Monday, January 30, 2012

paper piecing

Can you believe that I paper pieced this block with less than a fat quarter of background fabric? I did and I can hardly believe it!
This block was made for Mary as a part of the Two's Company Bee. Thanks to some tips from the group members (and a phone call with Tara), I was able to make this block with less than a fat quarter of red fabric. As one who hates to waste fabric, this got me pretty excited!!
What I did was cut out the templates from paper, then add 3/8" around each piece. I numbered the pattern pieces to correspond to the pattern of the block. I folded my background fabric into 4 layers and fit the pattern pieces on the fabric like a puzzle before cutting anything out. Then I cut very, VERY carefully. I was skeptical as to how it would work to paper piece with pre-cut pieces, but it went so well! I still had to do some trimming after I added each piece, but the wasted fabric was so minimal, I was truly amazed! And it was easier to see where to place your fabric piece, because you didn't have to deal with any extra bulk. I'm excited to try it again sometime! I'm by no means an expert on paper piecing, but I know enough to get by. I'm feeling pretty happy to have a new trick up my sleeve!

Speaking of paper piecing, Penny is teaching a paper piecing retreat again this year. I was able to attend last year and it was a blast. You may want to check it out!

Happy Monday to you!


Megan said...

That's an awesome new trick. I always find myself worrying about having enough to cover the area when papper piecing, espcially at an angle. This looks like it would solve that issue. Thanks for sharing!

Rosa said...

I love this flying geese!

Jenny said...

That's awesome!!

Oh, and are you going say anything on the blog...I saw via Pink Chalk Studio that Moda gave you props for your chevron quilt piecing method. That's pretty cool!

Kristi said...

I'm doing this same pattern with my quilt guild ladies, but a different variation. I talked them into doing a block swap with it. Been a lot of fun so far. Love yours in the red and white!! so pretty!

Kim said...

With the move (trend) toward GO! Cutters, I am pleased to see that there are still quilters who are looking to get as many pieces cut out of their fabric as possible. I know it takes time but considering the price of fabric, this method you shared is a very good idea for many of us, plus it's a good and fun challenge! :-D

Katie said...

I love the circle of geese and it looks fantastic in red and white!

Kimberly said...

That's awesome! One of these days I really should try paper piecing... now that you've inspired me!

VeeV said...


happydaysquilting said...

I love that flying geese block, and way to go with making it without creating loads of wasted fabric, I just learnt to paper piece this weekend and I wasted loads :0

Suzanne said...

I like your tip. I'm miserly with my fabric cuts when I paper piece. I try to squeeze it out as close at possible and then when I do have to cut, I eek out more from those scraps. Glad to see your block!

Anonymous said...

That's a neat tip. Love the block.


Clair said...

What a block! I love that block. It looks like something just for me. :)

bethanndodd said...

I don't know a thing about paper piecing but I do know that block is amazing! I will definately have to try it sometime. Smiles~Beth

Di~ said...

Your brain is just wired this way...huh! You still amaze me to no end. I pinned this!:)oh and I printed the templates...hmmm

Kim said...

Oh great tip and gorgeous block, I always get my angles wrong when paper piecing and leave a section not cover properly.......that is a huge fabric waster.

Happy Sewing

Mama Pea said...

Your block is pure perfection! Way to go!

Cheerful Homemaker said...

I tried paper piecing but kept stabbing myself :P

Letterpress said...

Very cool. Another skillset to learn and add to the ones I'm working on. The red and white is so apropos for this time of year--so it's fun to see it in such a dramatic block. Beautifully done, if I may say so myself. Thanks for showing us a few new tricks!

Elizabeth E.

LimeRiot said...

I can hardly believe that is a quilt block. It's so perfect! I would have guessed it was something created by an architect or mathematician!

Susan said...

This explanation makes so much sense!!! Thank you! I really need to try that block!

KateKwiltz said...

Great trick! And the block turned out great, too!

Kristen said...

Nice idea! I am making this same block and I am a crazy about wasting fabric. This will work!! Thanks!

evamarie said...

It's amazing!

carol said...

Wow! With all those precut pieces, I might be able to paper piece too, I'm thinking. Will wonders ever cease?

Live a Colorful Life said...

I love this block in just the two colors! And what a great fabric-saving tip. Thanks!

Cheryl Arkison said...

That is a great tip!

Anonymous said...

isn't this like using templates? did i misunderstand something?

Nicole said...

That's beautiful! And what a great idea for cutting the fabric as efficiently as possible. I just started paper piecing myself. I may have to try your technique. Thanks for sharing.

Claire Jain said...

Oooh! What a coup! Thanks for sharing your success. I'd love to give it a go and make this block.

Kate said...

I love your block, and your method for cutting the fabric pieces for paper piecing. I had a question, though, before I try and make the block for myself. Do I not have to worry about the grain of the fabric when I'm placing the pieces for cutting? Sometimes I see grainlines on the paper patterns, and wondered if you bothered to think about that before placing your pieces, or if it doesn't matter with small pieces like this. I've avoided small paper piece patterns for just this reason, so maybe you've changed everything for me today! Thank you!

quirky granola girl said...

you are a paper piecing rock star :)