
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

working smarter, not harder

After moving all my stuff down to the basement I had a fresh look at all my unfinished projects. It was a bit frightening. For that reason, among others, I decided to put two WIPs in one. This is my pieced chopsticks quilt. On the backside is my 'on the edge' quilt. They fit together really well, color and design wise. I only needed to add one strip to the other side to make it work. Now I only need half the batting! Sweet!
So....I was feeling all smug and smart. Then I decided to stipple it all over, but using a small stipple. (I put the quarter in this photo for scale.) That's not micro stippling or anything, but it's probably about a third of the size of my usual stipple. I love it, but I'm not feeling so smug anymore. This is gonna take awhile.

I keep telling myself, 'this will be worth it' over and over...and I will continue to remind myself long as it takes. :)


  1. It might take a while - but it is beautiful! Good luck finishing!

  2. I love this quilt, it's good to see it again. Two siding it was a great idea.

  3. In my experience, everything is always harder and takes longer. Love the chopsticks quilt! Looking forward to seeing this finished.

  4. I have never stippled, so can only imagine. Hang in there!

  5. Hi!!! I love both sides and the stippling looks great!!!!

  6. Love the pattern :)

    I wish I were better at FMQ. I just can't seem to get the hang of it :(

  7. Lauren6:21 PM

    What a perfect match! Those will look great together.

  8. I still think it looks like birch tree trunks. Love it

  9. since it is two quilts in one you are doing 1/2 the surface so that'll help even out the FMQ time. Love them both.

  10. Love the chopsticks. I think "On the edge" is a perfect match for the back. Love the small stipple. I need to practice more mine always gets bigger as I get tired.

  11. wow! I love what you have going on here! It looks fantastic!

  12. It will be worth it! It's really awesome!

  13. It looks so great, hang in there!

  14. Oh, Amanda Jean, that's amazing! I love the way it looks like birch trees - i've got to make one of these!!! Good luck with all that stippling - it will be worth it in the end!!

  15. so smart to combine these two!!! Dense quilting is tedious, but it is going to have such great texture when you're done.

  16. I had not seen this before. It is terrific!

  17. This quilt is just stunning. You are so talented.

  18. Neat pattern with those chop sticks and solids. I like it!

  19. The quilting will be worth it and you will have a double sided quilt. How cool!

  20. Double wammy there. The quilt already looks amazing! As for it taking a while, I just finished (hand)quilting a 2.50 by 2.50 mtr quilt. That only took a year, so don't worry. Good things come to those who wait.....pffft!

  21. Using two quilt top WIPs gives new meaning to a pieced back. :-) Thank goodness you realized they complemented each other so well.

  22. Kris P6:39 AM

    Great idea! I love a reversible quilt. It will be worth it in the long run. Just relax and be sure to take breaks.

  23. You have more great ideas!
    How is the basement working out? do you have any natural light down there?

    Happy Sewing

  24. I really like the use of small pieces in this quilt. Fun stuff.
    Don't you hate those moments when you feel a bit is usually when I assemble clothing backwards or inside out or something.

  25. Love those chopsticks! Those colors are fantastic!

  26. Your stippling is just perfect! Do you have a tutorial or video for it?

  27. I would LOVE a pieced chopstick tutorial. like... a lot. ;)

  28. I LOVE the chopsticks front especially!!! I do double sided quilts more often than not ... feels like half the work in the end...Kinda... :)

  29. That is SUCH beautiful stippling. You are my stippling idol.

  30. A fun idea putting them both together! Making one quilt takes long enough as it is already. Loving the FMQ =D

  31. IT WILL BE WORTH IT!!! Those two quilts DO go very well together. Can't wait to see the finished product. :)

  32. It will for sure be worth it! The top and the quilting both look awesome!

  33. I second the request for a Chopsticks Tutorial. Is it hard to make that quilt so beautifully? Two, two, two quilts in one !~! What a great way to finish two projects at once, Amanda, you're a genius.

  34. Brilliant!

    Hope the transition is going smoothly and good luck with the tiny stipple quilting. It's looking gorgeous.

  35. Great idea to use 2 tops and you'll have double the enjoyment when you snuggle under it.

  36. HOLY COW! Your stippling is so perfect! I wish I could get mine to look so perfect. That's going to be an awesome quilt.

  37. love, love, love...would love to make in mini form. do you mind?

  38. Your quilting is fantastic, so evenly spaced. Beautiful, so jealous.
