here's how I go about it....
For this quilt I started with a stack of 700+ squares. Each one is cut at 3". I determined that my lay out will be 24 blocks wide by 30 long. This will yield a 60" x 75" lap quilt.
I started by sewing the squares into pairs (in combinations that I chose and liked), then I sewed the pairs into 4's, again arranging the colors and prints as I saw fit. I sewed those sets of 4 together until I had a string of 12 squares. 12 squares =1/2 of a row.
Now it's layout time! Trying to arrange 60 half rows is far better than trying to lay out 702 individual squares. One gust of wind or one active child can wipe out all your progress in a few seconds. In previous quilts I have sewn entire rows together, but I've found that as much as I try to be random, some blocks seem to land in the same position in different rows, like this....
Or else a certain color ends up in the same position in several rows, like this....
Take lots of photos during the process. It helps you keep an eye on color distribution and value. Also, if you don't like where your layout is headed, multiple photos make it easier to back track if necessary.
It is really easy to over think. My rule of thumb is audition a strip in one or two spots....3 spots max. Pick the best one. If it doesn't work in any of the spots you tried, set it aside and get a new strip. If it doesn't make you cringe in the initial layout phase, don't move it. That may sound harsh, but again, don't over think it. I had a red block and a violet block adjacent to each other that I just couldn't live with, so one of the strips had to move.
Rearrange sparingly! At times it's has to be done, but I've found that once you start messing with the arrangement you can get into trouble fast. It starts a chain reaction that can do more harm than good.
 Keep at it until you fill in all the holes and you are pleased with your arrangement.
There are a few areas (top left and the bottom few rows) where there is a higher concentration of dark blocks...but not enough to mess with. It doesn't feel awkward and this IS random, after all.
(The quilt looks really long, but it will shrink up once I sew the rows together.)
Once my layout was finalized, I sewed the half rows together and numbered them. I did this as quickly as possible so that my layout wouldn't get disturbed. Now I get to sew all those rows together. I see a LOT of pinning in my future!

So, is random difficult for YOU? What are some tricks that you use to help you randomize?

Saturday, September 21, 2013

scrappy Saturday

Well. I'm up to 30 blocks....
(more about the project here. the tutorial is here.)

Friday, September 20, 2013

Missing U

Welcome to finish it up Friday!

I finished binding my Missing U quilt this morning. The sun peeked out for just a minute when I was taking photographs. Perfect!
This pattern is one of Cheryl's from Sunday Morning Quilts. I am (VERY) slowly sewing up her patterns from the book so I have a full set of samples to show when I speak and teach. Oddly enough, I haven't run out of scraps yet! Ha! I made a few changes to the pattern, of course! (We are big proponents of "make it yours".) I left out the random white block in each of my slabs and I made the blocks bigger, so they finish at 16.5". The bigger the blocks the fewer you need! :)
It's REALLY hard to capture the awesomeness of the binding in photos. I changed the color of the binding to correspond to each block. It was definitely time consuming, but I am so glad that I did it! It makes the blocks go "off the page" so to speak.
For the backing I used an Ann Kelle Remix print down the center (LOVE that fabric) and added a strip of aqua polka dots down either side. I had a more elaborate backing planned, but easy won out. There is a LOT of color and pattern going on in this quilt, but I love it all the same.
Ok, so this photo might make your eyes hurt a little bit....but look how those binding seams match the block seams. Sweet!!!! For the quilting I did a free motion swirl over the entire quilt in white thread.
The quilt measures about 50" x 66". So happy to have this one finished! And.....this is scrap project # 14 out of 101!

Now it's your turn to link up your finishes. Thanks for joining me for finish it up Friday!

finish it up Friday, 9/20/13

1. Vera @ Negligent style  60. Gracie girl visits the farm  
2. Melissa @ Happy Quilting  61. Judy  
3. svetlana@sotakhandmade  62. Jennifer @ Glinda Quilts  
4. Amanda @ Material Girl Quilts  63. Simple Sewendipity  
5. alidiza  64. Candace @ Saltwater Quilts  
6. hexagon love  65. Lynn @ K&S DESIGN GIRLS  
7. Darcy @ Modern Cozy  66. Kim@MegSueDesigns  
8. Kat and Cat Quilts  67. Rebecca @ Sew Festive Handmade  
9. Colette Tank @ letsbeoriginal  68. Lori @ Sewfrench  
10. Laurie @ Dresden Lane  69. Candy Coated in Red & Brown  
11. snips  70. Valerie @ Evening in the Garden  
12. Reese @ Quilty Reese  71. Barbara GAlloway  
13. Michelle's Romantic Tangle  72. Shannon @ Modern Tradition Quilts  
14. Jo's Country Junction  73. Scissors & Thread  
15. Pincushion from 4-patch  74. Ava  
16. Beth  75.  
17. Modern Handcraft  76. Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation  
18. I QUILT FOR FUN  77. Samantha @ Making Life Prettier  
19. Brenda@Scraps and Strings  78. AmandaK@whatthebobbin  
20. Sarah @ FairyFace Designs  79. Maja  
21. melissa @ my fabric relish  80. ForkandNeedle  
22. Rachel @ The Life of Riley  81. Sue @ Lappteknik  
23. Liz@Shush finish & giveaway  82. Happy Squares@ snug harbor quilts  
24. Izzy @ Dizzy Quilts  83. Judy  
25. Libby @ No Airplane Here  84. Angie in SoCal  
26. Julia in Mississippi  85. Dresden Quilter  
27. Charlotte's gRACE for a Cure  86. Marie at Quilts with Personality  
28. Heidi @ Buttons and Butterflies  87. Laura  
29. Katherine  88. Kim @ Lily Patch Quilts  
30. Heather P  89. Gemini Jen NZ  
31. Leigh Anne @ Ella's Cottage  90. Anya @ RainyDayThreads  
32. a maiden hair fern  91. QuiltnMama  
33. cathy@blueberrypatch  92. Happy Cottage Quilter  
34. Kathy S.  93. SoSarahSews  
35. Eva-Bambi-Johansson  94. Sister Clair  
36. Kathy@KayakQuilting  95. Aimee  
37. Hanging Sewing Tool Caddy  96. Janine @ Rainbow Hare  
38. Brenna@Quilting in the Heartland  97. Nesta @ Ella & Nesta's Little Room  
39. Stephanie @ Quarter Incher  98. Nancy  
40. Heidi @ Fabric Mutt  99. Moneik  
41. Mary Stori  100. Angela A @ betterndogbiscuits  
42. Abby @ Mitten to Apple  101. New Linky Party!  
43. Wendi  102. A Spooky Quilting Finish  
44. tubakk, Norway  103. Katie@Nap-Time-Crafter  
45. Karen @ Smalltown quilter  104. Sarah C.  
46. cath@wombatquilts  105. Quilt finish@singreadsew  
47. Vikki @ Miss Muffet Quilts  106. Mina@Kinda Quilty  
48. Cristina @ All The Pretty Things  107. Shauna @ lovinquiltin  
49. Karee  108. Christine Sherman  
50. Little Island Quilting  109. Rugrat rodeos: cut-up couture  
51. Hydeeann’s firsty  110. Sally at Sally's Angelworks  
52. Megan @ Crooked Tail Crafts  111. Blue not blue@ squeezequilts  
53. Lorna @ Sew Fresh Quilts  112. Michelle @ Squeek Crafts  
54. April - Little Mama Hen  113. Buckeyes @ Kwilty Pleasures  
55. Beth@SewingForSanity  114. Green and Blue Rag Quilt  
56. QuiltAwhile Album top  115. Lavender and Black Baby Quilt  
57. Mary @ SeeMaryQuilt  116. Pink and White Rag Quilt  
58. Nancy@PugMomQuilts  117. Pam @ Quilting Fun  
59. Sarah @ Georgia Girl Quilts  118. Terry@Quit Crazie  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Monday, September 16, 2013

perfectionism and photoshop

Over the weekend I finished quilting my Missing U quilt. I got all spun up and perfectionistic about my quilting. I had to step back and remind myself that it is hand made and it's not going to be perfect. After I looked at the big picture-not each individual stitch-I calmed down a little bit. (Sheesh, I can be a little hard on myself!) Anyway...just the binding to go on this one. I'm so excited to be wrapping up this long time WIP! 
About Photoshop and removing backgrounds. I found this tutorial very helpful. I originally took the photo on a piece of black card stock. A high contrast background helped a lot when it came to using the magic wand selection tool. It was much faster when I used a white background.

I've been learning (little by little) about Illustrator, In Design and Photoshop. Whenever I get stuck I google, dig through the links, read, try it, learn a little tidbit, then repeat. It's awfully slow going, but it's so fun to learn new things! I am certainly no expert, but I hope that helps! Good luck!

Happy Monday to you!

Friday, September 13, 2013


Welcome to finish it up Friday!

I have a few finishes and they all involve scraps, if you can believe it...
I made another ticker tape canvas. (tutorial here.) I think this is my 7th one?  If you are like me and can't bear to throw away the tiniest scraps and you would really like to use them some day, this just might be the project for you!

I love these. An awful lot.
See that little guy, Robert? Eeek! The cuteness!
Yesterday I started taking my friend Tara's awesome Quilt As You Go Patchwork Bags class on Craftsy. The first lesson was a quilt as you go pot holder. It was a nice way to get warmed up to the technique and now I want to make 99 more! (I should. I certainly have the scraps for it!) Even attaching the bias binding wasn't too bad. It was nice to start and finish a project in a day. I should do more of that!
And last for the risk of sounding like a broken record...I made another needle book. :) I am still working on perfecting these. This one, made from a spare slab, has plenty of issues. Tiny things are hard! And have you noticed the upside down flowers in the white section? That drives me crazy. Aw, well, right?

On the up side...I've learned how to remove the background of my photos in Photoshop without pulling my hair out. That's pretty exciting!

These are scrappy projects #11, #12 and #13! Only 88 more to go to reach my goal of 101!

Do you have any finishes to share? If so, please link up! Thanks for joining me for finish it up Friday!

finish it up Friday, 9/13/13

1. melissa @ my fabric relish  73. Jennifer @ Glinda Quilts  
2. Michelle's Romantic Tangle  74. Laurie @ Dresden Lane  
3. Easy Chevron Quilt Tutorial  75. Valerie @ Evening in the Garden  
4. Rachel @ Quilt Or Dare  76. Liz@Shush Oh Deer finish  
5. Jo's Country Junction  77. Andy @ A Bright Corner  
6. Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation  78. Steffi @ just Quilts  
7. Simply Pieced: MSBHQAL #3  79. Green@sosewgreen  
8. Simply Pieced: MSBHQAL #2  80. Sarah @ FairyFace Designs  
9. Gunilla  81. Fabadashery  
10. Simply Pieced: Patriotic Quilt Top  82. Quilt Barn  
11. Mary Stori  83. SuziQuilts  
12. Wendi aka Simplescrapper  84. Quilt it out  
13. Brenna @ Quilting in the Heartland  85. Hexie Friday 13th  
14. Candace @ Saltwater Quilts  86. Barbara Galloway  
15. Ashley @ wasntquiltinaday  87. Maja  
16. Jen @ A Quilting Jewel  88. Francesca @ Swink Girls Quilts  
17. Brenda@Scraps and Strings  89. Amanda@sewnbarefoot  
18. Mary @ SeeMaryQuilt  90. Kelie @ Craft Nurse Quilt  
19. Toye @quilting adventures of a ginger  91. Rita  
20. Julia in Mississippi  92. Sewing a new ironing board cover  
21. Terry Johnson@ Quilt Crazie  93. Modern Exotic Garden@snugharborquilts  
22. the grove pillows  94. Cathy@Sane,Crazy,Crumby Quilts  
23. Barbara Cline  95. Dresden Quilter  
24. Pink and White Rag Quilt  96. jessica  
25. Batik Table Runner  97. Krista @ Krista Stitched  
26. Pink and White heart Rag Quilt  98. Jesica from Ushuaia - Argentina  
27. Alycia - Pumpkin quilt  99. Stephanie  
28. Bright and Cheery Color Blast Quilt  100. Quilts with Personality  
29. Megan @ Tales of Ineptitude  101. virtual quilting bee blocks  
30. Megan @ Cherry Valley Designs  102. Orphan block runner  
31. Brigit @ brigitgail  103. Kathy S.  
32. ChristaQuilts - A Friend's Finish!  104. Rachel @ Piece At Last  
33. Betty @ fadengerade  105. Cross Stitch BABy Blanket  
34. Julie @ Julie's Quilts  106. Janine @ Rainbow Hare  
35. rachael @ thefloralsuitcase  107. Marion @ My Quilt Diet  
36. Heather @ Winding Bobbins  108. Tanya Quilts in CO  
37. Eva-Bambi-Johansson  109. Gail in Ontario  
38. Carmen @ seaschell quilts  110. Emily @ Sew E.T.  
39. Beth  111. Jenny @ Down to Sew-Winter Critters  
40. Little Island Quilting  112. Turning Twenty Five  
41. Deborah AKA Squaregrannie  113. Sally at Sally's Angelworks  
42. Kim @PersimonDreams  114. rugrat rodeos - Let Down  
43. Blue Moth | Gameboard Quilt Top Finish  115. Julianne  
44. Julie @ That's Sew Julie  116. Brenda @wieldingwildwisps  
45. Audrey @ Hot Pink Quilts  117. Little Red: A Finished Quilt  
46. Logan @ Chocolate Dipped Quilts  118. Esther @happytimesfour  
47. Jade @ Stitch Mischief  119. Rene Creates  
48. The Merry Church Mouse -Popover Sundress  120. Janice with quilt show photos etc.  
49. Kirstin @ Augusthimmel  121. snips  
50. Darcy @ Modern Cozy  122. Grandpa-2-a-T Quilt@LoGoQuilts  
51. Cynthia Brunz Designs  123. Modern Handcraft  
52. syglad  124. Sarah C.  
53. Mindy Carlson (Pinspot)  125. HSTs @ Creatin' in the Sticks  
54. tubakk, Norway  126. Dhia @ Peach Patch Quilts  
55. Shelley @ Cora's Quilts  127. Pauline @ Quiltnqueen  
56. Nancy@PugMomQuilts  128. Patricia @ Quilting Lines  
57. cathy@blueberrypatch  129. Val's Quilting Studio  
58. Barbara  130. Grateful Dona  
59. Mary on Lake Pulaski  131. Happy Cottage Quilter  
60. Carin @ Margarets Hope Chest  132. Lina  
61. Veronica Norris  133. Sew & Sews Scrappy Baby Bibs  
62. Heather@QuiltsintheQueue  134. Taryn  
63. Barbie @ thequiltingmill  135. Toile Tote Bag  
64. Tessa @ the Sewing Chick  136. Jules  
65. Kat and cat quilts  137. Quilt TOp finished  
66. Esther @ ipatchandquilt  138. Cristina @ All The Pretty Things  
67. karen@CapitolaQuilter  139. Kathy@KayakQuilting  
68. cath@wombatquilts  140. Michelle @ Squeek Crafts  
69. Dee  141. Sarah @ {no} hats  
70. DukeSaysSewWhat  142. AmandaK@whatthebobbin  
71. Deb @ asimplelife Quilts  143. Sweet chains quilt  
72. Heidi @ Buttons and Butterflies  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Thursday, September 12, 2013

tic tac toe block: a tutorial by crazy mom quilts

This is a tic tac toe block that my youngest son and I made together last summer. I love it in all it's wonky improv glory, so I'm following his lead (and his terrific color scheme) to make an entire quilt.

Here's a little tutorial on how to make one (or 20!) tic tac toe blocks of your own!
Gather your supplies. Pick a background fabric, a contrasting fabric for the grid pieces, and a 6 1/2" ruler. (The ruler is optional, but very helpful.)
From the background piece, cut an approximate square slightly larger than 6.5". On the sample shown, there is about 1/2" extra on all sides. That is great plenty.
Cut 4 strips approximately 1" wide by 7 1/2" long. I used a layer cake square to cut these strips, so they are extra long. I simply trimmed them as needed after sewing. The width of the strips should vary slightly for added interest.
Use a rotary cutter and a ruler to cut the background square into 3 pieces.
Add in two strips.
Sew all the strips together and press.
Go back to the cutting board. Cut the block into 3 pieces, horizontally this time.
 Add in the remaining two strips.
 Sew together and press well.
 Press the seams open and use a lot of spray starch to get the block to lay flat.
Trim the block down to 6.5" square.
Make a few.
Repeat as many times as you see fit!
 And BAM. It turns from an orphan block to a WIP.
Just. like. that.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

upcoming workshop

Tara and I are gearing up for our 5th annual (!!!) Quilt Retreat in November. I'm introducing a brand new workshop called "Make Good Choices". It's all about COLOR and FABRIC selection. It will be a mix of mini lectures followed by exercises to apply what you've learned. There will be free sewing time and lots of great food to keep you nourished. I bet there will be plenty of laughter, too! Sounds like a lovely way to spend the weekend, doesn't it?
Dates: November 8-10, 2013
Location: Inn at City Park, Fort Collins, Colorado
Cost: $375 includes workshops and all meals
         (The inn is fully booked, so you will need to find your own sleeping accommodations.)
Registration: Call Tara at the Inn at City Park  
Phone: 970-672-4725
We have 3 spots available at this time. I hope you can join us!
If you have questions, feel free to email me at