
Tuesday, January 03, 2012

happy new year!

I hope you all had a marvelous new year celebration! We spent some time with my husband's family and it was quite pleasant. Today was the first day of everyone back to their normal schedules. I am happy to be getting back to my regular routine...I think I spent most of the day trying to catch my breath!

Meanwhile, I've been doing my usual new years reflecting over the past several days and here's what I came up with.

Looking back...

My one goal for 2011 was to "make the quilts that I wanted to make and make them the way I wanted to make them". There really isn't a way of measuring that. I think I could have done better, but I certainly could have done much worse!

Overall, it was a big year for me. I finished a total of 31 quilts. I also finished co-writing my book! (My family isn't any worse for the wear, which was my biggest fear going into it, so a big YAY for that!!) I finally opened a little on line shop. I also hit my 5 year blogging anniversary back in November. Lots of big and exciting things! I suppose this all explains why I'm always so tired. :)

I ended the year with about 12 quilt WIP's...down from 25. Some of the remaining WIP's are long term projects, so I'm pretty happy with that number!

Looking ahead....

This is going to sound completely crazy, but I hope to quilt a little bit less this year. Maybe I should say, I would like to be more intentional about how I quilt. I think I need to quilt the right things (more for others, to start with) and less "just because" quilting. I'm not sure I can actually DO this, but it's a nice thought.

Also, I would LOVE to try to make a dent in my stash. I realize this is in direct opposition of the first goal of quilting less. (ha! Such is my life!) So maybe I should say I hope to buy very little fabric this year. I told my husband that the only things I should have to purchase this year are thread, batting and maybe some white fabric. He kind of laughed at me...probably because he knows the chances of that happening are very slim. Or maybe he laughed because he thought I shouldn't even need to buy that much!

I'd love to get my scraps under control again. Always a challenge, but one I'm delighted to work on. :)

This isn't quilt related, but I want to decorate my house and make it "ours". We've lived here for over 4 years and we still haven't done much to it. I would like to start focusing on house stuff a bit more. It will be fun to see things take shape and improve. It'll also likely involve covering most of my world in patchwork, so bring it on, I say!

Beyond that, I want to be more intentional about how I live my life in pretty much every area. It won't be easy, but it will be a very good thing! Here's to a wonderful new year!


  1. "We spent some time with my husband's family and it was quite pleasant." - words that will never come from me. Ha!

    Thirty-one quilts!!! That is awesome - and they're all so beautiful. Great work. But I do understand what you mean about quilting more intentionally. Sometimes I just start a project because it looks cool or I like the pattern. There are only so many quilts one house can hold. Right? Maybe not...

    In any case, Congrats on the book and the opening of your store, not to mention 5 bloggy years. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your projects and reading more of your adventures in 2012.

    Bonne année!

  2. I always appreciate reading and seeing your year in review Amanda Jean. Thank you as always for all your wonderful insights and inspiration. May you meet your goals and have a wonderful year ahead. All the very best.

  3. 31? Wow! That's amazing.

    We've lived in our house for almost 4 years and the only rooms we've fixed up are the bathroom and nursery. I'm ready to have a house that looks like adults live in it and not college kids!

  4. Happy New Year, my friend! Love seeing a collage of the treasures you made in 2011. Sounds like your word for the year is going to be Intentional. I love that! I have been trying to sew more intentionally the past few months, rather than just sewing for therapy. It sure has helped me appreciate what I sew and my time as well.

  5. Happy New Year! What a beautiful nine patch! I'm so glad that you share your work. I learn so much and best of all, your work makes me smile.

  6. Happy NEw Year! Looking forward to everything you'll share with us in the coming year! ;)

  7. I HAVE ENJOYED SEEING YOUR QUILTS.I hope next year work out for you. I have plannes of doing some quilting this year. Trish

  8. I love your goal of "making quilts that 'I' want to make the way I want to make them." We should all be this mindful in our quilting, rather than just trying the new greatest thing.

    I'm of the same mind as you on the fabric buying. I've been thinking of quilts that will got well with what I've got to make them with--where the scrappiness will be the star, or where an old line of fabric stashed away can become a new look, if used in an inventive way. I've got full cupboards in my sewing room, and while the new lines tempt me (I could list a few) I feel I'd like the challenge of making do with what I have. And I'd also like to give away a few more quilts--I certainly have enough for my own use.

    Great post--congrats on your beautiful quilts and book. I have it on my Amazon wish list for my birthday--I'm hoping!

    Elizabeth E.

  9. Happy new year and all the best for your goals. Will look forward to seeing them coming to fruition :)

  10. Your house always looks very pretty and distinctive (in the shots you share), but I guess there's always more to do! My favorite time to decorate is always THE SECOND we move in...because we move a lot. :)

  11. Lovely goals and wish you nothing but success with them! I, too, am going to try to sew from my stash as much as possible and go hard at shrinking the scrap basket. :-)

  12. Anonymous2:19 AM

    I love your blog and look forward to seeing your beautiful creations. I have some of the same goals. Work with stash more and also keep an eye on my one huge scrap container before it turned into two. Happy New Year to you too.


  13. best wishes for 2012 - your blog brightens my world :)

  14. Intentions have a way of changing, I'm afraid.....especially once you join in the "quilting fever" of others. I, like you, have all intentions of slowing down and reflecting about what is important to me, BUT I felt exactly the same last year about this time, and look what happened. I'm having all I can do not joining every swap I hear about so far this year....such a struggle!! LOL Let's hope we don't "cave".

  15. Wow that certainly was a big year! I look forward to seeing your projects and what you do with that stash! Happy 2012 :)

  16. Happy New Year and good luck with all your goals. One of my goals is also not to buy more fabric, it will be a hard one. Thank you for your blog, I enjoy it very much.

  17. I like the term "intentional quilting". I started to have the feeling in 2011 that I was just a sewing/quilting gerbil on a wheel--a very Happy gerbil.

  18. I laugh and love to listen to people trying to NOT buy! I am new and on the other end of the psectrum! My goal is to BUILD my stash!! LOL!! Great goals for the new year! I cannot wait to see what you ahve up your sleeve!!! Happy New Year

  19. Great reflection and wonderful goals!!! I like your "more" goal ;-) Happy New Year!

  20. What a nice post. 2011 was a great year for you & wishing you all the best in 2012. Good luck with those goals!

  21. Anonymous8:46 AM

    being intentional in every area is a great goal. I'll be interested to follow along as you stash bust and not shop. I need to follow suit.

  22. I was thinking about your idea to get your scraps under control this year. Any interest in doing a scrap swap where you trade the same size scraps, like 4.5 inch squares, and then make something out of those scraps? You could add other fabrics, especially solids or strips, or just do a simple patchwork project. I know, like we all need another project or swap to work on!

  23. 31 quilts?! That is amazing! Wishing you all of the successes you work for in 2012! Smiles~Beth

  24. I love your blog so much! I just finished my first quilt, (which I've been working for almost ten years) thanks to your binding tutorial! I can't wait to see what you're making in 2012(=

  25. And you have the tiniest stash as it is!
    Can't wait to see what you do with the house.

  26. Well said. Feeling some of the same..

  27. I've preordered your book, it was a Christmas gift to myself! With all the help and inspiration you've given me these past few years, it will be fun to have it right in front of me in book form. Good luck on your 2012 goals! Isn't quilting great?!!

  28. Such a great post. The word "intentional" is going to be my word of the year as well. I'm planning on sewing from my stash as well this year, so my goals in that regard are similar to yours. And I'm sure Mark would laugh too, just like Kevin! And as you know, I have a plan for dealing with some my scraps--by sending them to you. hehe

  29. I love how you put this & the goal of being more "intentional" in life :) Such a good post! Happy 2012 to you! :)

  30. Happy Happy New Year! :o)
    Your wip finishes are amazing! Gosh, you nearly did half. Way to go! :o) I have a couple of wip that managed to carry over into 2012.
    You have such a great attitude about living more intentionally. :o) That is a super goal!

  31. Happy New Year!

    You just have to take to start! Then things are formed alone!

    Good wishes for the coming year.


  32. Nancy James6:30 PM

    I look forward to all your projects Amanda. Can't wait to see what you come up with.

    As for thinning out the stash...I'll be happy to any from any of you nice ladies. This newbie needs scraps, lol.

  33. Anonymous6:58 PM

    I totally understand about the quilting with intention resolution. For me, I get so spread thin thinking about all the projects I could do....and really, it should be fun, right? (I also keep planning to pare down the fabric, then I see something else beautiful, and....forget:)) It is so therapeutic to buy fabric and to sew it up. Happy quilting and decorating, and congrats on the business and new book!


  34. I love your site and look at it often. You have supplied inspiration for some of my quilts. Thanks for blogging and for coming back to blogging!

    I do have a quick question. Did you blog about the quilt on the top right square of your mosaic? If so, could you link me there. My Mama sent me some fabric for Christmas and I am trying to figure out how to use it.

  35. Seriously - your quilts are fantstic!!! Good luck with our resolutions and best wishes for 2012, Ann.

  36. Read this post and thought to myself, I love that girl! All the best for this new year and your new goals.

    p.s. Making a home your own rocks...and can be way more work than you might expect. Enjoy the process

  37. That's a heck of ALOT of quilts girl! Way to go. as far as buying fabric - I went on a fabric fast this year. Tried really hard to not buy fabric and I did pretty good. Could have done better. So I am continuing to curb my material passion to the best of my ability. Having said that - I just made a $300 purchase on sale fabrics online. Haha. Way to start the new year out right. But I really needed that white konos fabric to finish what I'm working on ;) and the rest - well, if I bought enough I got the free shipping;) make sure you post pix abut your home decor. Can't wait to see what you come up with.

  38. I see the ugly duckling quilt made your picture! :)

  39. Another great year Crazy Mom! I've loved reading your thoughts on the new year. I'm feeling much the same year. Although, if I quilt much less, there won't be anything to show LOL. Your sheer numbers are astounding to me!!!

  40. Happy New Year, Amanda Jean! I liked reading all that you did in 2011, and particularly liked hearing that your family fared well during the publishing of your book. Wishing you a wonderful 2012, even if it will be with a little less quilting.

  41. Peggy Parker--burkhma@yahoo.com10:38 AM

    I am fairly new to your blog and just love it. I was interested in the bottom middle quilt, I call it gray and white plaid. Did you ever post more details about that? I would love to see the fabric up close.

    Thank you!
