
Tuesday, August 14, 2012


I had the chance to meet up with Anita of bloomin' workshop and her husband yesterday. I've been admiring her work and blogging with her for years. I met her briefly at quilt market in 2010, and it was nice to have a longer visit this time around. It was great to meet her husband, too. We had a picnic lunch at the beach, played with my kids, and had a lovely visit. It was so fun and relaxing, to boot! The weather was absolutely perfect.
I made this little mini quilt for her at the last minute. I've been wanting to make her something for her wall of quilts for over a year now. Nothing like an in person visit to get me movin'.
I did a straight set version of my up, up and away quilt. It's about 18" square.
Someday I want to make a huge version of this quilt. (No wonder my list never shrinks. Make on, add one to the list...)
This year in my garden I planted kale as an experiment. Turns out it's really easy to grow and apparently it likes the spot that I planted it in. Hurray for that! I've made kale chips a few times. They are really good, as long as they aren't too salty. I also found that parkay spray works in place of the oil, so there are fewer calories. My kids will even eat them! Today I froze some kale (using this method) to use in soup in the winter. I've also used kale in stir fry just a bit. Another great use for it. I'm so glad I tried growing it!


  1. What a nice gift!
    I like your scraps!

  2. How neat to meet your blog friend and get to spend time with each other! That was so kind of you to make her a gift! I get those ideas often (to make gifts last minute), but my thoughts don't go too far because I couldn't possibly whip up a mini like you did last minute! LOL Love your kale! Those chips sound fabulous, and the kale would be yummy in my homemade chicken soup recipe!

  3. A great quilt! It looks so much larger than 18" Loving the pattern made with the quilting.
    Glad to see the Kale grew so well, some vegetables are tricky to grow =D

  4. I love that little mini quilt - so bright and colorful!! You've got a lucky friend. I'm off to raid my scrap bucket and see if I can come up with something as pretty!!

  5. Darling little quilt & fun that you met up with a bloggy friend! RE: Kale - here's my intro AND my fav Kale recipe:

  6. Such a cute gift, and the kale looks yummy!

  7. Love the quilt! Simple, so pretty, uses scraps ... it's perfect!
    Kale!! I love kale, we just had some for dinner. Saute it with a little olive oil and a splash of white wine. You can add a bit of chicken and some white beans for a whole meal, top it with some fresh parmesan cheese, yum! My daughter has a cute Kale tshirt form whole foods, that's how much we love kale.

  8. Your little quilt is adorable CrazyMom! And Kale - I love it! I almost planted some this year, but ran out of space!

  9. Did you just take that kale photo after we chatted? 'cause it looks fabulous! :) I am going to have to try kale chips again. It's packed with so many good vitamins!

    And I love your mini quilt and hang it proudly on my wall!! Thank you so much!!

  10. It's always nice to meet up with others who have an obsessive love for the same hobbies as our own. I haven't had the guts to try to grow anything lettucy. But I did try kale chips for the first time this year. They were ok at first but I couldn't get over the bitter aftertaste!

  11. Cute mini!
    Isn't it satisfying to grow something and eat it?!? I'm betting it tastes even better than what you'd get at the supermarket!

  12. I love the triangle quilt. Super cute! What are the details for next Saturday, in terms of start and stop times? I am trying to hook up with someone at AQS, too.... Thanks!

  13. What a cute mini quilt!

    And kale... Here's a yummy kale recipe I found in my Cooking Light magazine last month. It's delicious and easy to modify according to what you have on hand:

  14. I love your mini quilt!
    Here in Holland we grow kale for real Dutch winter food called 'Boerenkool stamppot', which means hotchpotch. Mixed with mashed potatoes, served with crispy baked pork bacon cubes and that special Dutch sausage called 'Gelderse rookworst', mustard, piccalilly, savoury gravy, or whatever you like.


  15. Such a cool quilt and such a fun visit from Anita and her husband!

  16. Love that mini quilt! You can make great kale pesto too (but it doesn't keep well).

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. I make a huge batch of this at the beginning of the week and eat it throughout the week. I have to have something at the ready or I'll grab a donut instead. I love this recipe and those with whom I've shared it seem to like it, too. Even for the kale-shy!

  19. Amanda,

    I adore that quilt and really want to make it and now that my husband DID get me your book I can! I actually want to gift it to a vintage loving friend that is expecting her 3rd baby and 3rd girl in December. I've started a vintage clothes pile that I can cut from for this project and back it with a fab vintage sheet. she's going to adore it, I love how you set it on this version.

  20. I LOVE the way the quilting highlights the piecing, and adds a whole extra dimension to the cute mini quilt! And, the straight setting makes it look so different than the original. Great work!

  21. I love the quilt and that the sizes of triangles vary!

  22. I love the mini too. And I so agree to the adding to the list because this one just got added to mine.

  23. Good looking kale! I have some in my smoothie. Yum!

  24. You MUST try kale in a salad- it is! This is my absolute favourite- never thought I'd have hemp seeds and nutritional yest in my pantry but there you go...

  25. Hi Amanda, I bought your book (Kindle version) last week and I'm now totally obssessed with sorting my scraps! What a fantastic book! I've started sorting my scraps and have made 2 of the boxes from your book. I'm halfway through another one. I've loved making them. I've blogged about them and mentioned your book and blog. Please take a peek if you get a minute.

    Thanks for a wonderful book! Maggie xx
