Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I've been focusing on finishing some quilts this week. Man, does it feel good! I hope I can keep up my momentum, because I have 22 to go after this. That's not THAT bad, is it? ;)


Jennifer said...

Of course that's not that bad! ;)

I love the quilt that I am seeing... can't wait to see it finished!

Jennifer :)

SkippityDoDahQuilts said...

Of course that's not bad! I also love the quilt in this picture :).

But hey, I have...12 different quilts in the works (I think!). So, maybe you can be the crazy mom and I'll be the crazy wife (no kiddos)!

Happy Quilting!

patchworkdelights said...

Hi there, do you have an extendable table for your machine when you are quilting? Fi

mokkakissa said...

That is very bad! I only have two and I am dying...

Anonymous said...

Not bad at all. I only have about 27 projects to finish, that's not bad is it?

Kim said...

22? You are living up to your name....Crazy Mom! : )

Kimberly said...

Want some of mine (just an offer to help to keep the momentum going)?

Amy said...

Wow. Go Juki Go!

Mitzi said...

HA! I think I would cry if I knew I had to quilt 22 tops. Good for you! You can do it!

Jacque. said...

YAY! Lots of finished quilt photos coming our way! 22 is not bad...if someone you knew had more, that is. {grin} I have a bunch to finish but not quite that many. UFO's unite!

Molly said...

Twenty-two?? Sounds about right to me .....

Hope that Juki has smoke coming out of it soon!

gardenpat said...

I have just finished quilting and binding 7 UFOs that had been waiting as long as 2 years! What a great feeling!!!

Sad to say, I still have about 20 more to go (and that's not counting the ones that I "must" start because I want to make some new ones!! LOL!

Bonnie said...

22?! Wow, I bow down to you! I hope you keep up that momentum, I love to see what you create!

Jezibels said...

You dont have your machine in a table either?

Joy said...

Oh my thats quite some feat. Hope you do them all. I have 2 on the go and several in my head. Its so easy to have to start that new idea.

the momma said...

Oooh ~ I think I'm really going to like this one!! I love the color thread you're using to quilt it!! Can't wait to see the whole thing :-)

Heartsdesire said...

Of course not! What one of us doesn't have at least 22 UFOs. lol

matate10 said...

That's really not so bad for a beginner. you know, one who begins quilts.

Annalia said...

Those are some pretty colors!

mmm...maybe I should make some headway on mine...before I accumulate 22. :)

anuradha said...

Cant wait to see all of them,btw saw a Juki recently and thought of you!

Wendy said...

Well we have to start somewhere don't we? Love the colours in your quilt.

Cascade Quilts said...

22 huh? sounds like my stack of flimsies! I am hoping to get one basted today too (my Wee Play HST quilt!)

momof3 said...

When my husband complains about me starting another quilt, I will tell him about you. He,he,he. I only have 4 quilts in the works. I personally don't think 22 is too bad.

Sew Many Mamas said...

Keep it up! It feels so good to finish one!

Cindy said...

Please show this quilt when you are done....looks great.

Melinda said...

I think I can, I think I can! You are a quilter! And quilters have UFOs. I have 85, nineteen are ready for quilting. You are an inspiration. Don't worry about the numbers. Have fun.

Lauren @ Craft My Life Away said...

Oh man 22 quilts to finish, holy crap. Good for you! I feel too guilty to have that many quilts going on at once, so I just stare at the same quilt until I am motivated enough to finish it, even though I have all of these other ideas floating around!

Karen said...

I know you can do it! Looking forward to seeing the quilt shown in this picture plus the can put on a one woman quilt show!


Anonymous said...

I don't think that 22 is bad. I've got at least that many. Maybe I should do what you're doing, just sitting down and getting to work on them. And that's my problem, just doing it.
Thanks for sharing.

deebriese said...

Wow your my hero! I cannot seem to finish 3 I have laying around...

carol said...

Oh, 22? Is that all? LOL Good luck! LOL

Kristie said...

22?!?!? Keep at it! I often lose steam on a project at the basting stage myself, but only have 3 piled up at the moment :-)

eva said...

i TRULY love you!!!!


qltmom9 said...

I want to see THAT quilt (the one in the machine). Pretty colors.
22 is VERY good...I wish I only had 22 to finish up. I don't leave my prioritization lists where anyone might see them...

They DO get done though!

Lucy (in IN)

Leila said...

You Crazy Mom! Glad I am not the only one with unfinished projects. The quilting part is where I always stall. I love the fabrics in this quilt. Reds and blues are the best!

quirky granola girl said...

22 to go? that makes me feel so much better. i think mine are in the *very* high single digits :)

audreypawdrey said...

Yay! Finishes make me feel so good! Twenty-two makes me excited because that is going to be so many lovely new pictures to see! I am plugging away at mine, but it will be summer before a noticeable dent is made.

Anonymous said...

Wow, 22 to finish. That's quite a quilting load. Crossing fingers you don't burn out and that the momentum keeps up!

Lisa said...

Oh my, that photo gives me headaches. Guess I'm not too patient trying to quilt something huge on a regular machine! I got an HQ16 because I was tired of pulling my hair out over that part of the process, I am VERY impressed if you can do 22 big quilts this way and not go crazy!! =)

Tracy said...

Such a tease putting that beautifully coordinated quilt before our eyes like that... Your amazing!

Anonymous said...

22? oh my goodness, i can't imagine making that many quilts in a lifetime! good luck amandajean- you can do it!

Jessica Christensen said...

Ha ha! You know I don't think that's very many. But it DOES make me feel a little better. ;)

StuffandThings said...

22 is not bad, just a little bit crazy.

Debbie said...

At least you are getting some finished. I have about 9 waiting to be quilted. Keep up the good work.

Teresa said...

22 eh? Thats rough. I don't have that many, but I have enough. I'm sending my husband and kid to a hotel in town with a pool for the weekend so I can get some of my UFOs DONE!

Carmen said...

Nah, 22 is totally do-able. If you're Crazy Mom. Luckily enough, you are! :)

Quiltn Mama said...

That's not bad at all! I have 10 waiting for binding and another on the long-arm. Quilt, CrazyMom, quilt!!

Beth said...

I normally try to keep this quiet but I have about 50 tops that need to be quilted and probably 20 other quilts in progress.
See, don't you feel better? Not even a little crazy.

LuAnn said...

I have more than 22. Last count was 35, and I stopped counting there. Some are only table toppers and wouldn't take much to finish. I'll keep watching you and hope to get motivated. Love the fabrics of the one on your machine now!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, 22 is bad. The bright side is yesterday there were 23 and you are working on Finished.... so you go girl and by the week end it might be 21....

Michele said...

I'm glad to hear that I'm not alone in my quest to finish some things! Good luck!

Ann Marie @ 16 Muddy Feet said...

22 is much better than the number you started with, so keep on quilting. Love the feeling of accomplishment!

Sarah Elizabeth said...

I blogged about this just the day before. Finishing is so hard!! Hope you don't mind, I've linked to your post on my blog - to show it's not just me!! :-)

And you're braver than me - I haven't posted a number (although I know my number makes 22 look really good). Happy Quilting.

Marit said...

Go, girl.... You are an inspiration to a lot of us!
; )

Annie said...


Soile Kivinen said...

LOL, my situation is good, I have only 4 to go.

Jennifer Blosser said...

You SEW girl! Gotta get those tops quilted ... hmmm ... that sounds vaguely familiar.

Hugs & stitches,

Anonymous said...

22 is definitely not bad, but, I must say, it would freak me out to have that many on my to-do list! Here's hoping you can handle it better than I would :)

vinegrafted said...

Lovely work. Looking forward to seeing the completed quilt

snw said...

(apologizing, in advance, if this ends up being a multiple post/comment - my comment did not show up)

I'm new to quilting and appreciate being able to see other people's work. Thank you for sharing - it's inspiring.

Kim said...

Not for a prolific quilter like you.......and my dear how many do you have in the works? Seems like you are always showing us something new!
Keep up the great inspirations....finishing is cool too :0)

Happy sewing

Denice said...

22 quilts? I'm seriously laughing at that. My friends think I'm crazy with my dozen. You go girl,

Live a Colorful Life said...

Hearing you have 22 is making me feel okay about my stack!

Needle little Balance said...

Will you show us some of the finished quilts? Pleeeease! ;-)

Shan said...

My machine looks identical to yours right now with a quilt I'm trying to finish today as well. Maybe ill take a pic and post it later.

TheTaffs said...

I love the fabrics in this quilt! so pretty! I do a Friday link up party called Finished It Up Friday to show off finished projects so when you finish up those 22 quilts I'd love if it if you linked up with me!


Anonymous said...

I heart Juki! I have the F600 and it's nice to see one in your photo. Straight stitch industrial?

Judy Sommerfield-Fox said...

I love your work!! Can't wait to see the quilt in your machine finished!! Gorgeous.