Wednesday, November 21, 2012

choose joy

This move (or impending move, I should say) has been extremely difficult. There have been many tears, lots of stress, and  more exhaustion than I thought possible. Let's not forget sleepless nights. I'm a bit ashamed to admit this part, but it all has been accompanied by lots of moping around on my part. So, when the idea for this pillow popped into my head (in the middle of the night, as most great ideas do), I knew I couldn't let this one go by. I pieced the low volume slab the very next day. I finished up the details and made it into a pillow a few days after that. I finished it within a week of inspiration. That never happens! I absolutely love how it turned out! I am not saying that it has been a magic wand on my attitude or anything, but it's a tiny step in the right direction.
Thanks for all your thoughtful comments in the previous post about fabric usage. I appreciate those of you who took the time to weigh in and join in the discussion. If you are a fabric hoarder (like me!) there are a few comments that might encourage you to use your pretties...and that's a very good thing!


Anna said...

what a beautiful pillow! and hang in there!!! :)

ohiomom said...

I absolutely love this pillow. The message is perfect. I really need to make one for myself and several others, lol. Cheer up buttercup. All will be back to normal in time :)

Pomegranate Quilts said...

That is *brilliant*. So simple and so powerful.
Sending you some cyber-hot-chocolate for its healing qualities :)

Margaret said...

Thankyou for the encouragement. I made the picture of the cushion my screensaver as I need to choose joy this week.

beth said...

Very good advice! May God bless ALL the big and little details as you move and experience lots of changes. ;)

Jocelyn said...

Amanda Jean, your pillow is beautiful. And such a fitting one too. We do need to choose JOY!

doodlebugmom said...

I love the pillow. I am so with you on the fabric hoarder thing...I think my biggest fear is I will use it, then have a better idea for a special piece!

Amy Friend said...

I love the pillow and it's message. Moving is an ordeal and it is simply not easy--hang in there!

Caryl @ cinnamon holiday workshop said...

Great pillow and thanks for the inspiration!

carol said...

Oh sweetie, I am so sorry you're distressed at your move. Remember, it could be so much worse....sickness, disease, job loss, foreclosure, etc. Life is what we make it and you KNOW you have always been a success everywhere. The new location should be no different! Smile!

Live a Colorful Life said...

This is just a lovely pillow and a wonderful reminder that sometimes we have to make a conscious choice to be positive and look for the joy in situations. I really love this pillow. Happy Thanksgiving!

Kari @ The Purple Quiltapotamus said...

Beautiful - both the message and the pillow.

Jessica Young said...

I LOVE this pillow....I wish you could me ME one :)

antique quilter said...

great pillow I love the word joy...
when we had to move far away it was a very trying time for me I went out and bought the plaque by Mary Englebriet, it says Bloom where your planted
everytime I look at that plaque I smile now.
It helped me realize I needed to accept the move and look at it as an adventure for me and my children. We were all better off after I accepted it I can only imagine what your going thru , its hard but I am sure you will all adjust and be ok... good luck

Laura C @ littleandlots said...

I love this pillow. I need to hear this today, too. Thank you for the unexpected blessing!

Linda said...

Life certainly throws us a lot of curve balls doesn't it? I have certainly been feeling it the last few weeks. You wouldn't believe what's been going on in my world. Sometimes everything winds up upside down and we do have to make a choice to be joyful in spite of what is going on around us, things we can't control, things we don't understand, etc. Hang in there, my friend. Our God is good and He is more than enough to bring us through whatever trials may come. ((hugs))

Anonymous said...

Lovely! A beautiful reminder that will benefit many of us as the holiday season begins.

Anonymous said...

Very cute pillow! Sending you good thoughts about the move.

Needle little Balance said...

Love the message and the design!

Marci said...

Love this pillow! And you are right, it is a choice--and attitude to chose or put off. So thankful to hear you are choosing the better part. Happy Thanksgiving!

Heather said...

I too am going through the exhaustion and stress of a move I don't want to make. Hang in there. I admire your making the choice to look at the positive, I know how hard it can be!

Jessica Christensen said...

Oh, moving is just so hard. Hang in there. God has some new adventure in store for you.

Jean Belle said...

Love the pillow! I can't imagine how difficult it would be to pack up and move to an entirely new place! But I'm glad to welcome you to MN - even though we won't be anywhere near one another. (I spend some of my time near Brainerd, and most of my time in the Twin Cities.) Hope you land on your feet and come love your new State as much as I do. New adventures are ahead for you!

GSGC StrongFamily said...

What a great idea. I might have to copy you and make one of these for my home. We moved a few months ago. I felt the same way you did about our move. I have had a hard time adjusting, but things are definitely getting better. The tears are less frequent, but there are still so many people and things I miss. It is easy to get caught up in the negative. However, I know that I need to choose joy. I know I am richly blessed, and need to focus on that. Thanks again for the reminder, and best wishes with your move and all that entails.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Lucy | Charm About You said...

well they say moving is one of the most stressful things you can do so that all sounds pretty normal I think but I hope things keep getting cheerier! The cushion is totally beautiful, love the red with the low volume. Great message :)

Mama Pea said...

It's a good motto, Amanda Jean. And I love your pillow. Great slab and great embroidery and applique. Hang in there....

Carolyn J. said...

Love the pillow and especially the phrase! Just breathe.....

Clair said...

I need to choose brings joy, too.

Karee said...

the scrappy style you chose may just symbolize your ability to mix things (and locations) up and still be able to Choose Joy and Create Beauty.

Choose Joy is a daily opportunity! Thank you for sharing your choice!

Happy Thanksgiving.

Maja said...

I just LOVE this pillow and that phrase!!!
I have made me a wallhanging with one word:
Now I´ll read your yesterday blog and comments!

linda f said...

Amanda Jean,

What a gorgeous pillow. I love the message and a great reminder when there is change good/bad or indifferent that you continue to be mindful,of joy! Thank you and have a great Thanksgiving.


Angie said...

Your pillow is adorable. :) Happy Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pillow and good choice! I'm sorry it has been so stressful.

Cheryl Arkison said...

I love this in so many ways I can't even express. I've been thinking about it ALL day.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely pillow - and message.

Sarah Craig said...

Fabulous pillow - and I love the sentiment!! It can be so easy to see the dark side of things - but by choosing joy, your whole life changes - and how you affect on everything around you! I hope things get easier for you!!

Karen @ Confessions of a Home Ec Dropout said...

Words to live by!

April (Polkadot Sparrow) said...

Delightful pillow. Perfect use of that fab red fabric. Iight have to pin this...if only I knew how to do that on my phone...

tahoe34 said...

My life has gone in the opposite direction that I had "planned." Instead of free time to quilt now that my children are older, I have been forced to return full time to the work force, sometimes working a 60 hour work week. But I start every day with Bible study and the comfort of knowing that I am right where the Lord wants me to be. I miss my quilting time so much, but always trust that God works everything for good to those who love Him. Hang in there, Amanda Jean. He will take care of you! (Beautiful pillow!)

Stina Blomgren said...

Have been struggling with this "feel the joy- create-thing" for two years now..and still haven't gotten to where I was...but I know I will...I do wake up at nights too...with great ideas...but haven't made them...seeing your wonderful pillow makes me SMILE...and Amanda...I really really would love to make something like you mind ...if I have your pillow as an inspiration to make something like this for me...??!!

Glynis said...

Love this! What a great admonition and reminder that we are not victims of circumstance and our attitudes are our choice! We choose joy! The JOY of the Lord is our strength! So proud of you Amanda!

Julie Shoemaker said...

Change can be difficult for all of us Amanda Jean, especially if it is life change that comes upon us suddenly. I hope that after you are done moping you realize that when one door closes, another opens on this passage in life and this is how it is suppose to be. Sometimes we have to try and embrace unexpected life adventures. Praying for you.

Suzanne said...

Your message is perfect. Polka dots always Make me feel joyful and happy in my heart.

Thimbleanna said...

What an adorable pillow! I love your use of the low volume background. I hope this move will soon be over for you - I'm sorry that you're having such a rough time. (Oh, and I didn't weigh in on the last post, but I probably don't have to tell you what being able to go to market has done to my stash - it's disgusting!!!!)

Happy, Happy Thanksgiving!

Nita said...

I've been wanting to incorporate appliqué words into a quilt, and your idea of appliqué onto a low column slab is giving me ideas. Thanks for the inspiration!

suemac said...

Your pillow looks marvelous. Love the low volume slab. Have a very happy Thanksgiving,

Chara Michele said...

What a beautiful reminder! I have a group of friends I get together with on a regular basis & we have been reading a book that basically is this same sentiment. It is such a good reminder, especially when life gets busy & our lives are changing :)

Ann said...

Do you read Your pillow reminded me of her site and her motto to choose joy.

Jilly said...

I Love it. What a fantastic message.

ConGhin said...

Amanda, as many have already said, your sentiments struck a chord with me too. Our attitude about our situations is what will make the difference. Today I am carving out some me time to sew and will use this pillow as my inspiration.
Thanks for sharing this timely reminder and all will be well.
As for your "getting ready to sell" projects, bravo that you can do so many things well yourselves! My key to functioning the next day is to take the naproxen before I even begin the project!

Bonnie said...

Hi Amanda,
LOVE you pillow! Even though I've got to be in one place for a while, I so remember the downs and searching for the "ups" in going through a move. I'm still praying for you and know that you'll find you joy again if you keep looking for it.
Mama Bonnie

peawink said...

I LOVE this - absolutely everything about it! Thank you for sharing. xox

janequiltsslowly said...

I love that pillow and especially the message. I know a lot of us can use that thought to guide us through some hard stuff.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for sharing the Choose Joy pillow. I made 5 for some church youth this past two weeks. Now to make one for myself.