Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Today I am thankful for...

...my little blog break. I was dealing with a massive case of inspiration overload. Such a terrible problem to have, huh? I was unable to shut my mind off for days at a time and it was wearing me out! The break was just what I needed and I have gained a little perspective, I think. :) I'm so happy to be back!

...those of you who checked in on me during that time. You guys are so sweet!

...my heavily creamed cup of coffee this morning. Mmmm.

...my little family. They are all so wonderful!

...an awesome quilt retreat this past weekend. I feel so blessed to be able to quilt as one of my "jobs".

...sleep! (See point directly above.)

...my amazing friends that are so supportive of me.

...sunshine and a decent run in the crisp air this morning.

...good music on my ipod and a little quilting time to go with it.

...loads of new fabric. I'd better get busy....it's a tough job, but someone's got to do it. :)


CitricSugar said...

I'm thankful you've found your way through the rabbit hole. ;)

Glad you had a rest and enjoyed yourself!

michele (maryland) said...

Welcome back, you were missed. Glad you are feeling much better!

Leslie said...

You were missed! I know the feeling and sometimes we do need to step away from it all :)
I LOVE your little lovely stack of fabric you are sharing!

Julie @ Jaybird Quilts said...

welcome back amanda jean. when i read your blog post... i was tempted to e-mail you & ask if i could post the same on my blog... because it totally felt like something i could have said. yay for a break & coming back inspired and happier :-)

Jennifer said...

So glad you're back and feeling better! Inspiration overload sounds nice but it can be a really miserable feeling after days of it...

Good for you for knowing when to take a break!

Jennifer :)

mammafairy said...

pleased to see you back again!

bethanndodd said...

Happy you are back and feel rejuvenated! LOVE your stack of fabrics up there...looking forward to seeing what you do with it! Smiles~Beth

Thimbleanna said...

Welcome Back Crazy Mom! It's so easy to feel overwhelmed with the internet ... AND this time of year. I'm feeling a big case of it coming on myself. I can't wait to see what you do with that gorgeous stack of fabrics up there!

diplofam said...

Hi friend!
Glad you are back--I almost wrote you an email today making sure you were OK--we have so much to be thankful for huh? I love November for that reason. Sweet blessings,

Shawn said...

Welcome back Amanda Jean, I know what you mean by inspiration overload, but it's still great to be inspired. Now if I could just feed my family hot dogs and twinkies every night I could get a lot more accomplished...lol Glad you're back ;)

speattle said...

Hey, good to see you. Now, don't feel the pressure to be super-blogger anytime soon. Just take it easy. Post when you want and even make it quick if you want.

Your sanity and REAL life are much more important.

Gina said...

Have a great day and have fun working your way through your fabric!

Carol said...

So glad to see you back, and I'm delighted that you feel refreshed. I was worried that you felt burned out and (somewhat selfishly) that you would feel unable to continue writing your wonderful, inspirational blog.
In the words of Bruce: "You're my favourite!"

Lori said...

Hooray! Glad you're back! That stack looks mighty inviting...

Frieda said...

I am so gald your little break helped. It is great to have you back and inspired. Love your little stack of fabric!!!

Randa said...

Welcome back! I missed you. Happy things are better now. We all need a time out once in a while -- I am happy you were able to recognize the need for you! Glad to see you this morning!!!

Little Island Quilting said...

Most definitely glad you are back and raring to go!

Soile Kivinen said...

It is good to know that when someone is having her well deserved break, the others keep on working. Like a little elfs around the world. : D

The Mellos said...

We all need to step back once in a while, and I'm glad you recognized when you needed to do so. You know we all will be right here waiting when you come back, so take your time. A happy and refreshed Amanda Jean is really what we love!

So glad to see you back. Can't wait to hear what the inspriation overload translates to in fabric and quilts!

Sherryl said...

I'm so glad you're back. I checked in regularly while you were away and every time I saw your little Merry Go Round note it reminded me to pay attention to the things that are important and not to get too bogged down in "have-to's". Thanks for that.

Lauren @ Craft My Life Away said...

Glad that you're back!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back! Good for you for taking a break when you needed one.

Is that Reunion up there? Lucky you to have some already :)

Suzanne said...

And I am thankful for you. Welcome back!

Char said...

I'm so glad you're back!

Sarah Craig said...

I'm so glad you're back!

Georgia said...

Great to have you back and lovely to hear you are well x

Carolyn J. said...

Welcome back....I totally understand the inspiration overload. Enjoy the quilting journey!!!

Lindsay said...

I'm thankful you are back!

elizabeth said...

Welcome back! Inspiration is a funny thing : ). Can't wait to see what you make with that stack of fabric.

Kate said...

glad you are back! I look forward to your posts!

Rose M. said...

I think alot of us would be so much better off if we "could" and "would" be able to take a break from the things in life that drive us crazy! So glad to have you back!

Lucy | Charm About You said...

Lovely! welcome back! I'm always thankful to be thankful - it reminds me of what I love and the small joys in life :)

Ann Ferguson said...

So glad you're back, and healthy. Keep looking after yourself :)

bunbear said...

glad to see you back. completely understand needing a break!

Becky said...

Really happy to see you back! Your projects (and you) are always an inspiration to me--keep up the good work and don't over-do this holiday season:)

Jocelyn said...

So happy to see you back Amanda Jean! Can't wait to see what those creative juices have been brewing ;-)

Karen said...

Welcome back, Amanda Jean... Nice stack of fabrics! A quilting getaway must be rejuvenating and fun. I'm anxious to see what's next on your quilting/blogging agenda!

Take care!


Studio V said...

Glad to see you are back! I love your blog :)

Debbie said...

Today when I see you are back, I'm happy and thankful for that. You are such an inspiration. Everyone needs a break from the normal routine and I'm happy that your break made things better. :)

Deven said...


Anna R said...

Glad your break was just what you needed!!
Take care-

Carrie said...

Welcome Back!

Anniebannanny said...

I'm so happy that you are back!!! You will never know how much you were missed.

Debbie said...

Welcome back - we missed you!!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back! Glad to see you're feeling better. :)

Marina said...

Bienvenida nuevamente!! (Welcome back)

Cindy said...

So glad you're back! It's great that you knew what to do to take care of yourself and recuperate from "blog overload".

Jacque said...

I'm thankful for the privilege to read your blog and be inspired by your gifts and talents. Thank You!!:O)

RobbieJoy said...

I am so glad you came back. I 'discovered' your blog just as you began your break. I have always been intimidated by quilting, but you have given me the courage to try. I have always made clothes (since I was 7) but quilting seemed beyond me. I am just finishing up a raggy quilt for my new nephew who is due on Friday. (I procrastinate like you do!) Next project is a Christmas raggy quilt with Moda Winter Wonderland charm squares. I have the squares, but I've been good and not tried to assemble yet. I'll work on getting more sophisticated as I go along, but this suits me for now. Thank you so much for your blog. And thanks to your awesome hubby and family too, for sharing you with us.


Christine L said...

Welcome back, I have enjoyed your blog and understand about the break that is sometimes necessary! Thank you for all your wonderful posts and inspirations!

RobbieJoy said...

I am so glad you came back. I 'discovered' your blog just as you began your break. I have always been intimidated by quilting, but you have given me the courage to try. I have always made clothes (since I was 7) but quilting seemed beyond me. I am just finishing up a raggy quilt for my new nephew who is due on Friday. (I procrastinate like you do!) Next project is a Christmas raggy quilt with Moda Winter Wonderland charm squares. I have the squares, but I've been good and not tried to assemble yet. I'll work on getting more sophisticated as I go along, but this suits me for now. Thank you so much for your blog. And thanks to your awesome hubby and family too, for sharing you with us.


Diane said...

I'm so happy you are back - you were missed!!

Shaunab said...

welcome back!!

Lynne said...

You had me at "heavily creamed coffee" and "loads of new fabric" :) Glad your back!

ThreadCatcher said...

Glad your blog break was for good reasons. Nice to have you back.

MellieWo said...

Yay! Glad you are back. I checked everyday ;)

Anonymous said...

My Dear,
I call those "me" days! Everyone needs them. I am glad you are back! Your blog fills me with inspiration and joy! Welcome back!

Anonymous said...

My morning cup of java hadn't been the same without your blog to join it!

So tonight I am thankful...that you did what you needed to do...that you share such amazing inspiration as much as you do...to read your newest post...that you are out there, doing what you do with honesty and passion...to know that you are back and my coffee will once again be what it is meant to be!

Annalia said...

You are wonderful and deserve whatever breaks you need! We are so lucky that you so willingly share your talents (and projects)with us. I'm glad you finally got some sleep! :)

Michele said...

Nice pile of fabrics you have there. I can't wait to see what you do with them. And I'd love to have a "job" like yours.

Terriaw said...

Love your new header and that adorable little picture you added too! So happy to hear your break was fab. Welcome back! I've missed you!!!!

Di~ said...

nice blog header, nice picture!:), nice post, nice pile of inspiration, nice girl you are...how did Fort Collins go?

Elena said...

Good to see you back, Amanda!
I'm happy you feel better!
Ummmmm, that fabrics are beautiful...

Mary Jo said...

Dear Amanda, So so glad you are back. Have been thinking about you a lot and saying a prayer for you. Can't wait to see what you are up to with all your new fabric. Thanks for your inspiration.

sonia said...

I am glad to have you back. I'm happy to hear from you and that you are feeling well. Welcome back!

Rebecca M said...

I'm so happy you're back!!

My Quilt Corner said...

Seeing you back was like re-discovering santa! I am so glad you are well rested and back!!!!

Franziska said...

The fabrics look so nice. I like the shades of red and blue (my colours). I won't be sad if you write something about them.
I've taken breaks, too. It seems to help for me. For you, too, obviously.

Jessica Christensen said...

Welcome back, my friend. Love your fabrics. Can't wait to see what they become. Thank you for always sharing your creativity with us.

Janine said...

Welcome back! Love your photo!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that you are back! I read your blog each morning while I have my cup of hot tea. Thank you so much for sharing your creativity with us all!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back! You have been truly missed. Crazy Mom Quilts is my favorite blog. You are an inspiration. I've been checking every day waiting in anticipation for your return.

StuffandThings said...

Yay you're back! I'm glad you got a nice break. I can't imagine what it must be like to have so many people craving your attention!!

mariarrosa said...

Welcome back!

Bonnie said...

So glad you are back. Missed you. Your blog is the first one I reaad everyday. Love the fabrics.

Vio said...

Oh yay! I'm glad you're back AmandaJean. I hope you know that there are so many of us who only wish you well and will be here waiting whenever you need a break.

Stacy said...

I am thankful you are back and you are well. I checked in everyday, but I didn't email you because I didn't want yo to get overwhelmed with emails. A break is meant to be time off, not a time to be over emailed.

I love the new look of your blog. I love colors and the simplicity of your banner. It really makes it stand out and look great. I see that you replaced your profile picture too. I love that haircut.

Thanks for coming back and keeping us around. We really appreciate you and your blog. This is one of the very first blogs I found when I started quilting and I have been coming back everyday since.

Remember to take it slow and not get overwhelmed. Take breaks when you need them. Enjoy time with your kids and not your computer. We understand. It is better to have you off on a break, then to have you break it off and not come back at all.

Dorothee said...

So glad you're back and so soon too! And in a new design, yay!

Basildon Kitchens said...

Glad you are back! You are very inspriational - enjoy that coffee!

Carmen said...

Love the new blog banner! I'm thankful for a great weekend retreat! Thank you for all the hard work you put into them. :)

Valerie said...

Love the new look, including your picture! Nice and fresh!

Deb said...

glad that you're back, missed all your inspiration.

tarabu said...

Welcome Back! Sometimes we can all do with a change!

Foolish Feathers said...

I am glad you got all rested and recharged with inspiration! I like the fabrics you showed us, happy creating!

quirky granola girl said...

yay! your post brought a big smile to my face :)

Clothed in Scarlet said...

Glad to hear you have been able to get some rest ;o) And really glad to see a post from you! Have a happy Thanksgiving, Sarah

Pamela said...

Welcome back - glad you took the time to relax and refocus!

Quiltgal said...

Glad your back!

Kristen said...

Yippee! Havefun with that pile!

Ginny said...

Welcome back, missed you, with success comes opportunities and choice, but you have to take care of you first. Thanks for inspiring us!

Deborah said...

I missed you :)

Rose E. Glasses said...

Glad you regrouped and came back.

It was pleasant for me, to open your blog and see a new posting.

No pressure, just warm thoughts of grateful for your gift of sharing....

Melodee said...

I love the new header and your pic. Finished my quilt before I flew home, will send you a pic once I take one. Once again, a job well done at the retreat. I learned a lot, loved the food and made some new friends, can never have too many quilty friends!

WendyLou said...

Today I am thankful that you're back :)

Kjersti said...

I am thankful that you are back. Love your blog :)

Sanne said...

Love your blog and know the feeling! How is it that when you have committed to finishing a quilting project on a deadline all kinds of other (much more interesting) ideas pop up like mushrooms?

Sarah said...

So happy to see you are back! Glad you got a good break.

bettycrackpot said...

so glad you are back!!!!!!

Amanda said...

I am so glad that you came to Colorado too! I had such a great time and feel so inspired- that being said I have not yet revisited my blocks- it's been a busy week at school. Tonight though, I plan on getting cozy with the seam ripper!

Teri said...

What a beautiful stack of fabrics. Can't wait to see what you create with them.

Susana Neiger said...

Glad you're back! Yours is one of the first quilt blogs I fell in love with! I'm not always very good at commenting, but I love your blogging & your quilts. Keep up the good work!

Katherine said...

Been thinking of you and hoping everything was Okay. Glad to see you back and sending you hugs!

Kristyne said...

Nice to have you back. I missed you. :)

Anonymous said...

I am SOOOOO glad you're back!!!

colleencl said...

Amanda, I'm so glad you're back. I checked occasionally to see if you had posted. I love to read your blog as its fun, informative and inspiring!

Denise L said...

There is nothing wrong with taking a break. I am glad your feeling better. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!