Wednesday, December 21, 2011

photo field trip

I ran into my friend Val today at the library and I ended up dragging her (don't worry, she came willingly) on a little quilt photo field trip this afternoon. We had so much fun! I wanted to get some good shots of a few quilts. The quilt I'm sharing today is Lazy Summer Days, made back in 2009. I'm trying to work up the pattern for my shop and I never had a decent photo of it. Makes total sense to photograph it in December, right? Ha!

We went on some back road on the edge of town and found this cute little white building. We took a few there....
right next were these awesome grain bins. I'm not sure why I didn't have a quilt photo taken in front of these.
Then we went down the road a bit and found a red barn. LOVE the horses in the background of this shot. :)
While we were about to get set up for the previous photo, a guy pulled up in his truck and asked if we were having car trouble. We explained that we were taking photos and we loved the red barn. He told us that his neighbor had a good red barn just up the road. (Don't you just love that???) He told us to go over and check it out.
Oh, my goodness! It was just absolutely perfect! Their whole yard was super cute. This tree had a little branch that was just waiting to hold a quilt. I may have to go and visit them again. :)
I also took my apple cake quilt out and got some fabulous photos of that as well, but I need to get some detail shots before I post that one. They turned out so fun, I can hardly wait to share them with you! 


Christie S. said...


Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Sounds and looks like a great photo shoot Amanda Jean! Great quilt that is new to me.

Anonymous said...

What a fun afternoon - with some great shots! I have to get more adventurous with my photography and use something as a background besides my design wall - boring!

Rene' said...

What a fun way to get some quilt pictures!!!

Eileen said...

What fun !! And the quilts are beautiful


Debbie B Sam said...

Lovely! I'm not usually a pastel kinda gal, but I LOVE this quilt! Happy Holidays!

Sarah Craig said...

Oh, what a lovely quilt, Amandajean! I love the pastels and the randomness of the piecing. So pretty! Can't wait for the pattern to come out!!

Leslie said...

What a fun day! I LOVE that quilt! I need to start doing trips with my quilts! thanks for always inspiring me!

bethanndodd said...

Sounds like a fun day...great pics of your beautiful quilt! Wish I had an awesome red barn ;)

Suzanne said...

How lucky to have a partner in crime to do a photo shoot! I love your grain bins and am laughing at the helpful passerby. He gave a great tip and permission to travel that way as well. :-)

Anita D. said...

This post made me laugh.
You can take me red barn hunting the next time you need a hand.

Soile Kivinen said...

haa, I knew that I have seen that quilt before, that it wasn' t new. how could I remember.

it looks beautiful even in winter

Anonymous said...

thanks so much for your blog, and your almost daily posts! they always bring a smile to my face, especially today, on an extremly bad day!!! keep it up!!!

Betty said...

I always thougt pastel colours were not for me but I' loving this!!

aneela said...

Your photography field trip sounds like you had a lot of fun and got some great pics there too :)

Sew Create It - Jane said...

Just love the second to last picture taken on the tree branch...looks straight out of a magazine!

Rhonda the Rambler said...

Sounds like you guys had a great time. It is a gorgeous quilt!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing all things quilty with us this year, I am truly inspired by your craftifness. Wishing you and your family a kind and gentle Christmas xo

Annie said...

What a great idea to have a quilt photo shoot they look great

My Quilt Corner said...

What a wonderful pattern! I clicked the link to the mystery quilt and fell in love with the High Tide one even more! I admire your pattern writing skills. I am still sketching my quilts out on grid/lined paper. Will this one be in your new book????

Josie McRazie said...

the wuilt is beautiful and yes it makes semce to photo a bright cheery quilt in Dec when it is starting to get dreary and we need a little pick me up! (oh it would look AMAZING in the snow!!)

carol said...

I have the perfect spot to take my next shot of a quilt too......but, like you, I will need a helper. Good thinking just driving around looking for great landscapes. I'm afraid I will be tromping through snow though by the time I get my next one done! LOL UGH!

Pieces to Love said...

What a fun 'photo shoot' Love the quilt!

deebriese said...

Love the quilt pictures so nice. The backrounds are perfect. I will be in line to buy that pattern!

Minnie43 said...

Love it - I can't wait for the pattern! Great choices for background too

Miranda said...

That sounds like a fun photo shoot! At least there is green grass there.. Here it is all snow, no green..just brown! I love the metal milk jug in the background of the picture of the quilt on the tree~

Mama Pea said...

Great location! You'll have to get to know them better. :-)

Lucy | Charm About You said...

Love the shots! Especially the horse one but the tree has to be my favourite! Round here I'd just be standing in front of someone's boring looking house!!

evamarie said...

Very pretty! You live in nice surroundings!

Anonymous said...

You always give me ideas. So inspiring!! Beautiful work. Thanks!!

Katherine said...

Fun stuff! Love these new photos and hearing about the photo shoot adventures. Excited about the prospect of you sharing more patterns from your designs.

Clair said...

NICE pictures. :)

Shari said...

Lovely shots of your quilt! Looks like you live in a great place.

Thanks for your generous spirit in sharing so much. I hope you have a lovely Christmas Day and a safe and happy New Year.

fialka012 said...

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Inés - Trapitos de colores said...


speattle said...

I recognize that quilt from Sew Hip magazine as the Mystery quilt they had in some early issues.

I made one! I have the top pieced and now need to finish it up the rest of the way.

goletagirlwendy said...

Quilt photos are great and you can never go wrong with a red barn.
Happy Holidays.

Michele said...

I absolutely LOVE this quilt. So bright, colorful and cheery. My favorite type of quilt. I would love the details on it so I can make one myself one day.

Merry Christmas to you!

Unknown said...

That quilt is pretty much the most perfect mix of colors I have ever seen.I love it so!

quirky granola girl said...

i wasn't quilting (or blog reading) in 2009. i'm so happy to get a peek at this lovely quilt now. the colors are just splendid!

Shannon Wallace said...

Love the photos! I'm relieved you took the Apple Cake quilt out on the photo's simply too pretty NOT to be photographed near a pretty barn!

Mary said...

It is always fun to read about your hunts for backgrounds. You make me appreciate my home more.

I am guessing you live in a suburb/city?

I am curious where those wire corn cribs are. My husband wants one beside his shop/barn for storing wood in. I keep looking for one to buy and move for him.